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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">'''Dal Ministro della Fiducia'''
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;">
Empire Storyline
<div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">'''Dal Ministro della Fiducia'''
Con la presente l'Impero si ritira dalle discussioni improduttive e dai discorsi vuoti riguardanti la ricerca sul portale del Ponte Einsen. È chiaro che i collaboratori non imperiali sono più interessati a diffondere voci che fatti scientifici.
Con la presente l'Impero si ritira dalle discussioni improduttive e dai discorsi vuoti riguardanti la ricerca sul portale del Ponte Einsen. È chiaro che i collaboratori non imperiali sono più interessati a diffondere voci che fatti scientifici.

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== Capitolo 5.1: Mente, Corpo e anima ==
== Capitolo 5.1: Mente, Corpo e anima ==

=== Third Step of Interfaction Reformation Solutions ===
=== '''Terzo passo delle soluzioni di Riforma dell'Interfazione''' ===
''Transgalactic report 52.7.512, Mandla Bankole, Universal Council''
Rapporto transgalattico 52.7.512, Mandla Bankole, Consiglio Universale.
A causa di alcuni eventi isolati e di alcune espressioni verbali che hanno fatto seguito ai risultati delle votazioni precedenti, è stato deciso di offrire chiarezza sul motivo per cui i leader della vostra fazione e di tutte le fazioni stanno intraprendendo azioni multi-fazionali in nome del progresso cooperativo in questi tempi incerti:
Un significativo interesse politico e diplomatico è confluito su un singolo punto galattico-spaziale noto come Ponte di Einstein-Rosen (o Ponte di Einsen). Il livello di interesse intorno a un'area così piccola ha storicamente richiesto un intervento neutrale, guidato dal Consiglio Universale, in quanto controllato all'unanimità da unicamente e da tutte le fazioni..

Due to some isolated events and certain verbal expressions following the previous vote results, it has been decided to offer clarity as to why your, and all, faction leaders are taking multi-factional actions in the name of cooperative progress during these uncertain times:<blockquote>Significant political and diplomatic interest has converged onto a single galactic-spatial point known as an Einstein-Rosen Bridge (or Einsen Bridge). The level of interest around such a relatively small area has historically required neutral, Universal Council-led intervention, as is unanimously controlled by ''only and all factions.''
Questa necessità storica di un arbitrato neutrale è supportata, tra i molti altri eventi, dall'interruzione del segnale originata dall'improvvisa comparsa del pianeta Mímir, nonché dal più recente conflitto territoriale che ha coinvolto lo stesso pianeta. Pertanto, è responsabilità di questo Consiglio sviluppare una task force multilaterale EB in grado di affrontare le attuali e future sfide sconosciute che si presentano a tutti noi.

This historical need for neutral arbitration is supported by, among many other events, the signal disruption originating from the sudden appearance of the planet Mímir, as well as the most recent territorial conflict involving the very same planet. As such, it is the responsibility of this Council to develop a multilateral EB task force capable of addressing current and future unknown challenges that lie before us all.
Questo Consiglio riconosce anche quelle poche voci resistenti che hanno espresso opposizione alla cooperazione multilaterale. Mentre la controespressione è fonte di equilibrio, il Consiglio ricorda umilmente alla galassia un equilibrio più delicato. Un equilibrio di tregua. Un equilibrio che protegge da eventi devastanti come quelli che hanno portato alla distruzione del nostro sistema natale tante generazioni fa.

This Council also acknowledges those few resistant voices who have expressed opposition to multilateral cooperation. While counter expression is the source of balance, the Council humbly reminds the galaxy of a more delicate balance. A balance of truce. A balance that guards against devastating events like those that led to the destruction of our home system so many generations ago. With such a delicate but crucial balance in place, we are allowed the privilege of peace and ''Eirenism.'' A term agreed upon by all factional members of the Universal Council. Therefore, the Einsen Bridge in question will henceforth be known as the '''Irenic Einsen Bridge.'''</blockquote>So then, with this clarification, and territorial inquiries concluded as well as development of multilateral EB task force returning to the negotiating table, each faction now continues their respective reformation process.
Con questo delicato ma cruciale equilibrio in atto, ci è concesso il privilegio della pace e dell'Eirenismo, termine concordato da tutti i membri del Consiglio Universale. Pertanto, il Ponte di Einsen in questione sarà d'ora in poi conosciuto come il '''Ponte di Einsen Irenico'''.

Stemming from devastating anomalous events, the Empire, Federation, and Union are underway in establishing new leadership positions with the intent of better representing the people.

Quindi, con questo chiarimento e con le indagini territoriali concluse, nonché con lo sviluppo della task force multilaterale EB che torna al tavolo dei negoziati, ogni fazione continua ora il proprio processo di riforma.

A seguito di devastanti eventi anomali, l'Impero, la Federazione e l'Unione stanno stabilendo nuove posizioni di leadership con l'intento di rappresentare meglio il popolo.

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate il canale della storia della vostra fazione.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''REBEAT Makes Huge Investment in Human Advancement'''<br>
'''REBEAT fa un enorme investimento nel progresso umano'''
''Eusjo Inna, Political Correspondent, Takeyon Reports''
Eusjo Inna, Corrispondente politico, Takeyon Reports

This round of REBEAT votes affects all Federalists equally. It spans both breadth—as it affects a faction’s entire population—as well as depth, due to the sheer number of divisions held by the Department of Human Advancement. This regulatory committee will fund a record six sub-departments: physical & mental health, biophysical enhancement, fundamental rights, labor, and trade.
Questa tornata di votazioni del REBEAT riguarda tutti i Federalisti allo stesso modo. Si estende sia in larghezza - in quanto riguarda l'intera popolazione di una fazione - sia in profondità, a causa dell'enorme numero di divisioni del Dipartimento per l'Avanzamento Umano. Questo comitato regolatore finanzierà un numero record di sei sotto-dipartimenti: salute fisica e mentale, potenziamento biofisico, diritti fondamentali, lavoro e commercio.

“The number of divisions is not a concern,” 3rd Sector President Kim Lee casually answered questions to the press, on her way to an embassy gala on Station Edison. “We have endured a rigorous selection process. The vetting has been heated but fair.
"Il numero di dipartimenti non è una preoccupazione", ha risposto con disinvoltura il presidente del Terzo Settore Kim Lee alle domande della stampa, mentre si recava a un gala dell'ambasciata sulla Stazione Edison. "Abbiamo affrontato un rigoroso processo di selezione. Il vaglio è stato acceso ma equo".

President Lee hopes her confidence is infectious as Federalists go to the polls to select one of the two remaining candidates. First is Hygeia Systems, a massive conglomerate spanning abilities and services from logistics to holographic fingernail implants. To list everything Hygeia offers would be a fool’s errand. It is difficult to compare Hygeia’s reach compared to other heavyweight contenders but its presence on the ballot is a not-so-subtle hint of its qualifying capabilities. To achieve such reach, the company adopted an unorthodox internal structure. Critics point that with that framework in place, no one person is at the helm of it all. With four Chief Executive Officers and a trio of board chairpersons, some wonder, aloud and frequently, if its unorthodox structure is a secret weapon or a gateway to haphazard dispersion.
La Presidente Lee spera che la sua fiducia sia contagiosa mentre i Federalisti si recano alle urne per scegliere uno dei due candidati rimasti. Il primo è Hygeia Systems, un enorme conglomerato che spazia dalle capacità e dai servizi logistici agli impianti olografici per le unghie. Elencare tutto ciò che Hygeia offre sarebbe un'impresa ardua. È difficile paragonare la portata di Hygeia a quella di altri concorrenti di peso elevato, ma la sua presenza nella scheda elettorale è un indizio non troppo velato delle sue capacità qualificanti. Per raggiungere tale portata, l'azienda ha adottato una struttura interna poco ortodossa. I critici sottolineano che, con questa struttura, non c'è una sola persona al timone di tutto. Con quattro amministratori delegati e un trio di presidenti del consiglio di amministrazione, alcuni si chiedono, ad alta voce e di frequente, se la sua struttura poco ortodossa sia un'arma segreta o una porta d'accesso a una dispersione disordinata.

On the other side of this monumental picture stands Eve-N Technologies, a methodical, personable megalith, also capable of inhabiting each responsibility of the committee’s demands. Its most recognizable contribution to the wellness of Federalist’s lives comes through nutrition and sustenance. It has managed to position its grocery supplies throughout numerous Federal outlets, as well as significant foreign exports, by way of savvy diplomacy. An entity as prominent as Eve-N, reason suggests they would leverage their heft to reach their goals. Instead, a calm voice and extended hand garner a welcoming atmosphere for partners and competitors alike. Only when comfort is achieved and guards are lowered is one confronted with Eve-N’s rigidity. However reasonable and logical, exploiting any weakness or leveraging any competitive advantage against this megalith becomes an uphill battle. Critics point to this as the number one reason for the sluggish rate of change, however necessary, coming from Eve-N’s leadership ranks.
Dall'altra parte di questo quadro monumentale si trova Eve-N Technologies, un megalite metodico e personale, anch'esso in grado di far fronte a ogni responsabilità delle richieste del comitato. Il suo contributo più riconoscibile al benessere della vita dei Federalisti passa attraverso la nutrizione e il sostentamento. Grazie a un'abile diplomazia, è riuscita a posizionare le sue forniture alimentari in numerosi punti vendita federali, oltre a importanti esportazioni all'estero. Un'entità così importante come Eve-N, la ragione suggerisce che avrebbe fatto leva sul proprio peso per raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Invece, una voce calma e una mano tesa creano un'atmosfera accogliente per partner e concorrenti. Solo quando si raggiunge il comfort e si abbassano le guardie ci si confronta con la rigidità di Eve-N. Per quanto ragionevole e logico, sfruttare qualsiasi debolezza o vantaggio competitivo contro questo megalite diventa una battaglia in salita. I critici indicano questo come il motivo principale della lentezza dei cambiamenti, per quanto necessari, che provengono dai ranghi dirigenziali di Eve-N.

Of all the potentials that campaigned for these two final ballot slots, it’s clear Hygeia and Eve-N leave the least doubt about their qualifications. All that’s left is to exercise your right to vote.
Di tutti i potenziali che hanno fatto campagna elettorale per questi due ultimi posti, è chiaro che Hygeia ed Eve-N sono quelli che lasciano meno dubbi sulle loro qualifiche. Non resta che esercitare il proprio diritto di voto.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Formation of the Ministry of Knowledge'''<br>
'''Formazione del Ministero della Conoscenza'''
''Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Glycon.''
Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, Casa Glycon.
Gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore che la Casa Glycon annuncia la nascita e l'istituzione del Ministero Imperiale della Conoscenza. Questo Ministero deterrà doverosamente l'autorità in materia di istruzione, informazione e comunicazione, in accordo con la Suprema Dinastia dell'Imperator Solas. Questa nuova designazione è la terza di sei ministeri che verranno istituiti per aiutare il Senato Imperiale per confermare il dominio imperiale nella galassia. Questo giorno non è diverso da quelli precedenti. Il nostro grande Impero è ineguagliabile e tale continuerà ad essere anche durante il periodo di selezione del primo che ricoprirà il ruolo di Ministro della Conoscenza.

Glory to the Empire. It is with great honor that House Glycon announces the origin and enforcement of the Imperial Ministry of Knowledge. This Ministry will dutifully hold authority in matters of education, intelligence, and communication, in accordance with His Premiere Dynast, Imperator Solas. This acute designation is the third of six ministries that will be formed to aid the Imperial Senate's continued confirmation of imperial dominance in the galaxy. This day is no different than the time before it. Our great Empire is unmatched and will continue to be so as the selection period begins for the first to bear the duties of Minister of Knowledge.
Grazie alla saggezza di Sua Eccellenza, la Casa Voden è stata incaricata di gestire queste operazioni e, come tale, selezionerà uno dei due candidati: il Sommo Lord Mathias Voden o Lady Sakura Kogawa. Entrambi hanno dimostrato un'eccezionale competenza sui principi scientifici, a tutto vantaggio dell'Impero. Nessun altro nell'Imperium è più qualificato per guidare gli interventi di ricerca sul Ponte

Through the wisdom of His Excellency, House Voden has been vested to administer these operations and, as such, one of two potentials will be selected: High Lord Mathias Voden or Lady Sakura Kogawa. Both have demonstrated exceptional understanding of scientific precedence, to The Empire’s substantial benefit. No two in the Imperium are better qualified to lead efforts in Einsen Bridge research. The final choice will determine how the Imperial Senate will receive unforeseen events in the future.
Einsen. La scelta finale determinerà il modo in cui il Senato Imperiale fronteggerà gli sviluppi imprevisti in futuro.

High Lord Voden’s mastery in technological research and production systems is unmatched. He has been rewarded accordingly for the benefit of the many tools, devices, and technology His Excellency has shared throughout the Imperium. It takes a firm hand to sustain such efficiencies. Lord Voden’s hand is immovable.
La maestria dell'Alto Lord Voden nella ricerca tecnologica e nei sistemi di produzione è ineguagliabile. È stato ricompensato in conseguenza al rendimento dei molti strumenti, dispositivi e tecnologie che Sua Eccellenza ha condiviso in tutto l'Imperium. Ci vuole una mano ferma per promuovere tali efficienze. La mano di Lord Voden è inamovibile.

The distinguished Lady Sakura is Lord Voden’s complement with her ability to put Lord Mathias’ theories and ideas to practice. House Voden’s production rate is absolutely tremendous, thanks to this “Lady Infinite”, who seems capable of providing anything at any scale. An enviable byname at first glance, it comes at great bureaucratic cost–Lady Sakura is a perfectionist where safety conduct is concerned. Difficult as it is to juggle such levels of productivity, no one else is willing to deal with all the perils of accommodating so many all at once.
L'illustre Lady Sakura è il complemento di Lord Voden, ha la capacità di mettere in pratica le teorie e le idee di Lord Mathias. Il livello di produzione di Casa Voden è assolutamente straordinario, grazie a questa "Inesauribile Lady", che sembra in grado di fornire qualsiasi cosa e su qualsiasi scala. Un cognome invidiabile a prima vista, ma che ha un grande costo da pagare, in termini burocratici: Lady Sakura è una perfezionista in materia di sicurezza. Poiché è molto difficile destreggiarsi a tali livelli di efficienza, nessun altro è disposto ad affrontare tutti i pericoli che comporta l'accoglienza di un numero così elevato di persone in una sola volta.

You may now express your favor toward one party over the other.
Ora potete esprimere il vostro favore per una parte rispetto all'altra.

Imperium superet astra.
Imperium superet astra.
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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Reformation, Hope, and Health to All'''<br>
'''Riforma, speranza e salute per tutti'''

The fruits of our efforts among the Vox, Tribes, and many public polls, are coming to fruition as we continue to assemble our Code of Ethics. Guidance is taking shape and we, as a forward-minded people, are already navigating the uncertainties of this new Einsen Bridge era. Your efforts are recognized frequently during these ambiguous times. For one, hardship is a burden, but with familial compatriots, it becomes a bond. Celebrate with me as this bond strengthens for the benefit of countless generations to come.
I frutti dei nostri sforzi tra il Vox, le Tribù e molti sondaggi pubblici stanno arrivando a compimento mentre continuiamo ad assemblare il nostro Codice Etico. La guida sta prendendo forma e noi, come popolo lungimirante, stiamo già navigando nelle incertezze di questa nuova era del Ponte di Einsen. I vostri sforzi sono spesso riconosciuti in questi tempi ambigui. Per qualcuno le difficoltà sono un peso, ma con i compatrioti familiari diventano un legame. Festeggiate con me il rafforzamento di questo legame a beneficio di innumerevoli generazioni a venire.

To reinforce this bond, our third Code of Ethics is ratified to officially facilitate all matters of health. As with our other Ethics, the Ethic of Health is nurtured by its Steward aboard the Bastion. They will rotate in to serve the duties of their stewardship just as they do now for home and shareland.
Per rafforzare questo legame, è stato ratificato il nostro terzo Codice etico per facilitare ufficialmente tutte le questioni di salute. Come le altre etiche, l'Etica della Salute è curata dal suo Amministratore a bordo del Bastione. Essi si alterneranno per svolgere i compiti della loro amministrazione, proprio come fanno ora per la casa e la terraferma.

Chosen at random are two candidates for Steward of Health: Doctor Jase Yosen of the Redeemers, a true Unionist exemplifying the very heart of the Union. In thought, Jase envisions the result far in advance, unrecognized by many until its benefits are realized. His medical research is widely recognized as several steps ahead of the most innovative collectives. In fact, he is working on a theory explaining the phenomenon known as Quantum Sickness: it may have little to do with Quantum at all. Therein lie the complexities of Dr. Yosen’s methodologies. Such an unorthodox, forward-thinking mind will undoubtedly face the physical resistance of an opposing consensus.
Sono stati scelti a caso due candidati alla carica di Amministratore della Salute: Il dottor Jase Yosen dei Redentori, un vero unionista che rappresenta il cuore dell'Unione. Nel pensiero, Jase immagina il risultato con largo anticipo, non riconosciuto da molti fino a quando i suoi benefici non vengono realizzati. La sua ricerca medica è ampiamente riconosciuta come un passo avanti rispetto ai collettivi più innovativi. Infatti, sta lavorando a una teoria che spiega il fenomeno noto come Malattia Quantica: potrebbe avere poco a che fare con la Quantica. È qui che risiede la complessità delle metodologie del Dr. Yosen. Una mente così eterodossa e lungimirante dovrà senza dubbio affrontare la resistenza fisica di un consenso opposto.

The second candidate is Elder Clansman Stefan Sagge of the Snow Dawn. If forward-thinking is the competition, Elder Stefan meets it squarely with wisdom. It is this fair level of understanding that has saved lives from the mysterious effects of quantum sickness. Hasty diagnoses would have certainly added to the death count but Stefan’s steady hand has kept many loved ones from undue grief. It is this steady hand that casts a far reach, at present, with deliberate intention from the good clansman on emphasizing the present for the good of the future. Not an earth shattering revelation, to be sure, but an apt diagnosis that is difficult to refute.
Il secondo candidato è il membro anziano del clan Stefan Sagge dell'Alba delle Nevi. Se la concorrenza è lungimirante, l'anziano Stefan la affronta con saggezza. È questo giusto livello di comprensione che ha salvato delle vite dai misteriosi effetti della malattia quantica. Diagnosi affrettate avrebbero certamente aumentato la conta dei morti, ma la mano ferma di Stefan ha evitato a molti cari un dolore ingiustificato. È proprio questa mano ferma che, al momento, getta un raggio d'azione lontano, con l'intenzione deliberata da parte del buon membro del clan di enfatizzare il presente per il bene del futuro. Non una rivelazione sconvolgente, certo, ma una diagnosi azzeccata e difficile da confutare.

Join us as we select our first Steward of Health and craft a plan of wellbeing for generations to come.
Unisciti a noi per selezionare il nostro primo Amministratore della Salute e creare un piano di benessere per le generazioni a venire.

Your called-upon Present Leader,
Il vostro leader del presente è stato chiamato,

Aish Fenix
Aish Fenix
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<code>Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi:</code> [https://planetquestwiki.com/index.php/Lore%20Codex 📖║lore-codex]
<code>Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi:</code> [https://planetquestwiki.com/index.php/Lore%20Codex 📖║lore-codex]
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<div style="background-color: #f4f4f4 ; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid black; width:39%">
'''Voting Results'''

'''Phase 3 Votes of Reform in This New Age of the Einsen Bridge'''

''Transgalactic report 56.7.512, Universal Council''  
'''Risultati delle votazioni'''

Each interstellar faction has selected the third of multiple official appointments designed to strengthen their position in these uncertain times. The results are as follows:<br>'''Empire:'''
'''Fase 3 Voti di riforma in questa nuova era del ponte Einsen'''

''Mathias Voden for Minister of Knowledge'' - '''59.4% Imperial favor'''  
''Rapporto transgalattico 56.7.512, Consiglio universale''

''Sakura Kogawa for Minister of Knowledge'' - '''40.6% Imperial favor'''
Ogni fazione interstellare ha selezionato il terzo di molteplici appuntamenti ufficiali progettati per rafforzare la propria posizione in questi tempi incerti. I risultati sono i seguenti:


''Award humanity contracts to Hygeia'' - '''56.81% of the votes'''  
''Mathias Voden per Ministro della Conoscenza'' - '''59,4% favore imperiale'''

''Award humanity contracts to Eve-N Tech'' - '''43.19% of the votes'''  
''Sakura Kogawa per Ministro della Conoscenza'' - '''40,6% favore imperiale'''


''Jase Yosen as Steward of Health'' - '''65.31% of the votes'''  
''Assegna contratti di umanità a Hygeia'' - '''56,81% dei voti'''

''Stefan Sagge as Steward of Health'' - '''34.69% of the votes'''  
''Assegna contratti di umanità a Eve-N Tech'' - '''43,19% dei voti'''

Other relevant reports:<blockquote>Imperial research teams have arrived on Mímir without incident.</blockquote>
''Jase Yosen come  Amministratore della Salute'' - '''65,31% dei voti'''
''Stefan Sagge come  Amministratore della Salute'' - '''34,69% dei voti'''
Altri rapporti rilevanti:<blockquote>Le squadre di ricerca imperiali sono arrivate su Mímir senza incidenti.</blockquote></div>

== Capitolo 5.2: Mente, Corpo e anima ==
== Capitolo 5.2: Mente, Corpo e anima ==
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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''New REBEAT Human Advancement Contractor Sets Sight On Irenic Einsen Bridge'''<br>
'''Il nuovo appaltatore per l'avanzamento umano REBEAT punta sul ponte di Irenic Einsen'''
''Alaur Kelar, Health Reporter, Op-Ed, News Outlet''
Alaur Kelar, Giornalista per la salute, Op-Ed, Testata giornalistica

Hygeia Systems is wasting no time with their newly awarded Human Advancement powers by formerly submitting requests for various jurisdictional authorities on the planet Mímir. “We will be assuming authority over all Organic Quantum research, collection and processing.” Hygeia CEO Yctra Ouiah asserted.
La Hygeia Systems non sta perdendo tempo con i poteri di avanzamento umano che le sono stati recentemente conferiti, presentando in precedenza richieste per varie autorità giurisdizionali sul pianeta Mímir. "Assumeremo l'autorità su tutte le ricerche, la raccolta e l'elaborazione di Quantum Organico". Ha dichiarato Yctra Ouiah, amministratore delegato di Hygeia.

Given territorial disputes with the Union, Universal Council consensus struggles and shifting corporate power shifts, many being interviewed have agreed the era of the Einsen Bridge is well underway.
Date le dispute territoriali con l'Unione, le lotte per il consenso del Consiglio Universale e i cambiamenti di potere delle società, molti intervistati hanno convenuto che l'era del Ponte di Einsen è ben avviata.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''From the Minister of Knowledge'''<br>
'''Dal Ministro della Conoscenza'''
''High Lord Mathias Voden, Minister of Knowledge.''

Glory to The Empire. It is with great honor to serve the Imperator as the first Minister of Knowledge. I transmit this to you on the surface of Mímir where Lady Sakura Kogawa and I have been accompanying the Intelligence Minister, Lord Venthe Etruscus. Duties have been transferred to me to establish planetside a research facility and relay station for the newly found Irenic Einsen Bridge. I have appointed Lady Sakura Kogawa temporary deputy authority to accelerate operations until all is established and well in order.
''Alto Lord Mathias Voden, Ministro della Conoscenza.''

It is worth noting, unlike our counterparts, no conflict has emerged regarding His Excellency’s sovereign right to access the Mímir’s orbit, skies, seas, and terrain. Imperial Knowledge facilities, along with intelligence functions, are already making progress in establishing communications uplinks, laboratory infrastructure, and provisional measures. This report is further evidence of His Excellency’s superiority.
Gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore servire l'Imperatore come primo Ministro della Conoscenza. Vi trasmetto questo sulla superficie di Mímir, dove Lady Sakura Kogawa ed io abbiamo accompagnato il Ministro dell'Intelligence, Lord Venthe Etruscus. Mi sono stati trasferiti i doveri di stabilire sul pianeta una struttura di ricerca e una stazione di trasmissione per il ponte Irenic Einsen appena scoperto. Ho nominato Lady Sakura Kogawa vice autorità temporanea per accelerare le operazioni finché tutto non sarà stabilito e in ordine.

The Imperium steps into a new dawn with the data that will be collected here and His Excellency, along with His Imperium, will further demonstrate galactic supremacy.
Vale la pena notare che, a differenza delle nostre controparti, non è emerso alcun conflitto riguardo al diritto sovrano di Sua Eccellenza di accedere all'orbita, ai cieli, ai mari e al terreno del Mímir. Le strutture della conoscenza imperiale, insieme alle funzioni di intelligence, stanno già facendo progressi nello stabilire collegamenti di comunicazione, infrastrutture di laboratorio e misure provvisorie. Questo rapporto è un'ulteriore prova della superiorità di Sua Eccellenza.

Sit imperium superstes astra.
L'Imperium entra in una nuova alba con i dati che verranno raccolti qui e Sua Eccellenza, insieme al Suo Imperium, dimostrerà ulteriormente la supremazia galattica.
Lascia che l'impero sopravviva alle stelle.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''The Health of the Union'''<br>
'''La Salute dell'Unione'''

Dr. Jase Yosen, Steward of Health
Dr. Jase Yosen, Steward della Salute

Members of the Union, it is with great humility to serve you as the first Steward of Health. I do not forget my station as a Unionist equal and sworn clinician of this great Union’s wellbeing. I will do my utmost to set a precedent worthy of future Stewards who will succeed me. There are a great many questions to be investigated as we collectively learn together and unlock the mysteries before us.
Membri dell'Unione, è con grande umiltà che mi metto al servizio come primo Steward della Salute. Non dimentico il mio rango di unionista eguale e clinico giurato del benessere di questa grande Unione. Farò del mio meglio per creare un precedente degno dei futuri Steward che mi succederanno. Ci sono moltissime domande da indagare mentre impariamo collettivamente insieme e sveliamo i misteri davanti a noi.

It is the anticipation of the future that will be the foundation of my new post. My first order of discussion that I will bring to the next Union Council session will be to improve your wellbeing. It is my mission that this post leaves you improved, in body and mind, more than when it arrived.
È l'anticipazione del futuro che sarà alla base del mio nuovo incarico. Il mio primo ordine di discussione che porterò alla prossima sessione del Consiglio dell'Unione sarà quello di migliorare il vostro benessere. È mia missione che questo post vi lasci migliorati, nel corpo e nella mente, più di quando è arrivato.

Thank you again and be well.
Grazie ancora e state bene.

Heads held high.
A testa alta.

== Capitolo 6.1: Riforma Intermedia ==
== Capitolo 6.1: Riforma Intermedia ==

=== Fourth Step of Interfaction Reformation Solutions ===
=== '''Quarta fase della Riforma dell'Interfazione Soluzioni''' ===
''Transgalactic report 65.7.512, Universal Council''

Clear progress has been made regarding the Multilateral Irenic Einsen Bridge Task Force. Following is a brief message from Universal Council member, Áurea Adonis:
Rapporto transgalattico 65.7.512, Consiglio Universale

Discussions continue with the chosen Federation delegates, as was voted by majority decision, and the operational framework for the Multilateral Task Force is nearing completion. The work done by all factions has resulted in increased unity and cooperation. This council would like to extend deep gratitude for such unifying efforts. The security of the galaxy grows as collaboration takes root in all interfactional conduct.
Sono stati fatti chiari progressi per quanto riguarda la Task Force Multilaterale Ponte Irenico Einsen. Segue un breve messaggio del membro del Consiglio Universale, Áurea Adonis:

In the near future, the Universal Council, on behalf of the Federation, will present candidates to lead the Multilateral Irenic EB Task Force. This will mark the beginning of a new chapter in EB research as we search for answers and historic findings that will propel all humankind forward.
Le discussioni continuano con i delegati della Federazione scelti, come è stato votato a maggioranza, e il quadro operativo per la Task Force Multilaterale è quasi completato. Il lavoro svolto da tutte le fazioni ha portato a una maggiore unità e cooperazione. Questo Consiglio desidera esprimere profonda gratitudine per questi sforzi di unificazione. La sicurezza della galassia cresce quando la collaborazione si radica in tutte le condotte interfacoltà.

With this clarification, we move on to ongoing trans-factional reformation. The first half of the reorganization voting has concluded while each faction continues its respective reformation process. Stemming from disruptive Einsen Bridge events, the Empire, Federation, and Union are establishing their respective leadership positions. This will be the fourth position selected. Each faction will total six new leadership roles, all with the intent of better representing the people across the galaxy.
Nel prossimo futuro, il Consiglio Universale, a nome della Federazione, presenterà i candidati alla guida della Task Force Multilaterale Irenica EB. Questo segnerà l'inizio di un nuovo capitolo nella ricerca sull'EB, mentre cerchiamo risposte e scoperte storiche che spingano tutta l'umanità in avanti.
Con questo chiarimento, passiamo alla riforma trans-fazionale in corso. La prima metà delle votazioni per la riorganizzazione si è conclusa, mentre ogni fazione continua il proprio processo di riforma. A seguito degli eventi dirompenti del Ponte Einsen, l'Impero, la Federazione e l'Unione stanno stabilendo le rispettive posizioni di comando. Questa sarà la quarta posizione selezionata. Ogni fazione avrà in totale sei nuovi ruoli di comando, tutti con l'intento di rappresentare meglio i cittadini della galassia.
Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate il canale della storia della vostra fazione.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Fourth EB Era Regulatory Committee Up for Selection'''<br>
'''Quarto comitato di regolamentazione dell'era EB per la selezione'''
''Elueia Esterea, Finance & Economy Correspondent, Takeyon Reports''
''Elueia Esterea, corrispondente per finanza ed economia, Takeyon Reports''

For many, the most important reformation REBEAT contracts are now up for grabs. The elimination process has been more extensive than previous reformation contract rounds. The Department of Intelligence processed five rounds of elimination before arriving at the final two candidates. The Galactic Defense Commission processed three rounds. For this position, the regulatory committee charged with awarding finance and treasury contracts, The Federal Bank, processed thirteen rounds of elimination before arriving at the two finalists: Republic Technologies and Maelstrom-Enomics.
Per molti, i più importanti contratti di riforma REBEAT sono ora in palio. Il processo di eliminazione è stato più esteso rispetto ai precedenti contratti di riforma. Il Dipartimento dell'Intelligence ha elaborato cinque turni di eliminazione prima di arrivare agli ultimi due candidati. La Commissione di Difesa Galattica ha elaborato tre round. Per questa posizione, il comitato di regolamentazione incaricato di aggiudicare contratti finanziari e di tesoreria, The Federal Bank, ha elaborato tredici round di eliminazione prima di arrivare ai due finalisti: Republic Technologies e Maelstrom-Enomics.

Republic Tech is a logical finalist having proven its mettle by providing critical infrastructure enabling our civilized way of life. Serving as the flagship vessel for all voting activity in the Federation, RT has maintained this role longer than any other entity in history. Their ability to provide a balanced, near-zero-bias operation model is unmatched among countless self-serving competitors. Should Republic Tech secure The Fed Bank’s contracts, our financial matters will be in fair and transparent hands. That said, theirs are not the most forward thinking of hands. RT has been known to fall behind the curve when it comes to reacting to the Federation’s ever-evolving ways of life. Collecting votes doesn’t change much but managing financial instruments can sometimes shift direction as often as the wind blows.
Republic Tech è un finalista logico che ha dimostrato il suo coraggio fornendo infrastrutture critiche che consentono il nostro stile di vita civile. Fungendo da nave ammiraglia per tutte le attività di voto nella Federazione, RT ha mantenuto questo ruolo più a lungo di qualsiasi altra entità nella storia. La loro capacità di fornire un modello operativo bilanciato e quasi nullo non ha eguali tra innumerevoli concorrenti egoisti. Se Republic Tech si assicurasse i contratti della Fed Bank, le nostre questioni finanziarie sarebbero in mani eque e trasparenti. Detto questo, le loro non sono le mani più lungimiranti. RT è noto per essere rimasto indietro quando si tratta di reagire agli stili di vita in continua evoluzione della Federazione. Raccogliere voti non cambia molto ma la gestione degli strumenti finanziari a volte può cambiare direzione ogni volta che soffia il vento.

Maelstrom-Enomics offers a compelling alternative. This finalist has a history of swimming against the current with unshrinking courage. When no one else would fill the market void for elderly care, risk-laden insurance, and pension programs, it was this corporation that stepped up. Maelstrom has cut through perilous waters, entering markets fraught with either self-destructive manipulation or profitless charity. An organization like that, armed with financial authorities, leaves a feeling of confidence if maybe a bit self-indulgent. If there were to be a flaw, it would be internal extravagance. Should The Fed Bank grant contracts, sustainable confidence should abound, for decades if not generations, and Maelstrom would celebrate that all along the way.
Maelstrom-Enomics offre un'alternativa convincente. Questo finalista ha una storia di nuoto controcorrente con coraggio incrollabile. Quando nessun altro avrebbe colmato il vuoto del mercato dell'assistenza agli anziani, delle assicurazioni ad alto rischio e dei programmi pensionistici, è stata questa società a farsi avanti. Maelstrom ha attraversato acque pericolose, entrando in mercati pieni di manipolazione autodistruttiva o beneficenza senza profitto. Un'organizzazione del genere, armata di autorità finanziarie, lascia un sentimento di fiducia anche se forse un po' autoindulgente. Se dovesse esserci un difetto, sarebbe una stravaganza interna. Se la Fed Bank dovesse concedere contratti, la fiducia sostenibile dovrebbe abbondare, per decenni se non generazioni, e Maelstrom lo festeggerebbe lungo tutto il percorso.

Whichever you favor, be sure to exercise your right to cast a vote.
Qualunque cosa tu preferisca, assicurati di esercitare il tuo diritto di esprimere un voto.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Formation of the Ministry of Security'''<br>
'''Formazione del Ministero della Difesa'''
''Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Glycon.''
Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, Casa Glycon.

Glory to the Empire. It is with great honor that House Glycon announces the origin and enforcement of the Imperial Ministry of Security. This Ministry will dutifully hold authority in matters of defense and law enforcement, in accordance with His Premiere Dynast, Imperator Solas. This acute designation is the fourth of six ministries that will be formed to aid the Imperial Senate's continued confirmation of Imperial dominance across the galaxy. This day is no different than the time before it. Our great Empire is unmatched and will continue to be so as the selection period begins for the first to bear the duties of Minister of Security.
Gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore che la Casa Glycon annuncia la nascita e l'istituzione del Ministero della Difesa Imperiale. Questo Ministero deterrà debitamente l'autorità in materia di sicurezza e applicazione della legge, in accordo con la Suprema Dinastia dell'Imperator Solas. Questa nomina è la quarta dei sei ministeri che saranno istituiti per aiutare il Senato Imperiale a confermare il dominio imperiale in tutta la galassia. Questo giorno non è diverso da quelli precedenti. Il nostro grande Impero è ineguagliabile e continuerà ad esserlo anche quando inizierà il periodo di selezione del primo a ricoprire il ruolo di Ministro della Difesa.

Through the wisdom of His Excellency, an esteemed highborn will be appointed from either House Va-Halet or House Praetor to direct operations and, as such, one of two potential candidates will be selected: Lord Hakar Va-Halet or Captain Léo Praetor. Both contribute impeccable service to The Empire and the final choice will navigate unprecedented eventualities including the protection of the study and exploration of Einsen Bridges.
Grazie alla saggezza di Sua Eccellenza, sarà nominato uno stimato erede della Casa Va-Halet o della Casa Praetor per dirigere le attività e, pertanto, sarà selezionato uno dei due candidati: Lord Hakar Va-Halet o il Capitano Léo Praetor. Entrambi prestano un servizio impeccabile all'Impero e il prescelto si occuperà di gestire eventualità senza precedenti, tra cui la salvaguardia dello studio e dell'esplorazione dei Ponti di Einsen.

Lord Va-Halet prides himself in coming to His Excellency’s side more rapidly than any other great House. There are few with his combat experience who are more loyal to Imperial supremacy. That said, some interpret his assertive reactions as cynical.
Lord Va-Halet è orgoglioso di essersi posto al fianco di Sua Eccellenza più prontamente di qualsiasi altra grande Casa. Pochi, con la sua esperienza di combattimento, sono leali alla supremazia imperiale. Detto questo, alcuni interpretano le sue reazioni schiette come ciniche.  

Captain Praetor, on the other hand, is anchored in consideration as much as he is in action. No force in this life or beyond is capable of uprooting Léo’s resolve. This can be to a fault with the occasional record of temperamental behavior, albeit from Leo’s steadfast Imperial convictions.
Il Capitano Praetor, invece, è ancorato alla valutazione quanto all'azione. Non v’è forza, in questa vita o nell'aldilà, che sia in grado di sradicare la determinazione di Léo. Questo può essere un difetto, insieme al comportamento occasionalmente irascibile, anche se questo è dovuto alle ferme convinzioni imperiali di Léo.

You may now express your favor toward one party over the other.
Ora può esprimere il suo favore per una parte piuttosto che per l'altra.

Imperium superet astra.
Imperium superet astra.
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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Your Contribution to Protection, Our Ethic of Safety'''<br>
'''Il vostro contributo alla Protezione, la nostra Etica della Sicurezza'''

Despite the Federation’s illegal intrusion of Unionist rights, further and thorough deliberation continues among the Vox, tribes, and many public polls to assemble our great Union's Code of Ethics. This Unionist Code guides us, a forward-minded people, as we navigate this new era of the Einsen Bridge. Your efforts are recognized frequently during these difficult times. The burdens suffered by one are alleviated by all. It is with high expectation that today continues our path toward reformation and a strong foundation that will last for countless generations to come.

To cultivate understanding, our fourth Code of Ethics facilitates all matters of defense, security, and leadership accountability. This reflects the critical necessities of balance, justice, and civil assurances now until the end of time. As with Expression and Information, the Ethic of Safety is nurtured by its Steward aboard the Bastion. They will rotate in to serve the duties of their stewardship just as they do now for home and shareland.
Nonostante l'intrusione illegale da parte della Federazione nei diritti unionisti, continuano ulteriori e approfondite deliberazioni tra i Vox, le tribù e molti sondaggi pubblici per mettere insieme il Codice etico della nostra grande Unione. Questo codice unionista guida noi, un popolo lungimirante, mentre navighiamo in questa nuova era del ponte Einsen. I vostri sforzi vengono spesso riconosciuti durante questi tempi difficili. Gli oneri subiti da uno sono alleviati da tutti. È con grande aspettativa che oggi continua il nostro cammino verso la riforma e una solida base che durerà per innumerevoli generazioni a venire.

Chosen at random are two candidates for Steward of Safety: Emmet of the Faceless and Laban Ark of the Twin Suns. Emmet’s credentials all point to equitability, fairness, and candor. He is something of a Union legend, having traversed Union space along with his fellow Faceless, always aiding those in need. Few within the Union have a more just disposition than Emmet. This is well known despite his path to leadership being less well-understood than that of others. How Emmet came to lead the motley crew known as the Faceless is unknown, however. Even his identity is a mystery: was Emmet born within the Union or did he defect from one of the other factions? No records confirm one possibility or the other–but then, that is often the woeful state of Union affairs, isn’t it? To this day, no one knows the face behind Emmet’s mask–save for his fellow Faceless, of course.
Per coltivare la comprensione, il nostro quarto Codice etico facilita tutte le questioni di difesa, sicurezza e responsabilità della leadership. Ciò riflette le necessità critiche di equilibrio, giustizia e assicurazioni civili fino alla fine dei tempi. Come per l'Espressione e l'Informazione, l'Etica della Sicurezza è nutrita dal suo Steward a bordo del Bastione. Si alterneranno per servire i doveri della loro amministrazione proprio come fanno ora per la casa e la terra da condividere.

Our other candidate is Captain Laban Ark. An intuitive, confident Unionist with harrowing marks during the Ojin-Kai assault on Vargas. Navigating uncertain circumstances and with no time to act, Laban revised his marching orders and reversed fortunes, saving the lives of dozens of Vargas miners as well as a vital shipment of ore scheduled for Unionist supply lines. It is this intuition that’s capable of leading the new establishment of Union security across our populated systems. This is not discounted, I assure you, by Laban’s inconsequential, presumptuous bearing. Some say presumptuous, others mark it as confident.
Due candidati scelti casualmente come Steward della Sicurezza: Emmet dei Senza Volto e Laban Ark dei Soli Gemelli. Le credenziali di Emmet puntano tutte all'equità, alla correttezza e al candore. È una specie di leggenda dell'Unione, avendo attraversato lo spazio dell'Unione insieme ai suoi compagni Senza Volto, aiutando sempre i bisognosi. Pochi all'interno dell'Unione hanno un carattere più giusto di Emmet. Questo è ben noto nonostante il suo percorso verso la leadership sia meno compreso di quello di altri. Tuttavia, non è noto come Emmet sia arrivato a guidare il gruppo eterogeneo noto come Senza Volto. Anche la sua identità è un mistero:

Join us as we select the first Steward of Safety and embark on a journey of enlightenment and usher in a new age.
Emmet è nato all'interno dell'Unione o ha disertato da una delle altre fazioni? Nessun documento conferma una possibilità o l'altra, ma poi, questo è spesso il doloroso stato degli affari dell'Unione, non è vero? Fino ad oggi, nessuno conosce il volto dietro la maschera di Emmet, a parte i suoi compagni Senza Volto, ovviamente.
L'altro nostro candidato è il capitano Laban Ark. Un unionista intuitivo e fiducioso con segni strazianti durante l'assalto Ojin-Kai a Vargas. Navigando in circostanze incerte e senza tempo per agire, Laban ha rivisto i suoi ordini di marcia e ha invertito le sorti, salvando la vita a dozzine di minatori di Vargas e una spedizione programmata di minerale vitale per le linee di rifornimento unioniste. È questa intuizione che è in grado di guidare la nuova costituzione della sicurezza dell'Unione attraverso i nostri sistemi popolati. Questo non è scontato, ve lo assicuro, dal portamento irrilevante e presuntuoso di Laban. Alcuni dicono presuntuoso, altri lo contrassegnano come fiducioso.
Unisciti a noi mentre selezioniamo il primo Steward della Sicurezza e intraprendiamo un viaggio di illuminazione per inaugurare una nuova era.
Il vostro cosiddetto leader attuale,

Your called-upon Present Leader,
Aish Fenix
Aish Fenix
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'''Voting Results'''

'''Phase 4 Votes of Reform in This New Age of the Einsen Bridge'''

''Transgalactic report 68.7.512, Universal Council''  
'''Risultati delle votazioni'''
'''Fase 4 Voti di riforma in questa nuova era del ponte Einsen'''
''Rapporto transgalattico 68.7.512, Consiglio universale''
Ogni fazione interstellare ha selezionato il quarto di molteplici appuntamenti ufficiali progettati per rafforzare la propria posizione in questi tempi incerti. I risultati sono i seguenti:

Each interstellar faction has selected the fourth of multiple official appointments designed to strengthen their position in these uncertain times. The results are as follows:<br>'''Empire:'''

''Hakar Va-Halet as Minister of Security'' - '''64.51% Imperial favor'''  
''Hakar Va-Halet come ministro della '''Difesa''''' - '''64,51% di favore imperiale'''

''Léo Praetor as Minister of Security'' - '''35.49% Imperial favor'''
''Léo Praetor come ministro della '''Difesa''''' - '''35,49% favore imperiale'''


''Award finance contracts to Republic Technologies'' - '''63.69% of the votes'''  
''Assegna contratti di finanziamento a Republic Technologies'' - '''63,69% dei voti'''

''Award finance contracts to Maelstrom Economics'' - '''36.31% of the votes'''  
''Assegna contratti di finanziamento a Maelstrom Economics'' - '''36,31% dei voti'''


''Emmet as Steward of Safety'' - '''58.27% of the votes'''  
''Emmet come Amministratore della Sicurezza'' - '''58,27% dei voti'''

''Laban Ark as Steward of Safety'' - '''41.73% of the votes'''
''Laban Ark come Amministratore della Sicurezza'' - '''41,73% dei voti'''

Other relevant reports:<blockquote>As of this transmission, probes entering the Irenic Einsen Bridge return degraded, badly malfunctioning, warped or do not return at all. It is unknown what is causing this. However, once the formation of the Multilateral Irenic EB Task Force is complete, there will be an urgent focus to remedy these issues.</blockquote></div>
Altri rapporti rilevanti:<blockquote>A partire da questa trasmissione, le sonde che entrano nel ponte Irenic Einsen ritornano degradate, gravemente malfunzionanti, deformate o non ritornano affatto. Non si sa cosa stia causando questo. Tuttavia, una volta completata la formazione della Multilateral Irenic EB Task Force, ci sarà un'attenzione urgente per porre rimedio a questi problemi.</blockquote></div>

== Capitolo 6.2: Riforma Intermedia ==
== Capitolo 6.2: Riforma Intermedia ==
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=== '''Dopo questi risultati del voto.. ''' ===
=== '''Dopo questi risultati del voto.. ''' ===
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Federation Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Is the New Federal Bank Contractor the Winner or Reluctant Recipient?'''<br>
'''Il contraente della nuova banca federale è il vincitore o il beneficiario riluttante?'''
''Jyo Cshu, Xeikil Chief Economist, Op-Ed – Finance Sphere, a Novum auxiliary''

The Federal Bank may be in for a difficult fiscal cycle. Perhaps congratulations are in order to Republic Technologies. But perhaps condolences are more appropriate.
Jyo Cshu, capo economista di Xeikil, Op-Ed - Finance Sphere, un ausiliare di Novum

If there was only one economic indicator these days, it would be any and all news coming out of Mímir and the progress being made to answer questions of quantum, organic quantum, EB stability, and identifying characteristics. Basically, can Mímir—and its history-changing effects—be controlled? While financial contracts may have been handed out, the answer to this question is capable of leaving said contracts in utter ruin.
La Banca Federale potrebbe trovarsi di fronte a un ciclo fiscale difficile. Forse è il caso di congratularsi con Republic Technologies. Ma forse le condoglianze sono più appropriate.

Despite bonus Union cooperation research, efforts are off to a rocky start. Reopening subterranean access to the still-buried Cradle has proven difficult. Maybe progress would meet expectations if this was an ordinary cave on Vargas but before a single spade can pierce dirt a thousand scientists must verify and reverify that the dirt won’t explode, or the spade for that matter.
Se ci fosse un solo indicatore economico in questi giorni, sarebbe qualsiasi notizia proveniente da Mímir e dai progressi compiuti per rispondere alle domande sul quantum, sul quantum organico, sulla stabilità dell'EB e sulle caratteristiche identificative. In sostanza, è possibile controllare Mímir e i suoi effetti che cambiano la storia? Sebbene siano stati stipulati contratti finanziari, la risposta a questa domanda può lasciare tali contratti in completa rovina.

So what of the “Irenic Einsen Bridge”? A term cooked up by Universal Council reps as though a label will prevent power mongering by the very mongers of power charged to study it. The potential for this single discovery could render the value of any financial contracts innumerable. The only problem is nearly every probe sent through this treasure tunnel returns unusable or fails to return at all.
Nonostante la ricerca di cooperazione dell'Unione, gli sforzi sono iniziati in modo stentato. Riaprire l'accesso sotterraneo alla Culla ancora sepolta si è rivelato difficile. Forse i progressi sarebbero stati all'altezza delle aspettative se si fosse trattato di una normale grotta di Vargas, ma prima che una singola vanga possa perforare la terra, mille scienziati devono verificare e riverificare che la terra non esploda, o che la vanga non esploda.

So before we pat the backs of The Fed Bank’s contractor, we look to answers that are proving more difficult to come by than first thought. Thus, we continue to hold our breaths and clutch our bank accounts.
Che ne è del "Ponte Irenico di Einsen"? Un termine inventato dai rappresentanti del Consiglio Universale, come se un'etichetta impedisse la manipolazione del potere da parte di coloro che sono incaricati di studiarlo. Il potenziale di questa singola scoperta potrebbe rendere innumerevole il valore di qualsiasi contratto finanziario. L'unico problema è che quasi tutte le sonde inviate attraverso questo tunnel del tesoro tornano inutilizzabili o non tornano affatto.
Quindi, prima di congratularci con l'appaltatore della Fed Bank, cerchiamo risposte che si stanno rivelando più difficili da ottenere di quanto si pensasse. Pertanto, continuiamo a trattenere il respiro e a stringere i nostri conti in banca.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Empire Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Superior Imperial Security Already Being Demonstrated'''<br>
'''Una superiore sicurezza imperiale giá dimostrata'''
''High Lord Hakar Va-Halet, Minister of Security.''

Glory to The Empire. It is with great honor I to broadcast this first Security Report. The evident might and presence of Imperial research and investigation teams have arrived, safely and securely, and are progressing on Mímir, without incident.
''Sommo Lord Hakar Va-Halet, Ministro della Sicurezza''

Unlike our counterparts, no conflict has emerged regarding His Excellency’s sovereign right to access the planet’s orbit, skies, seas, and terrain. Imperial Security along with intelligence functions are already making progress in establishing shelter, checkpoints, and provisional measures.
Gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore che trasmetto questo primo Rapporto sulla Sicurezza. L'evidente potenza e presenza delle squadre di ricerca e investigazione imperiali sono arrivate a destinazione su Mímir senza incidenti, in modo sicuro e protetto, e stanno già facendo progressi.

Focus is also split between Mímir, now acting as a secured base of operations, and the study of the Irenic Einsein Bridge, which is located closest to Mímir. There have been an amusing amount of feeble disruptions on the part of the Federation and Union. A squabble only worth addressing when their bickering impedes our productivity. They have been made aware of the need to eliminate such petulance, and have submitted to reason. As such, security remains without incident.
A differenza delle nostre controparti, non è emerso alcun conflitto riguardo al diritto sovrano di Sua Eccellenza di accedere all'orbita, ai cieli, ai mari e al suolo del pianeta. La Sicurezza Imperiale e le funzioni di intelligence stanno già facendo progressi nello stabilire rifugi, posti di blocco e misure provvisorie.

This report is further evidence of His Excellency’s superiority.
L'attenzione è inoltre divisa tra Mímir, che ora funge da base operativa sicura, e lo studio del Ponte Irenico Einsein, che si trova più vicino a Mímir. La Federazione e l'Unione si sono limitate a causare solo una serie di piccole interruzioni. Un problema che vale la pena affrontare solo quando i loro battibecchi ostacolano la nostra produttività. Sono stati informati della necessità di eliminare questa petulanza e si sono sottomessi alla ragione. Per questo motivo, la sicurezza continua a non subire incidenti.
Questo rapporto è un'ulteriore prova della superiorità di Sua Eccellenza.

Sit imperium superstes astra.
Sit imperium superstes astra.
Line 976: Line 1,009:

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40%; overflow:auto;"><div style="font-weight:normal;line-height:1.6;">Union Storyline</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Our Re-emphasis of Security'''<br>
'''La nostra enfasi sulla sicurezza'''
''Emmet, Steward of Safety''

On behalf of Unionist security and our fellow Steward of Knowledge, I extend gratitude to one and all who have contributed to enforcing this faction’s right to research efforts on and near the planet Mímir.
Emmet, Amministratore della Sicurezza

While the Mímir peacekeeping and research progress is being made in sites of interest, as Steward, it is my responsibility to report that progress is slow but deliberate. Many factors must be considered including preventing the accidental trigger of another Einsen Bridge event. As a result, the primary mission for our on-site teams is to determine how these Einsen Bridges can potentially be triggered. This, in turn, ensures how to prevent such a trigger.
A nome della sicurezza unionista e del nostro compagno Steward della Conoscenza, esprimo gratitudine a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a far rispettare il diritto di questa fazione agli sforzi di ricerca su e vicino al pianeta Mímir. Mentre il mantenimento della pace e il progresso della ricerca di Mímir vengono compiuti in siti di interesse, in qualità di Steward, è mia responsabilità riferire che il progresso è lento ma deliberato. Molti fattori devono essere considerati, inclusa la prevenzione dell'innesco accidentale di un altro evento del ponte Einsen. Di conseguenza, la missione principale dei nostri team in loco è determinare in che modo questi ponti Einsen possono essere potenzialmente attivati. Questo, a sua volta, garantisce come prevenire tale innesco. L'Unione non si sottrae alle sfide. In quanto tale, state con me mentre avanziamo e conduciamo la civiltà a nuove vette.  

The Union does not shy away from challenges. As such, stand with me as we progress forward and lead civilization to new heights.
A testa alta.
Heads held high.

Revision as of 16:35, 5 March 2023

Capitolo 1: Riposizionamento

I leader delle fazioni offrono soluzioni in mezzo a continui disordini civili

Rapporto transgalattico 78.6.512, Consiglio Universale

Ciò che prima era considerato un'occasione rara, ora sta diventando un evento comune: Tutte e tre le fazioni stanno agendo di pari passo e stanno lanciando i loro programmi di riforma senza precedenti. Questo, ovviamente, in risposta all'era del "Ponte Einsen" (o EB). Questo è il nome dato alle anomalie spazio-temporali ampiamente riconosciute come i catalizzatori della nuova era in cui ci troviamo.

Nonostante le voci pervasive e ingiustificate, nessuno sa se gli EB rappresentino una minaccia o offrano benefici. L'incertezza ha alimentato fanatismi, disordini civili e isterismi periodici in tutti i pianeti e sistemi planetari abitati. Per questo motivo, nel tentativo di calmare i propri cittadini e di sostenere la ricerca e lo studio delle EB, l'Impero, la Federazione e l'Unione hanno annunciato, a pochi giorni di distanza l'uno dall'altro, piani di riforma forgiati ai più alti livelli di ciascun organo di governo. Ora non resta altro da fare che mettere in atto le loro strategie, passare all'azione e sperare che il rinnovamento della pace metta radici.

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate il canale della storia della vostra fazione.

