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(defining phase frequency and duration)
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4. In this page, we will share the details about all the current Events in PlanetQuest community.
In this page, we will share the details about all the current Events in PlanetQuest community.
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Eliminated players may still stick around and watch the adventure unfold, but I ask you not to vote on subsequent rounds if you have been eliminated. It will help us parse through the other contestants.
Eliminated players may still stick around and watch the adventure unfold, but I ask you not to vote on subsequent rounds if you have been eliminated. It will help us parse through the other contestants.
|Those who reach the final round will be rewarded with 15 points. Those that choose the correct, final answer will receive an additional 25 points and also split the prize pool of 100 points with whomever reaches it with you.
There will be special prizes for certain hidden achievements as well.
|PQ Decryption Game
|Hello, Explorers! More and more strange signals come from wormholes, but our scientists cannot understand the nature of these information blocks yet. Sometimes they can be converted into numbers or mysterious symbols, but they do not go further than that. To help the Council to understand what is going on, you will need to decrypt the secret word.
| + Secret words related to PlanetQuest have been encrypted. Our task is to decipher them, ONE WORD/DAY. There is ONE single solution to each riddle - ONE word. For each word we will give you a picture of the cipher. You will have 12 hours to decipher this secret word and send us the answer through the Google form (each participant can send only 1 answer during the first 12 hours). If no winner is found in that time, we will announce our first HINT.
+ The winner will be the one who gives the fastest and most accurate answer.

+ During each phase of 12 hours, you can only send the answer through our form 1 time only!
|We will have 2 phase for each day:
PHASE 1: The first person who send the correct answer will receive 25 points, and five other participants who send the correct answer during this time will receive 15 points/each. If we find at least 1 winner during this time, we won't share the HINT and we will skip PHASE 2.

Those who reach the final round will be rewarded with 15 points. Those that choose the correct, final answer will receive an additional 25 points and also split the prize pool of 100 points with whomever reaches it with you.
PHASE 2: If after 12 hours & no one can find secret word, then we share the HINT. The first person who send the correct answer will receive 20 points, and five other participants who send the correct answer during this time will receive 10 points/each.

There will be special prizes for certain hidden achievements as well.
In addition, we will choose 3 Random, lucky people who answer the Cipher correctly AND  1 interesting answer to give commendation  

If winners appear in top 6 in 2 consecutive Ciphers, their slots if they win in the 3rd Cipher will be replaced by other winners(if we have other winners)
|Faction Culture Bonanza
|Cultural Art
|Every galaxy has within its nebulous domain, bright, creative minds with keen ideas and drawing inspiration from life itself. Show us your art, words and live action drama. You have the greatest chance now to make your mark in the enacted logs of the PlanetQuest Terran Register. Will yours be recorded?
|Phase 1 RULES: 1) Participation means you understand the following rules, act accordingly. 2) Banners, Logos, Sigils in the manner of hand drawn designs or marksmanship from the computer must be unique and relevant to the spirit of PlanetQuest, all entries must be made by the craftsmanship through their selected choice of tools, be it analog or digital, by their own hands. No AI/GAN, or automated processes will be allowed nor derivatives. Filters may be used, but can't be the majority of the composition. The composition is what's important, not the filter. When we ask for the composition file, one must be provided, or a detailed video of the layers used in creating the final product. 3) The artwork must be unique to the Explorer, if you use someone else's artwork, you will be penalized by disqualifying your entry, and you'll be subject to all future submissions under suspicious scrutiny. 4) You can promote in a neutral manner and advertise the event thread only through the official channel name, you cannot directly advertise a specific artwork, post, thread, chat, nor link. Nor tagging any names of any current contestants. Tagging them will disqualify your friend, and you'll be put into TIME-OUT AS PUNISHMENT. 5) Maximum 3 submissions, one for each faction is allowed. Even if you choose to do only 1 from your faction, that's fine. 1 from you faction and just 1 from another, that's fine too. Or all 3 from a foreign faction. 6) The use of obscene words, pictures, gifs, movies, xenophobic, sexist or any other form of toxic language is strictly prohibited. Also, the inclusion of any links and hidden or visible promotions of any kind are not allowed. See 📃║rules for clarification. 7) The drawings and designs you will make will be presented with the votes as indicated by the emoji  from other Explorers, which will be given time and the winners will be determined by the votes of the Explorers. NO SELF PROMOTION BY VOTING FOR YOUR OWN ENTRY. Doing such will disqualify your entry. 8) If you still have questions, you can ask it in the Contest Questions. or Tag me @Jupiter_FulminatorDemocide[REX] . 9) File size is limited by server capacity to upload, if you think a moving "logo" works and makes sense to you, a heavy gif or .mp4 with no audio is allowed. Removal of logos with audio files will occur. The audio component of the contest is phase 3! 10) Mismatching entries will be removed. For example, No Words for Artwork, No Artwork for Slogans, No Slogans for Tech, No Tech for Words, etc. 11)  by @Jupiter_FulminatorDemocide[REX] doesn't count. 12) Voting will last from July 21, 2022 7:00 PM to August 4, 2022 7:00 PM last 7 days in total.
|1st place winner will be alotted 40 points

