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The Bestiary and Botany Thread on the PlanetQuest Discord Server is a community project. Fans of PlanetQuest enter beasts and plants they created which might exist in a possible PlanetQuest metaverse. Below is a list of all entries fans have created so far.
The Bestiary and Botany Thread on the PlanetQuest Discord Server is a community project. Fans of PlanetQuest enter beasts and plants they created which could exist in the PlanetQuest metaverse. Below is a list of all entries fans have created so far.

= Bestiary =
= Bestiary =
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!! style="width:5%"|Discovered by
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|Ungentum Cooling Odor
|Plant in the form of algae and a jelly-like mass.
|Grows at the water's edge.
|At night.
|Not poisonous, helps in the heat.
|This plant looks like a huge kelp, but if you touch it, it looks like jelly. During the day it merges with the water and can not be seen, at night it is slightly illuminated with green-blue neon. It has a faint odor of iodine. This plant will help all the explorers in the Desert, if smeared with it, it has a cooling effect. It cools your body temperature to 36.6 for a long time (up to 8 hours). You can use it to overcome the hellish heat of the planet and stay on the road longer during the day.
|Grows in groups, forming a cover. Reproduce by spores, form harnesses and new kelp grows from it.
|Transparent when applied to the skin and slightly iodized odor. Doesn't cause allergies.
|If you notice a glow and smell of iodine by the water at night, know that it is Odorous-refrigerationem unguentum, and don't be lazy to collect it. It will save you from overheating. It's best not to use it at night, as nighttime temperatures drop in the deserts and you can get hypothermia
||Ipblat | Raven’s Regent
|Spesenim aqua insidiosis
|A creature that seeks water, and can also lead away from water. Cute little beast, but treacherous. Do not catch and scare him.
|Curious and touchy. Approaches people out of curiosity, but keeps his distance. Not aggressive, no cases of attacks on people were recorded. Freedom-loving, do not need to tame him.
|Small in size (maximum length 30 cm), looks like a lizard with a shell, when moving, makes a not very pleasant sound, similar to the creaking of a door. Coloration: Camouflage. Adapts well to the color of the sand, depending on the time of day. Well tolerates heat during the day and cold at night, has paw-tentacles, like a thin fishing line, with their help seeks moisture in the sand for many kilometers. When it finds water, it makes a nasty sound and runs in a circle at high speed, creating a drill effect with a radius of 2 meters, which creates a semblance of a well. When it reaches water, it sinks completely into it, gets drunk, and then can roam the desert without water for about 6 months. He is harmless unless you try to catch him or scare him.
|Leads a reclusive lifestyle. Travel alone. Gather in pairs, only during mating.
|Cloaking and an obnoxious sound when it moves.
|Nomadic tribes follow Spesenim aqua insidiosis because they know it will lead them to water. But by no means try to catch or frighten him, then he will take his revenge on you and lead you so far away from the water that you will die
||Ipblat | Raven’s Regent
|The Banshee looks like a large dust-devil, a large vortex of sand and debris moving slowly across the desert. If a prey is detected the Banshee will follow quickly and engulf the victim, remaining in place for a while. Ultimately it will move off, leaving only bones behind, polished to a sheen by the blasting sand. Burrowing creatures are no match for the Banshee since it will suck up the sand and earth until it has found the preys lair.
|Carnivorous, hunting predator
|Sandy areas in the warmest latitudes of the desert planet..
|Diurnal and active during the warmest hours of the day. How/Where it spends nighttime is unknown. It is speculated that the Banshee is capable of flight and will find night-rest on mountaintops
|Whereas a normal dust-cloud will move across the desert with the wind, the Banshee's are prone to random, sudden changes in direction, often starting to move perpendicular to it's previous direction! This makes it difficult to figure out where to hide from the beast. The Banshee can detect movement from a large distance and will increase speed and move purposefully in a straight line towards the prey!
|Difficult to describe since the Banshee is always protected by a dust cloud. Suffice to say that it has more than two long pointed members that strikes fast from the dust, impaling the victim and dragging it into the cloud. Wing-like appendages can be seen whipping up the wind and helping to create the vortex. Some observers have stated that they have seen a head with a teethed snout, but that has not been corroborated. Obviously it is well camouflaged and probably brownish in color to blend in with the blowing sand.
|Unknown. There has been reports of large dust-devils merging for a time and then separating again. It is not known if that have some social or procreational purpose.
|Unknown. Able to move in any direction, even against the wind. Appears as a vortex of dust and debris where occasionally whipping members or wings can be seen in flashes.
|We where targeted by a Banshee while prospecting for Quantum on Ghetra 4. We had to stay for more than 8 hours in our armored vehicle while the wind (or something else) howled outside and hard strikes against the hull could be heard. Finally the Banshee left us and we could leave the vehicle. The vehicle was pockmarked with deep indentations where something had struck it again and again with extreme force. Not a trace of paint was left on the metal, it had been blasted clean down to the metal.
||Grogg | Fed. Recruitment Officer
|Desert Gyps
|Large bird of sand color.
|Bird of prey, scavenger
|Resides in deserts and nests in lonely trees or small stone cliffs.
|Mainly active during daylight hours
|Usually Desert Gyps hover at high altitude, looking for prey and watching each other. If one of them sees food, they go down, and the other birds fly down the same way. This is where fights over food often occur, but a large group of birds can scare off some predators. Often the food they eat is completely spoiled.
|They are distinguished mainly by sand-colored plumage, non-feathering head (many with non-feathering neck) and long and broad wings. They find their prey solely by sight and have a good sense of smell. Each vulture reaches up to fifty kilograms in weight and can lift a small mammal into the air. They have a powerful beak and strong legs capable of carrying their prey to medium distances. A characteristic anatomical feature - a large goiter and stomach for consuming large amounts of food.
|Keep always in flocks.
|Beak, claws.
|Going on a journey into the depths of the desert, do not forget to check the functioning of your condensation suit. Thirst can kill you, and your guts will be scattered all over the desert by vultures.
||Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
|Entoma vrochis
|Entoma vrochis
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|Spiny Porcupine
|Spiny Porcupine
|Rodent. Sometimes spoils crops.
|A large rodent that comes out to hunt in the evening when the sun is not as hot.
|Caves, dens
|Caves, dens
|Mostly nocturnal
|Predominantly nocturnal
|Wild. Usually does not attack humans, but is fiercely protective of family and territory.
|Large rodent living in rock crevices or digging burrows in the ground at the base of mountains. The body is covered with incredibly strong needles. Sharp teeth capable of chewing through wire fences.
|Large rodent, up to 40 cm at withers and 1.2 m long, living in crevices of rocks or burrowing in ground at base of mountains. Its body is covered with dark, incredibly strong needles. Its sharp teeth can chew through wire fences. Feeding mainly on plant food and insects he can find. In especially hungry times can hunt small animals or lizards and snakes. Seeing from the top of a hill or dune, a potential prey porcupine curls up into a ball and rolls on his prey, stabbing it on his spikes.
|Live in groups of 4-8 individuals.
|Live in small groups of 4-8 individuals.
|Needles capable of piercing light armor. Toxic secretion secreted by glands porcupine has a nervo-paralytic effect. In case of extreme danger, can shoot up to 10 needles at a distance of 5 meters. New needles grow back in two weeks.
|Excellent night vision. Sharp needles that can pierce light armor. Toxic secretion secreted by porcupine glands has a nerve-killing effect. In case of extreme danger, is able to shoot up to 10 needles at a distance of 5-7 meters. New needles grow back in a couple of weeks. Usually does not attack humans, but fiercely defends his family and territory.
|Local tribes have been known to tame porcupine and use its needles for hunting as arrowheads.
|Local tribes have been known to tame porcupine and use its needles for hunting as arrowheads, increasing the killing power of their bows.
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|Despite the fact that the Swart stands out against the backdrop of a green forest, the beast is perfectly adapted to survival.
|An insect that looks like a large shaggy caterpillar.
|Insect, herbivore
|In the dark corners of the Forest, it can be a dense canopy of a tree or a deep dark cave.
|Omnivorous, feeds on fruits, roots, insects. Preys on small flying creatures and small herbivorous mammals.
|Terribly voracious and greedy
|An excess of pigment makes the color of this creature special, distinguishing it from the background of the environment and other species ..... Its color is black, with a blue tint. The head has a protective cover, something like a mask, because of which nothing is visible except emerald eyes.
|Not pleasant, I would even say Merskaya in appearance has a thick, slimy, shaggy body and a bunch of small legs, two barely noticeable eyes.
|Sociable likes to gather in groups of 3-5 individuals
|Claws, teeth, intellect and animal instincts make him a killing machine.
|Her main attribute is her sensory abilities, which help her navigate through super sensitive villi on her body that pick up the slightest sound vibrations.
|Roasted Hobatite is delicious and nutritious.
|Cerebri comedentis
|Tiny tick with incredibly sharp teeth and anesthetic in the sting. These parasites are always found on trees. They act in conjunction with fungi that feed on carrion. When the victim sees some colored plants under the tree, he comes over to study what it is. At this time, tiny ticks fall from the tree onto the victim. After examining the colored plants and realizing that they are just mushrooms, the victim simply leaves. But at this time, a tick is already actively making its way to her nervous system. He opened the skin of the animal with his teeth and anesthetized it with an anesthetic from his sting.After 2-3 hours, the victim becomes completely controlled. The tick directs the prey back under the tree and kills it there by shutting down the respiratory functions. After that, he lays eggs in the corpse of the victim and waits for them to hatch. After that, with all the offspring, he returns to the tree and waits for a new victim. The decomposed remains feed the mushrooms under the tree and allow them to become even bigger and more attractive.
|always active
|Under the microscope, you can see an eight-legged hairy body with 2 large incisors and a tail sticking out from behind with a sting
|They live in large groups
|sharp teeth,tiny size,poison sting
|In the worlds where this parasite is found, you can not be under the trees next to which there are bright mushrooms. Better yet, when you come to such a planet, get a vaccination that will prevent the insect from infecting your nervous system.
|DQ Wydez
|A bird, chirping and enjoying life, drinks nectar from the delicious fruits of Curacao.
|Vyot voluminous, fairly spacious nests in the tops of trees
|Neat and at the same time curious, very smart and nimble, perfectly raises the mood with her playful appearance
|It has an eye of a rich palette of colors and shades, a long thin beak that is able to pierce fruits, an aerodynamic optic body, nothing superfluous that will prevent it from swimming in a vertical, a long tail and medium-sized fast wings
|A very loud bird that, with its signals, makes it clear what mood is in the forest, whether there is danger or not
|A useful and very interesting companion that will save you from danger.
|Bestiapalus Venenatum
|Giant Opiliones
|Six-legged creatures of medium size, green in color.
|Arthropod, similar to the usual spider, but very large. Can reach a height of 8 meters.
|Hides in the forest floor. Legs texture and color very similar to the trunks of trees, making it little visible, the body is hidden in the tree crowns.
|A higher predator
|Due to its size, little mobile. It ambushes and hunts near forest streams, small bodies of water, or on migration paths. Once stationary, it sweeps its droppings, which exude odors that attract wildlife. When the prey comes under the Giant Opiliones, it spews saliva with a strong nerve agent. Opiliones then crouches down and eats its prey.
|Leads a solitary life, with other congeners met for the continuation of the species
|Extremely tough chitinous cover, sharp teeth, nerve toxin
|Once, while exploring the forest, we almost got eaten by this giant spider. One member of our group smelled a sweet odor and went in search of its source... and then abruptly fainted. At that moment, the spider's body began to slowly descend toward him from the crown of trees. We opened fire on him, but our paths could not do him any damage. Only by hitting his knees and the articulation points of his legs and body were we able to hit this giant. The soldier recovered in a few hours.
|A large mammal whose strength and power awes even the most ferocious predators.
|Grasslands and open spaces rich in grass
|Aggressive and uncompromising, having huge possessions protects even the smallest corner of its land, preventing outsiders.
|Large muscular body, four strong legs and powerful tail, relatively small but strong head, dark brown color of tough skin.
|A ferocious and sometimes arrogant beast, does not allow even those who do not pose a threat to him to approach him.
|The main weapon is its powerful tail, excellent sense of smell and hearing.
|Do not approach such a dangerous beast.
|I am a mix between a bird and an insect. They are rather large and aggressive creatures if need be. They reproduce very quickly and are therefore very popular. It is a very invasive species because it is not commonly preyed upon.
|Flying Bird/Insect
|Aquatic areas close to forests but it is not difficult to see them even in desert areas with oasis, beaches or small ponds
|Konokoktas are diurnal beasts but most of longer journeys are done at night to avoid possible predators
|They don’t attack humans unless they are harassed or put in danger. If they attack, they often do so in packs. Konokoktas are very fast and move in jerks with rather unpredictable movements. They feed on insects and microorganisms that lurk in the mud in wetlands but he has also been seen feeding sucking blood of his victims or remaining corpses of any species, including humans. It’s a very noisy creature that emit very high-pitched screeches and their insect wings emit a very powerful hum. Basically what mosquitoes does but at much higher volume.
|Their dimensions range from 1 meter to 1 and a half meters in height. The head of this creature is very particular: similar to a splay isoceles triangle where the longer sides end with its typical needle-like proboscis similar to that of a mosquito. It uses the needle exactly like a syringe it penetrate into the ground for sucking up microorganisms or piercing creatures underground or underwater. It has a characteristic metallic color, mainly emerald green which can take on bronze, purple, yellow, blue-black or copper tones. The ventral side is generally copper-black in color but may have the same shades of color as the dorsal side. A well fed and healthy Konokokta is very colorful: the shinier it is, the more desirable it is as a partner.
|They are social birds, they live in flocks which can reach between 40 and 50 members. Each flock is commanded by a small group of 4-6 members. Supremacy and control of the rest of the flock is achieved by eliminating the rival group that previously commanded.
|Needle Beak, Insect wings, Speed
|They only attack when annoyed. Being very territorial, don’t approach their establishments at all. If you see them around an oasis or prey, wait for them to use all the resources they need. Normally they will take off after a few hours, otherwise you will find yourself surrounded by a flock ready to pierce you
||Matt Coltrane | Federation
|Sparax Formicidae (Sparax)
|This giant ant can reach several meters in length. Like all representatives of the ant family, it is very strong and can carry loads exceeding its weight by 50 times. So one day an ant can drag into the anthill not just a branch, but a whole tree. Sparax can live both alone and live in a family of up to 20 individuals. If you look at a family of ants from a bird's eye view, you might think that this is a river flowing.
|For the bases of their anthills, ants look for places near trees where rays of sunlight at least occasionally fall (although this is difficult on the Forest Planet)
|Sparax is a herbivorous insect. To feast on nectar, ants seek out insects that feed on plant sap, or collect it themselves. Another thing that it’s fond of is the bark of trees.
|Sparax can reach several meters in length. Dark grey color with a velvety sheen, which is painted in his torso, and long bright yellow antennae make him very attractive. It also has excessively long legs and huge bulging eyes that completely occupy the sides of the head.
|can live both alone and live in a family of up to 20 individuals
|strong, rapid insect. However Sparax is not as peaceful as it might seem at first glance. In order to protect themselves from the predatory animals of the Forest Planet, it has a strong sting and a poisonous bite. It also uses the sting to spray the poison around.
|Sparax never attacks first. It is quite difficult to get close to it, since the ant sprays poison and its sting around itself. The ant is most vulnerable to attack from the air.
|Despite the fact that the Swart stands out against the backdrop of a green forest, the beast is perfectly adapted to survival.
|In the dark corners of the Forest, it can be a dense canopy of a tree or a deep dark cave.
|Omnivorous, feeds on fruits, roots, insects. Preys on small flying creatures and small herbivorous mammals.
|An excess of pigment makes the color of this creature special, distinguishing it from the background of the environment and other species ..... Its color is black, with a blue tint. The head has a protective cover, something like a mask, because of which nothing is visible except emerald eyes.
|Claws, teeth, intellect and animal instincts make him a killing machine.
|Bestiapalus Venenatum
|Six-legged creatures of medium size, green in color.
|Carnivores, mammals.
|Carnivores, mammals.
|Main habitat is fresh water bodies and marshes. Occurs fairly often throughout the forest planet. Build their lairs in reeds and brushwood.
|Main habitat is fresh water bodies and marshes. Occurs fairly often throughout the forest planet. Build their lairs in reeds and brushwood.
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|Duo capita avis
|Underwater lucens scorpionem
|Bright blue double-headed bird
|Large tailless marine scorpion
|Arthropod class of the spider family
|Lives underwater on the ocean floor. Occasionally may come close to shore to enrich with extra oxygen, but never crawl out of the water completely.
|Mainly active at night, moving on the bottom in search of a proper place to hunt.
|In the evening crawl out to hunt in large underwater canyons. Feed on both small plankton and large fish-like creatures. These creatures burrow completely into the ground, leaving only part of his body in the eye area and glowing transparent growths, shimmering with different colors to attract prey.
|These tailless underwater scorpions are gigantic in size. No one knows for sure, but each creature weighs several tons. They move on four legs and have two front claws. They have gills and are able to stay underwater for a long time. On the upper head of the underwater scorpion has six eyes that look vertically upward. This part of the body has a sandy color and is very well masked with the seabed. Closer to the tail of the scorpion are special growths (formations) similar to crystals. When the scorpion hunts by burrowing on the bottom these crystals stick out from the sea bed and shimmer in different colors of cold shades, getting brighter and dimmer. This beautiful play of light attracts a lot of sea creatures. At a certain moment of time underwater scorpion pulls out his claws and abruptly piercing his victims with sharp spikes located throughout the claws.
|Once they reach adulthood, they live alone. Can fight among themselves for the territories they hunt.
|Spikes, jaws.
|Inexperienced explorers can easily mistake the ominous glowing crystals for corals or even gems and pearls. But don't be so naive and don't swim close to them. In one of their underwater explorations in search of the quantum, two explorers Mahusenshi and Unbreakable descended to the ocean floor of the tropical planet Kepler-22 in their bathyscaphe and were nearly crushed by the paws of the Underwater lucens scorpionem.
||Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
|Scaly sea dragon
|Sea dragon is usually up to 50 cm long. They prefer to live in social groups up to 10 species, where there are many males and only a couple females. Male Sea Dragons are caring fathers and carry their fry in their brood pouch.
|build dwellings near algae and corals
|Despite its size and harmless appearance, the sea dragon is a predator. His diet includes shrimp and small fish, which the toothless dragon simply sucks. On the "lack of fish" he can eat algae and various marine debris. Therefore, the sea dragon is rightfully considered a valuable species and ocean cleaner of a tropical planet.
|the body is covered with unusual scales, which are similar to knight armor. But when swimming, they do not help at all. Scales are needed only for camouflage and protection. Approaching predators are blinded by the bright reflection of the scales and may even temporarily lose their sight.
|Lives in groups
|no teeth, scales
|the Sea Dragon is not well-studied by explorers yet. It is to be understood how it can make the opponents loose sight for even a short period of time. Can see dragon make an attacker completely blind in case of real danger?
|Rainbow Birdy
|Medium size multi-colour bird
|Lives high on the tees, builds nests there
|Birdy can easily adapt to any circumstances around. it’s quite hard to see it on the tree. In case of danger (or when the Birdy sees a predator), it replaces its variegated color with the color of the foliage and becomes hardly noticeable.
|the bird has a bright multi-colored color, different individuals may differ in the saturation of color plumage. A distinctive feature of the feathered one is its huge green beak, which in some individuals can even exceed half the body in size. The wings are not long and not too strong, which is why Birdy cannot be called first-class flyer. However, in the dense tropical forest where these birds live, they do not need to make long flights, it is enough just to be able to fly from branch to branch and move from one tree to another.
|Lives alone
|Beak, feathers, color adjustment
|despite its beautiful appearance, the bird does not disdain and mainly feeds on carrion. From the height of its tree, it watches large predators and then eats up after them
|Terra Cete
|Largest species ever found. Known on just 2 jungle planets. Bones infused with Quantum. Size made them the only creatures to be composed of so much Quantum. Herbivores, they constantly eat to support their size. Savannas could be mowed within days by a few.
|Mammal, Herbivore
|Calm. Days spent grazing plants. Predators avoid them due to their large tail wielded as a weapon.
|2X size of the Blue Whale, similar in color. An air breather through its trunk like snout on small head. Large body barely off the ground. This made determining the sex difficult from afar.
|Arranged in couples, 1 male, 1 female. Travel in small pacts of 12.
|Their Quantum infused bones are the only known in the galaxies. Females have more than males. They had 2 hearts that allowed them to live to 400 Earth years and longer. They survive for decades if 1 heart failed. Blood - 50% oil, acting as a coolant to allow them to live easily in the tropics.
|"The Terra Cete were hunted to extinction due to the Quantum in their bones, large supply of meat and oil blood. Found on just 2 jungle planets in the same system. 2 skeletons held by the Union still exist. DNA cloning by the non-profit. Update  The Universal Council has retroactively declared the Terra Cete an endangered species.
Any new planet where the Terra Cete is found will immediately be declared a sanctuary planet allowing for the study and controlled cultivation of the animalsAliens Alive has been successful. But, clones do not develop any Quantum in their bones. Once entering adulthood, the weak bones can not support their mass and were humanly euthanized. The DNA has been compared to the Shard Backs Quantum infused shards and the Furred Ice Breaker horns. The Terra Cete are completely different in the DNA from them. Making this once grand beast a truly sad loss for humanity."
|Duo capita avis
|Bright blue double-headed bird
|These birds live along wetlands where they prey on fish, frogs, amphibians, and other aquatic animals. Food Duo Capita Avis can get both beak and foot.
|These birds live along wetlands where they prey on fish, frogs, amphibians, and other aquatic animals. Food Duo Capita Avis can get both beak and foot.
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!! style="width:5%"|Discovered by
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|Snowy marsupial bear
|Large animal similar to a bear.
|Lives in a lair on the mainland or on icebergs. Dives into the open sea to hunt and migrate between ice floes.
|Predator, ferocious.
|Large bear with a solid white color. Up to 3.5 m tall (standing on hind legs). Survival in harsh frosty conditions ensures a thick, up to 20-30 cm thick stand of fat, and very warm and dense fur. Despite its large size is very fast, both on land and in water. Feeds on fish or other animals. To make it easier to catch prey, it has two whips on its back that are 2/3 the length of its body, with a sharp harpoon on the end. In the course of evolution, female bears developed a pouch in which they carry their cubs for the first time after birth until they grow older and stronger. One or two cubs are born at a time.
|Because of strong food competition, she leads a solitary life and moves in close proximity to other individuals to procreate.
|Sharp claws and fangs, powerful paws, two harpoon whips. Able to dive to a depth of 50 meters. Holds its breath for 15 minutes underwater.
|Arriving on a snow-covered planet, we almost became a victim of this ferocious beast. Only by some miracle, hearing its footsteps, we managed to take refuge on the ship. After takeoff, the beast was practically invisible on the thermal imaging camera, indicating its excellent thermal insulation. Only its eyes and nose were visible on the thermogram. Afterwards, already at the base, we saw many dents and shallow scratches on the hull of the ship.
|Thanks to the head part filled with radioactive green liquid, it sends extremely harmful radioactive rays. Thanks to its titanium head and silver sword, it is a warrior's nightmare.
|Traginles Prosis
|Between the ice cracks
|It can appear at any time on the planet.
|Nuclear Shell.
|Radioactive Green Fluid, Silver Blade, Fireball, Silver Nails
|Very dangerous beast for warriors. It should be destroyed immediately on sight
|Aptenodytes forsteri
|A typical representative of the fauna of an ice planet
|flightless seabird
|Ice fields, sea
|Peaceful, curious
|Large, flightless bird up to 1.5 meters tall and 50 kg weight. On the ground is very clumsy, but is extremely mobile at sea. Feeds on fish, anchovies or small crustaceans. Can dive to depths of more than 500 meters and stay underwater for up to half an hour. To protect against predators in the process of evolution a number of sharp spines grew on his back along the spine, which can cause serious injury to enemies. For insulation, the penguin has fat half-layers up to 3-5 cm. On the outside, it is covered with three layers of warm waterproof feathers.
|They live in flocks of 50 to 500 individuals.
|Thick fat layer, Sharp spines on his back.
|While exploring an icy fjord, we found a group of large penguins. They were not frightened of us, on the contrary, they showed interest and came closer. We installed a telemetry tracker on several of them, which allowed us to measure the nature and speed of the penguin's movement in the water.
|Ice crawler
|Ice crawler
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|Stone Snake
|Large gray snake.
|Occurs throughout the volcanic planet.
|Mainly active in the evening at dusk.
|During daylight hours, hide in burrows under the ground and large rocks. With the onset of darkness crawl out to hunt. Feed both small and large mammals. Waiting for their victims lurking near large rocks, merging with them in one unit. The venom of these creatures is deadly. Large mammals, after being bitten, are killed by these creatures by strangulation.
|These giant snakes reach a length of six meters and have a body diameter of about thirty centimeters. The entire body from head to tail of this snake is covered with stone outgrowths of gray color, which allows this creature to perfectly blend in with its surroundings. A distinctive feature of these snakes is the presence of pulsating, light red glow, between the stone plates growing on the head of the snake. The mouth of these creatures is so huge that it may well swallow the researcher. Inside its mouth, there are two long, sharp, poisonous fangs.
|Mostly kept in groups, but there are single individuals living separate lives.
|Poison, Fangs.
|Going on a trip to a volcanic planet, try not to stay long in the mountains and at the foot of the volcano, as you are unlikely to notice a lurking Stone Snake out to hunt.
||Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
|Lavasador (F) / Magmasador(M)
|Beware of its vicious Roar and Claw!
|Lava Pit
|Aggressive, ferocious, frenzy
|Hardened skin with Large muscular body, big canine teeth
|very sensitive on smell, sharpened Teeth and claws, burning bite
|Never step close to this creature, run for your life for any case. In case of in close range, target its nose & eyes. Then you may scare this creature away.
||Reinhar | Consul
|Blood Ant
|Large, dark red ants.
|Occurs throughout the volcanic planet, large ants reaching up to two meters in height can be found everywhere.
|Mainly active in the daytime. At night anthills are not dangerous, because ants plug the passages and sleep in their holes, deep underground.
|They work all day long for the good of their home anthill. The number of ants can reach several tens of thousands in one nest. They are divided into workers and soldiers. At the head of the anthill is the royal queen.
|The blood ant got its name more for its dark red coloring than for its bloodthirstiness. These insects are quite large and reach up to 10 centimeters in length. Outwardly, their body structure is very similar to that of our terrestrial ants. All male ants have wings and a soldier ant defending his home can attack the enemy, not only from the ground, but also from the air. The bite of a single ant is relatively harmless to the explorer and may only cause some dizziness and a slight loss of strength. However these ants become quite dangerous if attacked by a group, as the bite of several ants at once can lead to fatal consequences.
|Always remain in swarms.
|Going on a journey to a volcanic planet put in your arsenal a quantum flamethrower and a couple of extra cylinders of liquid fuel. A bunch of ants can make a great roast. They say the fried legs of blood ants are very tasty.
||Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
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|Queen Anna
|Escape Anna's silent scream and sharp needle.
|In the hottest region
|whenever there is light
|Quantum, sharp sting, and venom bite
|winged, slightly larger than a butterfly, sharp needle large eyes
|in groups
|minimal sound perception , sharp sting and mass plan attacks
|I've been observing for about a month, this creature is amazing and according to my observations it produces quantum inside a hive. When threatened by any sound they attack very professionally and bite the creature with their sharp needles and this bite causes quantum disease
|Sephiroth Tarballs
|Sephiroth Tarballs
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|Razor Weeds
|These Razor Weeds were first encountered when the first colonists arrived. Matriarch MezzoMaq'qam took to ill by encountering a storm filled with them and was battered. It took some time for her to heal as she was bloated beyond recognition. Since then, her children started to set them alight whenever they came across them.
|Roaming by the winds
|A jumbled mass with large air pockets with barbs that can get caught in Explorer suits and are a dangerous to puncture if body weight is applied. A real thorny situation.
|The barbs if puncture the skin will create a very irritated, inflamed rash where treatment is necessary, otherwise blisters will evolve in 12 hours time and remain for about 3 days until the body tries to push out the molecular thin carbon wires.
|"On planet Dhugga Drakis
one of the main sources of consternation is the way the wind whips up these otherwise benign bundles of plants into flying projectiles of lethal consequences. It has become a sport of sorts amongst the children to set alight these weeds as they pass by for the sheer terror they bring.21120. Juni 2022"
||Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
|Uchkuduk - life-giver
|An unpretentious herbaceous plant that spreads on the ground, able not only to survive in the harsh conditions of the desert, but also to give life by sharing the most precious thing - WATER!
|Herbaceous plant
|Base of mountain plateaus, foothills of barchans
|Thanks to its deeply developed root system it reaches water-bearing layer. Dark green stems with many small leaves grow radially from the rhizome. To conserve moisture, the leaves curl up into a tube during the day, but at night the leaves spread out and condense moisture from the air. Each stem may bear up to a dozen red fruits 10-20 centimeters in diameter, which are very juicy and nutritious. Rich in vitamins and minerals. When the fruit ripens, it detaches from the mother stem and dries out, after which the seeds are dispersed by the winds in the desert. Once at the foot of the dune, the seeds are blown up by the sands. Gradually deepening, reaching the aquifer, they germinate, forming a new plant.
|Thin stems, moisture-rich fruits
|Because Uchkuduk grows in places where groundwater is closest to the surface, these are the best places to find water or dig a well
|Helichrysum sterilis
|A rare plant which, as the name indicates, exist only in an almost sterile and barren environment. It's ability to survive in these harsh environments has had botanists confounded for centuries. It would appear that the plant is somehow able to absorb and conserve what little nutritional value and water the host planet provides. This also indicates that the plant has a very low metabolism that helps conserve essential nutrients within the plant.
|Barren environments where nutrients are few and liquid water is rare. Found on desert planets with reports of findings on some moons.
|Pale, upright plant with tough leaves and slightly yellow flowers. Often found in clusters with several plants grouped together.
|Woody and tough. Difficult to pick by hand. The scent of its flowers is subtle but likeable. The taste is pleasant and might perhaps be useful as a spice in food preparation.
|When examining the plant I managed to cut myself while trying to pull the stem directly from the ground. The stem appears to have a rough, almost crystalline surface and this is why I would recommend a cutting tool and thick gloves when trying to extract entire plants. Another discovery I made is that the leaves appear to have some antiseptic uses. When encountering a trader a few weeks later I noticed that she had a surprisingly big interest in this particular plant and I was paid handsomely for a few of my dried specimens, tough she was only interested in the crystalline leaves. Perhaps there is more to this plant species than I would have initially thought and its value greater than I could imagine..
|Snake tree
|Snake tree
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|It is worth to take the risk for its benefit!
|In Morass
|Green colour, spherical shape and it looks a regular watermelon but with deadly poisonous vines
|it is a crawling and climbing plant with lengthy stems and leaves divided in lobes
|if you are able to clean its deadly vines, its liquids boost your strength, agility and intelligent.
||Reinhar | Consul
|The freckle is smart and very bright, attracts the eyes of wild animals, but to their regret it is completely inaccessible to them
|Herbaceous or semi-shrub flowering plant
|Growing solitary, densely populating steep, almost vertical rocky terrain.
|Volumetric and very rich appearance, the warm pink color of flowers round like a ball is pleasing to the eye. Powerful roots cut into hard rock, sometimes you can see how Freckle root sticks out of rocky rock destroying a mighty stone.
|Freckle has climbed so far and high that it's not at all easy to get to it and enjoy its beautiful appearance.
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|Seaweed (Laminaria)
|A genus of seaweed.
|Coastal strip at depths of 3-15 m. Sometimes extends to a depth of 50 m.
|Algae growing in the coastal strip with a constant current. Are food for many species of aquatic fauna. Algae thrown ashore after storms are eaten by terrestrial animals.
|Long stems, nutritious leaves
|While exploring the shoreline, we found bundles of algae, a brownish-green color at the water's edge. Collecting several samples for analysis, we came to the conclusion that these algae are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In addition, they are very nutritious
|Corallo volcano
|Corallo volcano
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|Have you ever thought that a living organism does not need biological food, trace elements, minerals or vitamins. A notary is one of those who can surprise you.
|Dwells in places with high radiation background and extremely high temperatures, namely on the walls of the crater of volcanoes.
|A flat body from which needle-like processes of an elongated pointed shape extend, similar to needles, but they are not sharp at all, but rather soft and at first glance seem vulnerable. It is black and only at the end of the processes there are white spots.
|Just like plants need sunlight to synthesize, the Notary is in dire need of radiation, this is the source of his nutrition.
|Don't even think about touching it.