Federation Storyline

Una nuova era riluttante che nessuno ha chiesto. Parte 1 di 2

Aisden Riley, redattore dei sistemi di base Op-Ed - Novarim, una divisione di Novaros

Sono ancora fresche nella nostra memoria, ma abbastanza consolidate da essere storia. Le anomalie spazio-temporali note come Ponti di Einsen hanno sconvolto tutti i precedenti in ogni ambito della vita. Viviamo in una nuova era. Scoperte ed emozioni ci attendono.

Nessuno ha chiesto questo.

La maggior parte dei cittadini della Federazione si godeva la vita prima di tutto questo. Crescita e posizione erano alla portata di tutti, semplici e avanzati. La prosperità è stata goduta per uno dei periodi più lunghi a memoria d'uomo. Era una bella vita. Era benvenuta. Ora è e sarà per sempre storia.

Non è dalla perdita del nostro sistema solare, ricordata con riverenza, che abbiamo vissuto un tale sconvolgimento.

Ogni fazione ha sopportato la sua parte di disavventure. L'Unione ha avuto accesso alla Culla, la chiave prevista per i misteri del Ponte Einsen, solo per perdere quell'accesso per tutti noi. E l'Impero. Oh... l'Impero. Turbato da un colpo di stato scioccante ma fallito, questo leviatano politico arcaico e di lunga data ora nega questo evento chiaro ed evidente. Sembra che la strategia dell'Imperatore sia semplicemente quella di dimenticare i suoi problemi. Non è del tutto ridicolo. Per molti, l'interruzione viene accolta con un rifiuto. Per altri, invece, la risposta. Il "Codice etico" dell'Unione potrebbe portare a un avanzamento diplomatico? Può darsi. Il Ministero Imperiale, volontariamente cieco, potrebbe preservare l'ordine? Non è probabile, ma viviamo nell'inedito. Nessuno può dire con un briciolo di certezza quale piano d'attacco prevarrà. Per quanto riguarda questa fazione, la Federazione fa quello che sa fare meglio: sfornare contraddizioni per trovare una soluzione. Metà meraviglia, metà idiozia. A volte in modo sbagliato, altre volte in modo trionfale.

Una nuova era riluttante che nessuno ha chiesto. Parte 2 di 2

Qualunque sia il risultato, ora sappiamo che passa attraverso una riforma normativa. I contratti governativi saranno assegnati da nuovi comitati come il Dipartimento dell'Intelligence, la Commissione di Difesa Galattica, l'Ordine di Sicurezza Planetaria e altri. Molti altri. Ma non c'è da preoccuparsi, non tutto è cambiato. Le contorte ambizioni di questi nuovi comitati saranno portate avanti dalle migliori megacorporazioni della Federazione e, naturalmente, la scelta delle megacorporazioni spetta a noi, attraverso la democrazia. Un meccanismo decisionale arcaico quasi quanto la propaganda imperiale dell'Impero. In realtà, entrambi avevano dimostrato la loro obsolescenza ben prima della comparsa delle EB.

Forse abbiamo bisogno di un cambiamento.

Questi nuovi comitati di regolamentazione saranno la risposta ai nostri problemi? Saremo migliori di un Codice Etico o di un Ministero Imperiale castrato? Probabilmente sì. Potrebbe esserci un altro modo migliore? Probabilmente sì. Presto questo sarà un ricordo fresco e sarà storia. Solo allora lo sapremo.

Formati nuovi comitati di regolamentazione per ridurre disordini e appelli alla violenza Eiron Tehmil, corrispondente politico, The Edison

In risposta alle dilaganti teorie cospiratorie e alle notizie non verificate sulla comparsa dei Ponti Einsen e sulle conseguenti sparizioni e riapparizioni di interi sistemi planetari, il Consiglio Presidenziale Federale sta finalmente varando un piano per sedare le rivolte violente e le discordie civili nello spazio della Federazione. Il piano, ufficialmente chiamato Regulatory Einsen Bridge Exploration Acceleration Task plan (o REBEAT), è in gran parte incentrato sulla formazione di nuovi comitati di regolamentazione, ciascuno dei quali dotato di contratti governativi per vari settori del mercato, compresi i servizi di intelligence esteri e nazionali e l'archiviazione storica di dati verificati a catena.

"Il piano REBEAT non si limita a distribuire fondi, ma posiziona meglio la nostra grande Federazione contro le sfide impreviste che ci attendono", ha dichiarato la Presidente del 2° Settore, Aurea Adonis.

Nel suo discorso, ha ribadito l'importanza delle elezioni speciali che si svolgeranno per determinare le entità collettive che riceveranno questi importanti contratti governativi. Il primo ad essere assegnato sarà il neonato Dipartimento Federale di Intelligence. Questo comitato di regolamentazione, appoggiato dall'Alleanza Presidenziale Federale, invita tutti gli esploratori della Federazione a votare per uno dei due sindacati di intelligence e comunicazione qualificati: OTK Communications e Sonar Electronics. [22:56] La OTK è nota per le sue impressionanti connessioni diplomatiche e per il suo influente coinvolgimento negli affari interstellari. Tuttavia, molti hanno espresso preoccupazione per il fatto che questo comporta troppe dipendenze e una catena di approvvigionamento pesantemente burocratica. La Sonar Electronics, invece, sembra non avere problemi a portare a termine i propri obiettivi, indipendentemente dalle circostanze diplomatiche. La persistenza è uno dei principi fondamentali dei suoi leader, ma gli oppositori sottolineano i casi in cui i potenziali clienti cercano di evitare l'aggressiva organizzazione, adducendo una persistente avversione per i rapporti precedenti.

Qualunque sia la vostra preferenza, assicuratevi di esercitare il vostro diritto di voto.

Empire Storyline

Un messaggio da Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore

Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, Nomoro Hiyaku, Casa Glycon.

Gloria all'Impero.

Ci ritroviamo insieme, in questo giorno storico. Siamo i pochi privilegiati nella storia dell'umanità a testimoniare le straordinarie anomalie di quelli che sono diventati noti come i Ponti di Einsen. Mai prima d'ora abbiamo vissuto in tempi così monumentali come questi. Un momento del genere richiede qualcosa di straordinario e, in qualità di nuova Voce della Verità, ve lo comunico:

L'Imperatore ha richiesto la formazione di un Ministero Imperiale. Questa formazione inizierà immediatamente con la selezione dei capi dei ministeri.

Il nostro regno continua a crescere in forza, come ha fatto fin dalla sua monumentale formazione. Il cambiamento non fa eccezione a questa traiettoria. Questo si limita a segnare una nuova era e con essa nuove sfide. Queste sfide saranno affrontate dalla manifestazione del Ministero Imperiale di Sua Eccellenza. Un ministero che gestirà diverse autorità in materia di onore, collaborazione interna ed estera, sicurezza, salute, ricchezza e conoscenza.

Queste autorità saranno guidate da capi di ministero appositamente selezionati. Il primo di questi prescelti proviene dalla Casa Lycanis. A causa dell'isteria straniera derivata da uno sconvolgimento storico, e contrariamente a quanto diffuso da voci assolutamente maligne, nessuna minaccia ha raggiunto la vita del nostro grande sovrano, né mai avrebbe potuto farlo. Pertanto, la Casa Lycanis non avrebbe mai potuto essere coinvolta in una simile minaccia. Tutti coloro che sono degni di credito conoscono i Lycanis per la loro massima lealtà all'Impero.

La selezione del Ministro dell'Onore da parte di Casa Lycanis sarà annunciata in tempi brevi. Ulteriori selezioni di altri ministeri seguiranno con cadenza analoga. Ascoltate le parole dell'Imperatore: continuiamo a crescere in forza e importanza. La nostra recente leadership negli sforzi di ricerca dell'interfaccia con la scienza dietro i Ponti di Einsen non è che una dimostrazione di questa crescita.

Sta sorgendo un nuovo giorno. Che questo avvenga all'insegna dell'onore.

Imperium superet astra...

La nomina per il Ministero dell'Onore Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, Casa Glycon.

Saluti e gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore che la Casa Glycon annuncia l'istituzione e l'a nomina del Ministero dell'Onore Imperiale. Questo Ministero deterrà l'autorità di legiferare in materia di legge, lealtà e ordine in accordo con Sua Prima Dinastia, l'Imperator Solas. Questa prestigiosa delegazione è la prima di sei ministeri che verranno costituiti per aiutare il Senato Imperiale a confermare il proprio dominio nella galassia. Questo giorno non è diverso da quelli precedenti agli eventi anomali del Ponte Einsen. Il nostro grande Impero è ineguagliabile e continuerà ad esserlo anche quando inizierà il processo di selezione del primo a ricoprire il ruolo di Ministro dell'Onore.

Grazie alla saggezza di Sua Eccellenza, la Casa Lycanis è stata incaricata di gestire queste operazioni e, dunque, sarà selezionato uno dei due potenziali ministri: Lord Breckard Morell o l'Alto Lord Akilles Lycanis. Entrambi hanno dimostrato un'incrollabile fedeltà all'Impero e la scelta finale determinerà il modo in cui il Senato Imperiale affronterà le sfide del futuro. L'illustre Lord Morell è inventivo e intelligente. L'Alto Lord Lycanis è stabile e coerente.

Ora potete esprimere la vostra preferenza per una parte rispetto all'altra.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

La vostra diligenza forgia il nostro limpido sentiero

A nome dell'Unione, in quanto organismo collettivo di leadership, è intenzione del Vox riconoscere non solo il cambiamento e lo sconvolgimento che questi mesi hanno portato, ma anche le difficoltà che lo accompagnano. Questi sono tempi difficili, in particolare nella nostra catena di produzione: incertezza nella logistica, violazioni della sicurezza, voci fuorvianti e pervasivi attacchi di isteria. Si sappia che l'Unione è resiliente. Siamo rimasti scoraggiati da difficoltà che francamente non sono diverse dalla lotta quotidiana che sopportiamo per un'Unione migliore. Abbiamo visto difficoltà. Abbiamo guardato le avversità negli occhi e ci siamo chinati, saldi. Questo è solo un bussare alla porta dell'opportunità. Guardiamo attraverso una lente filtrata per rivelare un sentiero familiare.

Quel sentiero conduce alla forza d'animo e a uno scopo significativo. Più chiaro di quello dell'Impero, ad esempio, che nega verità ovvie sull'attentato alla vita dell'imperatore Solas. Il loro attacco contro la loro stessa verità, per abbracciare invece l'illusione, sarà la loro rovina.

Resistiamo a tale auto-sabotaggio e come dimostrazione di disciplina di principio, il nostro Codice Etico è emerso da un'approfondita deliberazione all'interno dell'attuale leadership ed è pronto per l'approvazione storica da parte della più ampia popolazione unionista. Si tratta di Etica dell'Espressione, Informazione, Sicurezza, Salute, Risorse e Civiltà. Oltre a questi monumentali accordi a livello di fazione, un Sovrintendente sarà eletto democraticamente per ogni codice permanente. Ogni Steward nominato agirà come un esempio attuale e preminente per la sua etica carica. I candidati verranno dai nostri numerosi capi clan e rappresentanti. Il primo incarico per l'elezione sarà lo Steward dell'Espressione. I voti saranno raccolti a breve, nei prossimi giorni. Unisciti a noi mentre navighiamo nell'era del ponte Einsen e introduciamo un modello che seguirà le generazioni.

Il tuo contributo alla pace civile, la nostra etica dell'espressione 

Con molta deliberazione tra i Vox, le Tribù e innumerevoli sondaggi pubblici, è giunto il giorno di stabilire il nostro grandioso Codice Etico dell'Unione. Determinerà il modo in cui noi, come persone lungimiranti, ci adatteremo all'era del ponte di Einsen.

Questi sono stati tempi incerti. I membri a rotazione dei Vox continuano a provare empatia per i compagni esploratori e per le difficoltà che tutti noi sopportiamo. È con grande speranza che oggi ci forniscono sollievo mentre iniziamo la formazione di solide fondamenta che dureranno per innumerevoli generazioni a venire.

La prima delle nostre sei etiche è l'Etica dell'Espressione. Sebbene ciò sia già praticato in tutti gli angoli dell'Unione, il suo significato deve essere protetto in modo permanente per il bene delle nostre future, eterne generazioni. Per consolidare ulteriormente la nostra posizione su questo argomento, lo dichiariamo, non solo a parole ma anche nel governo. Ad accompagnare il nostro Codice Etico, vario e fondamentale, ci sono posizioni di leadership, da ruotare proprio come la leadership generale ruota dentro e fuori il Vox. È giunto il momento di decidere il primo Steward dell'espressione. Gli steward sono quelli che ricoprono le attuali posizioni di leadership a bordo del Bastion. Ruotano per svolgere i compiti della loro amministrazione proprio come fanno ora per la casa e la terra di condivisione. Scelti a caso sono due candidati per Steward dell'Espressione: il collega Kase Marshle della Forlorn Brotherhood e Flint Schaqtre della Tribe Sunless. Il compagno Kase è uno dei nostri capi clan più organizzati. I suoi cicli operativi sono lodati per la loro efficienza e coerenza. Nonostante la leggera rigidità, la dedizione di Kase agli standard più fondamentali dell'Unione non ha eguali. Altrettanto qualificato è l'attuale leader minerario di Tribe Sunless, Flint Schaqtre. Le doti più chiare di Mr. Schaqtre si presentano sotto forma della versatilità. Si formano lunghe file, fuori dai suoi alloggi a bordo del Bastion, di coloro che hanno bisogno dei suoi molteplici servizi. A volte può essere difficile seguirlo nella conversazione. Le sue istruzioni possono essere scarse su un intento specifico, ma la sua adattabilità è esemplare.

Unisciti a noi mentre selezioniamo il primo Steward dell'Espressione e introduciamo una nuova era.

Il tuo cosiddetto Leader Attuale, Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Risultati delle votazioni

I primi voti di riforma, per una nuova era di scoperta dello spazio-tempo

Rapporto transgalattico 6.7.512, Consiglio universale Ogni fazione interstellare ha ora stabilito il primo di numerosi appuntamenti ufficiali progettati per rafforzare la loro posizione in questa fiorente nuova era del ponte Einsen. I risultati sono i seguenti:

Breckard Morell come ministro d'onore - 55,84% favore imperiale
Akilles Lycanis come ministro d'onore - 44,16% favore imperiale

aggiudicare contratti a OTK Communications - 65,19% dei voti
aggiudicare contratti a Sonar Electronics - 34,81% dei voti

Kase Marshle come Steward of Expression - 61,33% dei voti
Flint Schaqtre come Steward of Expression - 38,67% dei voti

Capitolo 1.2: Riposizionamento

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Le speculazioni si scatenano sulla scelta dell'Impero come "Ministro d'Onore".
Jersah Ortyn, Corrispondente estero - Brainbox, ausiliario del Novum

Mentre le notizie dall'Impero dovrebbero sempre essere prese con un certo scetticismo, o forse con una dovuta cautela, la notizia di Lord Morell che accetta una posizione di alto profilo come quella di Ministro dell'Onore è una notizia da prendere con molti vantaggi. E con molta cautela.

In qualche modo, l'idea che un membro - qualsiasi membro - della Casa Lycanis riceva qualcosa di diverso da un proiettile caricato da un fucile, è a dir poco scioccante. Ma per qualcuno di questa casata, che è ampiamente considerato un complice, se non l'orchestratore, del recente fallito colpo di stato per rovesciare l'Imperatore Solas... non ho parole. Oggi è un giorno unico, signore e signori. Non capita spesso che le strade della Federazione siano distolte dall'ultima cospirazione del Ponte Einsen, ma, non fraintendetemi, lo sono. Qualunque cosa l'Imperatore abbia preparato per la Casa Lycanis, potete scommettere che non si tratta di una posizione ministeriale di nuovo conio.

Empire Storyline

Dal Ministro dell'Onore
Lord Morell, Casa Lycanis

È mio dovere informare i membri dell'Impero: Alla luce della concessione di fondi da parte della Federazione in materia di intelligence, fate attenzione. Il collettivo federale, con i suoi conflitti interni, può rivendicare l'onore del dovere e della conoscenza con i propri cittadini, come se la sua intenzione fosse quella di guardare dentro di sé. Tuttavia, il mio nuovo ruolo mi permette di capire quanto siano in malafede le loro intenzioni. Guardano piuttosto verso l'esterno con i loro contratti di sindacato poco dissimulati, usati per dissipare le loro spie dalla vista delle persone oneste, solo per riapparire in seguito, con menzogne provenienti da oltre i loro confini. Questo è un passo falso da parte loro.

Lo sguardo esterno della Federazione li tradisce, mentre Sua Eccellenza indica la vera questione da affrontare adesso: Ci sono molte domande senza risposta che la Federazione ignora volentieri riguardo gli eventi collegati con le manifestazioni denominate Eisen Bridges. Come si sono verificate queste anomalie? Perché ora? E quali sono le possibilità che si celano dietro il loro verificarsi? Sono domande naturali per eventi di tale portata. Eppure, i nostri amici della Federazione sembrano essere insolitamente silenziosi. In qualità di Ministro dell'Onore e al servizio del nostro dinasta supremo, è mio dovere porre queste domande e continuare a porle finché il volume non sarà sufficientemente alto da poter udire una risposta.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

La nostra nuova enfasi sull'inclusione
Il compagno Kase Marshle, eletto steward dell'Espressione

Membri dell'Unione, vorrei esprimervi la mia gratitudine per avermi scelto come primo steward di espressione. È un grande onore e vi assicuro che farò del mio meglio per creare un degno precedente per i futuri amministratori che mi seguiranno. Mi rivolgo a voi in tutta sincerità per riproporre ciò che stiamo lottando e discutendo da quando è apparso il primo ponte di Einsen: come possiamo andare avanti? Cosa facciamo per rendere i nostri fratelli e sorelle sicuri, felici e ascoltati?

È su quest'ultimo punto che voglio soffermarmi. Per essere ascoltati. È su questo che si basa il mio nuovo post. Non fraintendetemi, state tranquilli: il mio messaggio riflette la vostra espressione, non la mia. Sono solo una vela solare. Inutile senza i vostri raggi di luce. Il primo ordine del giorno che porterò alla prossima sessione del Consiglio dell'Unione sarà il vostro ordine del giorno. Le prossime date stellari saranno dedicate all'ascolto degli intervenuti. Mi impegno a far sì che questa posizione non vi escluda, come alcuni hanno detto. Mi assicurerò che siate rappresentati, che siate ascoltati.