=== <u>PQ Decryption Game</u> ===
2nd place winner will be alotted 35 points

Hello, Explorers! More and more strange signals come from wormholes, but our scientists cannot understand the nature of these information blocks yet. Sometimes they can be converted into numbers or mysterious symbols, but they do not go further than that. To help the Council to understand what is going on, you will need to decrypt the secret word.
3rd place winner will be alotted 30 points

'''Simple Rules:'''
Ties are possible
|Phase 1, "Visual Identity Contest" - 2 weeks

+ Secret words related to PlanetQuest have been encrypted. Our task is to decipher them, ONE WORD/DAY. There is ONE single solution to each riddle - ONE word. For each word we will give you a picture of the cipher. You will have 12 hours to decipher this secret word and send us the answer through the Google form (each participant can send only 1 answer during the first 12 hours). If no winner is found in that time, we will announce our first HINT.

+ The winner will be the one who gives the fastest and most accurate answer.
Phase 2, "Text Identity Contest" - 2 weeks

+ During each phase of 12 hours, you can only send the answer through our form 1 time only!

Phase 3, "Media Identity Contest" - 2 weeks

We will have 2 phase for each day:

PHASE 1: The first person who send the correct answer will receive 25 points, and five other participants who send the correct answer during this time will receive 15 points/each. If we find at least 1 winner during this time, we won't share the HINT and we will skip PHASE 2.
Phase 4, "Technological Uniqueness" - 2 weeks
PHASE 2: If after 12 hours & no one can find secret word, then we share the HINT. The first person who send the correct answer will receive 20 points, and five other participants who send the correct answer during this time will receive 10 points/each.
In addition, we will choose 3 Random, lucky people who answer the Cipher correctly AND  1 interesting answer to give commendation  
If winners appear in top 6 in 2 consecutive Ciphers, their slots if they win in the 3rd Cipher will be replaced by other winners(if we have other winners)

Latest revision as of 21:21, 23 July 2022

In this page, we will share the details about all the current Events in PlanetQuest community.

Event Name Type Description Rules Reward Venue Frequency
PQ Fun Quizzes Quiz Test your knowledge about Planet Quest’s Planets & earn some reward! 1. 10 questions about Planet Quest, 10 winners, every participants will get 10 points when answer all 10 questions & at least 6 correct answers

2. Max 200 members can join, FCFS (the Host will decide how many mems join & when to start the quiz.). You will need to enter your PQ server nickname when join the game so we can check and reward later. Example: Luffy | PlanetQuestWiki Team (or Discord ID: LUFFY | WOD#1666).

Fail to follow the rules above might make us unable to reward you after the Quiz!


We will drop the link to join the quiz, be quick to join it. You can join the Voice chat too, the Host will share their screen & tell you when the Quiz start.

1 question at at time. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question, the faster you give the correct answer, the more XP you will earn in this quiz. The one with the most XP at the end of the Quiz will be the winner.

1st place: 25 Points                                   2nd - 5th place: 20 Points

6th-10th place: 15 Points

Every participants will get 10 points when  answer all 10 questions  & at least 6 correct answers(commendation)

#events Bi-weekly
Weekly Character Stories Contest Greetings Explorers!

We're running a weekly stories contest to which participants can submit their characters’ adventures within the main storyline. The story you create must revolve around or be closely related to the weekly narrative that is voted on by the community in the story section of the PQ server.

1. Come up with a short story in which you can use a character you've already created ( ⌨║pq-character-sheets and General Character Archive ) or make up a new story within recent events in the main storyline 🌌║story .

2. The winners of the contest will be determined by a vote of the entire community (only 👍 are counted).

3. The maximum number of words is 500, minimum - 250.

The 5 winners with the most votes (👍 emoji) will each receive points and the author of the best work will receive a Rare Insignia!

1st place - 40 points + Rare Insignia of corresponding faction

2nd place - 35 points

3rd place - 30 points

4th place - 20 points

5th place - 20 points

#weekly-charater-stories Weekly
Multi-Faction Storyline Discussion Discussion Join us for our Multi-Faction Storyline Discussions! We cover the previous week's post-vote results in detail and of course delve into the week's story in full-force! Each week we host a round of storyline trivia! Come join us for all the storyline hype, fun trivia, and plenty of Passport Points! 25+ For Trivia

10+ Participation

10+ Commendations

🎙║Multi-faction Storyline Voice Chat 💬║storyline Every Thursday
PQ Adventure Event Quest WELCOME, EXPLORERS Read carefully before we begin.

GENERAL: You will receive a prompt, describing the scenario you're in. Afterwards, you will be given choices, tied to emojis, on what to do next. React with the corresponding emoji to validate your action. In the elimination rounds, at least 1 emoji will be the wrong answer.

Important note: You may only choose a single emoji. If you pick more than one, you will be eliminated, regardless of the result.

You will have 10 minutes to react to each prompt.

1st ROUND: Voting round. There is no wrong choice here, majority wins. This will decide which adventure you will experience today.

2nd through 5th ROUNDs: Elimination rounds. Throughout the adventure, every prompt will give you 3 choices. If you pick the wrong one, you are eliminated.

After the 10 minutes have passed, I will lay out the results of each choice. A skull (💀) next to a description means you have been eliminated, if you picked that route. A thumbs up (👍🏼) means you have passed through to the next round.

Eliminated players may still stick around and watch the adventure unfold, but I ask you not to vote on subsequent rounds if you have been eliminated. It will help us parse through the other contestants.

Those who reach the final round will be rewarded with 15 points. Those that choose the correct, final answer will receive an additional 25 points and also split the prize pool of 100 points with whomever reaches it with you.

There will be special prizes for certain hidden achievements as well.

PQ Decryption Game Puzzle Hello, Explorers! More and more strange signals come from wormholes, but our scientists cannot understand the nature of these information blocks yet. Sometimes they can be converted into numbers or mysterious symbols, but they do not go further than that. To help the Council to understand what is going on, you will need to decrypt the secret word. + Secret words related to PlanetQuest have been encrypted. Our task is to decipher them, ONE WORD/DAY. There is ONE single solution to each riddle - ONE word. For each word we will give you a picture of the cipher. You will have 12 hours to decipher this secret word and send us the answer through the Google form (each participant can send only 1 answer during the first 12 hours). If no winner is found in that time, we will announce our first HINT.

+ The winner will be the one who gives the fastest and most accurate answer.