Latest revision as of 12:47, 24 June 2022

The Bestiary and Botany Thread on the PlanetQuest Discord Server is a community project. Fans of PlanetQuest enter beasts and plants they created which could exist in the PlanetQuest metaverse. Below is a list of all entries fans have created so far.

Bestiary[edit | edit source]

Desert Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Activity time Behavior Appearance Sociability Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Ungentum Cooling Odor Plant in the form of algae and a jelly-like mass. Laminaria Grows at the water's edge. At night. Not poisonous, helps in the heat. This plant looks like a huge kelp, but if you touch it, it looks like jelly. During the day it merges with the water and can not be seen, at night it is slightly illuminated with green-blue neon. It has a faint odor of iodine. This plant will help all the explorers in the Desert, if smeared with it, it has a cooling effect. It cools your body temperature to 36.6 for a long time (up to 8 hours). You can use it to overcome the hellish heat of the planet and stay on the road longer during the day. Grows in groups, forming a cover. Reproduce by spores, form harnesses and new kelp grows from it. Transparent when applied to the skin and slightly iodized odor. Doesn't cause allergies. If you notice a glow and smell of iodine by the water at night, know that it is Odorous-refrigerationem unguentum, and don't be lazy to collect it. It will save you from overheating. It's best not to use it at night, as nighttime temperatures drop in the deserts and you can get hypothermia Ipblat | Raven’s Regent
Spesenim aqua insidiosis A creature that seeks water, and can also lead away from water. Cute little beast, but treacherous. Do not catch and scare him. Animal Sand Curious and touchy. Approaches people out of curiosity, but keeps his distance. Not aggressive, no cases of attacks on people were recorded. Freedom-loving, do not need to tame him. Small in size (maximum length 30 cm), looks like a lizard with a shell, when moving, makes a not very pleasant sound, similar to the creaking of a door. Coloration: Camouflage. Adapts well to the color of the sand, depending on the time of day. Well tolerates heat during the day and cold at night, has paw-tentacles, like a thin fishing line, with their help seeks moisture in the sand for many kilometers. When it finds water, it makes a nasty sound and runs in a circle at high speed, creating a drill effect with a radius of 2 meters, which creates a semblance of a well. When it reaches water, it sinks completely into it, gets drunk, and then can roam the desert without water for about 6 months. He is harmless unless you try to catch him or scare him. Leads a reclusive lifestyle. Travel alone. Gather in pairs, only during mating. Cloaking and an obnoxious sound when it moves. Nomadic tribes follow Spesenim aqua insidiosis because they know it will lead them to water. But by no means try to catch or frighten him, then he will take his revenge on you and lead you so far away from the water that you will die Ipblat | Raven’s Regent
Banshee The Banshee looks like a large dust-devil, a large vortex of sand and debris moving slowly across the desert. If a prey is detected the Banshee will follow quickly and engulf the victim, remaining in place for a while. Ultimately it will move off, leaving only bones behind, polished to a sheen by the blasting sand. Burrowing creatures are no match for the Banshee since it will suck up the sand and earth until it has found the preys lair. Carnivorous, hunting predator Sandy areas in the warmest latitudes of the desert planet.. Diurnal and active during the warmest hours of the day. How/Where it spends nighttime is unknown. It is speculated that the Banshee is capable of flight and will find night-rest on mountaintops Whereas a normal dust-cloud will move across the desert with the wind, the Banshee's are prone to random, sudden changes in direction, often starting to move perpendicular to it's previous direction! This makes it difficult to figure out where to hide from the beast. The Banshee can detect movement from a large distance and will increase speed and move purposefully in a straight line towards the prey! Difficult to describe since the Banshee is always protected by a dust cloud. Suffice to say that it has more than two long pointed members that strikes fast from the dust, impaling the victim and dragging it into the cloud. Wing-like appendages can be seen whipping up the wind and helping to create the vortex. Some observers have stated that they have seen a head with a teethed snout, but that has not been corroborated. Obviously it is well camouflaged and probably brownish in color to blend in with the blowing sand. Unknown. There has been reports of large dust-devils merging for a time and then separating again. It is not known if that have some social or procreational purpose. Unknown. Able to move in any direction, even against the wind. Appears as a vortex of dust and debris where occasionally whipping members or wings can be seen in flashes. We where targeted by a Banshee while prospecting for Quantum on Ghetra 4. We had to stay for more than 8 hours in our armored vehicle while the wind (or something else) howled outside and hard strikes against the hull could be heard. Finally the Banshee left us and we could leave the vehicle. The vehicle was pockmarked with deep indentations where something had struck it again and again with extreme force. Not a trace of paint was left on the metal, it had been blasted clean down to the metal. Grogg | Fed. Recruitment Officer
Desert Gyps Large bird of sand color. Bird of prey, scavenger Resides in deserts and nests in lonely trees or small stone cliffs. Mainly active during daylight hours Usually Desert Gyps hover at high altitude, looking for prey and watching each other. If one of them sees food, they go down, and the other birds fly down the same way. This is where fights over food often occur, but a large group of birds can scare off some predators. Often the food they eat is completely spoiled. They are distinguished mainly by sand-colored plumage, non-feathering head (many with non-feathering neck) and long and broad wings. They find their prey solely by sight and have a good sense of smell. Each vulture reaches up to fifty kilograms in weight and can lift a small mammal into the air. They have a powerful beak and strong legs capable of carrying their prey to medium distances. A characteristic anatomical feature - a large goiter and stomach for consuming large amounts of food. Keep always in flocks. Beak, claws. Going on a journey into the depths of the desert, do not forget to check the functioning of your condensation suit. Thirst can kill you, and your guts will be scattered all over the desert by vultures. Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
Entoma vrochis Carnivorous insects.Carnivorous beetles, ranging in size from 2 to 7 centimeters, depending on size of colony. Insects, arthropod tarantulas Desert areas nocturnal Alone and in small numbers, they are absolutely safe for humans At first glance, they are cute creatures, with blue stiff wings. Their mouth cavity resembles the jaw of ants, have glands releasing acid, also have a stinger. They have a pair of antennae on each side, so they are connected into one structure. They live in large colonies. Some species of these insects can take on the appearance of other predators, connecting side tendrils, and turning into huge beasts. Accordingly, at such moments, they operate as a single organism. Scientists are trying to figure out how they manage to communicate with each other on such a level, as if they have one brain for all. Entomus vrohis took their name because the rustling of their wings resembles the sound of rain. The first explorers thought rain was coming, seeing huge blue clouds and hearing the characteristic sound. But as soon as the clouds approached, everyone realized they were living creatures. During the mating season, they are extremely dangerous. They hunt in huge colonies and destroy everything in their path. вика1987
Inmabeloids Parasitic seed-like creatures; Inmabeloids are seed-like parasites that are found throughout Desert planets. Mostly found in water sources, or on surfaces of foliage, these are easy to overlook. They are easily spread across the planet through the strong desert winds and shifting sands. Inmabeloids can be an unknown, and dangerous, risk for first-time visitors or guests that have not spent the appropriate time studying up on assessing risks and threats of a planet. Inmabeloids seek to be ingested, either by drinking or from eating as part of foliage. Once ingested, Inmabeloids take residence in the stomach (or main digestive organ) and the outer seed shell is shed. The parasite within is unleashed, and multiplies at a great rate. The host becomes a vessel of spreading more Inmabeloids. Once critical mass is achieved, which is total coverage of the digestive organ, the hosts no longer receives any nutrients or sustenance from the food or water they ingest. The Inmabeloids consume it all, with the sole purpose of multiplying. insect/parasite Water sources, foliage and plant surfaces always active passive/inert Resembles a seed shape, about the size of a hair follicle solitary and group Inert seed-like creature, appears harmless and easy to overlook. Seeks a living host for a habitat, and spreads viciously once a host is found. Take care what you eat or drink in the desert planet wilds. Always bring something to heat water with you on a Desert Planet, and thoroughly cook any foliage before consumption. Professerf | Union Planner
Spiny Porcupine A large rodent that comes out to hunt in the evening when the sun is not as hot. Mammal Caves, dens Predominantly nocturnal Wild. Large rodent, up to 40 cm at withers and 1.2 m long, living in crevices of rocks or burrowing in ground at base of mountains. Its body is covered with dark, incredibly strong needles. Its sharp teeth can chew through wire fences. Feeding mainly on plant food and insects he can find. In especially hungry times can hunt small animals or lizards and snakes. Seeing from the top of a hill or dune, a potential prey porcupine curls up into a ball and rolls on his prey, stabbing it on his spikes. Live in small groups of 4-8 individuals. Excellent night vision. Sharp needles that can pierce light armor. Toxic secretion secreted by porcupine glands has a nerve-killing effect. In case of extreme danger, is able to shoot up to 10 needles at a distance of 5-7 meters. New needles grow back in a couple of weeks. Usually does not attack humans, but fiercely defends his family and territory. Local tribes have been known to tame porcupine and use its needles for hunting as arrowheads, increasing the killing power of their bows. IT2011
Cavernous Varanus In their natural habitat, they live near large caves where moisture condenses on the walls. Having a thick layer of fat, apparently perfectly accumulate water. Reptiles Caves Diurnal Peaceful, domesticated Large lizard. Has an elongated broad torso on three pairs of legs. Can weigh up to 5 tons. Scaly coat is unusually strong, allowing it not to be injured in caves. They live in small groups of up to 15-20 individuals. Have been domesticated by local people since ancient times. Used to cultivate the land and transport goods in migration. Nowadays, they are actively used in mines, mining, and transportation of minerals. IT2011
Kangaroo Quantum Mouse Explorers If you stumble upon these little creatures on a desert planet then get your research equipment out immediately. Nearby you are sure to find large deposits of quantum. Rodent Mammals Their main habitat is the vast expanse of dune where the Quantum clusters. These rodents are active mainly at night, and during the day they hide in their burrows from the scorching heat of the sun. These creatures can run quickly enough on the ground. Able to live without water for several months. The kangaroo quantum mouse is of small size. Standing on its hind legs, its height is a maximum of twelve centimeters including its ears. The distinctive feature of this rodent species is its long ears, which are 4-5 cm. The pointed nose is directed slightly downwards, and if you look at this animal from the front in the face, the head of the creature together with the ears will resemble the letter "V". The small body of the creature is quite able to fit in the palm of a person and is supported by two paws. Each foot of the kangaroo quantum mouse is twice as long as the leg itself and has only two toes. The short little front paws only serve to assist in the ingestion of food. These creatures have large black eyes. The entire body of the animal is covered with sand-colored hair. The tail is up to 15 cm long. From the top of the head to the very tip of the tail there are transverse stripes of purple. The tassel of the tail is completely purple in color. Such coloring of mice seems to be due to their close habitat to quantum deposits. Very shy, live in flocks. Do not pose a threat to researchers. Fast moving. This type of creature was first discovered by me when I landed on one of the desert planets of Arraker-15, where I descended in order to search for the quantum. My research equipment was going off the scale when I discovered a large reservoir of quantum on the planet. Near the deposits of this fossil fuel, I discovered many burrows of these little creatures. By the dozens, they scurried from burrow to burrow and circled under my feet. From this I concluded that the quantum somehow attracts them and influences their behavior. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Sand Stork The Sand Stork is somewhat of a misnomer, as it is not a wading bird, like a stork, but an aquatic bird much more like a penguin. Unlike penguins, however, they do not live in large colonies for protection. They will generally nest some distance from the oasis or aquafer caves where they hunt. The bioluminescent nodes on their necks are used during mating displays, but also to illuminate the dark waters of aquafers wherein they hunt. Sand Storks that hunt in oases tend to have dimmer nodes than those that make nests near caves. Aquatic Bird The desert surrounding oases and aquifer caves. Most species are diurnal, though some smaller subspecies have adapted to take further advantage of their bioluminescence as social nocturnal hunters. Ostrich-like body, with a large, pointed beak. Secondary set of small eyes behind the primary, perhaps for gather light of a different spectrum? Glowing, bioluminescent nodes on back of neck and head. Possibly fueled by Quantum-fused prey? Clawed feet with minor webbing to aid in swimming and to prevent sinking into the sand at their high weight. Adults range from 1.5-2 meters tall. Gender dimorphism seems limited to coloring, females being primarily brown and grey, and males being a variety of brighter colors depending on region, diet, and species. Most larger species behave territorially to others besides their mate. They mate for life. Terrifyingly effective swimmers, but also quite fast on land. Their webbed feet help them avoid sinking into the sand even with their weight. Small eyes and secondary eyelids for staying vigilant during sandstorms. Toothed for catching fish. The appearance of this creature across multiple planets baffles me. Designer ecosystems? Crüniac | Voice of the Union
Chilling Bug This little bug combines two different chemicals to create an icy explosion to either hit its prey or use it as a means of escape from predators. Insect/Bug Found all across desert planets Nocturnal Carnivorous, the beetle typically hunts at night for other insects, but will often congregate with others of its species when not actively looking for food Six legged, small frontal head part and a large abdominal part with two separate chambers within to keep the beetles' corrosive chemicals separate, without them the beetles would not survive; appear mostly in bright blue and colder colors to warn predators. Mostly solitary, sometimes in groups Wings, exoskeleton, can combine two chemicals to create an icy spray explosion, hunts for small mammals like mice which are overwhelmed by the low temperature shock and feint; eating them will combine the chemicals freezing the mouth and throat of the predator. Worth a fortune. Rich people use them to cool their drinks on hot planets. flovster | S.P. Zoologist
Slime Puddle While thought to be a simple liquid, the puddle uses its appearance to lure its prey to its demise. Holding the appearance of a simple puddle of water in an oasis, the slime puddle uses its opponent's desire for thirst to coax one into sipping the satisfying liquid. In exchange for fulfilling one's thirst, the puddle pulls its victim in and processes the victim into microbes that help the puddle to expand. Slime Species Oasis crepuscular calm, tasteful, cruel Body of bubbling water that can reach up to the size of a lake. Solitary Color changes depending on the season Good for traps if one can safely extract the slime. Can also be tamed with animal corpses. Doesn't harm birds. kota
Wormoid Wormoids are a danger to all explorers roaming the deserts of Dremon-14. They normally live in their subterranean tunnels but follow vibrations and sound and attack unprovoked. Their huge, armored frontal legs, which are normally used to dig tunnels, can crush an APC, or slice thru ferroconcrete like a knife through butter. Their immense size and durability make them a formidable enemy. If you are low on firepower, just run... but beware they are also fast and agile creatures, so getting airborne is the best way to avoid confrontation with this formidable beast of the deserts. subterranean giant-worm under the sand surface nocturnal/diurnal aggressive, territorial, carnivore a giant, scaled worm-like creature with no eyes to be seen and with a big mouth like a cave entrance living solitary attracted to sound and vibrations, armored carapace, frontal legs, and pincers Saw some tribesmen once who were able to communicate with these creatures. flovster | The Unsung Hero
Waterseeker An insect that feeds on the blood of other animals. The females lay their eggs under water. With their long antennae they can detect the smallest changes of air moisture and thereby find water spots. While their sting is painless, the injection often creates itching rashes afterwards. Nonetheless tribesmen often hold these little insects like pets to find unknown water spots as soon as they want to lay their eggs.
blood sucking flying insect no special habitat known diurnal aggressive, obtrusive the size of a normal mosquito, but two long antennae at the front, their exoskeleton as well as their wings are completely white living solitary uses two long antennae to detect air moisture, sucks blood, their wings create a high-pitched noise humans normally can’t hear (but dogs do) While the rashes are easily treated more and more cases of fever have been documented during the past months. Doc O.B | Custodian

Forest Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Activity time Behavior Appearance Sociability Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Hobatite An insect that looks like a large shaggy caterpillar. Insect, herbivore Forest Day Terribly voracious and greedy Not pleasant, I would even say Merskaya in appearance has a thick, slimy, shaggy body and a bunch of small legs, two barely noticeable eyes. Sociable likes to gather in groups of 3-5 individuals Her main attribute is her sensory abilities, which help her navigate through super sensitive villi on her body that pick up the slightest sound vibrations. Roasted Hobatite is delicious and nutritious. YoNteGaN
Cerebri comedentis Tiny tick with incredibly sharp teeth and anesthetic in the sting. These parasites are always found on trees. They act in conjunction with fungi that feed on carrion. When the victim sees some colored plants under the tree, he comes over to study what it is. At this time, tiny ticks fall from the tree onto the victim. After examining the colored plants and realizing that they are just mushrooms, the victim simply leaves. But at this time, a tick is already actively making its way to her nervous system. He opened the skin of the animal with his teeth and anesthetized it with an anesthetic from his sting.After 2-3 hours, the victim becomes completely controlled. The tick directs the prey back under the tree and kills it there by shutting down the respiratory functions. After that, he lays eggs in the corpse of the victim and waits for them to hatch. After that, with all the offspring, he returns to the tree and waits for a new victim. The decomposed remains feed the mushrooms under the tree and allow them to become even bigger and more attractive. Parasite Forest always active Under the microscope, you can see an eight-legged hairy body with 2 large incisors and a tail sticking out from behind with a sting They live in large groups sharp teeth,tiny size,poison sting In the worlds where this parasite is found, you can not be under the trees next to which there are bright mushrooms. Better yet, when you come to such a planet, get a vaccination that will prevent the insect from infecting your nervous system. Kamilnuriev
DQ Wydez A bird, chirping and enjoying life, drinks nectar from the delicious fruits of Curacao. Flying Vyot voluminous, fairly spacious nests in the tops of trees Daytime Neat and at the same time curious, very smart and nimble, perfectly raises the mood with her playful appearance It has an eye of a rich palette of colors and shades, a long thin beak that is able to pierce fruits, an aerodynamic optic body, nothing superfluous that will prevent it from swimming in a vertical, a long tail and medium-sized fast wings Sociable A very loud bird that, with its signals, makes it clear what mood is in the forest, whether there is danger or not A useful and very interesting companion that will save you from danger. YoNteGaN
Giant Opiliones Arthropod, similar to the usual spider, but very large. Can reach a height of 8 meters. Arthropods Hides in the forest floor. Legs texture and color very similar to the trunks of trees, making it little visible, the body is hidden in the tree crowns. diurnal A higher predator Due to its size, little mobile. It ambushes and hunts near forest streams, small bodies of water, or on migration paths. Once stationary, it sweeps its droppings, which exude odors that attract wildlife. When the prey comes under the Giant Opiliones, it spews saliva with a strong nerve agent. Opiliones then crouches down and eats its prey. Leads a solitary life, with other congeners met for the continuation of the species Extremely tough chitinous cover, sharp teeth, nerve toxin Once, while exploring the forest, we almost got eaten by this giant spider. One member of our group smelled a sweet odor and went in search of its source... and then abruptly fainted. At that moment, the spider's body began to slowly descend toward him from the crown of trees. We opened fire on him, but our paths could not do him any damage. Only by hitting his knees and the articulation points of his legs and body were we able to hit this giant. The soldier recovered in a few hours. IT2011
Nornohenius A large mammal whose strength and power awes even the most ferocious predators. Mammal Grasslands and open spaces rich in grass diurnal Aggressive and uncompromising, having huge possessions protects even the smallest corner of its land, preventing outsiders. Large muscular body, four strong legs and powerful tail, relatively small but strong head, dark brown color of tough skin. A ferocious and sometimes arrogant beast, does not allow even those who do not pose a threat to him to approach him. The main weapon is its powerful tail, excellent sense of smell and hearing. Do not approach such a dangerous beast. YoNteGaN
Konokokta I am a mix between a bird and an insect. They are rather large and aggressive creatures if need be. They reproduce very quickly and are therefore very popular. It is a very invasive species because it is not commonly preyed upon. Flying Bird/Insect Aquatic areas close to forests but it is not difficult to see them even in desert areas with oasis, beaches or small ponds Konokoktas are diurnal beasts but most of longer journeys are done at night to avoid possible predators They don’t attack humans unless they are harassed or put in danger. If they attack, they often do so in packs. Konokoktas are very fast and move in jerks with rather unpredictable movements. They feed on insects and microorganisms that lurk in the mud in wetlands but he has also been seen feeding sucking blood of his victims or remaining corpses of any species, including humans. It’s a very noisy creature that emit very high-pitched screeches and their insect wings emit a very powerful hum. Basically what mosquitoes does but at much higher volume. Their dimensions range from 1 meter to 1 and a half meters in height. The head of this creature is very particular: similar to a splay isoceles triangle where the longer sides end with its typical needle-like proboscis similar to that of a mosquito. It uses the needle exactly like a syringe it penetrate into the ground for sucking up microorganisms or piercing creatures underground or underwater. It has a characteristic metallic color, mainly emerald green which can take on bronze, purple, yellow, blue-black or copper tones. The ventral side is generally copper-black in color but may have the same shades of color as the dorsal side. A well fed and healthy Konokokta is very colorful: the shinier it is, the more desirable it is as a partner. They are social birds, they live in flocks which can reach between 40 and 50 members. Each flock is commanded by a small group of 4-6 members. Supremacy and control of the rest of the flock is achieved by eliminating the rival group that previously commanded. Needle Beak, Insect wings, Speed They only attack when annoyed. Being very territorial, don’t approach their establishments at all. If you see them around an oasis or prey, wait for them to use all the resources they need. Normally they will take off after a few hours, otherwise you will find yourself surrounded by a flock ready to pierce you Matt Coltrane | Federation
Sparax Formicidae (Sparax) This giant ant can reach several meters in length. Like all representatives of the ant family, it is very strong and can carry loads exceeding its weight by 50 times. So one day an ant can drag into the anthill not just a branch, but a whole tree. Sparax can live both alone and live in a family of up to 20 individuals. If you look at a family of ants from a bird's eye view, you might think that this is a river flowing. insect For the bases of their anthills, ants look for places near trees where rays of sunlight at least occasionally fall (although this is difficult on the Forest Planet) diurnal Sparax is a herbivorous insect. To feast on nectar, ants seek out insects that feed on plant sap, or collect it themselves. Another thing that it’s fond of is the bark of trees. Sparax can reach several meters in length. Dark grey color with a velvety sheen, which is painted in his torso, and long bright yellow antennae make him very attractive. It also has excessively long legs and huge bulging eyes that completely occupy the sides of the head. can live both alone and live in a family of up to 20 individuals strong, rapid insect. However Sparax is not as peaceful as it might seem at first glance. In order to protect themselves from the predatory animals of the Forest Planet, it has a strong sting and a poisonous bite. It also uses the sting to spray the poison around. Sparax never attacks first. It is quite difficult to get close to it, since the ant sprays poison and its sting around itself. The ant is most vulnerable to attack from the air. Valeriya
Swart Despite the fact that the Swart stands out against the backdrop of a green forest, the beast is perfectly adapted to survival. Mammal In the dark corners of the Forest, it can be a dense canopy of a tree or a deep dark cave. Night Omnivorous, feeds on fruits, roots, insects. Preys on small flying creatures and small herbivorous mammals. An excess of pigment makes the color of this creature special, distinguishing it from the background of the environment and other species ..... Its color is black, with a blue tint. The head has a protective cover, something like a mask, because of which nothing is visible except emerald eyes. Loner Claws, teeth, intellect and animal instincts make him a killing machine. YoNteGaN
Bestiapalus Venenatum Six-legged creatures of medium size, green in color. Carnivores, mammals. Main habitat is fresh water bodies and marshes. Occurs fairly often throughout the forest planet. Build their lairs in reeds and brushwood. Mainly active in daylight hours. Most of their time spent in search of food. Mostly mushrooms and fallen fruit. In case of danger, the hexapod expands the skin using the powerful muscles of the head and releases a sharp needles. Aimed, it shoots the needles at an opponent. Can fire up to seven arrows at once. The animal has about 50 needles in its brain cortex, which allows it to make several shots in a row. A new stock of needles grows very quickly, literally in one day. These creatures have a dense build and reach a height of one meter. The average weight of the individual is about 80 kg. Move across the ground on six paws. All individuals have greenish skin color. At the end of the body have a long, thick tail, part of which always drags on the ground. The animal has coarse gray stone outgrowths on its upper body and in the area of the kneecaps of its paws. The creature has a relatively large head, which smoothly passes into the torso. The oral cavity has eight tentacles 25 cm long each. It is these tentacles that the animal picks up its food and puts it in its mouth. The six-legged bog moor has excellent vision and has six eyes. From the top to the bottom of his head has a vertical slit, which allows you to extend the skin of the head. They keep mainly in groups. Always several individuals live in one nest Needles, venom. An additional danger of Bestiapalus Venenatum needles is that they are impregnated with poison - botulinum toxin, which causes muscle contraction and paralysis. The longer the bogeyman carries the needles in him the more dangerous they are to the explorer, because in this case the concentration of poison on the needles will be higher, leading to instant death. Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
Beager Once the Beager have classified you as a potential prey it will follow your smell-trail until the end! If you manage to end the trail by air or water, your characteristic smell still are saved and as soon as the beager picks up your scent again, even if it is ten years later, it will continue the hunt! Carnivorous, hunting predator. All wooded areas, from subtropical to near arctic. Diurnal, but mostly active and hunting during dusk and dawn. Although aggressive, the beager also shows signs of intelligence and will postpone it's kill in order for a better opportunity! It will, however never give up on a hunt. Preferred hunting method is stalking it's prey and attack from cover when the victim is unprepared. Sometimes it will play with it's prey and cause damage like ripping off a limb or two, then pretend to lose interest and let the prey believe that it might escape. An escape that will never be realized. Large muscular body covered in thick fur which also functions as protection from bites and cuts. Head with two small forward looking eyes under heavy eyebrow ridges. Large roundish ears and a mouth, broad, full of sharp teeth! Six legs where the two front ones are able to grapple and hold it's victim. Rear legs, powerful and able to move the beast fast. Great climber! About 6 meters long and able to rear up to 4 meters. Only meets other for mating. All will fight each other for dominance if they meet, which is seldom since they know exactly where the others territories are, thanks to their sence of smell. Females as large and aggressive as the males. Most often has only one cub which will follow it's mother for more than three years. Extremely sensitive sence of smell. Able to track prey for days even after rain. Known to never leave a trail on which it has started searching. A beager marked me and attacked! However, I was close to our skycar and lifted before the beast got close. Several years later we had another assignment on that planet. After a while we got reports about a beager following us. It was the same beager as years earlier, it had picked up my scent and continued where we left off. There was no way to scare the creature away, it was after me! We had to kill it! Grogg | Fed. Recruitment Officer
Grasstick lives in the wilderness of the forest, near swamps. Exudes the smell of jasmine and wild berries, intoxicating and alluring. It feeds on the living organism covered by it. The victim is detected by smell and characteristic dying wheezing. Having found the victim, she intoxicates him and completely passes into his body, turning him into a symbiote of man, tree, grass and flowers. Completely destroys the victim's brain and continues to exist in a modified body until the body's resources begin to run low. Parasite Lives only in thick forests, does not go out into residential areas. diurnal Shy, moves silently, the sounds of her life and activity are almost indistinguishable from the familiar sounds of the forest. A very beautiful creature, shaped like a human, covered in moss grass and flowering ivy. A loner, on the brink of extinction, loves nature and animals as much as they love her. a lot of birds and small animals are always near her, when one of the animals in the forest dies, she makes a sound similar to a purr mixed with a quiet howl. Not aggressive and Shy, kind, because even the dying before moving in relieves pain with the gas that the flowers that form a crown on the head emit. Harmless and kind, there are legends that if a child gets lost and meets Grasstick, she will lead him to the settlement, after which she hides in the thicket of the forest. Grasstick is being hunted, and its remains can be used to make painkillers, antidepressants, and fun drugs. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Mountain Searcher A global dweller of mountain ranges, the mountain searcher is a large, omnivore with physical features of a goat, horse, and leopard. Mammal Planet: Degu B - Mountain ranges above the tree line. diurnal Typical goat like behavior. eats foliage, as well as insects. approx 3 meters in length. 1.5 meters height. approx 300-350 kilos solitary and herd it has a long tail with thick, bristlely hair tuft at the end. powerful claws are tipped with short, climbing talons on the forelegs. ram hooves on the hind legs. large curling, thick ram horns. a pointed snout with large nostrils sit above a bearded jaw. Domestication potential! I only spotted this creature from a distance. It was high a top a cliff. It was moving rock and boulder searching for food. i watched it for a short time, even attempting to approach. it begun making audible sounds of disinterest, but having noticed it could eat a 6 kilo resin beetle in a few bites. i decided not to test its current dietary needs. Greg\ FederationPossumWrangler
Centaur Illustrative example of what would happen if evolution took a different path than it did on Earth. Mammal Forest, foothills Predominantly diurnal. Violent temper, fiercely guarding territory Creature on four legs with the body of a horse and the torso of a man. Height up to three meters, strong arms. Excellent archer and spear thrower. They live in groups of 15 to 20 individuals. High speed of movement. Likely intelligent creatures. After landing on the planet, we spotted these truly legendary creatures at the edge of the forest. Their aggressive behavior prevented us from entering the forest, but they did not chase us away from the open ground either. In the depths of the forest, there were noticeable structures that resembled a hut. We must try to establish contact. IT2011
Horn-birds/Screamer A small animal, flying, exceptionally gregarious, posed a serious threat to the early settlers of Artel, as it destroyed crops of fruits and berries. Type: mammalian, crimson-winged. mammalian, crimson-winged Planet: Artel - forests Nighttime During daytime the family lies in woods on tree branches to sleep, after sunset they fly in search of food. When the family's flight radius runs out of food, they fly to another location. These small, unsightly animals, strongly resembling a bat, possessed shaggy gray bodies slightly larger than the size of a palm and three pairs of limbs. The hylan's upper and lower legs had leather wings stretched between them, and the legs themselves were topped with long, clawed fingers that allowed the beast to easily cling to tree branches for sleeping or feeding. The middle pair of legs was very muscular and long; with their help animals climbed into the hollows of forest birds to feed on their eggs. live in a flock/family from 200 to 500 individuals. The most amazing thing about these creatures was the way of moving over long distances, for this they fly close to each other and interlock their middle paws, forming a "living carpet" in the air. Such mechanics allows them not only to rest in flight while other individuals flap their wings, but also to scare off celestial predators with their size. Hornets get their name for another peculiarity: when in danger during flight, faintly visible valves open on the wings of screamers, and when the air passes through them, a truly horrifying, hoarse, shrill shriek of thousands of "throats" is produced! Boris | pilot/mercenary ⓅⓆ
Mega leech These creatures are true bloodsuckers. They pounce on their victims and drink their blood completely. Type: Invertebrates of the primiparous group. Predators. Invertebrates of the primiparous group. Predators. Main habitat is freshwater reservoirs and swamps. Occurs quite often throughout the forest planet. Mainly active in the daytime These creatures can attack their victims both in water and on land. They detect their victims by movement and attack them at the first opportunity. They have a good camouflage. Externally, these creatures look like a blob of shapeless mass, a bit like a worm, but with a body opening at the section of the stomach and thorax. They can reach up to two meters in length and can completely girdle a person. When unfolded, one can observe on the abdomen of these creatures a considerable number of mouth openings. There are about twenty of them and they are arranged chaotically. Each mouth opening has 70-100 chitinous teeth each up to two centimeters long. The upper part of the body is usually mud-colored, while the abdomen and thorax are green. Eyes are absent. Keeps mostly in groups. In one body of water is always lived in several individuals. Jaws, sharp teeth. Be vigilant sharp teeth Mega leeches can bite through a standard explorer's suit. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Slumberous Parasit Don't be fooled by its slumbering! Reptile Planet: Messier-Kappa-13Y - Caves Day/Night Hostile in darkness, peaceful when exposed to the light. Black skin, 10 inches with thin tails and it has mane all along. Group Very slippy, jump over and it can distinguish the heat of body. Never step in any cave without your flashlight also keep the gloves on. Reinhar | Consul
Killer Rabbit This looks like an ordinary rabbit, slightly larger than its earthly relatives. Extremely dangerous! Type: Predator Predator Forests, fields, steppes Predominantly daytime. Sleeps in burrows at night Aggressive, deadly cute At the sight of a large and harmless fluffy beast. But as is the case on strange planets, appearances are deceptive. He makes a swift jump on his prey. Knocks him down and breaks his bones. Then bites the throat of its shocked victim. Solitary Powerful hind legs help him make lightning-fast jumps to his prey at 5 meters. Razor-sharp fangs. The explorer, be extremely careful with these critters, is capable of breaking a chest in one jump. IT2011
Floodland Roquis A small, flightless predatory bird. It's long beak affords it the ability to spear prey in shallow rivers and ponds. Explorers have found that the birds can be confused by the thermal signatures of equipment. Aves class Swamplands Nocturnal They hunt smaller organisms by hopping from the interwoven yellow branches and roots of the Potvenus tree. It has a symbiotic relationship, where the tree provides branches for the Floodland Roquis to maneuver above the water. In return, it appears that the bird protects the root structure from parasitic aquatic animals. A small flightless bird with a long beak, designed to spear it's prey. Average height of .76 meters with a standard deviation of .2 meters. Solitary for most of their life span, until partnered for raising their young. Night vision, extended reach through neck and beak muscles Suggested thermal camouflaged for observation Nottamali | Union Special Agent
Shard Backs A bull by no other means of the word, massive and aggressive if you encroach on their quantum deposits. Very protective of their resource and will trample you and roll over you with their backs to impale you with their quantum-infused quasi-crystalline shards on their spine. The 7th Battalion "Augur Nettle" Progressor Ptolemy Solaris and his band drew the ire of one such brood on the contested planet "Djinn-Jam." Mammals Jungle, Plains, anywhere where exposed quantum deposits are Diurnal Aggressive near deposits, omnivores, protective of their young Massive 2-3 tons of "Bull" 2.5m at the shoulder, with strong, stout legs, but can rush you at 35kph. Ugly face, mean eyes, the growths on their backs looks like they hurt, they don't seem ever happy or docile. travel in broods of 30 or more Built for strength, short bursts in rushing, will chase for 200m to steer away from quantum deposits, after which they must rest, but will sound an alarm if confronted. Feeding on the quantum deposits in a cycle of life where near-crystalline structures grow off the spine, break off, decompose, to release organic quantum into the soil. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Swamp Thing These ugly creatures can be a real problem for the explorer. They are as ugly as they are smelly. The smell of these creatures resembles the smell of rotten eggs. Mammals. Scavengers. Primary habitat is impenetrable swamps and swamps in forest thickets, where tall trees block the passage of sunlight. Mainly active in the evening and at night. Excellent camouflage, they hunt waiting for their prey by hiding in the swamp. Dragging the victim under water, kill it, and later it serves as their source of food. These creatures are about a meter and a half tall and have a body where the head is like an integral part of the oval body. On top of the head is a shell similar in some respects to the shell of the turtle. Swamp Thing have surprisingly long arms comparable to the height of the creature. Long hands have three thumbs with sharp claws on them. For objective reasons, this creature has a swamp color and is covered with moss in some places. Just above the belly of the body is a huge, ugly mouth filled with sharp teeth. These creatures have three red eyes and move on two short legs. Try to stay in small groups. Long tenacious arms, sharp teeth. I first discovered this type of creature while landing on one of the "Sigma" forest planets. That day I set up my camp for the night near a small swamp. I approached the swamp and tried to draw water as suddenly, something sinister rose from the depths, grabbed me with its long, clinging hands and dragged me to the bottom of the swamp. Fortunately I had my machete with me, I managed to snatch it and cut off one arm of the creature. With a wild screech the creature crawled back into the swamp. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Night Gatekeeper They are agile animals, covered with short hair and having wings. Mammals. Predator. They live in tropical forests, in the mountains, can be found in towns and villages, can hide on the roofs of buildings. He is active at night and sleeps during the day. Prefers to drink blood of animals infected with Quantum, sometimes can also feed on crystalline Quantum. A small slightly elongated body, short neck, small head with a slightly elongated snout, large wings and tail, the length of which varies depending on the sex of the animal. It has a body length of up to 0.1 m and a wingspan of 40 to 60 cm. It weighs between 45 and 80 grams. The animal got its name because of its nocturnal way of life, the main color of the animal is turquoise. They can both bunch up in a group and fly one at a time. Sharp fangs and paws. Sharp hearing and sensitive nose. To see them it is necessary to fly to the planet X105VE, climb high into the mountains and find the caves. And in the daytime, as you can understand from the name that they are active at night, you can catch them with the help of bait, such as infected animal quantum or use crystals of quantum. It is not scientifically known who first discovered these animals as if they had always been known. Alexei |Primus| Dark Hero ⓅⓆ
Bald Headed Hound Bald Headed Hounds are carrion feeders and probably the last link in the chain of carnivorous mammals on Forest Planets. Living in groups they feed on game that was left over by other predators. A combination of lack in strength, size and courage forced these creatures to adapt to that which is left to eat: highly rotten meat. Mammal all over the planet nocturnal fearful, more "flight" than "fight"; will most likely only fight, when protecting their young; can turn to cannibalism in times of hunger These four legged wild dogs adapted to eating carrion by developing a head without fur. An additional eye lid covers their eyes when plunging into a rotten carcass. Their saliva is highly acidic disinfecting most of the bacteria that enter the mouth. An elongated tongue helps to clean the head from rotten blood. The skull itself is covered in a sort of very thick callus to resist the highly acidic saliva. They also have an elongated cervical spine allowing them to stretch their neck much further compared to other dogs. living in packs acidic bite, even more acidic vomit (sometimes as defence mechanism), vile smell When the wind blows right you can smell them. Otherwise you won't know they passed by. I almost feel pity for them. They just want to live, like you and me. flovster | Zeik - S.P. Zoologist
Dino Leptidoptera These creatures can be easily mistaken for beautiful butterflies perched on a tree or among large flowers. However, the beauty of these creatures lurks in deadly danger. Mammal Live in forest and forest-steppe areas. Found only in the topic and equatorial climatic zones of the planet. Hunting in the daytime, at night they sleep in tall trees. Predators. Mostly hunting from trees, jumping on their prey from above. These creatures are distinguished by their extraordinary appearance. The head of DinoLeptidoptera is very similar to a beautiful butterfly and is about sixty centimeters in diameter. Two large petals grow upwards from the head and two smaller ones from the jaw downwards and consist of flesh and blood. The head of the creature is dark blue in color. The upper petals in the middle have two oval-shaped yellow patterns. Each lower petal has three small round-shaped patterns. From the lower petals depart two slender branches fifty centimeters long, which help the creature hunt. The skull of the head is round with two yellow eyes and a flat mouth with very sharp teeth arranged in two rows. Each individual weighs about fifty kilograms and standing on its hind legs it reaches one meter in height. This creature has a dense body covered with a thick bluish skin with scaly patterns. The DinoLeptidoptera has six legs, but it moves on the ground only on its hind four. The hind legs are the thickest and most powerful. Upper paws are shorter and serve more to support food when eating or climbing trees. Not sociable, live alone. Individuals get together only during mating. Sharp teeth and claws. Explorers, be careful not to try to touch hands with these beautiful, but treacherous creatures. The DinoLeptidoptera will easily chew your hands off. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Giant Black Boar These creatures are very similar to our earthly boars. However, they are of enormous size and have an exquisite taste for delicious meat. At one time, the population of these creatures was very reduced due to hunting them. Currently listed in the red book of creatures of the universe. Black boar meat is a delicacy on the Imperial table of Solas Crane and is forbidden for sale to commoners. Hunting them is forbidden. Parropods Live in forest and forest-steppe habitats. Able to survive severe frosts and heat. Distributed virtually all over the forest planet. Around the clock. Omnivorous. Without apparent reason, do not attack humans. These animals are truly large, reaching a length of three meters and a height of one and a half meters at withers. The mass of an adult male can reach eight hundred kilograms. The coat is black in color. The boar's muzzle is red at the front of its nose. Along the entire length of the spine runs a narrow, white crest sticking out vertically. At the same time, these creatures have a high raised hump, like the earth buffalo. On the head, two powerful horns grow from the temporal part on each side. One is longer, the other shorter. The horns point straight ahead and are always ready to deflect a blow from an opponent. The Giant Black Boar has double, slightly curved upward V-shaped tusks (like those of the Predator). These animals have excellent vision, as they have four eyes. All specimens have blue eyes. They live in herds, with only occasional old, solitary individuals. These four-legged animals often make a loud grunting sound, so they communicate with their relatives. In case of possible danger, they signal it with a high-pitched screech. Fangs, tusks, horns. Explorers, if you accidentally came across the nest of a giant black boar, get away as quickly as possible, otherwise it will tear you apart in a moment. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Vorpus A wolf-like creature, born with red lines across it's dark-brown fur, resembling bloody scars. They thrive best in harsh situations, tricking starved prey into thinking they are hurt/deceased. They tend to stay in packs, helping eachother survive by ambushing animals who fall for their fake appearance. Mammal Mostly found in the thinner areas of the forest, in the higher altitudes. Due to the low fat percentage and thin fur they tend to stay close to, or inside of, caves. Nocturnal The lower ranks of the packs are wounded in non-vital places by the others and laid out in the open, as the rest of the pack waits in patience for prey to come close. As soon as the prey is close enough to the decoy, the pack ambushes the unknowing prey. They tend to stay in packs to improve hunting and to fight the cold of the mountains, as they stay close to each other sleeping mostly in caves. Pointed nose and ears, ears standing up straight, thin dark-brown fur with stripes of red fur in between. High frontal legs, lower but muscular legs in the back. Sharp canines and claws on the frontal feet. Bones pointing almost through their skin due to lack of fat. Group Fast Recovery; to be able to recover the wounds they inflict themselves, and are inflicted to them during hunting; they use most of their gained resources to focus on healing. High Speed; the muscular back legs, combined with the huge claws sinking into the ground for grip, makes them extremely fast. Immunity; having to inflict wounds on themselves quite often, they have evolved to be able to withstand most of the parasites and viruses around them to avoid infections. Improved Senses; in order to properly ambush the prey without raising suspicion, they evolved to have a super keen smell, eyesight and hearing. Which makes them able to ambush at the right moment. Flood of Bacteria; by leaving the prey they just killed out in the sunlight for some time before eating, they ingest a lot of bacteria, which are saved, and fed in a separate 'stomach'. This stomach can be emptied by puking, replicating the smell of a decaying animal. It seems like they use almost all resources they gather through hunting, to recover. It's like they... want to be skinny. Which makes them look frightening, with bones sticking out of their skin and not to forget their bloody looking fur. One more thing to note is that it looks like they can replicate the smell of a rotting corpse, so be on the lookout for strong smells, and make sure you get away from it as fast as possible. QuestLog | P.P. | TCW
Mindworm This type of parasite is quite rare. It is a small, almost inconspicuous gray worm with a funnel-shaped mouth studded with small needles. It lives on the leaves of the Ajyaho drug tree. Once on the victim (mammal, bird, fish) it finds an entrance into the victim's body, usually through the ear. It begins to feed and breed in the brain of the victim, in the course of evolution these parasites have developed a specific composition of venom. It stupefies the victim and completely controls his actions, after a while the victim becomes super aggressive and kills everything he sees without eating, and consequently dies of exhaustion and starvation. Feeding on a dead animal's body, the worm colony can live in it for up to 6 months, waiting for a new victim. Parasite worm Ajyaho trees and dead animals bodies Feed at day. Prefer night attack. They lazily crawl around feeding on the drugged leaves of the tree, waiting for the right moment. Little grey worm 2-3 cm length Before the attack, they keep one specimen at a time. After infection, they form a colony. Small and dangerous Using Mindworm Poison is a short-term human stimulant, to be used only in emergencies. dile-new
Shamble-Walker Gaston Kingscloud from the 1st Regiment of the Federation Alphox-Bronx was the first to spot them while on point as recon unit set to investigate the ridgeline. He looked through his scope on his weapon to gain a bit more details, but being so far away all he could gauge was the general size, which were massive. With vegetation sprouting from the very skin of the mammal, in a wondrous symbiosis that enables the feeding of the mammal, yet the life cycle for reproduction is still be understood better, it is suspected that special spores help fertilize the eggs these mammals lay in a special nesting area of gemstones. Animal, Plant Symbiosis Plains Docile, foraging while roaming Huge animals that have a unique symbiosis with the plants on Mahabharata, where the mammalian lays eggs, but is fertilized by the pollen of a particular plant in a very special ecosystem on the northern continent of Kaurava. They have been seen traveling to the southern continent Pāṇḍava to die. They take on vegetation. They seem to travel in local tribes, but it is unclear if they have any awareness of aggression. Huge mature ones grow up to eight legs, the young are born with four. They have sensory organs on the front, but unlike eyes with an iris, they seem to be zones of sensitive tissue that can distinguish between light and dark, but not much more is known. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Multipedal schreecher Segmented elongated body about 50 cm in diameter. One pair of clawed legs per segment. Head spiked and roundish with large teethed mouth and feather-like antennas used for detection of vibrations and airborne chemicals or biomarkers. Eyes small and blackish in front of head. Good eyesight. Grows by inserting and growing extra segments between finished segments anywhere on the body, unfinished segments with rudimentary legs can often be seen here and there. Protected by a strong carapace of mixed colors, mostly reddish-brown. Land-living, but also adapted to swimming and underground tunneling. Found in most biomes except for extremely dry areas/desert. Active at all times. Good eyesight during daytime, at night and in dark areas they use their antennas to track food. Aggressive omnivore and scavenger. On old Earth there existed something called a Millipede. This creature looks a bit like a very, very large one. Lives solitary and will hunt other Multipedals given the opportunity. Cannibalistic hermaphrodite. Eggs spawn in water, main feed for newly hatched Multipedals are smaller Multipedals and eggs. Head-spikes are used as protection, but also as a weapon and for digging. Hunts and consumes every other animal on forest planet. Can also be found consuming rotting vegetation. Will often ambush prey by bursting up through ground when vibrations from other animals are detected. There are some jungles that you should never enter at night. There are few who have escaped to tell the tale. In my explorations, I stumbled upon a group basking in the sun. I immediately got out of that forest as quickly as I could. I got out just as dusk had arrived and I could already hear them calling from the trees behind me. A canopy raptor knows it’s terrifying. Grogg | Fed. Recruitment Officer
Canopy Raptor These nightmares can be found among dense forests. They swing on branches and can glide from high perches Tree-dwelling Reptile Upper levels of tall trees and rocky clearings They rest and bask in the sun, At night they hunt Carnivorous, they work together in packs to subdue large prey, some hunt on their own for smaller meals Their front arms are longer than their legs and has extra skin to facilitate gliding. They have a sail back to give them greater aerial maneuverability. Long claws help them grip trees and food Often seen in groups, They’re stronger in numbers Razor sharp claws and teeth, very agile, heat sensory, pack communication There are some jungles that you should never enter at night. There are few who have escaped to tell the tale. In my explorations, I stumbled upon a group basking in the sun. I immediately got out of that forest as quickly as I could. I got out just as dusk had arrived and I could already hear them calling from the trees behind me. A canopy raptor knows it’s terrifying. theilmac|Union Recruitment Agent
Tricanterer Three-legged hoofed herbivore. Often part of large herds comprised of both males, females and calves. Mammal-like, but the females does not suckle their young, who seems to fend for themselves right after birth. Normally found in grassy meadows or lightly wooded areas. Diurnal Normally peaceful and easily scared to flight. Roundish body with three long hoofed limbs (two front and one rear limb). Rather small head, with two eyes on the sides. A long sinous neck that easily reaches both the ground and short trees for grazing. Found in herds. Peaceful unless provoked, will always prefer flight before fight. Will defend itself if necessary by standing on hind leg and swing with the front legs. Meat is edible with a slightly tangy taste. A a bit tough though. The Tricanterer is hunted by most of the larger carnivores on forest planet. Grogg | Federal Commander
Singing Mantis An insect of gigantic proportions, the Singing Mantis is a carnivore and home to planets with high oxygen concentrations (>30%), such as densely wooded Forest planets. Unlike "our" mantis, this specimen is eight-legged, whereas six legs are used for walking, the two frontlegs are formed into raptorial legs with several spikes used to grap onto prey. Its wings allows it to jump several meters high, but not to fly in general. To lure its meal it uses its unusual sound organ, similar to vocal chords, to imitate the mating sound of its prey - be it on the ground or in the air. Insect Deep inside dense forests Activity time: diurnal Diurnal Intelligent, cunning, patient Resembling a mantis but the seize of a wild boar, eight-legged, with two spiked raptorial frontal legs, hides four wings under his exoskeleton, colors from brown to green as it camouflages to its surroundings Solitary Soar/glide shorter distances; unfolding their raptorial legs with almost 80km/h, eating their prey alive; mimic the mating sound of their prey to lure them in (can use a variety of different sounds); armored with a thick exoskeleton One trapped us in our camp. It caught Elisa the day before ... I can still here Elisa cry for help ... That's how we know the beast is still out there. Waiting for its next voice to mimic ... flovster | S.P. Zoologist
Three Horned Baratheon A majestic creature, reminiscent in basic physic of common stags we know. Yet their antlers are much more branched and are not shed each year, resulting in enormous horns that crown older male specimen. In contrast to "our" stags, they develop an additional horn, alike a rhinoceros, just above their nostrils. These creatures developed a hard skeleton like plate across their forehead also covering their eyes to also counter this horn apparently. Additionally, since the antlers are not shed and grow over the years, the males developed enormous muscular and bony structure in the front which overshadows their rear. Females have a small horn but lack the antlers and also developed a hardened skeleton like plate across their face. Even-toed hoofed mammal Mostly meadows since dense forests create problems for their huge antlers Diurnal Male: aggressive, territorial, loud; female: tame, protective regarding their fawn, inquisitive Stag-like; male: 3m long, shoulder height 2.5m (but declining rapidly towards the rear), weight almost 1 tonne, antlers can reach a span of up to 2.5m with a multitude of branches weighing up to 100kg, the horn reaches up to 50cm, bulky and muscular physic at the front, skeleton plate on the head; female: much smaller than the male, just a horn on their face, but also a skeleton plate, evenly proportioned skeletal and bony structure; Male: group (with females)/solitary; female: group Armored face; massive antlers and a horn; males can charge with devastating force even toppling over vehicles; formidable sprinters, after that however not much stamina for long runs "Solitary males", they said. Found a group of males though. The biggest one had a skull of a carnivore stuck in his antlers. That alpha male was scary as hell! flovster | The Unsung Hero

Tropical Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Activity time Behavior Appearance Sociability Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Underwater lucens scorpionem Large tailless marine scorpion Arthropod class of the spider family Lives underwater on the ocean floor. Occasionally may come close to shore to enrich with extra oxygen, but never crawl out of the water completely. Mainly active at night, moving on the bottom in search of a proper place to hunt. In the evening crawl out to hunt in large underwater canyons. Feed on both small plankton and large fish-like creatures. These creatures burrow completely into the ground, leaving only part of his body in the eye area and glowing transparent growths, shimmering with different colors to attract prey. These tailless underwater scorpions are gigantic in size. No one knows for sure, but each creature weighs several tons. They move on four legs and have two front claws. They have gills and are able to stay underwater for a long time. On the upper head of the underwater scorpion has six eyes that look vertically upward. This part of the body has a sandy color and is very well masked with the seabed. Closer to the tail of the scorpion are special growths (formations) similar to crystals. When the scorpion hunts by burrowing on the bottom these crystals stick out from the sea bed and shimmer in different colors of cold shades, getting brighter and dimmer. This beautiful play of light attracts a lot of sea creatures. At a certain moment of time underwater scorpion pulls out his claws and abruptly piercing his victims with sharp spikes located throughout the claws. Once they reach adulthood, they live alone. Can fight among themselves for the territories they hunt. Spikes, jaws. Inexperienced explorers can easily mistake the ominous glowing crystals for corals or even gems and pearls. But don't be so naive and don't swim close to them. In one of their underwater explorations in search of the quantum, two explorers Mahusenshi and Unbreakable descended to the ocean floor of the tropical planet Kepler-22 in their bathyscaphe and were nearly crushed by the paws of the Underwater lucens scorpionem. Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
Scaly sea dragon Sea dragon is usually up to 50 cm long. They prefer to live in social groups up to 10 species, where there are many males and only a couple females. Male Sea Dragons are caring fathers and carry their fry in their brood pouch. Predator build dwellings near algae and corals diurnal Despite its size and harmless appearance, the sea dragon is a predator. His diet includes shrimp and small fish, which the toothless dragon simply sucks. On the "lack of fish" he can eat algae and various marine debris. Therefore, the sea dragon is rightfully considered a valuable species and ocean cleaner of a tropical planet. the body is covered with unusual scales, which are similar to knight armor. But when swimming, they do not help at all. Scales are needed only for camouflage and protection. Approaching predators are blinded by the bright reflection of the scales and may even temporarily lose their sight. Lives in groups no teeth, scales the Sea Dragon is not well-studied by explorers yet. It is to be understood how it can make the opponents loose sight for even a short period of time. Can see dragon make an attacker completely blind in case of real danger? bembianastasiia12
Rainbow Birdy Medium size multi-colour bird Scavenger Lives high on the tees, builds nests there diurnal Birdy can easily adapt to any circumstances around. it’s quite hard to see it on the tree. In case of danger (or when the Birdy sees a predator), it replaces its variegated color with the color of the foliage and becomes hardly noticeable. the bird has a bright multi-colored color, different individuals may differ in the saturation of color plumage. A distinctive feature of the feathered one is its huge green beak, which in some individuals can even exceed half the body in size. The wings are not long and not too strong, which is why Birdy cannot be called first-class flyer. However, in the dense tropical forest where these birds live, they do not need to make long flights, it is enough just to be able to fly from branch to branch and move from one tree to another. Lives alone Beak, feathers, color adjustment despite its beautiful appearance, the bird does not disdain and mainly feeds on carrion. From the height of its tree, it watches large predators and then eats up after them Irina1210
Terra Cete Largest species ever found. Known on just 2 jungle planets. Bones infused with Quantum. Size made them the only creatures to be composed of so much Quantum. Herbivores, they constantly eat to support their size. Savannas could be mowed within days by a few. Mammal, Herbivore Savannas diurnal Calm. Days spent grazing plants. Predators avoid them due to their large tail wielded as a weapon. 2X size of the Blue Whale, similar in color. An air breather through its trunk like snout on small head. Large body barely off the ground. This made determining the sex difficult from afar. Arranged in couples, 1 male, 1 female. Travel in small pacts of 12. Their Quantum infused bones are the only known in the galaxies. Females have more than males. They had 2 hearts that allowed them to live to 400 Earth years and longer. They survive for decades if 1 heart failed. Blood - 50% oil, acting as a coolant to allow them to live easily in the tropics. "The Terra Cete were hunted to extinction due to the Quantum in their bones, large supply of meat and oil blood. Found on just 2 jungle planets in the same system. 2 skeletons held by the Union still exist. DNA cloning by the non-profit. Update The Universal Council has retroactively declared the Terra Cete an endangered species.

Any new planet where the Terra Cete is found will immediately be declared a sanctuary planet allowing for the study and controlled cultivation of the animalsAliens Alive has been successful. But, clones do not develop any Quantum in their bones. Once entering adulthood, the weak bones can not support their mass and were humanly euthanized. The DNA has been compared to the Shard Backs Quantum infused shards and the Furred Ice Breaker horns. The Terra Cete are completely different in the DNA from them. Making this once grand beast a truly sad loss for humanity."