Grazie ancora.

A testa alta.

Capitolo 2.1: Priorità

Seconda fase delle soluzioni di riforma dell'interazione

Rapporto transgalattico 15.7.512, Consiglio Universale

Ogni fazione ha sperimentato la riforma a modo suo. A seguito degli eventi di quello che è diventato noto come "Ponte di Einsen", l'Impero, la Federazione e l'Unione hanno subito un cambiamento dirompente, cercando di capire come la leadership possa rappresentare meglio il popolo. La strategia e la pianificazione ai più alti livelli si stanno completando ed è giunto il momento di agire.

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate il canale della storia della vostra fazione.

Federation Storyline

Il presidente Huxley promuove la fondazione della Commissione di Difesa Galattica

Eiron Tehmil, corrispondente politico, Takeyon Reports

In precedenza, gli elettori della Federazione hanno selezionato i destinatari dei contratti del Dipartimento dell'Intelligence, recentemente costituito. Questo ha segnato il primo di un piano in più fasi intitolato "Regulatory Einsen Bridge Exploration Acceleration Task" o "REBEAT". L'obiettivo di questo piano è quello di affrontare le sfide della nuova era con un intento mirato.

Questa volta si tratta della Commissione di Difesa Galattica, un nuovo comitato di regolamentazione formato dall'Alleanza Presidenziale Federale, sulla falsariga del Dipartimento di Intelligence dell'ultima votazione.

"La Commissione per la Difesa Galattica è un elemento vitale per l'avanzamento verso una nuova era", proclama il Presidente del 1° Settore Victor Huxley durante il discorso tenuto in occasione di un grande ballo di raccolta fondi. "Questa grande Federazione si è dimostrata all'altezza della situazione più volte, e ora è giunto il momento. La nostra difesa non è seconda a nessuno e la sua forza continuerà senza dubbio a crescere con questa nuova formazione".

La selezione per questi nuovi contratti di difesa spetta a uno dei due appaltatori già affermati: Tonocom Defense o VasTech Enterprise.

La storia di Tonocom è ben nota per la sua velocità, come dimostrato di recente durante l'incidente di Morn, quando ha stroncato gli sforzi della cellula terroristica dell'Unione, l'Ojin-Kai. Inoltre, le informazioni della Tonocom hanno anche smascherato i collusi traditori della Federazione che fornivano aiuto ai terroristi. È chiaro che la capacità del Tonocom di inviare rapidamente le sue forze fornisce un valore profondo. Il loro ritmo sarebbe una risorsa innegabile se non fosse per gli occasionali passi falsi, spesso subiti a causa di una realizzazione parziale. Mentre i collusi unionisti noti sono stati processati e condannati, le segnalazioni di spedizioni mancanti continuano a tormentare le prenotazioni di Tonocom. Di conseguenza, i contenziosi in corso per risolvere i contratti incompleti continuano ad accumularsi.

Mentre la velocità (anche se a volte incoerente) è sinonimo di Tonocom, la sua controparte in questa votazione si colloca all'altro capo dello spettro. VasTech può non vincere la gara, ma i suoi sviluppi spesso valgono l'attesa. Non guardate oltre il fucile d'assalto convenzionale VasTech. Nessun'altra arma è stata prodotta più di quella della serie VTCAR, che si trova sulla spalla di quasi tutti i combattenti per la libertà. VasTech sembra rifiutarsi di scendere a compromessi in termini di design o prestazioni, fino a un certo punto. Non tutti i progetti sono all'altezza delle loro ambizioni. Il programma Valkyrie, recentemente deluso, prometteva nuove vette di vantaggi tattici, ma da allora si è rivelato poco più di un programma per forze speciali. Ma come VasTech vi ricorderà, si tratta di un programma speciale.

Qualunque sia la vostra preferenza, assicuratevi di esercitare il vostro diritto di voto.

Empire Storyline

Istituzione del Ministero della Fiducia

Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, Casa Glycon.

Saluti e gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore che la Casa Glycon annuncia la nascita e l'istituzione del Ministero Imperiale della Fiducia. Questo Ministero avrà piena autorità in materia di affari esteri e interni, commercio e servitù, in accordo con il Sommo Primo Dinasta, l'Imperatore Solas. Questa rilevante designazione è la seconda di sei ministeri che verranno costituiti per aiutare il Senato Imperiale a confermare il dominio imperiale nella galassia. Questo giorno non è diverso da quelli precedenti. Il nostro grande impero è ineguagliabile e continuerà ad essere tale anche durante il periodo di selezione di colui o colei che sarà chiamato a ricoprire il ruolo di Ministro della Fiducia.

Grazie alla saggezza di Sua Eccellenza, verrà nominato uno stimato rampollo della Casa Etruscus o della Casa Gorgona per dirigere le operazioni, scelto tra questi due due potenziali candidati: Lord Venthe Etruscus o Lady Chrysana Gorgona. Entrambi hanno servito in modo impeccabile l'Impero e la scelta finale deve tenere in considerazione anche eventualità senza precedenti, tra cui lo studio e l'esplorazione dei Ponti di Einsen. Sebbene la Casa Etruscus sia desiderosa di massimizzare i benefici per l'Impero derivanti da collaborazioni esterne, a volte le loro azioni hanno finito per complicare alcuni accordi già di per sé lucrativi. La Casa Gorgona, invece, è più carismatica e seducente. Questo favorisce il presentarsi di certe opportunità che non potrebbero essere sfruttate altrimenti, ma talvolta il loro formalismo ha impedito il concretizzarsi di alcune opportunità ben più pratiche.

Ora potete esprimere il vostro favore per una parte rispetto all'altra.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Il vostro contributo alla conoscenza civile, la nostra etica dell'Informazione

Recente e approfondita deliberazione tra i Vox, le Tribù, e molti sondaggi pubblici, continuano a mettere insieme il nostro grande Codice Etico dell'Unione. Questo codice deve guidare noi, persone lungimiranti, nella navigazione nell'era del ponte di Einsen. I vostri sforzi sono riconosciuti frequentemente durante questi tempi difficili. Le difficoltà sono un peso per uno, ma vengono alleviate quando vengono sopportate da molti. È con grande speranza che oggi serve come allentamento mentre iniziamo la formazione di solide fondamenta che dureranno per innumerevoli generazioni a venire.

Per garantire questo allentamento, il nostro secondo Codice Etico è ratificato per facilitare ufficialmente tutte le questioni di informazione. Anche questo è indicativo delle attuali ricerche di conoscenza e la sua incisione nei nostri archivi garantisce tutte le attività future fino alla fine dei tempi. Come per l'Informazione, l'Etica dell'Informazione è alimentata dal suo Steward a bordo del Bastione. Ruoteranno per svolgere i compiti della loro amministrazione proprio come fanno ora per la casa e la terra di condivisione. (modificato)

Scelti a caso sono due candidati per Steward dell'Informazione : un portavoce del Vox per il clan SNTNLS, il capitano Hayden Blunt, e un agente capo dei Dente di Serpente, Mongrel Lars. Il capitano Blunt è rapidamente salito di grado per la sua giovane età. I suoi coetanei la descrivono come piena di energia curiosa e contagiosa. Tuttavia, quando viene pressata, a volte la sua giovinezza può trasparire, cosa che sminuisce l'impiallacciatura potente che presenta. Il capo Lars adotta un approccio diverso, utilizzando un'applicazione vincente e perspicace ai suoi doveri. Quelli nelle sue strette cerchie esprimono ammirazione per la sua capacità di leggere una situazione e apparentemente navigare con facilità. Mentre molti implorano il suo tatto come uno spettacolo da vedere, descrivono anche come "Mo" tenga tutti tranne i suoi più stretti confidenti a debita distanza.

Unisciti a noi mentre selezioniamo il primo Steward dell'Informazione e intraprendiamo un viaggio di illuminazione e introduciamo una nuova era.

Il tuo cosiddetto attuale Leader,

Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Risultati delle votazioni

Fase 2 Voti di riforma in questa nuova era del ponte Einsen

Rapporto transgalattico 19.7.512, Consiglio universale

Ogni fazione interstellare ha selezionato il secondo di molteplici appuntamenti ufficiali progettati per rafforzare la propria posizione in questi tempi incerti. I risultati sono i seguenti:


Venthe Etruscus come ministro della fiducia - 58,17% favore imperiale

Chrysana Gorgona come ministro della fiducia - 41,83% favore imperiale


Assegna contratti a Tonocom - 50,34% dei voti

Assegna contratti a VasTech - 49,66% dei voti


Hayden Blunt come Amministratore delle Informazioni - 67,4% dei voti

Mongrel Lars come Amministratore delle Informazioni - 32,6% dei voti

Altro rapporto rilevante: il nuovo Steward of Information dell'Unione ha ordinato un avamposto permanente sul pianeta straniero di Mímir. La sua missione, secondo la leadership dell'Unione, è di intensificare lo studio di Quantum e il suo rapporto con l'ormai inaccessibile Culla. Il primo obiettivo per l'equipaggio di atterraggio è definire una strategia per recuperare l'accesso alla Culla, che si pensa rimanga in profondità sotto la superficie del pianeta.

Capitolo 2.2: Priorità

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

L'Unione invia un inviato nel territorio della Federazione

Inse Jokuan, Rapporto sugli affari esteri - Nova Times, una divisione di Novaros

Il neo nominato "Amministratore dell'Informazione" ha annunciato l'invio di Unionisti armati a Mímir nel territorio della Federazione. "Non perdo tempo nell'eseguire ciò che è urgente per il miglioramento degli Unionisti", scrive il capitano militare unionista Hayden Blunt, "ho deciso di fare rotta verso Mímir con l'intenzione urgente di stabilire una base vicino al sito della Culla. Unitevi a me nel sostenere questa missione", esorta l'intendente, continuando a dire che l'operazione "porterà vantaggi a tutti i membri [dell'Unione]".

"Non possono farlo", sostiene Donel Gladson, amministratore delegato della Tonocom, pochi minuti dopo aver firmato i contratti di difesa con la neonata Commissione di Difesa Galattica. "È così semplice".

Alla domanda su cosa accadrà se l'Unione dovesse ignorare la semplicità di Gladson, ha risposto: "Non lo faranno". "Mímir è territorio della Federazione". Non sono stati forniti altri chiarimenti.

Ciò che è chiaro sono le operazioni di indagine e recupero della Federazione attualmente in corso su Mímir, anche vicino al sito ormai sepolto della Culla. Tutti i Presidenti di Settore hanno dichiarato che gli orribili eventi del Ponte Einsen non devono ripetersi e che Mímir deve essere messa in sicurezza, per la sicurezza di tutta l'umanità.

L'ingresso della nave unionista nell'orbita di Mímir è previsto tra 2-3 sol standard.

Empire Storyline

Dal Ministro della Fiducia

Lord Venthe Etruscus

Membri dell'impero, a nome di tutta la Casa Etruscus, sono lieto di confermare un primo Rapporto di Fiducia all'interno dell'Impero.

Gli atti di fiducia, nobiltà e fedeltà continuano a crescere con fiducia in tutto il regno imperiale. Questi atti rispettabili vengono rapidamente ricambiati e ricompensati. Uno di questi encomi viene esteso alla Casa Lycanis. In qualità di stimato servitore del regno e di presidente del Ministero dell'Onore Imperiale, questa casata ha dimostrato grande fermezza nel corso del cambiamento di un'epoca. La disinformazione corre fuori dai nostri confini, ma Lycanis rimane salda. La loro lealtà e devozione è irreprensibile e merita un elogio da parte di tutti.

È intenzione di questo Ministero della Fiducia annunciare l'acclamazione formale e massima alla Casa Lycanis in tutti i sistemi, imperiali e non.

È dovere di questo ministero trasmettere tali tendenze a nome di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, come pietra miliare dell'ispirazione per dimostrare il significativo contributo imperiale all'umanità. Il vostro contributo personale consiste nel semplice atto di migliorare l'Impero, come già fate ogni giorno. Andate avanti e sarete ricompensati.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Ordine dell'amministratore: una struttura permanente su Mímir

Capitano Hayden Blunt, amministratore eletto dell'informazione

Membri dell'Unione, in qualità di nuovo Amministratore dell'Informazione, non perdo tempo nell'eseguire ciò che è urgente per il miglioramento degli Unionisti e di tutta l'umanità. Ho ordinato uno speciale dispiegamento scientifico e di ricerca, che farà rotta verso il pianeta Mímir, con l'urgente intenzione di stabilire una base. In qualità di Amministratore dell'Informazione, è imperativo apprendere, sul pianeta, tutto il possibile sulle questioni che circondano la Culla. Per questo motivo, l'unica strada percorribile è una struttura permanente vicino al sito in questione.

Guiderò questa missione a bordo dell'USV Inquisitor con l'urgente intenzione di stabilire una base avanzata vicino al sito della Culla. Lo studio permanente deve iniziare il prima possibile e i rapporti regolari devono essere inviati al Vox il più spesso possibile.

Unisciti a me nel sostenere questa missione, perché è il primo passo di un lungo percorso di conoscenza. Sono certo che la creazione di questa struttura porterà benefici all'Unione nel suo complesso e servirà da catalizzatore scientifico per le scoperte storiche, portando a scoperte incommensurabili, intuizioni e future innovazioni rivoluzionarie. La mia dichiarazione a voi è di dedizione. Questa gestione offrirà vantaggi a tutti i membri di questa grande Unione e inizia oggi. Grazie.

A testa alta.

Translated with DeepL

Capitolo 3.1: Territorio

Riforma interrotta da una disputa territoriale

Rapporto transgalattico 28.7.512, Consiglio Universale.

Le selezioni dei leader riformatori di ciascuna fazione sono interrotte da una disputa territoriale. L'Unione ha riferito che squadre di costruzione e di ricerca stanno facendo rotta verso Mímir per stabilire una base sul pianeta, vicino al sito crollato della Culla. Tuttavia, il nuovo appaltatore della difesa della Federazione non riconosce la nave, ha posizionato navi di pattuglia a distanza di intercettazione e ha limitato l'accesso al pianeta.

Si parla di minacce di rappresaglia provenienti da entrambe le parti. Sfortunatamente, queste notizie non possono essere confermate in modo adeguato, a causa delle circostanze uniche di Mímir: le infrastrutture galattiche standard, come la tracciabilità dei record neutrali e la verifica degli incidenti, non sono ancora pienamente operative e sono ancora in fase di costruzione. Pertanto, le parole di ciascuna parte devono essere valutate esclusivamente in base al loro merito.

Nonostante l'elenco incompleto dei nuovi rappresentanti delle fazioni, i leader devono decidere come risolvere questa disputa territoriale: L'Unione sostiene che Mímir è uno spazio intergalattico neutrale, che può essere occupato liberamente da ogni fazione. Dall'Amministratore delle Informazioni dell'Unione:

"È imperativo apprendere, a livello planetario, tutto il possibile sulle questioni che riguardano la Culla. Per questo motivo, l'unico modo per raggiungere questo obiettivo è una struttura permanente vicino al sito in questione".

Tuttavia, l'appaltatore della Difesa Galattica della Federazione offre un'interpretazione diversa: A causa delle recenti tragedie avvenute sulla sua superficie, unite alla sospetta relazione di Mímir con gli eventi anomali del Ponte Einsen, sono necessarie misure di protezione per evitare qualsiasi futuro evento catastrofico. Da parte dell'appaltatore della Difesa Galattica della Federazione e dei Presidenti di Settore:

"Non possono farlo. I terribili eventi del Ponte Eisen non devono ripetersi. Pertanto, Mímir deve essere messa in sicurezza, per la sicurezza di tutta l'umanità".

Questo caso dilemmatico è sottoposto alle fazioni dominanti. Deve essere emesso un giudizio.

La squadra dell'Unione potrà avere una base permanente sul pianeta o si applicherà il protocollo della Federazione?

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate il canale della storia della vostra fazione.

Federation Storyline

L'Unione è benvenuta su Mímir?

Osuri Goyamama, Corrispondente di Mímir, Takeyon Reports

Sono appena arrivate notizie che descrivono un'interruzione intenzionale del programma federale di indagine e recupero sul pianeta Mímir. I responsabili dell'interferenza rivendicano la fedeltà all'Unione, con il loro "Steward dell'Informazione" a bordo. Tuttavia, Tonocom, recentemente incaricata dalla neonata Commissione di Difesa Galattica, crede che sia una schiera di violenti mercenari unionisti o una banda non autorizzata di spie mercenarie con intenzioni segrete.

Tenendo conto di tutto ciò che è accaduto su questo misterioso pianeta, i rapporti verificati sono ancora scarsi e difficili da avvalorare. Tuttavia, [nome esecutivo dell'appaltatore della difesa] ha tenuto una conferenza stampa e ha alluso a un insabbiamento unionista del loro coinvolgimento nella scomparsa e ricomparsa del pianeta, insieme agli eventi catastrofici del ponte Einsen.


"La fiducia si guadagna, non si dà". Donel Gladson, CEO di Tonocom, ha proseguito. “Sera Varse e il suo cosiddetto equipaggio scientifico hanno perso quella fiducia in modo chiaro e succinto quando innumerevoli vite sono state perse e la galassia è cambiata per sempre, tutto sotto la sua sorveglianza. Eppure, l'Unione torna sulla scena del crimine come se pensasse di ottenere semplicemente, cosa? Una rivincita?"

La Commissione di Difesa Galattica è dietro la loro megacorporazione appena contratta, ma probabilmente non è abbastanza senza il supporto dell'Impero. Il loro voto, nel caso del Consiglio Universale, è la migliore occasione per far rispettare il protocollo di protezione planetaria di Tonocom. Per garantire ciò, il presidente del 1° settore Victor Huxley ha inviato membri di gabinetto di alto rango sul pianeta natale imperiale Solaris Regnum, per negoziare un nuovo accordo commerciale. Alcuni partner della Federazione ne trarrebbero un vantaggio marginale, ma il vero premio è il rinvio imperiale alla sicurezza federale sull'accesso al pianeta di Mímir. Un tale premio avrà indubbiamente un costo in cui l'Impero ne uscirà con un considerevole vantaggio economico.