+ During each phase of 12 hours, you can only send the answer through our form 1 time only!

We will have 2 phase for each day:

PHASE 1: The first person who send the correct answer will receive 25 points, and five other participants who send the correct answer during this time will receive 15 points/each. If we find at least 1 winner during this time, we won't share the HINT and we will skip PHASE 2.

PHASE 2: If after 12 hours & no one can find secret word, then we share the HINT. The first person who send the correct answer will receive 20 points, and five other participants who send the correct answer during this time will receive 10 points/each.

In addition, we will choose 3 Random, lucky people who answer the Cipher correctly AND  1 interesting answer to give commendation  

If winners appear in top 6 in 2 consecutive Ciphers, their slots if they win in the 3rd Cipher will be replaced by other winners(if we have other winners)

🧠-pq-brain-games Season
Faction Culture Bonanza Cultural Art Every galaxy has within its nebulous domain, bright, creative minds with keen ideas and drawing inspiration from life itself. Show us your art, words and live action drama. You have the greatest chance now to make your mark in the enacted logs of the PlanetQuest Terran Register. Will yours be recorded? Phase 1 RULES: 1) Participation means you understand the following rules, act accordingly. 2) Banners, Logos, Sigils in the manner of hand drawn designs or marksmanship from the computer must be unique and relevant to the spirit of PlanetQuest, all entries must be made by the craftsmanship through their selected choice of tools, be it analog or digital, by their own hands. No AI/GAN, or automated processes will be allowed nor derivatives. Filters may be used, but can't be the majority of the composition. The composition is what's important, not the filter. When we ask for the composition file, one must be provided, or a detailed video of the layers used in creating the final product. 3) The artwork must be unique to the Explorer, if you use someone else's artwork, you will be penalized by disqualifying your entry, and you'll be subject to all future submissions under suspicious scrutiny. 4) You can promote in a neutral manner and advertise the event thread only through the official channel name, you cannot directly advertise a specific artwork, post, thread, chat, nor link. Nor tagging any names of any current contestants. Tagging them will disqualify your friend, and you'll be put into TIME-OUT AS PUNISHMENT. 5) Maximum 3 submissions, one for each faction is allowed. Even if you choose to do only 1 from your faction, that's fine. 1 from you faction and just 1 from another, that's fine too. Or all 3 from a foreign faction. 6) The use of obscene words, pictures, gifs, movies, xenophobic, sexist or any other form of toxic language is strictly prohibited. Also, the inclusion of any links and hidden or visible promotions of any kind are not allowed. See 📃║rules for clarification. 7) The drawings and designs you will make will be presented with the votes as indicated by the emoji from other Explorers, which will be given time and the winners will be determined by the votes of the Explorers. NO SELF PROMOTION BY VOTING FOR YOUR OWN ENTRY. Doing such will disqualify your entry. 8) If you still have questions, you can ask it in the Contest Questions. or Tag me @Jupiter_FulminatorDemocide[REX] . 9) File size is limited by server capacity to upload, if you think a moving "logo" works and makes sense to you, a heavy gif or .mp4 with no audio is allowed. Removal of logos with audio files will occur. The audio component of the contest is phase 3! 10) Mismatching entries will be removed. For example, No Words for Artwork, No Artwork for Slogans, No Slogans for Tech, No Tech for Words, etc. 11) by @Jupiter_FulminatorDemocide[REX] doesn't count. 12) Voting will last from July 21, 2022 7:00 PM to August 4, 2022 7:00 PM last 7 days in total. 1st place winner will be alotted 40 points

2nd place winner will be alotted 35 points

3rd place winner will be alotted 30 points

Ties are possible

#faction-culture-bonanza Phase 1, "Visual Identity Contest" - 2 weeks

Phase 2, "Text Identity Contest" - 2 weeks

Phase 3, "Media Identity Contest" - 2 weeks

Phase 4, "Technological Uniqueness" - 2 weeks