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Join us, Explorers, enjoy the journey with Dragons!
Join us, Explorers, enjoy the journey with Dragons!
|- Enjoy the fun of playing together is our goal!  
- Enjoy the fun of playing together is our goal!  

- Follow the Rule of PlanetQuest Discord server  
- Follow the Rule of PlanetQuest Discord server  

Revision as of 14:10, 24 July 2022


Πρόκειται για μια νέα ιδέα για ένα παιχνίδι ρόλων στον PQ server και για τις αρχές δημιουργίας Orders που θα σας επιτρέψουν να συσπειρωθείτε σε ομάδες, να συμμετάσχετε σε ομαδικό παιχνίδι και να αυξήσετε τη συμμετοχή σας στο σύμπαν του PlanetQuest.

Ένα Order - είναι μια ομάδα ενεργών μελών της PlanetQuest community, που ενώνονται από τον αρχηγό του Order κάτω από κοινά συμφέροντα ή φιλία. Κάθε μέλος μπορεί να ενταχθεί ή να δημιουργήσει ένα Order με τον δικό του στόχο: ορισμένα μέλη σχεδιάζουν να παίξουν ένα επιτυχημένο συνεργατικό παιχνίδι και να κερδίσουν επιτεύγματα, ενώ άλλα απλά αναζητούν νέους φίλους, γνωστούς και συναδέλφους εξερευνητές με παρόμοια ενδιαφέροντα. Ο κύριος σκοπός των Orders του PlanetQuest είναι ότι θα μπορούν να συμμετέχουν σε δραστηριότητες του παιχνιδιού και σε διάφορες εκδηλώσεις σε ομάδες, καθώς και να ενώνουν τα μέλη του community.

Ο Αρχηγός του Order είναι εκείνος που πρέπει να παραμείνει στις αρχές του Order. Ο Αρχηγός που υποβάλλει αίτηση για τη δημιουργία του Order απαιτείται να έχει το ρόλο "Diligent Citizen" στο Discord PlanetQuest server. Το Order πρέπει να δημιουργηθεί μέσω μιας αίτησης σε φόρμα google στη διεύθυνση https://bit.ly/3xpv1D8.

Link: PQ Order Project

Κατάλογος των Orders

Order Όνομα Tag Motto Logo Περιγραφή Κανόνες Μέλη
NO MERCY [MERCY] Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
The Order of NO Mercy welcomes you! The best of mankind have gathered in this place of power to transcend their boundaries and achieve eminence together, shoulder to shoulder! Bow your knee and answer, why you have crossed into the lands of the Order? If you have come to join our ranks, get ready to have your skills put on trial! If you dare hope to attack and defeat us, abandon your futile ambitions and prostrate yourself, despicable wretch! Devotion to the Order! NO Mercy to the foe! 1. The PQ Code of Conduct for the Brothers and Sisters of the Order is sacred and absolute!

2. Mutual respect in the Order is of the highest value!

3. Overcome yourself every day and lead the Order to prosperity!

4. Consistently strive for excellence and improve your talents!

5. Always protect the Order and your Brothers and Sisters without hesitation despite any peril and risk!

@Nikita | Loremaster [MERCY] - Leader

@Boris [MERCY] - Deputy Leader -

@Metabolic | Electrician [MERCY] - Deputy Leader -

@Dark 🆃 [MERCY] - Deputy Leader -

@qazzaq [MERCY] - Deputy Leader -

@TeaTrall | Gifty [MERCY] - Staff Officer -

@Skyquake [MERCY] 🇦🇿 - Staff Officer -

@Avantguard | Captain [MERCY] - Staff Officer -

@CapitanMorgan [MERCY] - Recruit \ Trial period -

@NasDuck | Galactic Macler[MERCY] - Recruit \ Trial period -

@JH|the PLEB [MERCY] - Recruit \ Trial period - @natvol [MERCY] - Recruit \ Trial period - @Krevedko | [MERCY] - Recruit \ Trial period - @ShadoOfTime [MERCY] - Recruit \ Trial period - @natvol [MERCY] - Recruit \ Trial period -