Con tutto questo apparentemente contro l'Unione, molti federalisti hanno affermato un caso contrario  convincente in cui la cooperazione porta a una rapida scoperta. Dopo gli eventi di EB, gli investigatori federali hanno dovuto ricominciare da capo. Con così poco da fare e la culla letteralmente sepolta sotto tonnellate di roccia aliena, gli unionisti sarebbero in grado di fornire preziose informazioni che non solo porterebbero a indizi migliori sugli ultimi momenti dell'equipaggio di Sara Varse, ma potenzialmente nuove piste per ulteriori ricerche sull'EB. Tutto questo, per non parlare del preservare i vantaggi della Federazione rispetto al commercio transgalattico.

Cosa sostieni in questo dilemma territoriale? Dai il tuo voto per essere ascoltato e proteggere la tua libertà.

Empire Storyline

Un piccolo screzio fa nascere nuove opportunità imperiali

Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, il Ministro della Fiducia.

Saluti e gloria all'Impero. Le nostre controparti non hanno ancora visto il potenziale che abbiamo davanti e sono finite a litigare. La Federazione sta cercando di impadronirsi di un pianeta, come se l'autorità imperiale non esistesse. Con armamenti eccessivamente in mostra, come un pavone che difende il suo harem dal suo stesso riflesso, negano l'accesso al pianeta di Mímir all'Unione, la stessa Unione responsabile di tanto caos sul pianeta per il quale ora sono bloccati.

Per quanto sia divertente gioire dello sfacelo dei governanti inferiori, la circostanza presenta un'opportunità più importante.

Sembra che la Federazione sia seriamente intenzionata a controllare il sistema Mímir. Questo ha poca importanza per Sua Eccellenza, poiché il suo accesso al pianeta non è in discussione. Questo è stato garantito, attraverso un trattato, da tutti e tre i Presidenti dei settori federali e garantito dal Consiglio Universale, oltre che dalla presenza e dall'innegabile potenza delle forze imperiali. Nessun corpo celeste di questo tipo verrebbe negato e la Federazione lo sa. Per questo motivo, la Federazione desidera appellarsi al neonato Ministero della Fiducia con una cospicua offerta economica in cambio della semplice neutralità. Nulla dimostra l'alta posizione dell'Imperatore più dei suoi rivali che lo ricompensano per non aver fatto nulla.

La proposta è piuttosto allettante. L'Impero otterrebbe notevoli vantaggi negli scambi e nel commercio se ci limitassimo a rimetterci al protocollo di protezione planetaria della Federazione.


D'altra parte, dare da mangiare a un cane randagio lo invoglia a tornare, per averne ancora. Si potrebbe cedere troppo all'ego della Federazione, costringendoci a correggere i dubbi federali in futuro. Inoltre, non dobbiamo dimenticare le molte domande senza risposta che la Federazione sceglie di ignorare riguardo alla Culla e ai Ponti Einsen.

Presenterò le mie raccomandazioni a Sua Eccellenza in tutta fretta. Può esprimere il suo favore per una decisione piuttosto che per l'altra.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

La Federazione impedisce al team di ricerca sancito dall'Unione di atterrare su Mímir

In qualità di nuovo Steward dell'informazione, sto guidando i team di ricerca e costruzione per iniziare a stabilire un insediamento permanente su Mímir. L'obiettivo è costruire una stazione permanente vicino all'ex ingresso della Culla e fungere da base scientifica avanzata imparando tutto il possibile dalla fonte, sul pianeta, per quanto riguarda le questioni che circostanti La Culla.

Tuttavia, i membri della Federazione stanno fabbricando illegalmente un autorizzazione ingiustificata per negare l'accesso al pianeta ai nostri pacifici specialisti dell'Unione. Questo è inaccettabile e deve essere fermato per non tenere aperta la porta a ogni aspirante conquistatore che squilla la tromba per iniziare a inventare regole.

C'è una strada per la vittoria. Mentre la Federazione gonfia il petto, una resistenza congiunta tra questa grande Unione e l'Impero è sufficiente per tirare giù il sipario dell'illusione federalista. Potrebbe non esserci molto in comune tra l'Imperatore e la forza unificata dell'Unione, l'occasione per accantonare le differenze ideologiche per il bene comune possono essere a portata di mano.

A coloro che protestano contro il nostro attuale Leader che attraversa lo spazio imperiale e si inginocchia davanti al sovrano imperiale, tenete presente che anche le usanze unioniste all'interno del territorio unionista richiedono rispetto ogni volta che dignitari stranieri visitano il Bastione. Sarebbe ipocrita da parte nostra negare lo stesso diritto agli altri.

L'unica altra strada sarebbe quella di concedere, per ora, alla violazione colonialista della Federazione e tornare in una data futura meglio preparati. Il mal concepito gonfiarsi del petto della Federazione è superato solo dalla loro disillusa convinzione di comandare in qualche modo l'intero spazio esterno. È molto probabile che torneremo, non solo per realizzare la nostra missione originale, ma anche per offrire a una popolazione federalista sciatta un sano servizio della realtà.

Il vostro cosiddetto attuale Steward dell'Informazione

Capitano Hayden Blunt

A Testa Alta

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Risultati delle votazioni

L'accesso planetario di Mímir alla nave da sbarco unionista

Rapporto transgalattico 30.7.512, Consiglio universale

Il caso per la giurisdizione di Mímir è stato risolto. I risultati sono i seguenti:

L'esclusività a Mímir non è riconosciuta. L'inviato dell'Unione potrebbe atterrare su un pianeta.

Concedi all'Unione l'accesso a Mímir. - 3 (Impero, Federazione, Unione)

Rimanda al protocollo planetario federale. -0 ()


Supporta l'accesso dell'Unione a Mímir - 61,59% Favore imperiale

Rimanda al protocollo della Federazione - 38,41% Favore imperiale


Concedi all'Unione l'accesso al Mímir - 68,65% dei voti

Nega all'Unione l'accesso al Mímir - 31,35% dei voti


Appello all'Impero per il favore - 50,67% dei voti

Concede ora, ritorna più preparato - 49,33% dei voti

Altro rapporto rilevante:

Il Ministero della Fiducia ha informato che la Casa del Consiglio Universale Lycanis è encomiata per la sua lealtà all'Impero

Capitolo 3.2: Territorio

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

La scelta di Mímir è nostra

La squadra politica, i corrispondenti politici - Grey Matter, a Novum auxiliary

Sono state raccolte dichiarazioni da parte di funzionari governativi, appaltatori e referenti stranieri. Ecco le ultime sulla disputa territoriale del Mímir:

La Federazione non ha mai rivendicato l'esclusività del Mímir. Non è chiaro il motivo di tutto questo trambusto o chi abbia iniziato, l'Unione o la Tonocom. Mi dispiace solo che la PMG non sia stata finalista per i contratti di sicurezza. Tutto questo si sarebbe potuto evitare. -Jasna Farrah, responsabile delle operazioni militari della PMG Security.

Nonostante quello che dice l'Unione, non ci sono dispute territoriali. L'Unione deve fare meglio per se stessa se non vuole inasprire inutilmente le tensioni. -Ana Plíšková, aiutante di Sr. Victor Huxley, Programma Esploratore della Federazione. Assistente di Victor Huxley, Programma Esploratore della Federazione

L'Unione ha pagato un prezzo molto alto per avere accesso ai pianeti che già possedeva. È chiaro che stanno cercando di creare un po' di confusione. Altrimenti non avrebbero coinvolto il Consiglio Universale. La loro imbarazzante capitolazione all'Impero dimostra quanto abbiano da imparare. -Donel Gladson, CEO, Tonocom Defense

Empire Storyline

Lord Venthe Etruscus, Ministro della Fiducia

Un breve aggiornamento su Mímir :

Confermato. La disputa è insignificante. L'Unione può fare ciò che vuole. La nostra posizione rimane superiore. L'Unione accetta i prestiti economici imperiali e riconoscerà pubblicamente la superiorità economica imperiale. A prescindere da ciò, non si perderà più tempo con le inibizioni di istituzioni minori.

Come buon amministratore della collaborazione interfacoltà, i fisici e gli esperti spaziali imperiali hanno guidato vari gruppi della Federazione su Mímir nelle ricerche sul sito che circonda la Culla. Sua Eccellenza ha dato alla Federazione la possibilità di soddisfare le aspettative imperiali. Tuttavia, non ci sono riusciti.

Di conseguenza, e a nome della Casa Etrusca, ordino l'assemblaggio completo delle squadre di ricerca e di indagine imperiali e faccio rotta verso il pianeta Mímir. Arriveranno, stabiliranno e sosterranno le strutture imperiali sul pianeta e inizieranno le ricerche e le indagini scientifiche, con effetto immediato.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Non saremo vittime di bullismo

Kase Marshle, Steward dell'Espressiome

I recenti eventi nello spazio di Mímir e nei dintorni hanno dimostrato l'importanza dell'Unione nella galassia. Le azioni coraggiose del capitano Hayden Blunt sono encomiabili. Non ha sussultato  né esitato quando si è opposto alla Federazione. Non solo ha forzato la loro mano, ma ha dato all'Impero l'opportunità di sostenere la nostra causa. È chiaro che Mímir non è territorio della Federazione e non lo sarà mai.

Nonostante l'ottica, i nostri termini del prestito con l'Impero saranno di grande aiuto per i nostri sforzi economici. L'aumento della manifattura e della produzione alimentare sarà un gradito sollievo. Ora che l'accesso a Mímir è registrato, stabiliremo un insediamento permanente e garantiremo una maggiore pace su Mímir. La nostra diligenza non ha eguali. Non cederemo. Questa è solo il primo passo di una lunga maratona.

A Testa Alta.

Federation Storyline

La ricerca del punto zero nell'Insediamento del Caos

Intonyl Raand, corrispondente di Mímir, Keiper Trek Cycle, ausiliario del Novum

Dal momento del conflitto tra i Crimson Wolves e le forze congiunte dell'UC, la scena su Mímir non è mai stata così attiva. La superficie rocciosa di questo misterioso pianeta brulica di gruppi unilaterali di attività federali che si svolgono spalla a spalla con gli sforzi dell'Unione. Questi primi giorni sono contrastanti. Alcuni giorni sono produttivi e ordinati mentre i lavoratori annuiscono e salutano mentre vanno avanti. Si possono quindi sentire i suoni tesi di apparecchiature sovraccariche e le chiacchiere radiofoniche cariche di maledizioni. Altri giorni si fermano a causa di tesi contrasti su poco più di pochi metri quadrati di terreno.

Nonostante questi alti e bassi c'è un fastidio costante: le richieste di evacuazione perseguitano le onde radio, a volte due in un solo giorno, ma nessuno se ne va. Nessuno vuole andarsene per paura di perdere la prossima scoperta che altererà l'umanità.

Una scoperta che potrebbe essere già stata fatta o meno.

La parola pianeta è quel "punto zero" che è stato localizzato. Simile a "ground zero", è il punto esatto nello spazio in cui uno dei ponti Einsen è apparso ed è cresciuto rapidamente fino a inghiottire e/o gettare via oggetti e materia grandi come interi pianeti. Alcuni rapporti unionisti indicano che la posizione è solo una frazione astronomica dall'orbita di Mímir.

Questa notizia non può ancora essere completamente confermata poiché il caos sul pianeta è pieno di contrasti per mettere fuori gioco i team di ricerca rivali. Potrebbe essere che il punto zero si trovi a diverse decine di metri sopra la superficie del pianeta o potrebbe essere a metà strada dalla stazione Ignis. Dipende a chi chiedi e a che ora del giorno. Con tutto ciò che viene gettato in giro, è sicuro che sia stato scoperto qualcosa di significativo poiché abbiamo appreso che anche l'Impero sta inviando il proprio convoglio di ricerca nello spazio di Mímir. Nonostante la mancanza di chiarezza su una scoperta così monumentale, ciò che accade dopo è ironicamente chiaro: più caos.

NOTIZIA: Il Sovrintendente dell'informazione dell'Unione ha pianificato di sfidare il voto di fazione

Jaysie Hassiron, Dignitario editorialista, AQZ, una divisione di Novaros

L'ufficio AQZ ha ricevuto una copia esclusiva di un discorso per il neoeletto Sovrintendente dell'Informazione dell'Unione. Nel caso ve lo foste perso, la scelta dell'Unione di perseguire l'accesso a Mímir è stata fatta con il margine più ristretto: dal 50,7% al 49,3%.

Incredibilmente, se l'Unione avesse invece scelto di lasciare Mímir, il Sovrintendente aveva pianificato di sfidare l'ordine e atterrare comunque su Mímir. Leggi tu stesso:

Miei compagni unionisti. Ero curioso di sapere del voto a livello di fazione che sarebbe emerso e sono consapevole che il consenso è di tornare al Bastione, raggrupparsi e tornare più forti. Sono consapevole delle difficoltà che avete dovuto considerare. Non è stato facile scegliere di accontentare un assolutista ipocrita per un'opportunità o concedere quell'opportunità per il bene dei principi unionisti. Ero curioso di sapere se avreste scelto i nostri principi e l'avete fatto. Sono consapevole che preferireste morire in piedi piuttosto che vivere su un ginocchio. In nessun altro momento sono stato più orgoglioso di essere unionista di questo giorno.

Detto questo, sono anche consapevole che questi principi hanno eclissato qualsiasi proibizione che l'Impero potesse aver voluto. Sono consapevole che questi principi hanno indotto la Federazione a ricordare il loro blocco iniziale. È una testimonianza della forza e della determinazione che noi come popolo abbiamo dimostrato in tutte queste generazioni, tornando all'intenzione originaria di questa fazione.

E così mi viene in mente la mia intenzione originaria, la mia curiosità originaria. Quindi vi ripeto, come Sovrintendente dell'Informazione, è imperativo che impariamo sul pianeta, tutto ciò che è possibile sulle questioni che circondano la Culla. In quanto tale, l'unico percorso per raggiungere questo obiettivo è una struttura permanente vicino al sito in questione. Non tornerò al Bastione. Atterrerò su Mímir come previsto con ogni sforzo, per offrire vantaggi a ogni membro di questa grande Unione. Questo giorno ha inizio!

Empire Storyline

Ricerca Imperiale del Ponte di Einsen

Lord Venthe Etruscus, Ministro della Sicurezza

La nostra superiorità in termini di dati e informazioni persiste, ma vi metto in guardia dalle minacce alla verità dei fatti. Con il passare delle epoche, si verifica il proverbiale cambio della guardia, in cui nuove visioni prendono il posto di una concezione che sta tramontando. Così, alcune ricerche valide si ritrovano ingiustamente espulse.

Vi dico che viviamo in un giorno con due soli: uno che tramonta, l'altro che sorge. Non perdete di vista la realtà. Cercate la fondatezza ogni volta che è possibile, ma non inventatela quando non è possibile trovarla. Questa è la disciplina necessaria per affrontare i pericoli delle chiacchiere, delle dicerie e dei pettegolezzi. Possono avere un'apparenza innocua, ma il loro inganno può far crollare molte Grandi Case.

Non mi rivolgo a voi con dichiarazioni assolute o vuote. Mi rivolgo a voi per dirvi che Mímir e lo spazio circostante sono una vasta fonte di conoscenza, che viene sfruttata solo ora. Questo non è stato detto per alimentare la paura, ma per trovare conforto nella sicurezza del progresso imperiale. I Ministeri di Sua Eccellenza convalideranno la ricerca, mentre voi continuerete a vivere la vostra giornata, servendo il vostro scopo imperiale. Altre fazioni si agitano, contestano la verità e abbracciano la falsità, ma il Ministero Imperiale separa il grano dei fatti dalla pula immaginaria e noi siamo superiori per questo.

Invio la presente a bordo di un secondo convoglio di rifornimenti e ricercatori diretto verso lo spazio Mímir. Una volta arrivato, organizzerò in modo più efficace gli sforzi per attingere alle ricche risorse di questo luogo affascinante. La gloria e lo spirito dell'Imperium ci spingeranno verso un futuro promettente.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Cap. Hayden Blunt, Steward dell'Informazione

Compagni unionisti, ci aspetta un momento emozionante mentre ci avviciniamo alla possibile posizione in cui si è verificato un Ponte di Einsen. I passaggi necessari per confermare una tale scoperta sono pieni di strati di prove e navigano nella piccola disinformazione diffusa dai team di ricerca federali e imperiali.

Anche se potrebbero non esserci ancora informazioni sufficienti per confermare il punto di localizzazione di un EB, fatti coraggio mentre ci avviciniamo.

A Testa Alta.

Capitolo 4.1: Intenzioni

Un voto tra eguali per il bene della Cooperazione Irenica

Rapporto transgalattico 65.7.512, Consiglio Universale

Questo Consiglio ha avuto molti colloqui e discussioni con i rispettivi capi fazione sulle attività su Mímir e nella sua orbita. Queste conversazioni continueranno per qualche tempo. Nel frattempo, è stato raggiunto un consenso generale, che consiste nell'incoraggiare e coltivare la cooperazione interfazione e le iniziative multilaterali in nome dell'irenismo diplomatico.

Questo arriva in un momento critico, poiché il Capitano dell'Unione e Amministratore delle Informazioni Hayden Blunt e la sua squadra hanno confermato la posizione di quello che probabilmente è il punto centrale di un Ponte Einsen. Questo punto nello spazio è più vicino a Mímir, ma sufficientemente lontano dalla sua immediata attrazione gravitazionale. Gli esperti, sia a livello planetario che spaziale, lo classificano provvisoriamente come un "ponte di Einstein-Rosen quasi dormiente". Gli scienziati hanno confermato di aver inviato un drone attraverso l'EB con la piena fiducia che non avrebbe scatenato alcuna reazione negativa.

Sono state prese precauzioni estreme e tutte le squadre hanno seguito protocolli rigorosi, nonostante le tensioni e i conflitti astro-politici in corso. Al momento della trasmissione non sono stati segnalati incidenti significativi dovuti all'ingresso della sonda di prova nel varco dell'EB. Non ci sono ancora notizie sul ritorno della sonda e non sono ancora stati ricevuti dati dalla sonda.