Duo capita avis Bright blue double-headed bird Birds These birds live along wetlands where they prey on fish, frogs, amphibians, and other aquatic animals. Food Duo Capita Avis can get both beak and foot. Mainly active during daylight hours Most of the time they spend in search of food, or build large nests in trees growing near swamps and freshwater reservoirs. Do not pose a threat to researchers. Sometimes they come to the shores of the oceans to eat small marine life. At night they hide in their nests in tall trees, so as not to become prey to nocturnal predators. Able to fly long distances. These amazing birds have two heads and long beaks that allow them to penetrate deeply into the water for food. These creatures have bright blue plumage. These birds reach a height of 1.5 m and weigh about fifty kilograms. They move on the ground on long, purple-colored legs. Each individual has a long, luxurious iridescent tail. They keep mainly in flocks. In one nest there are always two individuals. Beak If you managed to meet these birds, do not miss the opportunity to take some colorful pictures of these wonderful birds against the background of the ocean shore and the starry sky. Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
Absorber Found in the jungle, hides well, attacks unexpectedly. Predator Dwells in the jungle, spends daylight hours in huge burrows and caves. Night Moves quietly, sounds like a human cry, as it attracts prey to itself. The maximum height is not more than a meter. Violent and bloodthirsty. It feeds on blood. And the meat of large animals and people. Looks like an Earth Mantis. Gray in color, in addition to size, differs from the praying mantis in a more powerful body and head structure. The head resembles one huge mouth strewn in a circle with teeth, with which it digs into the victim. To begin with, drinking blood and only then bites off a savory piece of meat. Single 4 supporting limbs and two forelimbs resembling claws. In battle, he tries to knock the enemy down, so that it would be convenient to cling to him with his mouth. After meeting him, you can survive if you have time to transfuse blood and decontaminate the wound left Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Electric dragonfly Insect Insect Planet: Savetti - near bodies of water, in the thickets of Spafochorto Active only at night, but if necessary, will be awake during the day. Peaceful, feeds on other insects. Does not pose a threat to humans. They grow up to fifty centimeters in the abdomen, the wingspan reaches up to one and a half meters. Head in proportion to body size. Two eyes, with four pupils each. Surprisingly, each pupil acts as a separate eye, looking in different directions. This feature, gives the Electric Dragonfly an all-round view, leaving virtually no blind spots. Its wings are powerful, their webs resembling thin glass, shimmering red-blue and yellow. Has a proboscis, through which it feeds. Four pairs of muscular legs, hair is present. Researchers have found that these hairs are receptors. The electric dragonfly, refers to a type of insect that lives in pairs. Surprisingly, these insects pair up for life. When they lose their partner, they stop feeding, simply dying of starvation. Perhaps their only attribute is the electricity generated in their wings. At the back of the abdomen, there is a small spike, through this spike, the Electric Dragonfly can let the discharge. The insect uses this ability, only when hunting. The pioneers replaced fear with wonder when they saw these amazing insects. Their behavior is virtually the same as that of terrestrial dogs, regarding sociability. They are faithful companions who light the way for travelers. There have even been cases where the Electric Dragonfly, disarmed by lightning another animal that tried to attack the researcher. Scientists have yet to fully understand what this behavior and attachment to humans have to do with it. Some believe we seem to be cute to them. But in fact, the size of their brain generates. And who knows, it may well be that these creatures are far superior to us humans in intelligence. вика1987
Siervans The Siervans of Singus 5A have been designated as a "Protected Species", and all contact with them are prohibited. Singus 5A is in the process of being declared as a Federal conservation where only unobtrusive observation will be allowed. The Siervans are regarded as a species that should be allowed to develop their society without external influences! Land-living, bipedal semi-intelligent mammal. Planet: Singus 5A - Prefers temperate and subtropical Diurnal, but may be active at all times. Peaceful, scares easily and will flee on provocation. Bipedal, standing upright with two supple arms, each ending in eight short dexterous tentacles proficient in manipulating both heavy as well as small objects. Two eyes, forward looking. Males with three head ridges running fore to back. Females with two similar ridges. Breathes through slits on the side of the head, so no nose is apparent. Small mouth with small incisors. Body slim and legs long and limber. Lives in groups of up to 100 individuals. Creates "nests" on the ground, of branches and twigs where up to 10 males and females will live and form a family group. Males and females both care for their young after they have reached a certain age, females care for them up to that age. Both sexes contribute in the gathering of food. Siervans are omnivores and primitive "farming" of as well vegetation as small mammals have been observed. Skin reddish. Body often draped in animal hides or vegetation. Also, see "Appearance". We happened upon a Siervan "village" by accident! All Siervans immediately fled when they noticed us. We spent some time documenting the "huts" and were amazed about the amount of tools and utensils that we found! We were ordered to leave the area as soon as our superiors learned of the event. All documentation was requisitioned by the university but we were commended for our carefulness. Grogg | Fed. Recruitment Officer
Shitaru It looks like a fly, a very large fly, only the proboscis is in the wrong place. Insect parasite Dwells in jungles and forests Daily Reproduces by laying eggs in living beings, predominantly humans. Launches a thick trunk directly into the mouth, fixes itself and lays eggs. Similar to a mutated earth fly, with an enlarged proboscis on its belly. Family creature, attacks both singly and in pairs The proboscis, increasing in size, is equipped with small needles richly lubricated with a soothing and analgesic secret. The pain of meeting him is indescribable, both physical in the process and physical afterwards. After an unsuccessful meeting with him, you can live from a week to a month. Since after maturation, the cub begins to look for a way out of the carrier's body and fly out of all available places at once (from the eyes, nose, etc.). The wearer in turn dies from combat shock, in the process Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Craniums Beast you don't want to meet Predator Mountains, jungle. Around the clock Aggressive, ferocious and merciless. Prefers humans as prey. Looks like a bald bush has taken on a bizarre shape. It has from 5 to 13 limbs. The older, the more limbs, instead of a head densely entwined with thick stems of the skull. As a trafei, having won, he takes the skull of the victim by impaling it on his stems. A loner, it's rare to see two at once. Powerful limbs of various shapes, some like a hand and some like roots. When meeting with the victim, it pierces it with its root-like limbs, penetrates it and absorbs its blood, like a tree absorbing water from the soil. After the victim's death, rips out the victim's skull by grasping the scalp at the back of the head with one limb and grasping the skull through the eye sockets with the other. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Saber-toothed flying squirrel A member of the rodent family. Occurs in forests and jungles. Mammal, rodent Jungle Predominantly diurnal. Predator, moderately aggressive. Large rodent, the body length can reach 40 centimeters. Between the front and rear paws has a wide skin fold, which allows him to glide from high trees. The squirrel takes advantage of this when hunting small game and small animals that live on the ground. It is a danger to the researcher during the breeding season. live in small groups of 3-5 individuals. Large sharp fangs, tenacious claws. Glides when jumping from a height. Once, while exploring an unfamiliar forest, I heard a strange rustling in the treetops. As I lifted my head, I saw something jump down and float through the air away from me. A few seconds later I saw a squirrel attacking an animal the size of a cat. It clawed at its back and chewed its neck with its big fangs. IT2011
Giant Hummingbird The densely planted, oxygen-rich tropical planets have allowed these flying creatures to grow to remarkable sizes. The largest of the Giant Hummingbird species can grow to a length of 1 meter with a wingspan almost three times that. The impressive measure of 50 wingbeats per second allows these birds to hover while feeding on the nectar of large tropical flowers, like the Giant Golden Lily. Flying Various species of the Giant hummingbird are found on Tropical planets from the dense jungle to the thinly forested sandy shores. These creatures have evolved to various sizes and beak shapes to best feed on available food sources in their primary habitat. Dawn/Dusk. Avoiding the heat and humidity of midday. Peaceful Herbivore, primarily quarrelling amoungst themselves for territory, mates, or common food supplies. Large bird of varying sizes. In different habitats, these creatures can be observed with a range of beak sizes and shapes to feed on the nectar of local flora. Often colorful and iridescent, their feathers are small and will seemingly change color as they shift and reflect the sunlight. solitary Evasive, cunning. Can use the size and tremendous wingbeat rate to direct strong gusts of wind to dismiss insects and other small parasites. Can alter wing shape to create a deafening sound with it's wingbeats to confuse and startle predators. These peaceful creatures can give you quite the fright! I thought an Emperial helicopter was descending upon me as this bird dropped from the jungle canopy to shoo me from it's territory Frederer
Osteopod Primary savanna halo, vegetative feeder, adults up to 20 meters tall, with very strong legs. Mammal, herbivore Savannas, deserts. Afternoon Belongs to the type of chordates, mammal, herbivore. Adult individuals reach up to 20 meters, a very long neck, they do not pose a danger to humans. they only self-defend, a blow with their hind legs 100 percent will send any threat to the next world, while being clumsy. Most of the time spent near the big trees, eating the leaves. Can be bred in captivity. Both in groups and alone. Strong tendons, massive bones, nutritious meat, produce a lot of milk which, if properly processed, can be eaten. It's hard to tell right away that it's better not to approach a corpse. It decomposes very quickly, and an explosion can occur. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Basalis Dangerous river dwellers, secretive, can live both on sashes and under water, reminiscent of ordinary crocodiles, only 6 times larger. Reptile Rivers, lakes Diurnal Extremely dangerous. Very fast in the first seconds of the attack, he calculates his attack and 99 out of 100 cases of gno is successful. Spend most of their time basking on the muddy banks of rivers or streams that run through the jungle, The nest of Bazalis is made up of vegetation and mud. The female jealously guards the few dozen eggs she lays in it and can even attack Shivantr. Solitary Strong skin, Strong mouth and huge teeth, super-fast at the beginning of the attack. Explorer, be careful when working near chuchts and rivers. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Shivantr The most dangerous inhabitant of the jungle, a very secretive and skilled hunter, if he gets into a trap, there is almost no chance of surviving. Predator Jungles, savannas. Diurnal Extremely dangerous. It can move while standing, in battle it takes the upper stance, and tears its prey apart, With its powerful hind legs it can easily jump over its prey. Has 6 legs, can move while standing, massive front 4 legs serve as its main weapon, Super-sharp ripples to tear its prey, It also has 6 eyes located on each side of the head, nothing will go unnoticed from it. The most intelligent predator on the planet, it occupies the top position in the food chain. Solitary Echolocation, super strength, super strong bones, secretive, intelligent. Cannot tolerate electricity. Here he is the owner of these places, when you find it is better to leave his territory, because sooner or later he will capture you in his trap. If not for my stun gun, I would not have survived. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Havitra Pretty common fish, except it has 2 heads. Herbivore fish Rivers, lakes. Nocturnal A fish that only comes out for dinner at night. During the day it hides in dense thickets and sleeps. Long dorsal fin, double row pharyngeal teeth on each head. If one of the heads is damaged, it can live on. Solitary Commercial nutritious fish, easy to catch. Strong scales. Reaches sizes up to 1 meter, weight up to 15 kg. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Electric crab Large arthropod inhabiting the seas. Able to go on land. Arthropod Seas and oceans, estuaries Daytime/Nighttime Moderately dangerous to humans. Has a large body up to 1 meter in height. Has eight short legs and two powerful claws. Rather quickly moving on the seabed, but very slow on land. Solitary, teams up with other crabs to mate Extremely strong Shell. Powerful claws. Picks up the legs and claws to the body to hunt in the coastal strip. Takes the shape of a rock. When the victim gets close enough to him, releases a powerful electric shock into the water. After that, disposes of paralyzed prey. The explorer should be extremely careful where to collect water or wash, lest he be eaten by the crab. IT2011
Scavicus Habitats have very persistent levels of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia due to constant decomposition processes. Scavenger Everywhere Diurnal Moves by rolling, the main diet is Carrion and Newborn hatchlings. finding a victim, or carrion crawls on it and swallows it for a long time. A creature without a skeleton of bones, is a formless life form, The whole body is covered with growths, emitting a lot of hydrogen sulfide Both alone and in groups of several individuals. A large massive clot of mass, looks disgusting as the remnants of its prey remain undigested to the end in the folds, It emits a lot of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, because of this it is impossible to approach it without breathing protection. Protection from predators follows its disgusting smell. If the camp is in danger, you can scatter dead things around the perimeter, Scavicus themselves will crawl and create a reliable protection from the local fauna for several months, although the stench will be terrible. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Predatory Valega (Valego Predatory) Looks like terrestrial field rodents. Provides danger during the rut (reproduction period). Predator Jungle Diurnal Always gather in packs, it is believed that they have developed a collective mind. Inconspicuous, mainly prey on Large herbivores, but they will not refuse a gaping researcher either. Dangerous for humans. A small predator no more than 5 cm in size, appearance: an elongated body with a large abdomen, a predatory mouth with tenacious fangs, produces deadly antipsychotics.Groups from 100 individuals. Developed hierarchy Groups from 100 individuals. Developed hierarchy The social infrastructure is very developed, the group acts as one organism Explorers should be careful, if you spot a few individuals, it's best to avoid this place. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Giant dragonfly Large insect inhabiting the jungle. Quiet, secretive. Arthropod insect Jungle Diurnal Not dangerous to humans. Genetically modified dragonfly. Has an elongated body up to 1 meter in length. Wingspan reaches 2.5 meters. Preys on birds and small terrestrial animals. Solitary High speed and mobility. Lowly visible to radar. Since neuroimplants were implanted, used by the military for reconnaissance and sabotage operations. Can be equipped with the multispectral observation devices, illumination of the target, or suspended bombs. Capable of lifting up to 15 kilograms of payload. In the event of a neuroimplant malfunction, they get out of control and return to the jungle on instinct. IT2011
Jungle Lurker Member of the cat family living on tropical planets. Excellent hunter. Extremely dangerous! Mammal, carnivore Jungle Predominantly nocturnal. Sleeps in the treetops during the day aggressive, ambush predator Large cat. Height up to 80 centimeters at withers, up to 2 meters long. Body elongated, muscular and at the same time incredibly flexible. Short but powerful legs. Can make lightning leaps to prey. Live in flocks of up to 50 individuals. Powerful paws with sharp claws. Saber-like fangs. In the process of evolution has acquired the ability to change coloration to suit the surrounding landscape (like a chameleon). Also adjusts its body temperature to its surroundings, making it difficult for thermal imaging cameras to detect. According to the legends of the local tribes, some individuals were tame and trained, which contributed to victories in internecine conflicts. IT2011
Grand DoDo Explorers rejoice and welcome! Your attention is presented to the bird, which is the older brother of the extinct bird we all know - the Mauritian dodo. When exploring a tropical planet, be sure to take the time to admire these unique creatures. Bird The main habitat is tropical forests in the drier, coastal regions of the islands. These birds are active mainly during the daytime. These creatures can run quite fast on the ground. Given the fact that they are not flying birds, they try to nest on land, as far as possible from the habitats of various predators. They feed on fallen fruits, nuts, as well as seeds and roots. They produce a small number of fledglings that require long parental care. Outwardly, Grand DoDo is practically no different from the well-known dodo that died out in the 17th century on planet earth. The only significant difference between these flightless birds is their size. Grand DoDo reaches a height of up to one and a half meters, and its body weight reaches fifty kilograms. These birds have brownish-gray plumage, yellow legs, a small tuft of tail feathers, and a gray, unfeathered head with a black, yellow, or green beak. Very friendly, live in packs. They do not pose a danger to researchers. Massive beak. This type of creature was first discovered by me while landing on one of the tropical-oceanic planets where I descended to study the flora and fauna. You can imagine my surprise when I saw these wonderful birds. After my report to Emperor Solas Crane, may he outlive the stars! about the existence of these birds, a law was urgently passed prohibiting the hunting of these unique creatures. For killing a great dodo on planets that are part of the Empire, you face ten years of hard labor in uranium mines in the most remote corners of the imperial possessions. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Star Crab A large crustacean in the shape of a star. Their body size is typically 1.5 meters wide, and their pincer claws give them another meter of reach around them. They are .5 meters tall and often dig into sand with their legs to help camouflage themselves. They use their robust legs as an anchor while they wait for unsuspecting prey and employ their bio-luminescent antennae as a lure at night. A star crab is like a bear-trap that will eat you Trapper Crab Shallow Tide-pools and Beachfronts During the day they sit in wait for food to get too close. At night they actively hunt Most of the time they’re seen positioning themselves into well traveled areas. They appear peaceful until they aggressively grab their prey and pull it onto their shell, devouring it while it’s still alive Star shaped, they have pincer claws at each point that reach outwards and pull food back to their centrally located mouth. They have four legs under each claw. Their mouth is on the top of their shell near their antennae They often compete over hunting areas Thick shells, 360 degree range of sight and movement, lightning fast pincer reflexes Star crab eggs are a delicacy. The ultimate challenge for those looking to risk their life for a meal. Not many return from their expeditions, but those who do say it’s worth it. Sushi restaurants charge thousands of credits for each grape sized egg. The eggs take on many flavors and is reflected by the star crabs diet. theilmac|Union Recruitment Agent
Shamble-Walker Gaston Kingscloud from the 1st Regiment of the Federation Alphox-Bronx was the first to spot them while on point as recon unit set to investigate the ridgeline. He looked through his scope on his weapon to gain a bit more details, but being so far away all he could gauge was the general size, which were massive. With vegetation sprouting from the very skin of the mammal, in a wondrous symbiosis that enables the feeding of the mammal, yet the life cycle for reproduction is still be understood better, it is suspected that special spores help fertilize the eggs these mammals lay in a special nesting area of gemstones. Animal, Plant Symbiosis Plains Unknown Docile, foraging while roaming Huge animals that have a unique symbiosis with the plants on Mahabharata, where the mammalian lays eggs, but is fertilized by the pollen of a particular plant in a very special ecosystem on the northern continent of Kaurava. They have been seen traveling to the southern continent Pāṇḍava to die. They take on vegetation They seem to travel in local tribes, but it is unclear if they have any awareness of aggression. Huge mature ones grow up to eight legs, the young are born with four. They have sensory organs on the front, but unlike eyes with an iris, they seem to be zones of sensitive tissue that can distinguish between light and dark, but not much more is known. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Emerald Woodman Listed in the red book of creatures of the universe. The excrement of these creatures is a costly essence for the development of a cure for cancer. Due to the biochemical composition of this essence, several types of drugs have been created that have shown to be 100% effective. At one time, some corporations wanted to streamline the production of the essence and brought several thousand Emerald Woodmans into areas that did not correspond to their native habitat. A large number of the creatures died quickly, the rest stopped multiplying, and the idea was abandoned as a result. Chordates These mysterious creatures can exist only in tropical forests with a certain microclimate. High humidity and oxygen to nitrogen ratios in the air are very important to them. There are only a few narrow zones on tropical planets where these creatures can live and breed. During the daylight hours, they are engaged in looking for food in the form of insects and green leaves. Not a threat. For the most part, passive. Lead a secretive lifestyle. These beautiful creatures have six paws (two upper medium length and four longer lower ones), which help them to move perfectly on the branches of trees and large bushes. They have four long toes on each limb, giving them a firm grip on branches. The total length of each Emerald Woodmans is no more than 30 cm including the tail, which is very similar to that of a chameleon. These creatures have a noble emerald body color for which they got their name. The head is round with red eyes and two nostrils just above the eyes. Basically the entire body is covered with smooth emerald skin with small light patterns, and only the back of the body is covered with a small patch of hair. Try to keep groups in one tree. Healing Essence. If you come across these creatures in the jungle, don't count it a problem and look for essences in the branches of trees and on the ground. You might be lucky enough to sell it on the black market for a lot of money. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Torquill Large, muscular, 6 legged beast that runs on all six and can bend up-right using 4 arms to grapple prey with their fierce tearing motions to rip apart their meal. A cross between a reptile, ant, and gorilla, with scales around the hands, glancing off blows of sword strikes. Fur around the head, neck and running on the back. Cross breed Surface, burrows a den during sleep cycle Unknown Voracious eater, aggressive and will chase anything new in a brave attempt to taste. Large, muscular, 6 legged beast that runs on all six and can bend up-right using 4 arms to grapple prey with their fierce tearing motions to rip apart their meal. A cross between a reptile, ant, and gorilla, with scales around the hands, glancing off blows of sword strikes. Fur around the head, neck and running on the back. It is a solitary creature, but has a loose tribal community, mating is 'complicated' Omnivore; The stench is overwhelming in close quarters. The strength is formidable if impossible to break free from. Don't get caught in the death-grip. Always travel with a party on Gimbalgrave. Remote Imperial Planet Gimbalgrave by Sage Arbiter from House Hai'Zen, Leader of the Grapple-Knights, Royal Grade, gifted with the PsyStar-Clock, was alone outside of camp when she first caught a whiff of something putrid. She decided to investigate and if it weren't for her sword, she would surely not tell the tale to this day when she was ambushed at night from above by a tree. The thing had her locked in a death-grip, but to her courage and show of strength, she was able to get an edge of her sword "Vlaidmyre" into the chest of the offending creature. Once cut from her mono-molecular blade, it gave a screeching, deafening howl, let go, which was all she needed to make short work of it's 4 arms. Killed it on the spot. Her squad came rushing to her aid, which she displayed as a corpse readily, voila. Now, it is an annual hunt to catch these in a trophy game of killing for sheer sport. Now cristened the "Arbiter Games of Glory". Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Tigris Toad Tigris toads are native to the jungles of Ghoroi V , they are apex predators of the pools and rivers. Though they are not bigger then a human head, they pose a great danger, an acidic spit that agonize its victims to death, and dissolving man made equipments. Toad Near the pools and rivers in the jungle surronding the planet Nocturnal Aggressive, carnivore, Ambush predators A toad with stripes of jungle colors, and has six feet, and 4 eyes, first 2 set of eyes are frontal, second set of eyes are on the sides of its head Living solitary, but can band together opportunistically to hunt a bigger prey Can see nearly 360 degrees, and spits an acid, containing active hydrofluoric components, amphibious I saw a man died crying while the spit ate in to his bones, we shot him for mercy, these unassuming beasts are the devils. Doc O.B | Custodian
Canopy Glider A common mammal on almost every tropic planet. While they are relatively peaceful the first encounter with them was overshadowed by both its large shadow (however the creature is fairly small) and the awful sound it makes in its mating season. The animal could be best described as a sort of monkey with a flying membrane between its torso and arms. Mammal - monkey Jungle canopy Diurnal Peaceful, curious Tallest specimen documented was half a meter in height, yet fairly light to improve their gliding ability, a flying membrane spans between their arms and torso, a tail almost double their height, arm-to-leg-length-ratio almost 3 to 1; male tend to have colorfull (mostly orange and yellow) fur to attract females (no danger of being more easily spotted by predators in the canopies); the fur of females is usually brown, while the alpha female's fur and flying membrane develops differing patterns in copper, silver, and gold; Living in groups, led by a female alpha With the help of their gliding ability these creatures hide from predators on the jungle floor and almost live their entire life in the jungle canopies, feeding from fruits and tree sap; a very high pitched shrill sound is used during their mating season; Oh yes, aren't they cute ... but don't leave your backpack near them! One of them stole my binoculars! Expensive ones, too! They were a special edition ... hand engraved by Victor Huxley ... flovster | S.P. Zoologist