The Order of Wrecked Foundations welcomes you! Rekt (from Wrecked) - collapse, failure - loss of money as a result of a very unprofitable deal. It is a self-ironic, short and recognizable word in the crypto-space. Anytime you can reckon, but p&e is a zero risk. You can always play around and make money on the down-trend by using your skill, thinking and adaptability. Here REKT is used to refer to a professional player who can save any game even alone in a team with beginners. Clan members are prohibited from:

- violating rules of the PlanetQuest Discord server;

- creating multi-accounts, bots and use other dishonest ways to increase PTS points in the passport;

- creating conflict situations on political, racial, sexual, or other matters. Violation of these rules will result in expulsion from the clan.

~ @[REKT] Ixtlanian | Union Seer ⓅⓆ  - Leader

~ @Wolfer | Keara [REKT]   - Deputy Leader

~ @Stace [REKT]  - Deputy Leader

~ @[REKT] Vigors

~ @[REKT] Salvadi | Wanderer

~ @[REKT]Raiku | Union Space hunter

~ @[REKT] kurapika

- @[REKT] Ilya | Meme Lord

- @[REKT] Nobel

- @Valeriya [REKT]

- @Dzmitry Adam | Shadow [REKT]

- @[REKT] DRmarkoviBil | Primus P

DooM Goose [DooM] Rip and Tear
DooM Goose.png
The Order of DooM Goose welcomes you! You have chosen to embark a quest, a mission for the worthy to make a mark on the Multiverse. We were here long before we revealed ourselves, operating in shadows, now its time to gather forces and together achieve Glory! We will march together, fight together. There will be trials to weed out the weak, there will be games to gain fame, there will be wars to win! There are others to challenge us, They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Rip and tear, until it is done. We are Legion! We will be Victorious!   1.  First rule of the Order of DooM is always be an example for the community by being active, engaging member of PlanetQuest !

    2. Second rule of the Order of DooM is always be an example for the community by being active, engaging member of PlanetQuest !

    3. Third rule of The Order of DooM always abide the previous rules !

@Doc O.B | Custodian| [DooM]  - Custodian

@WanHeda | S.T | [DooM] - Knight of DooM - Manager

@Soulastz I Primus Pilus [DooM] - Knight of DooM

@Reinhar | Primus Pilus  [DooM]  - Knight of DooM

@Artasorias | Primus P. | [DooM] -  Knight of DooM

@gnchkn | Primus Pilus [DooM] -  Knight of DooM

@körbuzağı | Progressor [DooM] -Knight of DooM

@vitaljj [DooM] - Knight of DooM

@ddgaming3400 | Captain | [DooM] - Knight of DooM

@pixelgeek | Captain|[DooM]  - Knight of DooM

@Saltimo[DooM] - Initiate of DooM

@Shape | [DooM] - Initiate of DooM

@Jackovac [DooM] - Initiate of DooM

We are currently accepting active members who are diligent citizens of PQ universe, as knights of DooM

@Saltimo[DooM]  we will welcome you as a initiate member, welcome to great Order of DooM Goose

REX [REX] ~Virtus animi vincit Veritas~
The Order of REX commends you! The brightest souls of our humanity has gathered within our halls to put into place the testament as witnesses herein for Duty, Glory and Honor! Bend and reveal your heart, answer across time to the truth of your dedication! Why look elsewhere for distractions when you have an Order at your hand? Be assured that your calculations are correct, and face the fierce trials ahead! Take heed that no futile attempts at usurpation will be tolerated and banishment will be swift. Devotion to the Order! Hail to the ranks of REX! 1. PlanetQuest Code of Conduct is absolutely sacred for all members of our Order!

2. Foremost importance within the Order is Respect, treat others as you would like to be treated.

3. To diminish the ego is the greatest challenge for conquest and the betterment of the Order, Glory, Honor, Duty!

4. A consistency towards the inner drive for improvement and nurturing of your talents, surprise us with your devotion.

5. All costs are to be expected towards the protection of the Order, even in risk and peril, shoulder to shoulder, the burden shall be shared!

@Ofnir | Primus Pilus [REX] Sergeant of Arms - Deputy Leader

@circa1964 [REX]Expert Exotic Engineer

@Grogg | Recruit. Officer [REX] Signal-Ops - Recruitment Leader

@freeman001 [REX] Spec Ops Recon

@Papayaga Union Psychiatrist[REX] Psi-Ops Officer

@Lady Valor [REX] Records & Farsite

Wis-abbreviation stands for Wisdom. Whenever you face a problem, you smile and say "Bring it on". You will analyze it, use your knowledge to find the best way to solve the issue.

We love challenges because through that we will become stronger!

We have fun together, help each other and are able to act on our own and collaborate with others to achieve great things

1. Support & respect each other

2. Be positive!

3. Have fun!


@AFK | Empire Lobbyist 🦉 [WIS]

@Helios | Union Mystic 🦉 [WIS]

@hiorplot | Party Planet🦉 [WIS]

@iyo | PQ [WIS]

@Gaspazet | Engineer [WIS]

@MariosCY5 | S.T |🦉[WIS]

@meitman 🦉[WIS]

@Luffy | PQ Wiki 🦉[WIS] ->Leader.


@Sh00ter | Analyst®🦉[WIS]

@sidewinder 🦉 [WIS]

@The Fool | Union Joker [WIS]

@Xaviar | VC Hunter [WIS]

@zingzongzung | Drummer [WIS]

Welcome you explorers of worlds. Our Order was created to protect an oppressed people. We are here to lend a helping hand to those in need. Our goal is to "protect" at all costs. Everyone who joins our ranks becomes an Angel of the Order. No matter what faction you belong to, here, you are a Dark Angel, part of something global and powerful. 1. All members of the Dark Angel Order are equal before each other.

2.Each member of the Order has the right to propose his ideas and the Order will help to implement them. 3.Conflicts are not welcome in the Order and each participant must help to resolve the conflict.

4. All members of the Order should try to contribute to the development of the Order.

5. Members of the Order must adhere to the motto of the Order

@viktoria lee/Primus Pilus [D.A.]


@Muravei_83 | Lisayna Vas [D.A.]

@Lenasky [D.A.]


DARTH LORDS [DARTH] Embrace The Power Of The Dark Side
This is an order for the people looking for unlimited powers and who feel the dark side within them. All who join will be considered Darth Lords and together we will conquer the world of PlanetQuest. What people dont know is that we are infiltrated in all factions... not just the empire... we have many Darth Lords in all factions! With us, you will always be on the correct side of the force, and you will have many abilities some consider to be unnatural... Get ready to embrace the power of the dark side and conquer it all in this PlanetQuest multiverse! The galaxy will be ours! 1. Comply with all PlanetQuest server rules.

2. Respect all members of this Order, disrespect will not be tolerated.

3. We are a team, and we have to act like it. We will always be together in good and bad times! 4. Have fun! and... Hail the DARTH Order!!


@KratosTuga | 😈 [DARTH]

@JoPereira 😈 [DARTH]

@Metatron | Union Occultist

@Coldest 😈 [DARTH]

@Oswaldo | 😈[DARTH]

@Spartans | Marcos | 😈 [DARTH]

@Avagdout 😈 [DARTH]

AZURE DRAGONS [ADG] Against the wind, to high ground
Azure Dragon, the legendary spirit creature in Chinese mythology, is also a symbol of strength, power, and honor for outstanding people.

Here, we follow the culture of modest and respectful to play together, collaborate together, have fun together!

Dragon teaches us that if we want to climb high, we have to do it against the wind.

Join us, Explorers, enjoy the journey with Dragons!

- Enjoy the fun of playing together is our goal!

- Follow the Rule of PlanetQuest Discord server

- Be active, supportive and engaging

- After joined our Order, please add the tag [ADG] after your server name.

- We may mainly speak Chinese here, but all languages are welcome!

🐉 @Lucaca | Azure Dragons 🐉 [ADG] - Leader

🐉@Heyyawn🐉 [ADG] - Deputy Leader

🐉@Nonstopgoing | Sleeper 🐉[ADG] - Deputy Leader


🐉@limengjie🐉 [ADG]

🐉@sinoocean 🐉 [ADG]

🐉@watisklcr🐉 [ADG]