Questa è un'occasione epocale e per questo i leader delle fazioni hanno ristabilito o aumentato i canali di comunicazione. Nell'ambito del consenso generale alla cooperazione, è stato deciso di formare una task force di ricerca unilaterale, composta da membri Imperiali, Federali e dell'Unione, per migliorare il coordinamento e accelerare i progressi. Tuttavia, non si riesce a trovare un consenso su chi debba guidare tale task force.

Di conseguenza, grazie all'autorità arbitrale e neutrale del Consiglio Universale, è stata indetta una votazione affinché ogni fazione scelga quale delle altre due debba guidare tale task force unilaterale. I membri non possono votare per la propria fazione.

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate il canale della storia della propria fazione.

Federation Storyline

Scoperto Gateway EB, Chiamata al voto per la partnership di Irenic

Oryn Z'anae, Caporedattore Multifazione, Takeyon Reports

Una scoperta rivoluzionaria è stata confermata e trasmessa dagli esperti della task force della Federazione e dai corrispondenti su Mímir. La posizione di un gateway Einsen Bridge viene osservata e monitorata. Ci sono anche rapporti della prima sonda che passa nel gateway EB. Tuttavia, nessuna conferma il suo ritorno con alcun dato o segnalazione di qualsiasi natura pervenuta.

La notizia di questa scoperta è stata annunciata durante una rara conferenza congiunta tra i tre presidenti di settore, il 1° settore Victor Huxley, il 2° settore Aurea Adonis e il 3° settore Kim Lee. È un momento inciso per sempre nella storia della Federazione, nonché un momento per riflettere sui nostri risultati e concederci il privilegio di ricominciare a sognare il nostro futuro. I presidenti Adonis e Huxley si sono espressi in modo simile sulla trasmissione dell'olonesso.

Il presidente del 3° settore Kim Lee sembrava catturare l'immaginazione della popolazione dichiarando a bordo della stazione Howitzer: "Momenti come questi sorgono sopra ogni cosa quando emergono da difficoltà empatiche. Un disagio che ora è accompagnato da questo barlume di speranza”.

La maggior parte di questa speranza deriva dalla conferma dell'interazione umana con il gateway EB che non ha provocato alcuna reazione catastrofica. Gli esperti della Federazione così come dell'Unione e dell'Impero concordarono all'unanimità che non si sarebbe verificata alcuna reazione del genere, il che si è rivelato corretto poiché le sonde sono semplicemente scomparse attraverso il portale senza particolari conseguenze . È questa cooperazione multilaterale che è attribuita a "Una cooperazione tra le fazioni che ha raggiunto un nuovo grande risultato", dichiara Patrice Zidane, Chief Intelligence Officer di OTK Comms, "Un accordo quasi unanime di cooperazione continua è fortemente sostenuto da quelli, come noi, dalla nostra parte del pianeta così come i leader delle nostre fazioni.

È qui che però finisce la cooperazione multilaterale. Non è possibile stabilire un consenso su chi, o quale fazione, guiderà questo sforzo trasversale. Pertanto, il Consiglio Universale, come è suo progetto, ha chiesto un voto su quale fazione dovrebbe scegliere il leader. L'avvertenza è che nessuna fazione può scegliere se stessa. E così, l'onere di favorire un rivale della Federazione ricade sugli elettori della Federazione. Non è un compito facile.

I sostenitori dell'Impero sono le voci più attese. "Sosterrò la maggior parte degli elettori della Federazione, ma non mi allontano dal mio desiderio personale di lavorare a fianco dell'Unione", ha dichiarato la signora Zidane più avanti nel suo discorso, "OTK è orgogliosa di avere diverse connessioni come tratto distintivo, tutto questo non ci ha mai portato fuori strada e i nostri partner nell'Unione condividono questa pietra miliare del progresso".

Gli influencer filo-imperiali comunemente sostengono la forza dell'ordine, come riassunto da Hugo Huxley, CEO di VasTech, "Questo posto [Mímir] era un caos caotico fino a quando la Federazione, con il supporto dell'Impero, non portò l'ordine. L'Unione era semplicemente a fianco per tutto il viaggio".

I critici dell'Unione spesso legano questo a un senso di debolezza nonostante le dimostrazioni di opporsi a entrambe le fazioni, a volte contemporaneamente. La forza, tuttavia, è un'arma a doppio taglio quando si tratta della percezione dell'Impero. La loro reputazione di forzare i loro ideali su tutto ciò in cui sono coinvolti è ampiamente nota.

Tuttavia, ciò che supera sempre qualsiasi dilemma è l'atto di fare una scelta. Quindi, esercita sempre il tuo diritto di voto.

Empire Storyline

La prima di molte scoperte ireniche in questa nuova era

Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, Casa Glycon.

Gloria all'Impero. Vi trasmetto una buona notizia: gli scienziati e i ministri imperiali hanno portato onore all'Imperium localizzando le coordinate esatte di un portale del ponte di Einstein-Rosen. Su insistenza del Consiglio Universale, l'Unione ha confermato ciò che Sua Eccellenza già sapeva. È confermato, i droni stanno passando dall'altra parte e sono in attesa di dati e trasmissioni di rivelazioni indicibili. A differenza dei precedenti sforzi, meno riusciti, tutti si sono svolti senza incidenti. Un'altra prova delle capacità scientifiche e di esplorazione delle équipe dell'Imperatore.

È un'occasione monumentale e vale la pena di celebrarne il significato. Il nostro posto nella storia è indiscutibile e i cittadini imperiali di Sua Eccellenza portano questa onoreficenza non solo con orgoglio, ma anche con generosità. Per questo motivo, a nome dell'Imperatore, la Casa Glycon riconosce l'importanza di condividere questa scoperta ed estende il raro onore di condividere ulteriori sforzi di ricerca solo con i più accreditati esperti di un altro Stato straniero. Sia la Federazione che l'Unione hanno espresso gratitudine per questa opportunità e sono in fervida competizione per la selezione.

Molti conglomerati della Federazione sono stati degni partner. La competenza e il merito sono stati secondi solo alla superiorità imperiale, e non dimentichiamo che non è stata la Federazione a guidare la fallimentare squadra precedente che ha provocato innumerevoli disastri e la scomparsa di interi pianeti. In realtà, è possibile che la ricomparsa di tali pianeti sia da attribuire alla Federazione, anche se ciò non è ancora stato confermato.

La scelta potrebbe sembrare ovvia, ma potrebbe essere utile all'Impero che l'Unione sfidi il comportamento scorretto della Federazione, spesso invadente. Se gli esperti dell'Unione fossero guidati dall'Impero, l'impresa comune sarebbe una forza inarrestabile, che aprirebbe la strada a una futura influenza imperiale su molti altri sistemi occupati. Sua Eccellenza è indulgente ed equanime quando gli viene data l'opportunità di esercitare tale generosità e, con il riconoscimento da parte dell'Unione delle passate incomprensioni, tale opportunità dimostrerebbe un'equa giustizia.

Potete ora esprimere il vostro partner scientifico preferito.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Una pietra miliare irenica e un inconveniente necessario

Amici unionisti, una nuova pietra miliare è stata raggiunta nella ricerca sul Ponte Einsen. Grazie all'azione decisiva del nostro Amministratore delle Informazioni, il capitano Hayden Blunt, è stata individuata la posizione di una porta EB vicino al pianeta Mímir e le sonde l'hanno attraversata con successo. Questi passi sono incredibilmente promettenti e ci spingono tutti nella giusta direzione.

Nonostante le difficoltà che abbiamo incontrato con le interferenze della Federazione e la frigidità imperiale, questo è un momento di celebrazione molto necessario. Con ogni passo, ci troviamo a passare dal precipizio di una nuova scoperta scientifica all'instaurazione di una comprensione.

Con questo nuovo passo avanti, è diventato chiaro, da chi si trova sul pianeta nel sito della Culla alla leadership a bordo del Bastion, che è necessaria una task force di ricerca congiunta tra le fazioni. L'unica domanda è chi debba guidare lo sforzo. È un dibattito che non si concluderà se non per la posizione unica del Consiglio Universale. Essi hanno ufficialmente indetto una votazione in cui ogni fazione non può eleggere se stessa, ma deve scegliere un'altra.

In primo luogo, è necessario riconoscere le qualifiche superiori di un piano di ricerca multilaterale guidato dall'Unione. I sopravvissuti dell'equipaggio di Sera Varse hanno un'esperienza e una conoscenza indispensabili che consentono di ottenere risultati di gran lunga migliori e di accelerare i tempi. Detto questo, per quanto sia difficile considerare il minore dei due oppressori, abbiamo affrontato sfide più difficili. È possibile aggirare la prepotente arroganza dell'Impero e responsabilizzare una Federazione meschina.

Unitevi a noi nella scelta di una controparte necessaria, anche se esasperante, per continuare la ricerca sul Ponte Einsen.

Il vostro leader attuale è stato chiamato,

Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Risultati delle votazioni

Selezione della leadership per una task force di ricerca multilaterale EB Gateway

Transgalactic report 43.7.512, Universal Council

Si è concluso il processo di nomina per l'eventuale formazione di una task force multilaterale di ricerca per il gateway EB. I risultati sono i seguenti:


Accetta l'assistenza della Federazione - 65,3% favore imperiale

Accetta l'assistenza dell'Unione - 34,7% favore imperiale


Partner con l'Unione - 65,05% dei voti

Partner con l'Impero - 34,95% dei voti


Collabora con l'Impero - 40,81% dei voti

Collabora con la Federazione - 59,19% dei voti

Altro rapporto rilevante:

Le discussioni ei negoziati tra i partiti delle fazioni ei delegati del Consiglio universale continueranno su questo argomento. Il passo successivo è la creazione di un elenco interfazionista di persone qualificate per guidare la task force di ricerca. Una volta finalizzato l'elenco, verrà indetta un'altra votazione per restringere l'elenco.

Capitolo 4.2: Intenzioni

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

L'Impero dovrebbe guidare gli sforzi per il ponte Einsen

Jistun Naols, redattore di Interfaction Op-Ed - NovA.I., una divisione di Novaros

La fortuna favorisce i riflessivi, anche se faccio fatica a trovare questa caratteristica tra i miei colleghi patrioti della Federazione.

Questo perché nessuno tiene conto di un proverbio consolidato nel tempo: Chi attraversa per primo il muro è il più sanguinario. Queste parole di saggezza urlano per essere ascoltate, eppure cadono nel vuoto. È ridicolo che così tanti federalisti chiedano a gran voce la possibilità di guidare una task force congiunta per la ricerca sull'EB. La gloria non c'è. Solo il fallimento e l'imbarazzo. "Guardare e imparare" è la mossa più intelligente.

La fortuna favorisce chi si mette di traverso. All'inizio abbiamo fatto bene a lasciare che l'Unione facesse un tentativo. Abbiamo lasciato che Sera Varse ispezionasse un pianeta sconosciuto e pieno di orrori.

Abbiamo fatto bene a fare il tifo per lei quando ha commesso un errore e si è portata dietro diversi pianeti. Cosa vi aspettavate? Cosmo Columbus scopre nuovi mondi? La fama e la fortuna non favoriscono gli audaci. La fortuna favorisce il successore che cammina sui corpi dei falliti. Colombo morì da emarginato. I suoi sponsor inseguivano fantasie d'oro. Varse e la sua Unione erano così impazienti e hanno fallito così tanto che hanno lasciato altri fallimenti da trovare.

Faremmo bene a lasciare che l'Impero ci provi. C'è un solo forziere d'oro dall'altra parte del portale EB di Mímir? C'è un solo pianeta-isola da reclamare? Nessuno può confermarlo. Inoltre, è ridicolo credere a qualcosa che si avvicini lontanamente a questo.

La fortuna favorisce l'osservatore. Purtroppo, sono in pochi a rivendicare questo ruolo. Sappiamo dove si trova il portale EB. Non sappiamo quale destino ci attende dall'altra parte. Non sappiamo nemmeno se inghiottirà altri pianeti... di nuovo, per poi risputarli... di nuovo. È come se qualcuno ci avesse dato le chiavi di una nave, ci avesse detto di trovare l'India e noi avessimo gridato: "Sia favorito il tuo vento!".

La fortuna non favorisce il vento, ma chi sta su un terreno solido e vede da che parte soffia.

Empire Storyline

Dal Ministro della Fiducia

Con la presente l'Impero si ritira dalle discussioni improduttive e dai discorsi vuoti riguardanti la ricerca sul portale del Ponte Einsen. È chiaro che i collaboratori non imperiali sono più interessati a diffondere voci che fatti scientifici.

Non è mai compito di questo Imperium perdere tempo in dispute senza senso. L'impareggiabile influenza di cui gode Sua Eccellenza è stata guadagnata attraverso l'intuizione, la sana strategia e l'azione decisiva. È questo il paradigma che seguirà il Ministero della Fiducia. Come tale, questo Ministero stabilirà uno sforzo congiunto, a stretto giro, con il Ministero Imperiale della Conoscenza, di prossima formazione. Insieme, l'influenza del progresso scientifico imperiale sarà dimostrata a tutti.

Mentre riprendete il vostro servizio all'Imperatore, prendetevi questo tempo per celebrare i progressi che abbiamo fatto qui, nel nome dell'Imperium. Poi, uscite e continuate a conquistare le stelle.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

I soldati dell'Unione continuano a non curarsi delle tempeste causate dagli altri

Cpt. Hayden Blunt, Amministratore dell'Informazione

Unionista, è con grande orgoglio che servo al tuo fianco mentre continuiamo la nostra marcia verso il progresso. La giornata di oggi non è diversa dalle precedenti, con o senza l'aiuto di una delle due fazioni gonfiate. Gli uni si vantano di risultati imperiali quando il loro contributo non è altro che un voto vuoto. L'altra parla da sola, si interrompe e celebra la contraddizione e il rumore incoerente.

Non abbiamo bisogno del loro aiuto. Se ce lo offriranno mentre raccogliamo conoscenze e risorse, ricorderemo il nostro credo e la nostra etica e gli offriremo gratitudine, ma non ci faremo distrarre. La nostra missione è troppo grande. I nostri sforzi sono già stati provati. Andiamo avanti per l'unità, per il progresso e per Sera Varse. Il suo lavoro non è stato vano. Il suo lavoro è il nostro lavoro. Prendiamo il suo mantello e lo guidiamo, non per una benedizione neutrale della Stazione Ignis, ma perché è in noi la volontà di andare avanti e di lasciarci alle spalle l'arroganza e il conflitto. Ci muoviamo leggeri e con intenzione, perché c'è una scoperta davanti a noi e sono in grado di perseguirla perché voi siete al mio fianco. Spalle indietro.

A testa alta.

Capitolo 5.1: Mente, Corpo e anima

Terzo passo delle soluzioni di Riforma dell'Interfazione

Rapporto transgalattico 52.7.512, Mandla Bankole, Consiglio Universale.

A causa di alcuni eventi isolati e di alcune espressioni verbali che hanno fatto seguito ai risultati delle votazioni precedenti, è stato deciso di offrire chiarezza sul motivo per cui i leader della vostra fazione e di tutte le fazioni stanno intraprendendo azioni multi-fazionali in nome del progresso cooperativo in questi tempi incerti:

Un significativo interesse politico e diplomatico è confluito su un singolo punto galattico-spaziale noto come Ponte di Einstein-Rosen (o Ponte di Einsen). Il livello di interesse intorno a un'area così piccola ha storicamente richiesto un intervento neutrale, guidato dal Consiglio Universale, in quanto controllato all'unanimità da unicamente e da tutte le fazioni..

Questa necessità storica di un arbitrato neutrale è supportata, tra i molti altri eventi, dall'interruzione del segnale originata dall'improvvisa comparsa del pianeta Mímir, nonché dal più recente conflitto territoriale che ha coinvolto lo stesso pianeta. Pertanto, è responsabilità di questo Consiglio sviluppare una task force multilaterale EB in grado di affrontare le attuali e future sfide sconosciute che si presentano a tutti noi.

Questo Consiglio riconosce anche quelle poche voci resistenti che hanno espresso opposizione alla cooperazione multilaterale. Mentre la controespressione è fonte di equilibrio, il Consiglio ricorda umilmente alla galassia un equilibrio più delicato. Un equilibrio di tregua. Un equilibrio che protegge da eventi devastanti come quelli che hanno portato alla distruzione del nostro sistema natale tante generazioni fa.

Con questo delicato ma cruciale equilibrio in atto, ci è concesso il privilegio della pace e dell'Eirenismo, termine concordato da tutti i membri del Consiglio Universale. Pertanto, il Ponte di Einsen in questione sarà d'ora in poi conosciuto come il Ponte di Einsen Irenico.

Quindi, con questo chiarimento e con le indagini territoriali concluse, nonché con lo sviluppo della task force multilaterale EB che torna al tavolo dei negoziati, ogni fazione continua ora il proprio processo di riforma.

A seguito di devastanti eventi anomali, l'Impero, la Federazione e l'Unione stanno stabilendo nuove posizioni di leadership con l'intento di rappresentare meglio il popolo.

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate il canale della storia della vostra fazione.

Federation Storyline

REBEAT fa un enorme investimento nel progresso umano

Eusjo Inna, Corrispondente politico, Takeyon Reports

Questa tornata di votazioni del REBEAT riguarda tutti i Federalisti allo stesso modo. Si estende sia in larghezza - in quanto riguarda l'intera popolazione di una fazione - sia in profondità, a causa dell'enorme numero di divisioni del Dipartimento per l'Avanzamento Umano. Questo comitato regolatore finanzierà un numero record di sei sotto-dipartimenti: salute fisica e mentale, potenziamento biofisico, diritti fondamentali, lavoro e commercio.

"Il numero di dipartimenti non è una preoccupazione", ha risposto con disinvoltura il presidente del Terzo Settore Kim Lee alle domande della stampa, mentre si recava a un gala dell'ambasciata sulla Stazione Edison. "Abbiamo affrontato un rigoroso processo di selezione. Il vaglio è stato acceso ma equo".