Ice Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Activity time Behavior Appearance Sociability Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Snowy marsupial bear Large animal similar to a bear. Mammal Lives in a lair on the mainland or on icebergs. Dives into the open sea to hunt and migrate between ice floes. Daily Predator, ferocious. Large bear with a solid white color. Up to 3.5 m tall (standing on hind legs). Survival in harsh frosty conditions ensures a thick, up to 20-30 cm thick stand of fat, and very warm and dense fur. Despite its large size is very fast, both on land and in water. Feeds on fish or other animals. To make it easier to catch prey, it has two whips on its back that are 2/3 the length of its body, with a sharp harpoon on the end. In the course of evolution, female bears developed a pouch in which they carry their cubs for the first time after birth until they grow older and stronger. One or two cubs are born at a time. Because of strong food competition, she leads a solitary life and moves in close proximity to other individuals to procreate. Sharp claws and fangs, powerful paws, two harpoon whips. Able to dive to a depth of 50 meters. Holds its breath for 15 minutes underwater. Arriving on a snow-covered planet, we almost became a victim of this ferocious beast. Only by some miracle, hearing its footsteps, we managed to take refuge on the ship. After takeoff, the beast was practically invisible on the thermal imaging camera, indicating its excellent thermal insulation. Only its eyes and nose were visible on the thermogram. Afterwards, already at the base, we saw many dents and shallow scratches on the hull of the ship. IT2011
Bunapte Thanks to the head part filled with radioactive green liquid, it sends extremely harmful radioactive rays. Thanks to its titanium head and silver sword, it is a warrior's nightmare. Traginles Prosis Between the ice cracks It can appear at any time on the planet. Aggressive Nuclear Shell. Radioactive Green Fluid, Silver Blade, Fireball, Silver Nails Very dangerous beast for warriors. It should be destroyed immediately on sight yasinozcelik
Aptenodytes forsteri A typical representative of the fauna of an ice planet flightless seabird Ice fields, sea Daily Peaceful, curious Large, flightless bird up to 1.5 meters tall and 50 kg weight. On the ground is very clumsy, but is extremely mobile at sea. Feeds on fish, anchovies or small crustaceans. Can dive to depths of more than 500 meters and stay underwater for up to half an hour. To protect against predators in the process of evolution a number of sharp spines grew on his back along the spine, which can cause serious injury to enemies. For insulation, the penguin has fat half-layers up to 3-5 cm. On the outside, it is covered with three layers of warm waterproof feathers. They live in flocks of 50 to 500 individuals. Thick fat layer, Sharp spines on his back. While exploring an icy fjord, we found a group of large penguins. They were not frightened of us, on the contrary, they showed interest and came closer. We installed a telemetry tracker on several of them, which allowed us to measure the nature and speed of the penguin's movement in the water. IT2011
Ice crawler The Ice crawler is an 6 meter tall predator hiding himself in snow fields, always waiting for potential prey. giant ice insect The ice crawler moves and build his nest close to high snow fields. If it is necessary to reach a target he is able to dig his way even through ice. nocturnal very agressive, attacking everything that enter his area of hunting and living. the ice crawler reminds you of an giant black widow armed with plates which protects him against enemy attacks. He moves on his four legs that looks like crescent scissors. the ice crawler lives und hunts alone, besides the mating season where he searches for a partner for procreation. Stone hard plates as armor. Razor sharp crescent scissors (able to go through metal). Detection via sound waves. Limited sight radius If you spot an Ice crawler in time, its really important to stay completly calm, try to hide yourself in snow, and ensure that your body heat stays normal, the right equipment is a must if you enter his area! In extreme situations you have to stay nearly motionless for hours, till you can unsure the crawler is gone. The ice crawler have a very limited sight radius, so he reacts mostly on sound waves. It means your movment and breath need to be more silent than the wind on a ice planet. Elicias Micron| Optio Centuris
E Holo Wanderer, inhabitant of the vast expanses. They say that somewhere where our eyes have not yet penetrated is their home. Mammal Due to the fact that the surface temperature of OcIP-Tetragonal 01 is unimaginably harsh, herds of E kholo make long transitions across the expanses of the ice planet in search of food. At night, the herds are not active and huddle together warming each other, and during the day they again set off on their endless journey to meet fate. No one is able to disturb E kholo , nothing can knock them down, they are fighting for life on this harsh planet and no matter what they go forward. Some individuals reach about 6 meters at the withers, have a thick black coat, move on four legs. Social, caring have a high degree of organization. They can be described as "one for all and all for one". And this is understandable, because in such a cruel world there is simply no other way to survive. They have no time to argue about something, without rushing and without unnecessary movements, they just go forward The path of these E kholo through the vast expanses of OcIP-Tetragonal 01 is possible only for these amazing consciousnesses. When I saw them, they slowly made their long transition. YoNteGaN
Ghost Bear Excellent hunters, their victims rarely notice the attack animal are on the surface Nocturnal Predatory animals that prey mainly on small rodents small animals, somewhat similar to the same stray bears from ancient records. Small sizes up to 1 meter and weighing 20-30 kg. They have a white fur color. During the day they are almost transparent. move in groups of 3 people "phantasm" -takes the form of a ghost that deceives sight and the senses that provide "invisibility", "heavy blow" -a blow with massive paws stuns the target DoomDay_68
StormCrow Huge and smart birds. Able to take care of themselves birds most of the time they are in caves, but they can be found on the surface Diurnal Birds of prey that do not neglect carrion Huge blue birds, 1 to 2 meters in size and weighing up to 500 kg. Outbreaks of white light and static energy emanate from these birds solitary "shock attack" -the bird concentrates the electric charge in the beak and paralyzes the victim when struck DoomDay_68
Blizzard Fox endangered species, valued by poachers for its abilities animal met only on the surface only during blizzards Diurnal Predatory animals. No studies on living adult animals have been performed animals 60-90 cm in size. Your 20-30 kg. The color is gray. These animals have always appeared in a blizzard. At this temperature near them is near absolute zero solitary "blizzard" -sub-zero, passive ability, the animal's temperature drops to critically low temperatures, which protects the animal from melee DoomDay_68
MexSpider They were designed to facilitate the extraction of minerals and metals. The self-sufficient live in hives. Every hive has a Parent Mother. which re-tabs metals and organics into cocoons of newborn workers. The main purpose of the hive is the extraction of minerals and delivery to warehouses. All hives are under the control of the S.O.T.A. system, except for one in which the parent mother was created from the Quantum. But the "quantum hive" pursues its own goals: extraction and reproduction. bug caves, open veins of metal rocks all time beetles that extract ores from hard rocks. Can harm all living things around These beetles that combine cut and metal. Originally used for mining, the lack of natural enemies has led to uncontrolled population growth. The size of the creatures is 20-50 cm, weight up to 50 kg, the color depends on the metal they use living in families of two. When the offspring grow up, they separate from the family and form their own pairs. "piercing" -a blow with strong limbs can pierce even heavy armor Explorer be careful! "Quantum hive" is very dangerous! The only chance to survive is to stun the E.M.P with an explosion and run. Where there is one - there is the Hive DoomDay_68
Sunflowerrat Harmless animals. They are at the bottom of the food chain Plant / animal the surface of the planet Nocturnal a safe animal that goes to sleep in sunny weather. At night, the behavior is similar to rodents A small creature, up to 30 cm in size and weighing up to 5 kg. The color is mostly light green. During the day, a large bud on the back, like a sunflower, opens and allows the animal to receive nutrients through photosynthesis. At night, he mainly searches for large open areas. Live in groups of 3-8 animals. "photosynthesis" DoomDay_68
IceVasci fluffy animals that live near settlements. Never show aggression first animal found in settlements do what they want and when they want omnivorous animals animal size 20-40 cm and weight 2-4 kg. The color of the animals depends on the character (from blue to red). These animals quickly became domesticated and terriers cannot survive in the wild. Flocks of 5 animals can drive any predators away from their habitat without loss. Devoted to his family and if someone became part of the vasci family are willing to give their lives for him. animals living alone and in groups, 1-5 people "vampirism" (extracting the energy of the goal), "healing" (transferring their life energy to the goal), "self-sacrifice" (up to 90% of life energy to prevent the goal from dying) DoomDay_68
Extremus ICP0001 An unexplored, unseen form of bacteria whose secrets we have never been able to unravel Bacterial, parasitic life form In the conditions of the so-called "amorphous glaciers" in stasis. with the appearance of a biological nutrient medium Upon natural or artificial incubation in a living organism or other nutrient medium, it instantly activates starting to eat other bacteria in the body, increasing in size and releasing strong toxins into the body that suppress the victim's nervous system, making it a kind of incubator in which to evolve Compared to other bacteria known to us, it has a small oval body covered with a protective cell membrane, characterized by the presence of flagella and varsins, which help the bacterium to move, hunt and stay in the desired position Voraciously and ruthlessly interacts with the victim's body, absorbing everything that is required for the development of Extremus ICP0001 A neurotoxin released in an unknown way that suppresses the victim's nervous systemsnow. A single case of infection with Extremis ICP0001 was fixed. Due to the lack of necessary laboratory conditions that meet safety requirements, it was decided to stop research. Extremus ICP0001 is poorly understood and extremely dangerous. YoNteGaN
Snow Wasp Narrow waisted, flying insect. Planet: Degu B - Moves continuously snow covered in the artic areas with high iron ore content. Diurnal Typically, highly aggressive, but aggressiveness is relative to temperature of the day. Spends most of the day digging through ice and snow, to eat iron ore deposits from underlying layers. A large wasp with bright yellow and black banding. Adults averaging 15cm. Two sets of split wings set upon the back. Moderate hair coverage on the exoskeleton with thicker patches upon the legs. Groups of up to 18 snow wasps. Queens will not allow more in a nest. the nest consists of a series of holes bored closely together into rock under the snow. Beyond what is typical of an insect of the snow wasps size, there are special attributes of note. Legs, six of which can easily hold onto steel plating with minimal damage to the plate. Mandibles, The snow wasp can chew through steel plate. Blood, as a result of a diet of metals, the blood is highly conductive. Wings, to resist the cold, the wings have developed into a thick leather like material. Hair, the hairs have a naturally occurring oil to help shed ice and snow. The Snow wasps ability to eat into steel is dangerously quick. i was parked on the snow cap for less than a full ore scan before the hive destroyed a wheel. It will be require replacement upon returning to base camp. I was fortunate to have my ore scanner in hand as i made the corner. They began swarming me immediately. Took a few painful bites before i was able to press the emergency discharge on the scanner. only expected to electrify one but the current instantly took down the entire hive. Samples have been collected. Greg\ FederationPossumWrangler
Crayxad It may look like an ordinary fish. It generally likes deep closed areas. Predator Under the frozen seas Day/Night This creature, which is normally peaceful towards creatures living under water, exhibits extremely aggressive behavior towards land-dwelling creatures and humans. Its scales shine as if it were wearing armor. It has teeth in its mouth that are sharper than even the sharpest sword. It's eyes are covered with small rings. It has three fins. It usually travels alone, but if it feels endangered, it can summon creatures of its own kind with its vibrations. It swims faster than other fish types. It feeds on plants and small fish under the sea. It has scales that it can use as armor. If you come across this creature, don't let it spot you. Absolutely do not contact. If you try to catch it, it won't give up easily. WanHeda | Primus Pilus
Furred Ice Breaker Without the existence of Quantum these creatures would only exist until their first ice breaking. These predatory land mammals are specialised hunters of aquatic prey. They use a massive quantum infused horn on their head to jump head-on onto the ice surface to crack it. By concentrating brute force and weight onto a very small area larger specimen are capable of breaking ice up to 50cm thick - which would normally carry up to 20 tonnes. Mammal Near frozen water areas Diurnal on land/ice calm if not encountered by another Ice Breaker, which may result in territorial fights, on land no known predator or competitor in that niche; rather slow on land, agile in water; mainly hunting for small Laprastiodons Resembling what we know as a prehistoric saber-tooth tiger, yet larger and heavier, long claws to walk on ice, their vertebrae is cushioned by a quantum infused tissue that dampens the impact, their pointy massive horn on their forehead seems to be an elongation of their quantum vertebrae, they coat their fur in a special substance that makes it almost water repellant loners long claws, quantum infused horn up to 50cm long, can hold their breath for almost 30min, can shut their throat and nose from the inside to prevent icy water from flowing in, special water-coating for their eyes, can jump several meters high Saw one jumping onto ice several times. He noticed me, definitely. We had eye contact. But he didn't care about me. Felt like that beast was about to crack the planet in two. flovster | Zeik - S.P. Zoologist
Ice Monster These creatures have become a real problem for the Explorers. Sudden attacks from beneath the ice have claimed many lives. Most Explorers simply drowned before they could bounce off the resulting craters. Giant Snake Ice monsters live in the ice planet's cold seas and bodies of water under cover of ice. No one knows the exact population size of these creatures, as no one has ever been able to explore the cold depths of the ice planet's seas. Hunting in the daytime, at night they sleep at the bottom of lakes and seas in deep gorges. Predators. Mainly hunt underwater, feeding on large fish and mammals. To attack animals above the ice surface, they track down their prey and break through the ice with all their might. They are able to break through ice up to half a meter thick and pop out completely. After killing their prey, they immediately crawl back into the resulting ice-hole. These creatures resemble long snakes and are about twenty meters long. The body diameter of this monster reaches one meter. The mouth of this creature is so huge that it allows the ice monster to easily swallow a person and drag him under the ice. All specimens have a blue body color. Two ominous eyes sparkle with a moon-white light. The entire length of the upper body grows white, thick hair of varying length. Not sociable, lives alone. Huge mouth with three rows of sharp teeth. Explorers, walking along the frozen lakes of the ice planet try to look under their feet. There may be an ice monster lurking under a thin layer of ice to devour you. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Ursus Rex Ursus Rex are the apex predators of Lorn V. Because of the higher g force, they are stout and musclular. They are capable swimmers and run as fast as 50 km/hr, and its an incredible feet of strength and agility, since gravity is closer to 1.4g standart and they run on ice. With their powerful forearms they can break the ice and hunt for their preys living under the ice sheets. Mammal Planet: Lorn V - all around the planet Diurnal Aggressive, carnivore They are white coated with a blueish tint, have 4 short but powerful legs, a big head with small eyes hidden in the skull and a big snout to find prey in the vast barren ice tundras. They are wide and stocky, males can weight a metric tonne and be tall as 1.5 mt on the shoulder level. Their most distinct feature is a short but wide tail, they can use it as a paddle in water, and it gives them extra stability when they run or skid on ice. Males are solitary, only to pair with females to mate, they usually hunt together and mate for a month, females usually care for their pups for 4 years and viciously protect them. Powerful, agile hunters, can smell prey miles away, they always on the move, like water mammalians in old earth they shut one side of their brain to sleep, and still walk and hunt for prey with the active side. One big game hunter captured one of these monsters alive at lorn V, but after transporting it his ship on low orbit, found out that these can tear plasteel easily with their paws and wrecked his ship until it smashed an airlock… Doc O.B | Custodian
Flying Daggers Shavynne Druidyne from the 5th Fist of the Emperors' own Hammer-Hymnal Consortium was conducting the annual ritual of releasing and catching small "sky-critters" in the open sea of "Brittle-Haze" when he and his squad were attacked. The ensuing details with the agile daggers striking from all sorts of directions trying to push him and his squad overboard, there must have been thousands. With hundreds of small punctures on their suits, they had to hurry back before something worse occurred. Noting the unrelenting tenacity of pursuit, the "Flying Daggers" have become renown and regarded for their honor and killing them has become a great sport when you can tell the tale. Osteichthyes Planet: Imperial Kapteyn b "Frigus Oris" - Equatorial waters Diurnal Travels in pods, movement seems to be a curiosity rather than a fearful flight reaction. Known for it's escaping the surface of the water and spreading it's gills out in a paragliding maneuver and using the spines to capture prey above water in pack-hunting. Silver and white with grey gills as the boney spines extend outwards when "flying" long and spindly. Can reach a good 4 feet across when flying. The spears are a good 3-4 inches with retractable digits that flex and tear at the food. Vicious when attack as a group. Will soar up to 12 feet in the air and glide for 40 feet or more, depending on wind currents. Not something you want to encounter a whole school while they are hungry. Luckily they don't have much mass, 8 pounds and about 2 feet long. Tribal, hunts in extended families, territorial. Spiney spear like appendages from their gills retract and can be broken off when not being careful. They fly by expanding their grey gills in a bladder like bloating. Silver, white, their scales seem iridescent. They are prized for their scales, but vicious game to make it happen. (Bearbeitet) Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Wolcosaur These monstrous creatures live in the caves of the ice planet. Picturesque caves very rich in crystals of various shades of color have become a refuge and lair for these animals. Mammal Caves, under the cover of night these dangerous creatures come to the surface of the planet to hunt At day they hide from the bright light in their caves near the warm spring of water gushing from the bowels of the earth. At night they go hunting in small groups. Carnivorous; They sense their victims by smell. If wounded, a wolcosaur can smell blood from several kilometers away. These predators have a long, elongated jaw with fangs. The distinctive feature of the muzzle is the large yellow sparkling eyes. The surface of the entire animal is covered with thick white fur, which gives them an excellent camouflage on the white snow and allows them not to freeze during the very cold nights of the icy planet. Wolfships move on two large paws. Having a very elastic, powerful legs, they can make very fast jumps of several meters hitting their prey with a jump from above. The upper paws of these creatures have 4 powerful, long, sharp claws at the end of their hands, which they use to dig into their prey and tear it apart. Stretching to his full height, the largest males reach 2.2 meters. (Bearbeitet) Try to stay in groups, but meet and loners rejected by the pack. Razor-sharp claws, powerful jaws and strong legs. Have good vision in the dark. Able to jump from great heights. Both males and females hunt. However, at the call of the alpha male may join together in huge flocks across the globe. Researchers are not recommended to visit caves where wolcosaur lairs are located. As a rule, they breed there and therefore protect their offspring to the last drop of blood. During the mating season, male wolcosaurus are very aggressive. Their claws can penetrate the average armor of an infantryman. If you encounter this creature on the planet's surface, don't turn your back on it and run. You will meet an agonizing death. The wolcosaurus, thanks to the long legs of its lower paws, is capable of running 50 miles per hour in loose snow, leaving no chance for a human. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Flying Fish This bird looks like a bird and can fly like a bird, but if you see it in the cold water of an ice planet, you might mistake it for a fish. Their ability to dive ensures their food supply. They live near an underwater volcano. Because of the higher water temperature there is a big ecosystem of fish and other sea animals, which is the main food source for the flying fish. The birds incubate their eggs together to keep them warm and protected from the harsh temperatures of an ice planet. To ward off intruders, they fly high and attempt to use their hard, large beak like a spear to injure opponents with a swift dive. This animal is extremely territorial over all other species. They are not that big (only 1 meter) but can quickly kill any other animal on an ice planet by sheer numbers. Flying bird Near an underwater volcano Diurnal Territorial It´s a small dark bird with a thick water-repellent feather coat Try to stay in groups, but meet and loners rejected by the pack. Sharp claws and a hard big beak Never come too close to a flying fish. If there is one, there are hundreds and they will kill you! kwiatek
Icelott Fairly small creatures. Anywhere between two to five feet long and 15-45 lbs based on visual guesses. Mammal Near unfrozen rivers/sources of water Diurnal Carnivorous, pack creatures, use their numbers to appear larger, especially near predators. They have fur for insulation that varies between a white, silver, blue tones to blend in with the environment. I have noted four to six inch ears that come to a point. Appears to get along with its own species, but defensive against others. Limited aggression in the limited contact we've tried to make. Tops of head/backs of ears have thicker almost ice-like skin in appearance. Appears to be a defensive weapon. Newly discovered species that appears to be comparable to creatures in the Mustelidae family. They seem to have opposable thumbs and collect these shiny unidentified items from within the water. To be updated as I get closer and more familial with these creatures in order to better understand the geology as well as their physical attributes. Boslee | Federation Captain

Volcanic Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Activity time Behavior Appearance Sociability Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Stone Snake Large gray snake. Snakes Occurs throughout the volcanic planet. Mainly active in the evening at dusk. During daylight hours, hide in burrows under the ground and large rocks. With the onset of darkness crawl out to hunt. Feed both small and large mammals. Waiting for their victims lurking near large rocks, merging with them in one unit. The venom of these creatures is deadly. Large mammals, after being bitten, are killed by these creatures by strangulation. These giant snakes reach a length of six meters and have a body diameter of about thirty centimeters. The entire body from head to tail of this snake is covered with stone outgrowths of gray color, which allows this creature to perfectly blend in with its surroundings. A distinctive feature of these snakes is the presence of pulsating, light red glow, between the stone plates growing on the head of the snake. The mouth of these creatures is so huge that it may well swallow the researcher. Inside its mouth, there are two long, sharp, poisonous fangs. Mostly kept in groups, but there are single individuals living separate lives. Poison, Fangs. Going on a trip to a volcanic planet, try not to stay long in the mountains and at the foot of the volcano, as you are unlikely to notice a lurking Stone Snake out to hunt. Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
Lavasador (F) / Magmasador(M) Beware of its vicious Roar and Claw! Hound Lava Pit Daylight Aggressive, ferocious, frenzy Hardened skin with Large muscular body, big canine teeth Solo very sensitive on smell, sharpened Teeth and claws, burning bite Never step close to this creature, run for your life for any case. In case of in close range, target its nose & eyes. Then you may scare this creature away. Reinhar | Consul
Blood Ant Large, dark red ants. Insect Occurs throughout the volcanic planet, large ants reaching up to two meters in height can be found everywhere. Mainly active in the daytime. At night anthills are not dangerous, because ants plug the passages and sleep in their holes, deep underground. They work all day long for the good of their home anthill. The number of ants can reach several tens of thousands in one nest. They are divided into workers and soldiers. At the head of the anthill is the royal queen. The blood ant got its name more for its dark red coloring than for its bloodthirstiness. These insects are quite large and reach up to 10 centimeters in length. Outwardly, their body structure is very similar to that of our terrestrial ants. All male ants have wings and a soldier ant defending his home can attack the enemy, not only from the ground, but also from the air. The bite of a single ant is relatively harmless to the explorer and may only cause some dizziness and a slight loss of strength. However these ants become quite dangerous if attacked by a group, as the bite of several ants at once can lead to fatal consequences. Always remain in swarms. Venom Going on a journey to a volcanic planet put in your arsenal a quantum flamethrower and a couple of extra cylinders of liquid fuel. A bunch of ants can make a great roast. They say the fried legs of blood ants are very tasty. Unbreakable | S-T | S.Trader
Hearteater Cave-dwelling, intolerant of daylight, cruel and terrifying. Predator In the mountains nocturnal Extremely aggressive, violent, fast moving, smells of burning. Attacks everything that moves, devours the inside of the victim. Black, similar to a clot of tar. Exudes the smell of burning and plastic. Shaped like a human. It has a strong, bone-metal skeleton, the skin is sticky, viscous. Leaves black marks behind. solitary Mouth filled with teeth reaching to the throat, powerful limbs. The skin is extremely poisonous, leaving chemical burns when struck. The weak point of the mouth, only by hitting it from the bottom up can it be killed. In close combat with him, it is almost impossible to survive. Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Lava Diver A creature specialised at diving into lava and molten stone. Its main food source seems to be Quantum which it finds in deposits hidden inside the fiery fluid on Volcanic Planets. A rock-like skin protects the creature's insides. Rock-like Amphibian Close to volcanos and streams of molten stone and lava Diurnal easily frightened, will hide in lava if approached too hastily It resembles a tadpoal with two strong frontal legs and a strong tail and a somewhat dorsal fin, allowing it to swim through very viscous lava. Reaching roughly 1.5 meter in size. Its body is covered with a rock-like layer protecting its insides from the heat. The Lava Diver developed an organ inside its head. This is used to detect Quantum deposits inside lava streams. solitary Quantum detection, can withstand immense heat with its body structure If you see one, be quiet and wait. Let them do the search for Quantum. When the resurface get that Quantum! flovster | Zeik - S.P. Zoologist
Lionbat Tremble with horror explorers. If you happen to encounter Lionbats, consider it your last day in life. Mammals. Predators. The main habitat is the high mountains located on a volcanic planet. These creatures like to nest on high cliffs and inside caves on high cliffs. The population of these animals is relatively low. Mainly active in the evening and at night Strong attachment to family members These creatures gain their nickname from their outward appearance. They have a body similar to that of a large, muscular lioness, with large wings that resemble the wings of a bat. The wingspan is up to six meters. The head of the animal has all the attributes of wild cats, but the upper part of the skull is slightly elongated backwards and diverges in different directions. Hair is present only on the chest and front paws of the animal and has a red color. These creatures move on the ground with four powerful paws that have sharp claws at the end. Their strong hind legs allow them to leap away from the ground and soar to the sky. These creatures also have long, rat-like tails. They live in pairs. There is a very strong attachment between family members. Hunting at night, leaving their nests and lairs. They hover in the sky above the planet's surface in search of their victims. They have excellent eyesight and attack their victims from a bird's eye view. Upon sighting a potential enemy, they dive down sharply at a sixty-degree angle and, with their powerful paws, knock down their prey. Sometimes they do not kill their prey at once and, grasping it with their powerful teeth, carry it far into the mountains to their lairs. They live mostly in pairs. If you stumble upon a Lionbat's nest, you'll most likely end up fighting two of them. Be on the lookout for explorers strolling past high, steep cliffs, and keep an eye on the sky to avoid being suddenly attacked by Lionbats. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Vulcanopede On Federation planet Irazu 1st FleetFlask Fatima Jugenkai from StarCloud "Forge-Potentate" had what she thought was a manageable leak from her ankle joint in her suit, without too much worry as she thought that the compromise wasn't that serious. Much to her surprise while at the makeshift camp site she was attending while collecting samples was a horde of "Vulcanopedes" coming at full velocity towards her. She ran to quickly jump into the drone-cockpit near by, luckily just in time the hatch closed, while her squad began to open fire, dispersing them. Near magma floes Polyurnal, whenever activity from lava happens, their energized Seemingly only concerned with feeding, by chemosynthesis, they have an uncanny sense of locating food by sensing chemicals, any dispersal, especially quantum seems to get them in a frenzy. A cross between a millipede and a snake, these crustal scales and armored head keeps them safe and ferocious. Very, crawling over one another in seek of absorbing their food source. Perhaps they are tribal, but much like insects, they've just adjusted to being numerous. With 4 large mandibles near the mouth, an ankle with a leaky quantum powered joint would be a tasty looking treat. Don't be that guy! Armored backs with tiny, dense legs, it can slither and crawl, bite and draw blood to those who seem to exude the correct mixture of chemicals. After examining the bodies and packing them for further analysis, the blood seems to evaporate quickly into the air. The mandibles looks devastating to the flesh, I'm so glad I was in a suit. I can't imagine being barefoot here anyways. Watch your suits warnings, they're there for a reason. Take care of your leaks. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Magma Demon Seeing these creatures can make you feel like you've died and gone to hell. The hideous appearance of the Magma Demon will horrify any explorer. Mammal Magma Demons can be found all over volcanic planets. However, most often they can be found where the mountainous terrain and volcanic approaches begin. Hunt both during the day and at night. Predators. Have a very good camouflage, because they can take a position in which you take these creatures for large boulders. Able to lurk even in a lava flow. These creatures got their demonic name for the shape of their head skull, which is shaped like an inverted triangle. However, they are just as much a living creature as you or I. They are up to two and a half meters long and one and a half meters tall, when they move on four powerful paws. For their relatively small size, these creatures have a huge weight, up to half a ton. Each paw has four long, sharp claws capable of cutting through the average explorer's armor like a piece of paper. The entire body of these creatures is covered with a very thick, stony, dark gray rock. Such armor allows these individuals to safely cross lava flows fords, and sometimes to hide in it. The tail is just as thick and powerful and comparable to the size of the paw. The eyes are yellow in color. When Magma Demon opens his mouth full of sharp teeth, you get the feeling that he has there inside a fire. Not sociable, lives alone. Sharp teeth, claws, powerful paws. This type of creature was first discovered by me while landing on the planet Furya, where I descended in search of the Quantum. After stopping for a rest, near a large gray rock, I nearly lost my life when suddenly the rock came to life and attacked me from behind. Only dexterity and speed allowed me to stay alive. But I had to return to the ship with a couple of broken ribs. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Fire Cerberus These creatures are truly the epitome of hell. Their ferocity, cruelty, and guile are unmatched. The three-headed fire-cerber will stop at nothing to capture and destroy their prey. They are like ghosts that emerge from the darkness and prey on their victims. Rumor has it that Emperor Solas Crane (may he outlive the stars) has these creatures in his dungeon on purpose to guard and torture his prisoners. No one knows how he managed to tame these creatures. Mammal Fiery Cerbers can be found all over the volcanic planets. However, the closer you are to lava-spewing volcanoes the more likely you are to encounter these creatures. They seem to try to live in lairs closer to the heat. Hunt both during the day and at night. Predators. Mainly hunts small animals. Very dangerous for the explorer, as can grip both hands and throat of a person at the same time. These creatures have three heads. Each individual reaches a length of two meters and weighs up to 150 kg. The jaw of each head is elongated and has sharp teeth. The middle head is slightly higher than the heads on the sides. The ears are up and only the very tips of the ears hang down. There are bony spurs along the entire length of the spine up to the tail, ten centimeters apart. A blow to the tail with these appendages can cause serious wounds to the explorer. All specimens are red and black in color. The eyes are red as if filled with blood. The skin of the cerberus is covered with little hair. Fire-Cerber moves on four powerful paws and can reach speeds up to 40 miles per hour.Imperial Scorpion. Not sociable, lives alone. Three jaws with one row of sharp teeth. Fangs. Explorers, when walking around a volcanic planet, try to avoid encountering three-headed fire cerbers. It is said that if you look into the eyes of these creatures you will see only fire blazing in hell and death walking towards you. The fire cerberus is said to be completely immune to fire. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Giant Imperial Scorpio Get ready to face the embodiment of horror and fear. Few explorers have managed to survive the encounter with these creepy and dangerous creatures. And those who survived almost all were left crippled. Arthropods These vile creatures live only on volcanic planets, and during the daylight hours they hide in their holes and canyons deep underground. So far no one has dared to descend into the earth and explore the lairs of these creatures. From dusk till dawn. Very active. Very dangerous nocturnal predators. Able to hit a large animal with a single blow of their poisonous spear. These dangerous creatures are gigantic in size, reaching a length of six meters and a height of up to one and a half meters at the outstretched limbs. A distinctive feature of these creatures is the presence of two tails with poisonous glands on the end and curved stingers. This allows the scorpion to attack multiple opponents at once. Moves using six limbs. The head of this creature has eight eyes, and two huge tusks of fifty centimeters each protrude from the bottom of its toothy jaw. The surface of the emperor scorpion is armored by an innate, natural shell. All representatives of this species have a reddish coloration. Because of its colossal size and color, this creature is called the Giant Imperial Scorpion. Not sociable. Keeps to themselves. Poisonous sting, claws, tusks, and jaws. Explorers, if you're going to a volcanic planet be sure to take a few magazines with armor-piercing ammo and some quantum grenades. The armor of giant scorpions is too thick and strong for light weapons. And try not to wander unnecessarily on the volcanic surface at night. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader

Strange Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Activity time Behavior Appearance Sociability Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Queen Anna Escape Anna's silent scream and sharp needle. Bug In the hottest region whenever there is light Quantum, sharp sting, and venom bite winged, slightly larger than a butterfly, sharp needle large eyes in groups minimal sound perception , sharp sting and mass plan attacks I've been observing for about a month, this creature is amazing and according to my observations it produces quantum inside a hive. When threatened by any sound they attack very professionally and bite the creature with their sharp needles and this bite causes quantum disease gnchkn/consul
Sephiroth Tarballs Helevi Cohen from the 1st Chapter Hasperex had the first log through his scope while keeping perimeter watch. His footage has been the first historical record of this most strange creature. Strange Planet: KhyberPhase - near strangest terrain all odd, movements unnatural and near indecypherable mystic configuration of ten irredescent purple-black spheres with connecting tendons, dripping a tar like substance unknown, only seen one The spheres are quite large, 2.5m in diameter, with a 10m wide body in total. Unknown internal and external attributes as it almost absorbs light. Has a corona discharge. Sufficient evidence has now been determined that we need more footage or more encounters to determine the true nature of this most strange beast. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Manticore A creature of the highest degree of danger, as if it had appeared to us from ancient legends (or are they not such legends?) Predator (possibly Mammal) Forests Predominantly diurnal Savage, ferocious creature A creature on four powerful legs, with the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion, the sting of which is impregnated with deadly venom. Its entire body is dotted with spikes about 5cm long. It has a huge mouth with three rows of sharp teeth. At the withers, it stands two meters tall. Single Sharp fangs, powerful paws, tail with a poisonous sting Local tribal lore mentions a specimen with wings. I can hardly imagine the danger it would pose if encountered. At the same time I am puzzled, how much power do the wings of this monster have to have to be able to fly? IT2011
Tachy-Jellyfish Massive heads and long tendrils, these things move backwards in time and it is a very dangerous element to be within the time-envelope. Chrysaora fuscescens in an ephemeral Tachy-Chrono-Envelope Planet: KhyberPhase - Seemingly in the atmosphere. No seeming rhyme or reason as to their cycle, as they 'spawn' backwards in time. They appear in the daytime, and nighttime. Passive, but you wouldn't want to be in their path as they'll envelope you and you may find yourself in dire straits right away. Much like old jellyfish of the lost Earth, massive though, 5 meters across with tendrils snaking a good 10 meters. Very, travel in pods. But we're not sure as they seem to be misplaced jellyfish like creatures, but moving backwards in time. From a decrepit, shriveled state, then like a life cycle on a rewind, they swim backwards. Shaydde Marquinne from the 3rd Caltrop Troupe "Diligent Diggers" on the Imperial Strange Planet was standing doing a yeomens job keeping pace with her troupe in extracting the quantum deposit found in the remote island in the northern hemisphere, was ensnared by this thing as a colony swept past them. We were unable to get her back as she was taken away from us. We've lost communications with her as soon as she was captured. To this day, we keep a sharp look out for these pods that come out of nowhere. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Vorpal Sloth Loves eating special, strange 'fruit' only known on the southern continent on KhyberPhase. Kristhen Hymnocht from the 1st Caltrop Troupe "Destiny Divergents" tried to grab a fruit while, unbeknownst to him the interest of a one of these sloths and lost his hand. That is how we came to know these creatures. Strange Mammal Temperate Diurnal Docile. Very slow to move, but once fixated, very hard to distract. Loves shiny metallics and attracted to lights, but will pursue object of interest. Shiny purple metallic mammalian face, as the fur is stiff and coarse across the body, growing in length with a bushy tail and 4 legs. Able to stand upright gaining height to about 6 feet, but crawls on all fours. Pudgy middle, but the sleek fur gives the impression that it is fast, but the movements are so. The tongue is dangerous as it is able to lacerate metal and stone alike in a whip-like molecular lasso, slicing its' meal into manageable chunks. Very social, very curious. Will approach the unknown. Loveable face until you meet the tongue! Don't get too close, it will slice you to shreds with the molecular tongue. Strong chest and forearms, it can climb and crawl with an epic slowness, but very dense muscle mass. Pudgy torso, and stout legs, which it uses to stand up semi-erect. I didn't even see him, he moved so slow, but at the coincidental moment that I needed a sample of the "Khyber Pear" I lost my hand to this thing! I just whipped it's tongue out, and it was lacerated right off. I screamed for help as the suit breach just about made me pass out. That's all I remember. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Tenebrionidae "Trahir" Callidus As bi-pedal insectoids, these creatures are adept at burrowing and rudimentary weapon making. They are often found in small groups and, through the use of their tough exoskeletons and tactics, are often able to take down much larger prey. They bury the carcasses of their prey as a food source for their larvae. Insectoid Subterranean Jungle Their body size ranges from 1.5-2 meters. They have a woven exoskeleton which mimics the vines that are common. This acts as a form of camouflages. Intelligence, Trap Makers, Nocturnal, Speedy Despite their lack of advanced weaponry they are not to be underestimated. Due to high levels of natural radiation their tunnels are not mapped well, either. Nottamali | Union Special Agent
Electric Jellyfish If you raise your head and look up at the sky you can see creatures very similar to our clouds. They also float serenely like ships over the surface of the planet, but carry a deadly threat to all life. Not identified These mysterious creatures live in the air and never descend to the planet's surface. They are able to climb to a very high altitude of up to 20 km, only to completely disappear from view. Round the clock Active. Almost always on the move. To hunt, they descend to a height of 50-80 meters above the ground and silently descend their tentacles on the head of the victim. A momentary electric shock kills the victim and these same tentacles lift the murdered victim to a height and consume it in the center of itself. These poorly studied creatures are colossal in size. They can reach thirty meters in length and ten meters in width. According to preliminary data, the electric jellyfish weighs at least five tons. However, given the non-standard laws of gravity on a strange planet, this allows it to float safely in the sky like a cloud. Externally, these creatures have a bluish hue and often blend into the clouds for camouflage. Each jellyfish has four bundles in which there are fifteen tentacles in which the electric current flows continuously. Keeps alone. Between the representatives of this species communicate telepathically. Electric shock. Silent Attack. Explorers, if you're going to visit a strange planet then look to the sky, not just under your feet, it's possible that the shadow coming over your head may be an electric jellyfish, and the last thing you see in your life. At one time, many spaceships were damaged when they landed on a strange planet due to an airborne collision with these creatures. Unbreakable | Primus | S.Trader
Terraurora A terrestrial lightform comprised of crystallized photons. These creatures can be seen more easily at night, appearing more translucent during daytime. Lightform Often found performing aerial maneuvers above the planet surface Perpetually active but often seen resting before dawn Curious and peaceful. They often help wayward explorers find refuge when lost Prismatic and Luminescent. They often take the form of other creatures or humans in their proximity. Their true form is impossibly geometric. Often found with other life forms. A gathering of Terrauroras is a rare spectacle Spectacularly unique. The first time meeting a Terraurora is sure to leave quite the impression. Nothing prepares you for the awe that sets in when seeing such a beautiful and complex being. I was stranded away from my ship on a planet where physics seemed to turn against itself. Night fell and all hope seemed lost. That’s when I first saw it! Light approaching me. As it came closer it appeared as if it were me. Like a mirror image mirage of myself gesturing into the distance. The clever being led me to cave where I was able to rest for the evening. It stayed alert and stood guard over me until it’s departure at dawn. I owe that Lightform my life. theilmac|Union Recruitment Agent
Vermithrax Flying creature, 8 feet tall that lives in caves far away from every other creature in the planet Flying type In the deepest part of the planet (caves) It appears on rare, epic and legendary strange planets when the moons are synchronized or at full moon. Agressive behaviour when someone goes close enough to his territory Gets the colour of the surface of the planet that he lives so he can’t be detected Solitary High speed attacks with his claws that spits void on to the enemies The only explorers that captured it one time was 3 powerful empire explorers so they can take his powerful skin and use it to make powerful weapons and armor. MariosCY5 | Primus Pilus
Skragokk Mischievous little creatures, that appear harmless but can become dangerous in large numbers (this is compounded by smaller spaces that they tend to dwell). Will lure much larger prey into vulnerable situations and capitalize on this. Tends to use its environment to its advantage, typically striking when victims are unaware to avoid any physical damage to themselves. Marsupial Bat-Like species Lives in large underground colonies - generally in coexistence with another, more deadly creature. diurnal Generally Curious and fearless, clever and devious Leathery Hide and wings with velvety texture. 10-15cm wingspan Pack/Colony Creature Shock resistant but the fur on their outer layer can become charged and discharged as a defense mechanism. UUpgrayDD | Federation
Blimp-Bomber Miranda Khaive from the 2nd Regiment of the Federation Starborn and her Unit "Khaive-Kites" Airborne-Infantry was on their aerial patrol in the skies of KhyberPhase when they saw the pod of these things blot out the local star in the sky and she knew something was wrong. Upon direction from her unit began to look for shelter on the surface, they emitted a deafening sound in unison. Maybe it was her comms, maybe it was their engines, but something triggered them. Soon enough as they began their descent did they transform from these blimey, blimpy things and began their assault on the nearby over hang as they huddled together lazing them to barely affecting them. Only when they focused their fire were they able to kill one. Upon the fall of the first, did they retreat en masse. Aerial Blimp Hybrid Lives in atmosphere, dives to surface unknown Seemingly docile hybrids in plant stage and an absolute terror in the animal stage, erratic transmogrification Corpses have been found in both states as animal and plant, with full circulatory systems of the other in one another. It is unclear what triggers the conversion, but it is suspected that an unknown anomaly within KhyberPhase forces the rapid transition. It has been seen that they literally turn inside out during this phase, and become much more aggressive when in the animal "bomber" form. With wingspans as far as 12 feet, and a hard 'syringe' like beak, the plight of a swarm would have any heroic Explorer diving for cover. They fly and hunt in pods. They look like short, bloated old Terran cacti while floating and a complete flying menace when transformed. Their spines helps keep other things at bay, and emit a slight hum while floating. It is suspected that they communicate through this frequency. When in full attack mode as an animal, their 'syringe' like beak whistles in the dive bombing maneuver. When close to their target they flap their wings whipping up any local debris while attempting to puncture their prey. Luckily for our explorers, they can hear them come just in time. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
"E.V.T." the Einstein-Volt-Tendril SSG Gavin T'syClout from the 3rd Regiment of Federation Alphox-Recon found one first on the strange planet KhyberPhase as he was tending to his broken Zumwalt Laser Rifle. The misaligned mirrors made a strange light on this strange planet and soon enough his encounter with the E.V.T. became legendary as he frantically was trying to fix, shoot, escape. Instead of fixing on the fly, he found that it was able to track him until he finally calibrated his mirror correctly. To this day, he proudly shows his suit with the footprint of the tendril strike.. Bose-Einstein-Condensate Magnetic DNA Lives in between the Ionosphere and the surface unknown Peaceful in its own accord as it roams the differential currents Having a 'head' near the upper levels of the atmosphere, the Bose-Body has coiled condensate matter that then can become 'matter-stained' as winds and planetary debris attaches to the current, and creates more of the body. As the aggregate body accumulates it may be slowed and break free from the crustal formations in order to survive, creating a debris hazard to anything below. Faster moving E.V.T.s are with sporadic matter feet. On the terminals near the Explorers are gooey pods that can 'stomp' and pin down an Explorer as it seeks the 'food' it is looking for. It is suspected that attacks from the head would be devastating as the absolute kelvin would freeze our intrepid explorer. It is a solitary creature The many 'legs' of the E.V.T. are the dangerous parts as they are the ones that comes in congress. Searching to 'soak' up the food. The 'head' being near space, it has sensory abilities to known approaching mass by it's ability ... to detect electro-magnetic bodies. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Umbra A kind of Animavorse that feeds mostly off humans, but in cases of undernourishment, will feed on other creatures. Their ways of extracting PE from creatures varies from: claws, stingers and eating them whole.
Supernatural - - - They themselves look shadowy, walk on two lags and each is about 3 meters tall. - They can merge in shadows, which they use for stealth or in combat. This can be broken by shining bright light upon them. Due to their ethereal shadow body all physical attacks cannot affect them, although they cant move through walls and they can be damaged by using AEC weapons. Destroying their bodies or simply the head using AEC weapons. In a place full of light, it can be killed by being crushed (still invulnerable to physical attacks). Empire|Centurion|Abrahams

Botany[edit | edit source]

Desert Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Appearance Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Razor Weeds These Razor Weeds were first encountered when the first colonists arrived. Matriarch MezzoMaq'qam took to ill by encountering a storm filled with them and was battered. It took some time for her to heal as she was bloated beyond recognition. Since then, her children started to set them alight whenever they came across them. Roaming by the winds A jumbled mass with large air pockets with barbs that can get caught in Explorer suits and are a dangerous to puncture if body weight is applied. A real thorny situation. The barbs if puncture the skin will create a very irritated, inflamed rash where treatment is necessary, otherwise blisters will evolve in 12 hours time and remain for about 3 days until the body tries to push out the molecular thin carbon wires. "On planet Dhugga Drakis

one of the main sources of consternation is the way the wind whips up these otherwise benign bundles of plants into flying projectiles of lethal consequences. It has become a sport of sorts amongst the children to set alight these weeds as they pass by for the sheer terror they bring.21120. Juni 2022"

Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Uchkuduk - life-giver An unpretentious herbaceous plant that spreads on the ground, able not only to survive in the harsh conditions of the desert, but also to give life by sharing the most precious thing - WATER! Herbaceous plant Base of mountain plateaus, foothills of barchans Thanks to its deeply developed root system it reaches water-bearing layer. Dark green stems with many small leaves grow radially from the rhizome. To conserve moisture, the leaves curl up into a tube during the day, but at night the leaves spread out and condense moisture from the air. Each stem may bear up to a dozen red fruits 10-20 centimeters in diameter, which are very juicy and nutritious. Rich in vitamins and minerals. When the fruit ripens, it detaches from the mother stem and dries out, after which the seeds are dispersed by the winds in the desert. Once at the foot of the dune, the seeds are blown up by the sands. Gradually deepening, reaching the aquifer, they germinate, forming a new plant. Thin stems, moisture-rich fruits Because Uchkuduk grows in places where groundwater is closest to the surface, these are the best places to find water or dig a well IT2011
Helichrysum sterilis A rare plant which, as the name indicates, exist only in an almost sterile and barren environment. It's ability to survive in these harsh environments has had botanists confounded for centuries. It would appear that the plant is somehow able to absorb and conserve what little nutritional value and water the host planet provides. This also indicates that the plant has a very low metabolism that helps conserve essential nutrients within the plant. Plant Barren environments where nutrients are few and liquid water is rare. Found on desert planets with reports of findings on some moons. Pale, upright plant with tough leaves and slightly yellow flowers. Often found in clusters with several plants grouped together. Woody and tough. Difficult to pick by hand. The scent of its flowers is subtle but likeable. The taste is pleasant and might perhaps be useful as a spice in food preparation. When examining the plant I managed to cut myself while trying to pull the stem directly from the ground. The stem appears to have a rough, almost crystalline surface and this is why I would recommend a cutting tool and thick gloves when trying to extract entire plants. Another discovery I made is that the leaves appear to have some antiseptic uses. When encountering a trader a few weeks later I noticed that she had a surprisingly big interest in this particular plant and I was paid handsomely for a few of my dried specimens, tough she was only interested in the crystalline leaves. Perhaps there is more to this plant species than I would have initially thought and its value greater than I could imagine.. joe
Snake tree This plant, derives its name from the because of its appearance. Tree Slopes of sand hills This tree, lacking a trunk, has snake-like leaves stretching out on the surface. They are thick, the structure resembling scales. This structure helps the plant not to lose moisture in this heat. The color changes according to the time of day. From red to dark brown Used for drinking water. During the blooming season, the liquid serves as a strong anesthetic. Used for medicinal purposes, in the field. The discoverers were confused by this mysterious plant, which they eventually reclassified as a tree. What people mistook for snakes were leaves. The root system of the snake tree stretches for miles underground, reaching the interior of the desert. Therefore, this plant is the main source of moisture in the desert. вика1987
Slime Fruit tasty fruit that grows alongside the slime puddle. Apparently these fruits can provide boosts or __ to the consumer depending on what the nearby slime puddle has eaten. Currently there is no possible method to __ the fruit due to the slime puddle's __.The fruit can also lead you to an unordinary death that can't be explained... Fruit Sands alongside slime puddles A spikey fruit that is similar to the "dragon fire fruit." Color is dependent on the victims that the slime puddles process Taste, size, and effect are random. Texture is slimier on the insides. The fruit is entirely dependent on the slime puddle in their symbiotic relationship. Hunger led to our group eating many of these slime fruits. Everyone was oblivious to what would happen next, as the fruit just seemed like a tasty and exotic fruit not yet on the market in huge quantities. Bob was first, he grew another arm that seemed like it was from an __ Tracy grew wings and desired blood. The leader of the group, Adams, exploded. Another gained supervision but then his eyes burst. They all died. I was the only lucky one, as my fruit had given advanced hearing... kota
Dormant Vase Flower Most of the time this flower is easily overlooked. Without water it is nothing more than a small round brown bud. Its roots however are very highly branched, stretching several meters wide vertically as well as horizontally. By fanning out its branches as much as possible the flower increases the surface of its root system and thereby increases the chances of absorbing water. As soon as enough water is absorbed a small purple blossom sprouts from its bud. A surplus of water is stored beneath the flower in the bud, which can grow to the size of a vase. This supply is drinkable. Flower All across the planet; the branched root system keeps the flowers several meters away from each other No water supply: just a brown small bud, size of a tennis ball; small water supply: a purple blossom sprouts; increasing water supply: the bud grows in size Water stored in the bud is drinkable Drinkable, does not mean tasty. Yuk ... flovster | Zeik - S.P. Zoologist

Forest Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Appearance Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Venomelon It is worth to take the risk for its benefit! Squash In Morass Green colour, spherical shape and it looks a regular watermelon but with deadly poisonous vines it is a crawling and climbing plant with lengthy stems and leaves divided in lobes if you are able to clean its deadly vines, its liquids boost your strength, agility and intelligent. Reinhar | Consul
Freckle-sympathetic The freckle is smart and very bright, attracts the eyes of wild animals, but to their regret it is completely inaccessible to them Herbaceous or semi-shrub flowering plant Growing solitary, densely populating steep, almost vertical rocky terrain. Volumetric and very rich appearance, the warm pink color of flowers round like a ball is pleasing to the eye. Powerful roots cut into hard rock, sometimes you can see how Freckle root sticks out of rocky rock destroying a mighty stone. Freckle has climbed so far and high that it's not at all easy to get to it and enjoy its beautiful appearance. YoNteGaN
Zhirzhibela A flower that reminds us that even in an unknown and dangerous world, there is something beautiful. Flower Zhirzhibela lives on the crowns of majestic trees hiding from direct rays Such a beautiful flower can be almost invisible because it can change the shade of its light, it is mainly the color of the blue sky, and its root system is located almost on the surface and grows over a relatively large area, it is the roots that are able to feel the movement towards flower, this helps him to detect the enemy and hide in time. The root system is very saturated with nutrients and becomes food for animals, but it is surprising that the regenerative root system is simply unimaginably quickly restored. It is a kind of weed that, if not cut in time, will flood and destroy everything around. Thus Zhirzhibela makes a huge contribution to the world around . A beautiful and quite edible plant, even for humans. YoNteGaN
Fiolorion An herbaceous plant that most animals eat Grass In open spaces A small, cone-shaped, emerald-colored plant growing closely together is a dew catalyst, food for animals and fertilizer for the soil A plant that is beneficial to the ecosystem. Benefiting both animals and other flora and fauna. YoNteGaN
Iinkuni A species of long-lived trees whose history goes far back into the history of the creation of life on the planet. Oligotypic genus of trees Natural, soil-based habitat. Generally, Iinkuni requires mineral-rich soil and air enriched with various acids to thrive. An adult tree has a small trunk and a dense crown of leaves that have the shape of a star twinkling in the sky, the branches on which the leaves grow have a plastic, flexible structure due to which the tree is able to take on various shapes. These trees, like other living beings, communicate with each other, so when sunlight hits the foliage, a reaction occurs in which the leaves begin to acquire a brighter and more saturated shade, when the threat of a branch and leaf is able to acquire a protective position moving away from the source of danger , developing a special secret that makes the animals protect the tree. Has an energy exchange with others and a huge source of that same energy. It was a pleasure to spend time with these caring creatures, they took away my fatigue and gave me a never ending boost of energy. YoNteGaN
Merciless Convolvulus A long plant with red stems and leaves that has purple flowers. Perennial herbaceous plant of the Vinnifera family. These plants grow all over the forest planets and are found quite often on the path of explorers in woodlands. Merciless Convolution has naked, thick (up to 1 cm) curly stems. The stems are faceted in cross-section and can reach a length of up to ten meters. The leaves are bare, narrow, lanceolate from below. They are arranged on the stem in a spiral pattern. The stems and leaves are red. Flowers are regular funnel-shaped, about 7 cm in diameter, with a purple corolla divided into segments by five radial bands of a darker color. Can kill a small animal with their compression power.Even large insects resistant to high levels of carbon dioxide try to avoid these flowers. . Have a toxic effect. If you're trapped by a merciless creeper you shouldn't fidget and panic. This will make the bonds squeeze your body even tighter. Just try to pull out your knife and cut all the stems Nataly
Giant golden lily These bewilderingly beautiful flowers have a great danger A genus of perennial bulbous plants in the Lily family These flowers grow in grassy fields all over the Forest Planet and are found quite often in the path of explorers. The plants are herbaceous, with erect stems, ranging in height from 120 to 300 cm. Buds reach a diameter of 70 cm when open. Up to 51 buds grow on a single stem. Sociability: They grow in groups. In the daytime opening their beautiful buds emit from the pistils of poisonous carbon dioxide. Very quickly a field with flowers fills with high CO2 content exceeding 10% of the air composition and kills all living things in the field. Even large insects resistant to high levels of carbon dioxide try to avoid these flowers. . Have a toxic effect. Explorers if you stumble upon a field of giant golden lilies then try to wait until nightfall to cross the field in safety. Nataly
Wandering Moss A specialised plant that normally grows on the ground and the side of trees, but can also attach to fur and skin. Inside dense forest areas, only few rays of light make it to the forest floor. This moss evolved to leave its rooting place behind and travel with animals to more sunlit areas. Animal and moss develop a symbiotic relation. Whereas the moss stores water for the animal to drink, and the animal provides the means to reach areas with more sunlight. Moss on animal fur/skin or forest floor and trees alike to normal moss; however barbed hooks in the mesh make it attach to bypassing animals stores a lot of water in its mesh; forms symbiotic bond with its counterpart animal (could also attach onto humans) Very dangerous if it forms a symbiosis with a predator. Provides perfect camouflage. And all of a sudden, a mass of green jumps towards you. flovster | Zeik - S.P. Zoologist
Fortis Cultrum These fascinating plants are solid and grow similarly to how crystals form their chemical makeup is a mix of carbon and various metals they are not native to a specific planet and have been documented since we first started exploring. The leaves have been harvested for the raw materials inside them and are used for building/repairs. While the plant itself resembles a solid structure, which led many to class this not as flora, the core is a soft white material. The roots secrete an acid that break down the ground around them amd absorb nutrients as such this unique plant actually grows downwards rather than upwards. Such a versatile plant with many uses left to be discovered. Reeds Rocky mountainous regions with high ore content A thin tall plant, similar to reeds/bamboo, with many long flat leaves bushing at seperate intervals up the main stem, although dark has a shiny hue dependant on the content of the metals in the ground. Static, fast growing Gama
Elysium Grain The grain stalks look so golden and inviting that milling them takes no time at all. The wheat they produce is most filling and very tasty. Early Union colonists established their first ovens and bread with these festive grains on Elysium. Grain Temperate Looks very much like old Terran wheat. Whispy tillers and clustered together in a whorl. The leaf blades are smooth near the base and fough. Near the tip on the upperside. The lower side remains entirely smooth. The glutenin polypeptides make a substantial contribution to the wheat quality. Breeding them is easy, their quality remains most profound as their segregation of the grain is remarkable Jupiter_ᶠᵈ Primus Pilus
Princess Bush This shrub species can be found at edges of the forests of the Miral Two. These are a small to medium sized perennial woody plants, and can live up to 15 years. They are berry bearing species, and their berries are mildly toxic to humans and have hallucinogenic properties, and they are named after an old terran folkloric tale about a princess and a frog. Woody plant It can be found at less dense zones of the forests They vary in size, can grow up to 6 meters and have a dense foliage cover. They have broad leaves with green to purple colors depending on the session, and they produce little berries gray colored with purple dots. The Princess Bush berries are hallucinogenic and if taken in a large dose can be toxic and fatal, causing liver failure. After ingestion, it takes 30-120 minutes for the symptoms, which are lucid dreams, euphoria and lasts about 12 hours. After some troops found out that this bush beery is hallucinogenic, word quickly spread around the barracks. Next thing you know, I have a ward full of soldiers high as a kite, only dialysis is a viable option to clear the toxins from blood stream, working on an antidote right now. Doc O.B | Custodian
Tree of Knowledge These gargantuan trees have been seen on a Super-Earth called Elysium. These are surviving testaments to the powerful tectonics that rock the planet still. The near Earth gravity has allowed these to flourish and be seen as you approach for orbit. There are a variety of fauna that feed off of the fruit. Coniferous trees Found in the temperate zone. With delicate fruit, it is varied with red, yellow and sometimes orange, much like an apple. The leaves are broad and thick with a waxy hairs. The bark is white with veins of folds in a darker grey, flaky on the knots. Very coarse and hydrophobic. As the fauna surrounding the tree seem docile, it has been noted that many of these insects and surrounding plants, seem stunted in size. The leaves reflect the light remarkably well, and the surrounding atmosphere seems much cleaner. The fruit hangs on the outer branches, not near the interior. They can span over 305m across and look to be thousands of years old, but it is unknown. Kneifer Kyndermesser of 2nd Infantry of Union Thistledown was so hungry from his rations being cut, that he chanced upon the fruit of one of these trees. He swears he became induced with cosmic knowledge about the planet and all the life within the confines of the immediate vicinity. He began reciting an amazing tale of colors and spores, roots and bugs, songs only heard in the limbs of the tree. The effects wore off in about 4 hours, lucky for him. Suffice it to say, the Union has dubbed the tree, and began an annual pilgrimage to Elysium to stock up on the freshly fallen fruit. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Atlas Tree This gigantic tree species lives in forrest planet of Bornvel. These are living behemoths, low gravity of the Bornvel allowed these coniferous trees to reach to a size that older Atlas trees can be seen from low-orbit. They are a habitat themselves, countless species of creatures live among its branches without even setting foot on the surface of the Bornvel. Coniferous trees It can be found in the equatorial and sub-equatorial regions They vary in size, old specimens can reach up to 500 metres and the oldest one dated is more then 3500 years old. Their canopy extends to hundreds of square-meters. These behemoths are also called as “world tree” because of their size and the uncounted number of animals, bugs and birds even other plants living on them. Our team has been camping on this atlas tree for a week now, we have seen numerous species living on it but still haven’t figured out the extend of the life it supports. We even found traces of Quantum in its leafs and bark. Doc O.B | Custodian
Umbrella tree The Umbrella Trees appears from a distance as a surface above the ground, standing on a multitude of stems. Leafy Tree All areas except extremely dry or marshy. Also not found on high altitudes. Day time; very high, straight stem without boughs. At a certain height boughs stretch out horizontally with the foliage creating an almost impregnable roof of leaves reaching sideways until it competes with the neighboring trees canopy. Nighttime (or at dangerous weather conditions); boughs are folded back parallel with the stem, creating a leafy slim pillar. Where the umbrella trees create an uninterrupted forest, only simple flora will survive at the ground, almost no other plants will grow due to lack of sunlight, water and nutrition. Mature Umbrella forest will have at least 50m between stems. Can provide protection from rain and excessive sunlight during daytime, no other particular uses for this plant has been discovered. It is possible to trigger the plant to fold back it's boughs by stimulating the stem i.e. with a low energy shot from a blaster. Such stimuli may cause other trees nearby to also fold their boughs, creating a chain reaction. Grogg | Federal Commander
Boidea Ivy This giant hedera species can be found in the dense jungles that covers the Miral Two. These are carnivorous plants, the nitrogen content of the surface is low, so this giant ivy species derive some of their nutrients from trapping and consuming animals, or careless explorers. They can climb up to the canopy, and cover up any surface. Climbing or ground-creeping woody plant It can be found all around in the Jungles They vary in size, old specimens can climb up to 50 metres, and cover more then 100 square meters, they are evergreen woody plants, their leafs are sensitive to pressure and with stimulation, the branches flail and try to hit the target, if its successful, Boidea Ivy constricts and covers its prey, and suck all the nutrients in a period spanning days. Boidea Ivies can trap and kill human sized prey, they attack with their branches, trying to capture and immobilize their victims. They are thigmotropic, and constrictor. I did a field amputation on a soldier who was trapped by a giant hedera, the more he tried to save himself more branches creep up to hold him. Doc O.B | Custodian
Trickster Rose Neither a rose nor a flower at all. This specimen is a fungi to be precise. Instead of having a commonly shaped fungi fruiting body, this specimen creates a wonderful rose-like flower with a large bud sitting in its blossom. Once exposed to enough pressure the bud will pop, releasing the spores that will try to find a place to grow. If necessary, on flesh.
Most commonly found near animal trails, but generally on every fertile soil (which also means flesh)
While the mycelium remains hidden under the earth (threads in yellow and orange), its fruiting body resembles a single purple rose blossom with a velvet feel. In its blossom a yellow large bud resides, containing the fungi's spores.
When enough pressure is put onto the bud it explodes, releasing the full load of spores. These will either be carried by the wind to hopefully fertile soil, or latch onto flesh (whatever animal falls prey) and grows its mycelium into the flesh and bloodstream, leading to quickly spreading necrosis.
"Man, this rose smells wonderful!" Jeremy wanted a nice present for his girlfriend at home. I think she won't care for a flower, she'd rather want him to still have his face.
flovster | The Unsung Hero

