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With the re-appearance of the planet Mímir ("[[Subjugation]]"), the fleet stationed where the Anomaly had been wasted no time in bearing down on the planet in an attempt to rescue the stranded Varse and Kestrel expedition teams, after a distress signal belonging to Captain Nicolás Kestrel was intercepted. Team leader Soren Lynk and the rescue expedition was able to locate the unconscious team members; however, in the process they also discovered a massive object in the caverns - later revealed in Sera Varse's logs to be an artifact similar to the three held by the respective factions, albeit significantly smaller.
The artifact's size was suggested to be small enough to be transported out of the planet's cave systems. Little else was revealed about it or its surroundings, other than that there was a recent massive Quantum surge detected in the cavern. It was also noted by the fleet that the ''Arbiter'', the class-B ship sent into the Anomaly ("[[Groundswell]]"), was nowhere to be found.
Given that the Crimson Wolves were still at large, as well as the recent attacks on Quantum shipments, the Council could not afford to spare additional fleets to Mímir without compromising the security at Ignis. Transporting the artifact would have meant exposing it to danger en route to Ignis, and even then would leave the station vulnerable to whatever phenomena could be caused by the unknown artifact. On the other hand, leaving the artifact on Mímir would leave it unguarded - open to attack or theft by rogue entities. Faced with this dilemma, the Council opted to put the decision to a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.

Revision as of 12:54, 17 March 2022

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The Cradle

Chapter 11: "The Cradle"
Major players Universal Council
Varse Expedition Team
Kestrel Expedition Team
Soren Lynk
Vote outcome
Major events Locating of the Varse and Kestrel expedition teams
Discovery of fourth artifact
Timeline Chronology
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
"Subjugation" "[[]]"


With the re-appearance of the planet Mímir ("Subjugation"), the fleet stationed where the Anomaly had been wasted no time in bearing down on the planet in an attempt to rescue the stranded Varse and Kestrel expedition teams, after a distress signal belonging to Captain Nicolás Kestrel was intercepted. Team leader Soren Lynk and the rescue expedition was able to locate the unconscious team members; however, in the process they also discovered a massive object in the caverns - later revealed in Sera Varse's logs to be an artifact similar to the three held by the respective factions, albeit significantly smaller.

The artifact's size was suggested to be small enough to be transported out of the planet's cave systems. Little else was revealed about it or its surroundings, other than that there was a recent massive Quantum surge detected in the cavern. It was also noted by the fleet that the Arbiter, the class-B ship sent into the Anomaly ("Groundswell"), was nowhere to be found.

Given that the Crimson Wolves were still at large, as well as the recent attacks on Quantum shipments, the Council could not afford to spare additional fleets to Mímir without compromising the security at Ignis. Transporting the artifact would have meant exposing it to danger en route to Ignis, and even then would leave the station vulnerable to whatever phenomena could be caused by the unknown artifact. On the other hand, leaving the artifact on Mímir would leave it unguarded - open to attack or theft by rogue entities. Faced with this dilemma, the Council opted to put the decision to a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.


Report from the 27th conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held on board station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Ji Young-Joo, Ferus Haden, Cael’an Ashuret
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, Kim Lee, Elijah Burke
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Mandla Bankole, Haley Nguyen

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

As was stated in Soren Lynk’s transmission following the conclusion of the last vote, the planet Mímir has returned, after being lost to us since the 23rd conference of this dating. Initial surface analysis showed absolutely no change in the composition of the planet; its crust has aged by the roughly the same amount of time that it was gone for. The only perceivable changes were the complete absence of the signal that led our ships to Mímir in the first place, and the disappearance of turbulent storm clouds covering the surface.

However, the Council’s fleets did pick up another, separate signal: a distress beacon, belonging to Captain Nicolás Kestrel. Our ships ventured onto the planet’s surface, bringing the full force of our fleets to bear on Mímir. While the tunnel networks of the planet were labyrinthine, our operation managed to successfully follow the signal to its source. The following is the last transmission the Council received:

Transmission from Soren Lynk
Location: surface of Mímir, cave network
Dating: 4th report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: mission report

This is Soren Lynk. We have just passed the last leg on our path to the signal, and it seems the caves are opening up- (scuffling) hold on, why’ve we stopped? Ayun, man, what’s the matter with- good lord. There is something huge in these caves. I repeat, a massive object has been found in Mímir’s caves. Organic or not, it seems to be emitting some strange pulse, and- there’s people here.

(faint orders barked, echoing off cave walls)

They look like- yes, that’s them. It’s the original crew from the Panopea’s fleet. Still breathing, that’s good. Get Captain Kestrel on your shoulders. (thudding) And Commander Varse can go… here I think. My lord, what’s happened to them? They look… drained. And this? That’s her mission log. Still functional, that’s good.


Listen, our operation is currently preparing to bring the crew up to the surface as soon as we can. The nearest class-S ship will update the Council further on the situation.

Transmission ends.

Following this, Captain Kestrel, Commander Varse, and the rest of the surviving crew were ferried beyond the caves. Commander Varse’s logs (which are currently being indexed, to be released publicly later) indicate that this object the expedition found is a fourth artifact similar in nature to the Bastion, the Nexus and the Oracle, but far smaller than any of them. Small enough, Commander Varse’s logs suggest, to be transported out of Mímir’s cave system.

The exact nature or function of the artifact is unclear, but it most likely has something to do with Mímir’s sudden reappearance. Early scans of the caves indicate signs of a recent massive Quantum surge.

Another fact worth noting is that the Arbiter, the class-B vessel sent into the light and captained by Kal Haden, is now nowhere to be found. It was assumed the ship had made contact with Mímir, but this does not appear to have been the case.

With the Crimson Wolves at large and the recent attacks on Quantum shipments, it would be better to have as many fleets as possible on standby at station Ignis. However, this new artifact cannot be left unguarded. If the Council’s fleets are to be kept on standby, this would require an arduous transport of the artifact back to the station, which would be placing the station itself, as well as the rest of the Core Systems, at great risk.

The other option is to leave the artifact where it is and use the Quantum deposits on Mímir to facilitate initial experimentation with its function. Unfortunately, this would leave the artifact quite vulnerable; so far from the Core Systems, it is quite an appealing target, not only for mercenary groups, but also for other factions. We do not want a repeat of the later years of the Quantum war. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Council ship the artifact back to station Ignis, incurring risk to both the Council and its surrounding systems, or does the Council leave the artifact where it is, prepare it for further research and perhaps even for use, and take precautions for any forces that might threaten our possession of the artifact?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline
Empire Storyline
Union Storyline

Voting Results

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact