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===Chapter 1: The Catalyst===

====''The Catalyst''====
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Transcript</div>
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Report from the 17th conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held on board station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.
Councilmembers for the Empire: Ji Young-Joo, Moira Craine, Gloria Morell
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, San’a, Elijah Burke
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Haley Nguyen, Mandla Bankole
The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:
Three planets on the outskirts of Federation space have reported several large blips in their communications network. From the information being provided, it seems the signal isn’t so much being cut off as it is being replaced by another. The blips follow a consistent pattern, which would indicate a conflicting signal emanating from somewhere out beyond the Core Systems. The miners on Vargas, the farthest out planet affected by the blips, have claimed to hear whispers cutting through the static.
It would appear that something is calling out, perhaps even to us. But if not to us, then to who, or to what? Regardless, for a network powered by the Nexus to falter in such a way is certainly irregular, and this situation more than merits some kind of expedition. However, due to the Council’s continued efforts to evacuate those affected by the Quantum fallout in Kepler-7, our resources are limited, and we can only afford to send one fleet. It may be worth sending an investigative force of technicians and researchers, so as to fully analyze the source of the signal if it’s discovered. On the other hand, the signal’s origin or surroundings may well be malicious, in which case the use of a military force would be more advisable if we want to recover it at all. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:
Should the Council send an investigative force beyond the Core Systems, or a military one?
Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote.
During the 17th conference of the Universal Council, reports of disturbances in the Nexus-powered communications networks of three Federation planets were relayed to the seated Councilmembers. The interference was said to follow a consistent pattern of blips, and miners on the planet Vargas - the most remote planet of the three - were also alleged to have heard whispers in the interference. Federation reports state that, despite the withholding of information by Spyrecorp, the disruptions in communications had also already led to several casualties on Vargas.
The seated Councilmembers subsequently deemed it necessary to send an expeditionary fleet to investigate the mysterious signal; however, as manpower was already stretched thin with the evacuation of the victims from Kepler-7 after the Pinnacle incident, the Universal Council could only afford to send one fleet. The Council thus put the nature of the fleet - whether military or investigative - to a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions.
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div>
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div>
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It is yet another glorious day across the Empire, Explorers! Know that you have the blessings of our Emperor, and carry yourself accordingly. To represent this faction at the seat of the Universal Council is an honor bestowed onto few. It may please some of you to know that, though the current incident at the Forge World Kepler-7 has left many within the Empire shaken, the timely intervention of the Third Fleet, led by Ivona Craine, 2nd granddaughter to Imperator Solas, is continuing to ensure the safety of all essential Imperial citizens on the planet.
Regarding the vote: his eminence the Emperor – may he outlive the stars – seems to have taken somewhat of an interest in this Explorer program, not least because of the current situation within the Federation. For some time now, the Oracle has been singing to him and its Keepers of the roads beyond our stars, of conquest and glory everlasting. It would appear that this signal may be a sign, a sign that the time is right to move beyond our Core Systems. The fact that the signal is capable of disrupting the Nexus is particularly… interesting. Whatever the method, we should seek to uncover this signal’s origin, to either subjugate or analyze it. You should all best be ready, as the voting process will begin fifteen minutes from now. The majority of your votes will be cast as the single vote for the Empire. The watchful eyes of the Emperor are now upon you, Explorers.
Sic itur ad astra.
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div>
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Hello Comrades! I must admit, I find it at once amusing and encouraging that the Council is finally trying its hand at more “radical” democratic principles with this Explorer Program. Makes you wonder how they slipped that one past old Solas. Nevertheless, more voices on Ignis are always welcome as far as the Vox is concerned, and I don’t doubt that you represent the very best of us.
We’re unfortunately nowhere close to figuring out what might have caused the Quantum Drive to overload as our cargo ship was leaving Kepler-7; the leading theory is still Imperial sabotage. Until we find proof of that though, our objective is still to aid in the evacuation of the planet as best we can.
Either way, the Vox agrees with the Council that the situation with the Federation’s mining planets needs to be addressed. The question is: how? A military force might seem too hostile, but it’s quite likely we’ll need brute force to access the source of the signal, even if it isn’t hazardous. An investigative force, on the other hand, would be able to deal with the signal upon arrival, minimizing any damage to the miners– I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that we can’t count on the Feds to take care of their workers. If this signal can disrupt the Nexus, it might also be able to affect the Bastion, which is worth keeping in mind. Anyway, that’s all from me; votes will open in fifteen minutes, with the Union’s vote being decided by your majority. We’ll leave the decision in your capable hands, Explorers.
Here’s to a brighter tomorrow.
With the Empire voting to send a military fleet to meet the signal with appropriate force, and the Federation & Union both voting to send an investigative fleet to carry out further tests on the signal, the Council moved to send an investigative fleet to track the signal to its source, helmed by Union member Sera Varse.