Tropical Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Appearance Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Spafochorto Spafochorto, from Greek meaning sword-grass. Grass Planet: Savetti - Immediate proximity to bodies of water. Reminds one in some respects of the terrestrial sedge. But at the same time, Spafohorto can grow to three meters in height. Leaves are no more than twenty centimeters in diameter. This plant does not flower, but it does have fruits. When ripe, they are very nutritious. One fruit is enough to satisfy hunger for a couple of days. Spafochorto, has a blue coloration, like most plants on this planet. It is tall and the leaves are thin, very sharp at the edges. In thunderstorms and bad weather, it is best to avoid the Spafohorto field. Because of the statistical electricity, it becomes very tough. Almost being a razor, or the same sword, ( Because of what it got its name,). It has small fruits, violet in color with black dots. Ripe, they taste like strawberries. Almost harmless herb. But when you consider that on the planet Savetti, as on all tropical class planets, thunderstorms and rains are a frequent phenomenon, the fields of Spafohorto pose a great danger to travelers. Of course, if all safety rules are followed and you're wearing your epiquette, you have nothing to fear. Spafochorto leaves will not cut through the sturdy fabric of your spacesuit. The fruits of Spafochorto are very nutritious and healthy. But that's not what makes the Spafohorto fields unique. These thickets are home to many animals and insects. вика1987
SwitRom A carnivorous plant that has the appearance of a flower, in fact the flower bud is only part of a single organism that attracts the attention of the victim. Carnivorous-hybrid plant Impenetrable jungle of the southern part of a tropical planet Flower family SwitRom grows not far from each other, having the most diverse appearance, In the swampy parts of the tropics, they look like large open yellow jugs from the center, which shows a thin stem has a common brain center that gives impulses (commands) through numerous channels similar to the root system. Depending on the time of year, time of day, it adapts to the environment, making the flowers look suitable for hunting. Very adaptable, quite predictable plant, not dangerous to humans YoNteGaN
Honey Tree Honey tree, Edible sap Tree Planet: Savetti - found in all parts of the planet, in close proximity to water One of the tallest plants on the planet. The crown is thick, blue in color, due to the high silicon content of the soil. Blooms with large purple flowers. Fruits are blue, ball-shaped, up to forty centimeters in diameter. The fruit contains a sap that tastes like honey. A very nutritious, viscous liquid. When heated, it is a strong hallucinogen. Over-ripe fruits are very dangerous. They burst, throwing sharp spikes dozens of meters away. No, the tree is not going to attack at all, just that these spikes contain seeds. The honey tree, one of not many plants that resembles a house. It smells and tastes like "honey." The leaves of this tree, may well be used as umbrellas. They are large and resilient. The only disadvantage is the over-ripe fruit. There have been cases where explorers were fatally injured by the thorns. Therefore, if you are going to do research on the planet Savetti, always wear protection вика1987
Night Charm At night, it lures its prey with its scent and makes it come to itself. It is a species produced by manipulating the genes of cannabis seeds secretly brought by the first humans and later evolved on tropical planets.it release its spors in to the humid warm breeze and atracts its prey Carnivorous plant Dense jungles Ordinary plant appearance to avoid attracting attention in the daytime / The night takes on an alluring shine, colorful hairs appear on its leaves.looks like a colorful cannabis thc(X) is a protein that has not yet been resolved in its genes.startled by its scent, its prey comes near and smells its feathers and is paralyzed.dissolves its prey with a sprayed liquid and absorbs it from the soil If you smell a very attractive smell while walking at night and you feel that you are starting to smile, get away from there immediately. Some people find this plant, which is difficult to understand during the day, and consume it in small quantities and experience a space mind. körbuzağı | Progressor
Triantha wild A large plant that lives in the jungle. Carnivorous Plant Jungle Carnivorous carnivorous plant. This plant has a simple adaptation for hunting: its fleshy leaves are covered with a special slimy and sticky secret, it also produces a special enzyme with which it lures prey to itself. Victims stick to it. When the victim is caught, Triantha allocates additional enzymes for its digestion. If the prey is large and resists, the leaves of the plant curl up smoothly, preventing it from getting out. Triantha copes with small prey and so. Contains painkillers, Produced enzyme attracts the surrounding fauna Lord Mahor | Primus Pilus
Tropical glowing zooplankton These animals are so small, but numerous, that they seem to be near a slime colony when encountered as they pile one one another. They move in these connected slime tubes, or blankets. Luminescent zooplankton Planet: Metier Manx - Oceans, seas, ponds, standing water Busy animals struggling to reproduce and are part of the food chain, with such a wide variety of appearances across the species, we just lump them into one entry. They glow at night to such a degree that you can see them from low orbit. Different colors happen due to their food source. Some scientist somewhere is wondering when are we going to mix the phytoplankton from the Imperial world of KhyberPhase with these zooplankton and see if they like each other. We await further documentation. Until then, the Union is happy with things are as for now. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Strange glowing phytoplankton These plants are important part of the life cycle here on KhyberPhase. They are the first stage in the food chain here. Luminescent plankton Planet: KhyberPhase - Oceans and shallow seas Glowing plant life, very small Using the energy of strange planets, giving it an eerie glow on the night side of the planet, as seen from orbit. Will aggregate and multiply near a quantum outcropping on ocean floor. It is a shame we haven't figured out how to collect these organisms yet to make a paint, it would help with our landing pads immensely in saving quantum for lighting up our night-time operations. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Tropical Tangle-Vine Thing seems to follow you, trying to trip you up, the feelers seems to sense movement and are surprisingly fast for a plant. Beware, those thorny leaves hurt and once wrapped around your ankle, the thickness of that vine with the pressure it hold, makes cutting it a messy, sticky operation. Vine Planet: Metier Manx - Temperate, along coastline of oceans and seas The thick vines seem to hold a unique pneumatic system that it uses to throw itself around prey. Coiling its' barbed leaves, and constricting. The sap is sticky and makes for an explosive encounter once cut. Thorny, barbed leaves wrap around the vine, an it is a dangerous thing to encounter. Do not expose flesh to this plant, it will constrict with surprising strength and very hazardous to your health. Even small mammals have been seen killed in these vines. Zhoule Aghaspht from 2nd Infantry of the Union KettleKeep on the southern continent was too busy cleaning out his boots when he happened to be the unlucky first when this reached out and snagged his ankle then wrist. Luckily, on his utility belt, he had his machete and acted quickly to free himself. If for a few more seconds he'd loose his ankle, but now his scar shows how dangerous those barbed nettles are. What a tale to tell! Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Tropical Dum-Dums The way these innocent looking nuts look will only fool you into consuming more. With a slight tinge of alcohol, it is easy to see why people would gorge themselves on the meat of this tropical food source. Dravyde ZeeterIke from 1st Infantry of the Union KettleKeep was too tired to worry about protocols about eating local vegetation that when he broke open 6 of these nuts, he couldn't help himself. He soon found himself too intoxicated to carry out his duties. Jungle Nut-Tree Planet: Metier Manx - Temperate, along the shores of seas and oceans Dipolar conjoined nodes that have a fibrous, rough brown husky exterior shell that takes a bit of work to get at the golden, milky interior water and off-white, soft 'meat'. Much like the 'coconuts' of old Terra. With a slight alcohol-like content. The meat is highly caloric and digestible. Slightly addictive, especially if consumed in mass quantities. When you are hungry, you'll work your fingers to the bone to get something to eat. These nuts are just the job, with a hint of always unsatiated, you have to be with your team unless you want to be unable to move after gorging yourself. Be very cautious when eating these Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Strangle Wine The name is actually not correct, since the plant does not strangle it victims. It is, however extremely dangerous. Dead, rotting and composting victims nurture the soil where the plant grows and fertilizes the plant for further growth. Carnivorous by trapping. All tropic and subtropic areas of Tropical planet. Leafy vines and creepers covering the ground and other vegetation. Large colorful flowers containing a sweet nectar, mildly intoxicating and hallucinogenic. The flowers attract both insects and mammals who fall prey to the plant. The creepers are capable of growing more than 1m per hour. A campsite may be overgrown during the night unless the surroundings have been sufficiently cleared. Vines and creepers are equipped with trap-leaves that will attach to living tissue. The leaves insert millions of microscopic tendrils, impossible to detach without removing also the tissue to which they have attached themselves. Attachment is extremely fast and triggers a whipping movement on nearby creepers, causing them also to attach to victims in proximity. Can be fought by fire, other means are inefficient. As a part of an black-ops expedition tasked with harvesting StrangleVine nectar for distillation of LifeDream narcotics I had my first encounter with the plant. I hope that it will also be my last! Having found a large specimen, covered with flowers and promising many liters of nectar we set up our operation and approached. 7 persons where caught and impossible to detach from the plant. In the end we had to torch both the plant and the still living people to put them out of their misery. We left with our task unfinished! Grogg | Fed. Recruitment Officer
Sarkophagus Wood A sort of carnivorous tree. The tree itself has no roots and can't draw nourishment from the ground. It might be considered a parasite. Once the tree pollen finds a host (mostly smaller mammals) and somehow manages to enter the bloodstream (i.e. a wound), the host will gradually turn into wood. Eventually leaving behind wooden sculptures, unless the hosts immune system is strong enough. The wooden corpus will sprout one single flower which will spread the pollen further. Parasitic Tree No special habitat Depends on the host; common feature is a bright red blossom once it blooms and spread pollen Eats his host from within by turning it into wood; after blooming the tree dies leaving behind a wooden animal corpus Bigger mammals seem to have a stronger immune system. I don't want to know the pain these little wooden figurines must have endured ... flovster | Zeik - S.P. Zoologist
Upsilon Plant Named after the shape of the Greek letter and has these dangerous hooks on the leaves. After Captain Chibret Rackham from 1st StarCloud "Thunder-Foil" stumbled into one, quiet by accident, he found that the hairs on the leaves would not leave his suit. The suit wasn't punctured, but to his dismay, they wouldn't leave his gloves either as he tried to brush them off. The properties of these plants needs to be studied further. Upsilonis longispinus Densely populated with ample water vapor. Filled with tiny hairs and grown to a towering 9 to 12 feet in height, little is known about the benefits or risks at this moment, as the burs are quite difficult to deal with. The long branches seem to follow you if you move, but always manages to return to the Upsilon shape. They seem somewhat intelligent and have uncanny semblance of ocular mass in their stalks. Jupiter_ᶠᵈ Primus Pilus

Ice Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Appearance Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Seaweed (Laminaria) A genus of seaweed. Plant Coastal strip at depths of 3-15 m. Sometimes extends to a depth of 50 m. Algae growing in the coastal strip with a constant current. Are food for many species of aquatic fauna. Algae thrown ashore after storms are eaten by terrestrial animals. Long stems, nutritious leaves While exploring the shoreline, we found bundles of algae, a brownish-green color at the water's edge. Collecting several samples for analysis, we came to the conclusion that these algae are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In addition, they are very nutritious IT2011
Corallo volcano This silvery coral species settles by the underwater volcanoes of ice planets. They filter the escaping toxic gases for centuries and thus provide a living environment for many species of fish and crabs. The corals have a high content of lithium and are therefore very valuable. Commercial mining is not possible due to the icy environment, flying fish and the toxicity of the lithium. Coral Near underwater volcano Silver coral Consists of 90% lithium Who would have thought that life was even possible on this barren planet! kwiatek

Volcanic Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Appearance Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Notary Have you ever thought that a living organism does not need biological food, trace elements, minerals or vitamins. A notary is one of those who can surprise you. Plant Dwells in places with high radiation background and extremely high temperatures, namely on the walls of the crater of volcanoes. A flat body from which needle-like processes of an elongated pointed shape extend, similar to needles, but they are not sharp at all, but rather soft and at first glance seem vulnerable. It is black and only at the end of the processes there are white spots. Just like plants need sunlight to synthesize, the Notary is in dire need of radiation, this is the source of his nutrition. Don't even think about touching it. YoNteGaN
Phoenix The phoenix is ​​not a mythical bird at all, it is a suicidal plant that releases a special substance that ignites at high temperatures. Shrub Grows in places remote from volcanoes, densely inhabiting the plains Phoenix, has many needle-like stems intertwined with each other, acquiring an oval shape. At first we can see a ball, with many small scarlet leaves, the leaves grow so densely and densely against each other that the needles are not visible at all and only the scarlet color reminds of danger . The main attribute of this plant is its unique attitude towards its offspring, it is ready to sacrifice itself in order to give life to a new generation. This is how this plant is arranged, for decades, it grows and protects refractory seeds protected by thorns under its thick leaves and when the moment comes to give life to the next generation, the Phoenix emits a substance that is highly flammable. The old generation dies and provides fertile soil for the development of a new generation. The researcher should be careful, because no one knows when the cycle is completed and the plant is ready to bear fruit. The oils are said to have an incredibly intoxicating aroma, be careful when dealing with Phoenix. YoNteGaN
Gas Killer A plant about the size of an adult's palm. Dicotyledonous family. Grows on the solidified lava of a volcano. A plant of the dicotyledon family with a semi-circular shape on a thin stalk without petals with spikes. Not suitable as food for local fauna. The flower itself is divided into two semicircular parts that are always in a semi-closed state. This flower grows due to gas vapors from the lava and during a volcanic eruption, the slightest spark caught on the flower ignites it and it explodes violently. qazzaq | Space Marine Scouts Gun
Death Flower These beautiful flowers are very similar to the Earth's Royal Primrose, but have a fiery shade of petals. A genus of plants in the primrose family These flowers grow in a single location at the foot of the Solas Crane Imperial Volcano. This volcano is seven thousand meters high and is the only active volcano on the planet Burning-17. Small flowers are 15-20 cm in height. Petals have a bright fiery coloring. Have a warning effect. Explorers if you suddenly noticed that these flowers bloom, then drop everything and get your feet as far away as possible. A volcanic eruption will begin in the very near future. Nataly
Devil's Tumbleweed (Rolling Stone) A medium sized plant that grows on the slopes of volcanoes. Plant shrub Volcano slopes Grows on soil rich in volcanic ash. Globular in shape, up to a meter in diameter. Food for the few fauna species that live on volcanic planets. Sturdy stems, nutritious leaves. Pose a serious danger when lava comes to the surface. Roots burn out from high temperatures and Tumbleweeds roll in fireballs off the slopes. This is why they got their name. IT2011
Gibson Tree Named after the famed Explorer Gibson, who crash landed to the volcanic planet of Jericho III, and survived by eating the leafs of this tree
it can be found near the old lava pools, and dried lava rivers, they are usually found in groups
They look like small obsidian statues, its branches are thick and sparse, it has thin and crystalline leafs, and razor sharp barbs on the trunk
Gibson tree sap is a highly effective antiseptic and leaf are edible but not tasty
The sap of the tree is effective for sterilization of medical equipment, its high sulphuric chemistry makes it ideal for that, it can be also used as an antiseptic but must be diluted not to burn the patients.
Doc O.B | Custodian

Strange Planets[edit | edit source]

Name Compendium Entry Type Habitat Appearance Attributes Explorer's Note Discovered by
Strange Artichoke With the right Imperial Spices, the artichokes the Saber Gooserattle from the 1st Caltrop Troupe "Destiny Divergents" found while making camp on the Imperial planet of KhyberPhase, were astonishingly delicious. She's a real whiz bang up chef when let loose to cook up grub for the Troupe. The strange artichoke, has a musky flavor, and we're not sure if it is an indicator of quantum or just the strangeness around us. Cynara cardunculus, variety scolymus Terrain with good drainage Looking like a bud or an early thistle, just before the flowering stage, it is with bracted layers covering a fuzzy center that sits on top of a meaty core which is the heart that we love to eat. Great source of fiber, low fat and sufficient calories, a light source of protein and a fair amount of carbohydrates. Supporting heart health, lowering cholesterols, improving liver health with powerful phytonutrients helping clear out toxins, promoting bone health and contains anti-carcinogenic properties. The field of these flowers past their edible phase though seems to indicate that they are like radar dishes aligned to the local quantum deposit. Fascinating. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Myorotis (colloquial: Regret-Me-Nots) A very strange herb found on Strange Planets. Being infused with Quantum this herb can offer various beneficial effects for living organisms. Due to unknown circumstances that are yet to be researched, some users experience severe side effects, granting the herb the colloquial name "Regret-Me-Not". Herb Near rivers and lakes, need a lot of shade Green leafs, very bushy, with small petals shining in quantum infused violet and teal (the more quantum the more violet), a small pearl of liquid can be found in each blossom. The blossom pearl is edible, depending on the amount of quantum the herb was exposed to the pearl's flavors range from fruity (high exposure) to bitter (low); eating may cause numb of pain, feeling revitalised, even enhanced senses and many more; sometimes causes severe side effects like hallucinations, severe pain after benefits wear off, other mental disorders (even longer term) I get the name other explorers give it. You got to ask yourself if the short term benefits are really worth seeing horrors for days. flovster | Zeik - S.P. Zoologist
Khyber Pear Sabeir Gooserattle from the 1st Caltrop Troupe "Destiny Divergents" was the first to sample the fruit. We couldn't believe our eyes when she spoke to us and her teeth were this amazing cobalt blue stain. We laughed, and everyone had a good time. She assured us it was safe and we all broke out smiling at each other, grimacing with our teeth exposed. Strange Fruit Planet: Imperial KhyberPhase - Equatorial regions, near quantum deposits at the root system Much like the old Terran Pears, but with a cobalt blue glow with a toothy stem, this bit of fruit is favored by the "Vorpal Sloths" so beware. The tree is round and bushy with the fruit about 7 feet off the ground. Edible, and with the texture of taffy past the skin. It has been known to make your teeth glow cobalt blue for about 3 hours. Slight upset stomach, but very filling. No known side-effects. The fruit has a slight metallic aftertaste, and we think there's quantum nearby. Our instruments are going crazy and we need to find the source. Didn't help we helped ourselves to the fruit before hand. Now we need to find out why the instruments are registering quantum, and not our teeth. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Light Caps These giant mushrooms can be found abundantly where lightning frequently strikes. There is no comparison to the majestic sight of Light Caps on a dark lightning filled horizon. Take care not to take a sample or stroll through a cluster, because they may start sapping your suits energy reserves Electricity Mushrooms Light caps grow in a variety of places. They prefer damp locations but have been known to grow on rocky substrates as well A large dome shaped mushroom. Most grow to 20 feet tall. But it’s said that their original planet hosts specimens that are hundreds of feet in height and diameter Dangerous to explorers, ships, and mining operations. This species is considered highly invasive because the spores it spreads germinate well in a variety of habitats Most people see this species as a plague. On my first collection mission these mushrooms nearly killed me! Luckily when my suit malfunctioned I was close enough to the ship to make a run for it. One small spore contamination could’ve started a chain reaction and my ship would’ve become their next meal. They say scientists are experimenting with that sample trying to work out an organic metal refining technique. Theilmac | Union Pilot
Yoyodyne Tree Tall, slender, rubbery, with scale like leaves that branch out for an unusual chemosynthesis with the surrounding air, with sap like liquid in the creases between the scales. At the top is an unusual "fruit" in the shape of a ball, looks like a cabbage with layered leaves. Dusty, as it is 'shared' between the top 'hand' of the tree. You can see a 'shiver' in the scales as the phi-spiral changes slightly as the 'fruit' is exchanged. Each exchange releases some of the pollen like dust and there seems to be a 'charge' or 'communication' as it passed around. Short tree, maybe 7m to 9m tall, short root system. Yoyodiceae Inside lithospheric stablilty zones A scaly, leaky asparagus with a jai-alai handle at the top. Sap is very oily, viscous, bitter. Unknown medicinal or nutrient value. Weird "feelings" are aroused when in contact with the skin. Be very cautious. Sylvia Chiselrook from 1st Regiment of Federation Bheta-Bhank took great care in approaching the forest of these Yoyodyne trees. She knew there were something very strange with these types of trees. She could smell something peculiar in the air as she approached. She could hear the top fruit being handed over away from her. She just need to somehow reach to get a sample of it, or retrieve it. Jupiter_Fulminator Democide
Jupiter Blimp Trap Quinn Khimeltander from the 1st Regiment of the Federation Alphox-Bronx was unlucky when he stumbled upon what seems to be the throat while following the rhythmic movement of one these plants. His suit luckily protected the first layer of the corrosion, and thanks to his team mates quick decisions to get his breach casted in "quick-foam" his foot was saved and his life! KhyberPhase proves to be a ruthless, strange planet. Plant Carnivorous
Found migrating on the surface following pods of Blimp-Bombers
Huge 20 foot when enclosed, but open, the lips can span 40 feet out and are very fleshy with a node in the center where a corrosive enzyme is emitted to liquify the prey. They are camoflaged to look like the terrain around them with their lips open. The underside is a bright orange, with PHI spaced radial stripes of off-white coiling around in a spun axis when enclosed around its' meal.
Huge plants that seem to be the balance to the blimps, these are the only known predator to the blimp-bombers. They are seen emitting a sound from fibers on their interior of the shell that encloses around the 'animal'. Rhythmic undulations seen to focus on the throat.
Jupiter_Fulminator Democide