'''''Station Ignis'''''
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Transcript</div>
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Radiographers, Quantum researchers, and extra-Core experts gather around their assigned ships, doing last minute equipment checks. A figure moves among them, stepping in time with the dissonant hum of the machines. Her gait is purposeful, impatient. A flash of blue glances off the Union insignia on her collar. When she passes, members of the crew straighten up and refocus - no one wants to be on Sera Varse’s bad side today. The tails of a trenchcoat whip up behind her, catching the draft of a low-spec Quantum Drive. She surveys the crowd and furrows her brow. So much talent, dragged away from Kepler-7 on a wild goose chase. People could still be out there, her brother could still be out there; caught in the wreckage, waves of Quantum energy ripping them apart-
She inhales, and allows the smoke to calm her down. It smells like home, filled with screams of metal and whispers of circuitry. It’s ten years now since she joined the Council’s forces, ten years since she last set foot on the rain-soaked streets of Arnum. Briefly, Sera makes space for remembering. She thinks of mother, of the fields, and the thick copper wires in the scrapyard. If what the Feds are saying is true, this signal’s like nothing they’ve ever seen before. Sera knows what that means: the likelihood of her fleet returning from this mission is slim.
The lights on the landing platform slowly grow dim. Sera assists with the final checkups and ushers her crew inside their ships. She glances over their faces as the boarding ramps pull up: Keiran, Dana, Selin. Some names she remembers, others she does not. On the bridge, the shutters on the command ship’s windows glide open. The expanse of space beckons, its grim void inviting them in. They’ve begun tracking the signal, though it’ll be a day's travel before they reach it. If they don’t come back from this, she’s never seeing her brother’s face again. Better come back then.
As the metal hull of the command ship detaches itself from station Ignis, Sera Varse settles into the back of her chair and smirks. If the stars wanted to take her, they were going to have to do a damn good job of it.
Moving under Commander Varse’s direction was the investigative fleet - comprising radiographers, Quantum researchers and extra-Core experts from all three factions - headed by the flagship Panopea, accompanied by a small military protective detail. At the time of the fleet’s departure, Commander Varse’s team had already begun tracking the signal’s source, with Varse estimating that it would take a day before the fleet reached the source.
'''''Panopea Transmission'''''
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Transcript</div>
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3rd report on the investigative mission from Vargas, outside Federation space
Our fleet has successfully tracked the unknown signal close to its source. Despite speculation in my last report that the signal may have simply been caused by rogue technology drifting through space, we have followed the signal to a solar system, which comprises around fifteen planets and two stars. Upon arrival in the system, our ship’s sensors were assaulted by ambient interference (detailed below). This, along with increased proximity to the signal, made it harder to estimate the signal’s exact location. Thankfully, after orbital analysis of several planets, as well as further decryption of the signal, we believe our technicians have found the planet from which the signal originates. We have dubbed this planet Mímir. At the moment, we are preparing to descend to its surface, and will continue to narrow down the signal’s location from there.
There is, however, another matter which I believe should be brought to the Council’s attention. As stated previously, upon entering the system the equipment of the Panopea, along with that of the rest of our fleet, began picking up strong readings from all directions. Further analyses of the planets confirmed our initial suspicions: the planets within this system all contain high-density deposits of Quantum, to a degree unheard of even in previous expeditions beyond the Core Systems. What’s more, these planets appear to have rich, flourishing ecosystems, with a huge variety of flora and wildlife. This is again quite irregular, and those in our crew with expertise in biospheres have suggested the two phenomena – of Quantum deposits and increased bio-diversity - might be connected.
I would suggest that the Council send several cargo and mining vessels to our location, in order to begin excavation and recovery of these Quantum deposits, while the Panopea and its fleet proceed with the rest of the mission. This will also help eliminate some of the interference, and allow us to speed up our search. I will contact you again once a base has been established on the surface, though with the increased interference from Quantum it will still likely take us several days to pinpoint the signal’s exact coordinates.
Transmission ends.
On Commander Varse’s third transmission aboard the Panopea to the Universal Council, she reported that the fleet had successfully tracked the signal to its source - a solar system comprising fifteen planets and two stars. Upon entering the system, the fleet’s equipment detected high-density deposits of Quantum located in all the system’s planets, which also seemed to support flourishing ecosystems housing a wide variety of alien flora and fauna. After the fleet further decrypted the signal, as well as conducted an array of orbital analyses on the surrounding planets, the signal was believed to originate from a planet the fleet dubbed Mímir. At the time of transmission, the Panopea was preparing to descend onto Mímir’s surface for the team to narrow down the signal’s location planetside, with the message ending with Commander Varse's advice to the Council to send cargo and mining vessels to Mímir in preparation to mine the vast Quantum deposits found there.
=== Chapter 2: The Crimson Wolves ===

Latest revision as of 02:25, 17 February 2022