La Presidente Lee spera che la sua fiducia sia contagiosa mentre i Federalisti si recano alle urne per scegliere uno dei due candidati rimasti. Il primo è Hygeia Systems, un enorme conglomerato che spazia dalle capacità e dai servizi logistici agli impianti olografici per le unghie. Elencare tutto ciò che Hygeia offre sarebbe un'impresa ardua. È difficile paragonare la portata di Hygeia a quella di altri concorrenti di peso elevato, ma la sua presenza nella scheda elettorale è un indizio non troppo velato delle sue capacità qualificanti. Per raggiungere tale portata, l'azienda ha adottato una struttura interna poco ortodossa. I critici sottolineano che, con questa struttura, non c'è una sola persona al timone di tutto. Con quattro amministratori delegati e un trio di presidenti del consiglio di amministrazione, alcuni si chiedono, ad alta voce e di frequente, se la sua struttura poco ortodossa sia un'arma segreta o una porta d'accesso a una dispersione disordinata.

Dall'altra parte di questo quadro monumentale si trova Eve-N Technologies, un megalite metodico e personale, anch'esso in grado di far fronte a ogni responsabilità delle richieste del comitato. Il suo contributo più riconoscibile al benessere della vita dei Federalisti passa attraverso la nutrizione e il sostentamento. Grazie a un'abile diplomazia, è riuscita a posizionare le sue forniture alimentari in numerosi punti vendita federali, oltre a importanti esportazioni all'estero. Un'entità così importante come Eve-N, la ragione suggerisce che avrebbe fatto leva sul proprio peso per raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Invece, una voce calma e una mano tesa creano un'atmosfera accogliente per partner e concorrenti. Solo quando si raggiunge il comfort e si abbassano le guardie ci si confronta con la rigidità di Eve-N. Per quanto ragionevole e logico, sfruttare qualsiasi debolezza o vantaggio competitivo contro questo megalite diventa una battaglia in salita. I critici indicano questo come il motivo principale della lentezza dei cambiamenti, per quanto necessari, che provengono dai ranghi dirigenziali di Eve-N.

Di tutti i potenziali che hanno fatto campagna elettorale per questi due ultimi posti, è chiaro che Hygeia ed Eve-N sono quelli che lasciano meno dubbi sulle loro qualifiche. Non resta che esercitare il proprio diritto di voto.

Empire Storyline

Formazione del Ministero della Conoscenza

Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, Casa Glycon.

Gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore che la Casa Glycon annuncia la nascita e l'istituzione del Ministero Imperiale della Conoscenza. Questo Ministero deterrà doverosamente l'autorità in materia di istruzione, informazione e comunicazione, in accordo con la Suprema Dinastia dell'Imperator Solas. Questa nuova designazione è la terza di sei ministeri che verranno istituiti per aiutare il Senato Imperiale per confermare il dominio imperiale nella galassia. Questo giorno non è diverso da quelli precedenti. Il nostro grande Impero è ineguagliabile e tale continuerà ad essere anche durante il periodo di selezione del primo che ricoprirà il ruolo di Ministro della Conoscenza.

Grazie alla saggezza di Sua Eccellenza, la Casa Voden è stata incaricata di gestire queste operazioni e, come tale, selezionerà uno dei due candidati: il Sommo Lord Mathias Voden o Lady Sakura Kogawa. Entrambi hanno dimostrato un'eccezionale competenza sui principi scientifici, a tutto vantaggio dell'Impero. Nessun altro nell'Imperium è più qualificato per guidare gli interventi di ricerca sul Ponte

Einsen. La scelta finale determinerà il modo in cui il Senato Imperiale fronteggerà gli sviluppi imprevisti in futuro.

La maestria dell'Alto Lord Voden nella ricerca tecnologica e nei sistemi di produzione è ineguagliabile. È stato ricompensato in conseguenza al rendimento dei molti strumenti, dispositivi e tecnologie che Sua Eccellenza ha condiviso in tutto l'Imperium. Ci vuole una mano ferma per promuovere tali efficienze. La mano di Lord Voden è inamovibile.

L'illustre Lady Sakura è il complemento di Lord Voden, ha la capacità di mettere in pratica le teorie e le idee di Lord Mathias. Il livello di produzione di Casa Voden è assolutamente straordinario, grazie a questa "Inesauribile Lady", che sembra in grado di fornire qualsiasi cosa e su qualsiasi scala. Un cognome invidiabile a prima vista, ma che ha un grande costo da pagare, in termini burocratici: Lady Sakura è una perfezionista in materia di sicurezza. Poiché è molto difficile destreggiarsi a tali livelli di efficienza, nessun altro è disposto ad affrontare tutti i pericoli che comporta l'accoglienza di un numero così elevato di persone in una sola volta.

Ora potete esprimere il vostro favore per una parte rispetto all'altra.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Riforma, speranza e salute per tutti

I frutti dei nostri sforzi tra il Vox, le Tribù e molti sondaggi pubblici stanno arrivando a compimento mentre continuiamo ad assemblare il nostro Codice Etico. La guida sta prendendo forma e noi, come popolo lungimirante, stiamo già navigando nelle incertezze di questa nuova era del Ponte di Einsen. I vostri sforzi sono spesso riconosciuti in questi tempi ambigui. Per qualcuno le difficoltà sono un peso, ma con i compatrioti familiari diventano un legame. Festeggiate con me il rafforzamento di questo legame a beneficio di innumerevoli generazioni a venire.

Per rafforzare questo legame, è stato ratificato il nostro terzo Codice etico per facilitare ufficialmente tutte le questioni di salute. Come le altre etiche, l'Etica della Salute è curata dal suo Amministratore a bordo del Bastione. Essi si alterneranno per svolgere i compiti della loro amministrazione, proprio come fanno ora per la casa e la terraferma.

Sono stati scelti a caso due candidati alla carica di Amministratore della Salute: Il dottor Jase Yosen dei Redentori, un vero unionista che rappresenta il cuore dell'Unione. Nel pensiero, Jase immagina il risultato con largo anticipo, non riconosciuto da molti fino a quando i suoi benefici non vengono realizzati. La sua ricerca medica è ampiamente riconosciuta come un passo avanti rispetto ai collettivi più innovativi. Infatti, sta lavorando a una teoria che spiega il fenomeno noto come Malattia Quantica: potrebbe avere poco a che fare con la Quantica. È qui che risiede la complessità delle metodologie del Dr. Yosen. Una mente così eterodossa e lungimirante dovrà senza dubbio affrontare la resistenza fisica di un consenso opposto.

Il secondo candidato è il membro anziano del clan Stefan Sagge dell'Alba delle Nevi. Se la concorrenza è lungimirante, l'anziano Stefan la affronta con saggezza. È questo giusto livello di comprensione che ha salvato delle vite dai misteriosi effetti della malattia quantica. Diagnosi affrettate avrebbero certamente aumentato la conta dei morti, ma la mano ferma di Stefan ha evitato a molti cari un dolore ingiustificato. È proprio questa mano ferma che, al momento, getta un raggio d'azione lontano, con l'intenzione deliberata da parte del buon membro del clan di enfatizzare il presente per il bene del futuro. Non una rivelazione sconvolgente, certo, ma una diagnosi azzeccata e difficile da confutare.

Unisciti a noi per selezionare il nostro primo Amministratore della Salute e creare un piano di benessere per le generazioni a venire.

Il vostro leader del presente è stato chiamato,

Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Risultati delle votazioni

Fase 3 Voti di riforma in questa nuova era del ponte Einsen

Rapporto transgalattico 56.7.512, Consiglio universale

Ogni fazione interstellare ha selezionato il terzo di molteplici appuntamenti ufficiali progettati per rafforzare la propria posizione in questi tempi incerti. I risultati sono i seguenti:


Mathias Voden per Ministro della Conoscenza - 59,4% favore imperiale

Sakura Kogawa per Ministro della Conoscenza - 40,6% favore imperiale


Assegna contratti di umanità a Hygeia - 56,81% dei voti

Assegna contratti di umanità a Eve-N Tech - 43,19% dei voti


Jase Yosen come Amministratore della Salute - 65,31% dei voti

Stefan Sagge come Amministratore della Salute - 34,69% dei voti

Altri rapporti rilevanti:

Le squadre di ricerca imperiali sono arrivate su Mímir senza incidenti.

Capitolo 5.2: Mente, Corpo e anima

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Il nuovo appaltatore per l'avanzamento umano REBEAT punta sul ponte di Irenic Einsen

Alaur Kelar, Giornalista per la salute, Op-Ed, Testata giornalistica

La Hygeia Systems non sta perdendo tempo con i poteri di avanzamento umano che le sono stati recentemente conferiti, presentando in precedenza richieste per varie autorità giurisdizionali sul pianeta Mímir. "Assumeremo l'autorità su tutte le ricerche, la raccolta e l'elaborazione di Quantum Organico". Ha dichiarato Yctra Ouiah, amministratore delegato di Hygeia.

Date le dispute territoriali con l'Unione, le lotte per il consenso del Consiglio Universale e i cambiamenti di potere delle società, molti intervistati hanno convenuto che l'era del Ponte di Einsen è ben avviata.

Empire Storyline

Dal Ministro della Conoscenza

Alto Lord Mathias Voden, Ministro della Conoscenza.

Gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore servire l'Imperatore come primo Ministro della Conoscenza. Vi trasmetto questo sulla superficie di Mímir, dove Lady Sakura Kogawa ed io abbiamo accompagnato il Ministro dell'Intelligence, Lord Venthe Etruscus. Mi sono stati trasferiti i doveri di stabilire sul pianeta una struttura di ricerca e una stazione di trasmissione per il ponte Irenic Einsen appena scoperto. Ho nominato Lady Sakura Kogawa vice autorità temporanea per accelerare le operazioni finché tutto non sarà stabilito e in ordine.

Vale la pena notare che, a differenza delle nostre controparti, non è emerso alcun conflitto riguardo al diritto sovrano di Sua Eccellenza di accedere all'orbita, ai cieli, ai mari e al terreno del Mímir. Le strutture della conoscenza imperiale, insieme alle funzioni di intelligence, stanno già facendo progressi nello stabilire collegamenti di comunicazione, infrastrutture di laboratorio e misure provvisorie. Questo rapporto è un'ulteriore prova della superiorità di Sua Eccellenza.

L'Imperium entra in una nuova alba con i dati che verranno raccolti qui e Sua Eccellenza, insieme al Suo Imperium, dimostrerà ulteriormente la supremazia galattica.

Lascia che l'impero sopravviva alle stelle.

Union Storyline

La Salute dell'Unione

Dr. Jase Yosen, Steward della Salute

Membri dell'Unione, è con grande umiltà che mi metto al servizio come primo Steward della Salute. Non dimentico il mio rango di unionista eguale e clinico giurato del benessere di questa grande Unione. Farò del mio meglio per creare un precedente degno dei futuri Steward che mi succederanno. Ci sono moltissime domande da indagare mentre impariamo collettivamente insieme e sveliamo i misteri davanti a noi.

È l'anticipazione del futuro che sarà alla base del mio nuovo incarico. Il mio primo ordine di discussione che porterò alla prossima sessione del Consiglio dell'Unione sarà quello di migliorare il vostro benessere. È mia missione che questo post vi lasci migliorati, nel corpo e nella mente, più di quando è arrivato.

Grazie ancora e state bene.

A testa alta.

Capitolo 6.1: Riforma Intermedia

Quarta fase della Riforma dell'Interfazione Soluzioni

Rapporto transgalattico 65.7.512, Consiglio Universale

Sono stati fatti chiari progressi per quanto riguarda la Task Force Multilaterale Ponte Irenico Einsen. Segue un breve messaggio del membro del Consiglio Universale, Áurea Adonis:

Le discussioni continuano con i delegati della Federazione scelti, come è stato votato a maggioranza, e il quadro operativo per la Task Force Multilaterale è quasi completato. Il lavoro svolto da tutte le fazioni ha portato a una maggiore unità e cooperazione. Questo Consiglio desidera esprimere profonda gratitudine per questi sforzi di unificazione. La sicurezza della galassia cresce quando la collaborazione si radica in tutte le condotte interfacoltà.

Nel prossimo futuro, il Consiglio Universale, a nome della Federazione, presenterà i candidati alla guida della Task Force Multilaterale Irenica EB. Questo segnerà l'inizio di un nuovo capitolo nella ricerca sull'EB, mentre cerchiamo risposte e scoperte storiche che spingano tutta l'umanità in avanti.

Con questo chiarimento, passiamo alla riforma trans-fazionale in corso. La prima metà delle votazioni per la riorganizzazione si è conclusa, mentre ogni fazione continua il proprio processo di riforma. A seguito degli eventi dirompenti del Ponte Einsen, l'Impero, la Federazione e l'Unione stanno stabilendo le rispettive posizioni di comando. Questa sarà la quarta posizione selezionata. Ogni fazione avrà in totale sei nuovi ruoli di comando, tutti con l'intento di rappresentare meglio i cittadini della galassia.

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate il canale della storia della vostra fazione.

Federation Storyline

Quarto comitato di regolamentazione dell'era EB per la selezione

Elueia Esterea, corrispondente per finanza ed economia, Takeyon Reports

Per molti, i più importanti contratti di riforma REBEAT sono ora in palio. Il processo di eliminazione è stato più esteso rispetto ai precedenti contratti di riforma. Il Dipartimento dell'Intelligence ha elaborato cinque turni di eliminazione prima di arrivare agli ultimi due candidati. La Commissione di Difesa Galattica ha elaborato tre round. Per questa posizione, il comitato di regolamentazione incaricato di aggiudicare contratti finanziari e di tesoreria, The Federal Bank, ha elaborato tredici round di eliminazione prima di arrivare ai due finalisti: Republic Technologies e Maelstrom-Enomics.

Republic Tech è un finalista logico che ha dimostrato il suo coraggio fornendo infrastrutture critiche che consentono il nostro stile di vita civile. Fungendo da nave ammiraglia per tutte le attività di voto nella Federazione, RT ha mantenuto questo ruolo più a lungo di qualsiasi altra entità nella storia. La loro capacità di fornire un modello operativo bilanciato e quasi nullo non ha eguali tra innumerevoli concorrenti egoisti. Se Republic Tech si assicurasse i contratti della Fed Bank, le nostre questioni finanziarie sarebbero in mani eque e trasparenti. Detto questo, le loro non sono le mani più lungimiranti. RT è noto per essere rimasto indietro quando si tratta di reagire agli stili di vita in continua evoluzione della Federazione. Raccogliere voti non cambia molto ma la gestione degli strumenti finanziari a volte può cambiare direzione ogni volta che soffia il vento.

Maelstrom-Enomics offre un'alternativa convincente. Questo finalista ha una storia di nuoto controcorrente con coraggio incrollabile. Quando nessun altro avrebbe colmato il vuoto del mercato dell'assistenza agli anziani, delle assicurazioni ad alto rischio e dei programmi pensionistici, è stata questa società a farsi avanti. Maelstrom ha attraversato acque pericolose, entrando in mercati pieni di manipolazione autodistruttiva o beneficenza senza profitto. Un'organizzazione del genere, armata di autorità finanziarie, lascia un sentimento di fiducia anche se forse un po' autoindulgente. Se dovesse esserci un difetto, sarebbe una stravaganza interna. Se la Fed Bank dovesse concedere contratti, la fiducia sostenibile dovrebbe abbondare, per decenni se non generazioni, e Maelstrom lo festeggerebbe lungo tutto il percorso.

Qualunque cosa tu preferisca, assicurati di esercitare il tuo diritto di esprimere un voto.

Empire Storyline

Formazione del Ministero della Difesa

Per grazia di Sua Eccellenza l'Imperatore, Casa Glycon.

Gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore che la Casa Glycon annuncia la nascita e l'istituzione del Ministero della Difesa Imperiale. Questo Ministero deterrà debitamente l'autorità in materia di sicurezza e applicazione della legge, in accordo con la Suprema Dinastia dell'Imperator Solas. Questa nomina è la quarta dei sei ministeri che saranno istituiti per aiutare il Senato Imperiale a confermare il dominio imperiale in tutta la galassia. Questo giorno non è diverso da quelli precedenti. Il nostro grande Impero è ineguagliabile e continuerà ad esserlo anche quando inizierà il periodo di selezione del primo a ricoprire il ruolo di Ministro della Difesa.

Grazie alla saggezza di Sua Eccellenza, sarà nominato uno stimato erede della Casa Va-Halet o della Casa Praetor per dirigere le attività e, pertanto, sarà selezionato uno dei due candidati: Lord Hakar Va-Halet o il Capitano Léo Praetor. Entrambi prestano un servizio impeccabile all'Impero e il prescelto si occuperà di gestire eventualità senza precedenti, tra cui la salvaguardia dello studio e dell'esplorazione dei Ponti di Einsen.

Lord Va-Halet è orgoglioso di essersi posto al fianco di Sua Eccellenza più prontamente di qualsiasi altra grande Casa. Pochi, con la sua esperienza di combattimento, sono leali alla supremazia imperiale. Detto questo, alcuni interpretano le sue reazioni schiette come ciniche.

Il Capitano Praetor, invece, è ancorato alla valutazione quanto all'azione. Non v’è forza, in questa vita o nell'aldilà, che sia in grado di sradicare la determinazione di Léo. Questo può essere un difetto, insieme al comportamento occasionalmente irascibile, anche se questo è dovuto alle ferme convinzioni imperiali di Léo.

Ora può esprimere il suo favore per una parte piuttosto che per l'altra.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Il vostro contributo alla Protezione, la nostra Etica della Sicurezza

Nonostante l'intrusione illegale da parte della Federazione nei diritti unionisti, continuano ulteriori e approfondite deliberazioni tra i Vox, le tribù e molti sondaggi pubblici per mettere insieme il Codice etico della nostra grande Unione. Questo codice unionista guida noi, un popolo lungimirante, mentre navighiamo in questa nuova era del ponte Einsen. I vostri sforzi vengono spesso riconosciuti durante questi tempi difficili. Gli oneri subiti da uno sono alleviati da tutti. È con grande aspettativa che oggi continua il nostro cammino verso la riforma e una solida base che durerà per innumerevoli generazioni a venire.

Per coltivare la comprensione, il nostro quarto Codice etico facilita tutte le questioni di difesa, sicurezza e responsabilità della leadership. Ciò riflette le necessità critiche di equilibrio, giustizia e assicurazioni civili fino alla fine dei tempi. Come per l'Espressione e l'Informazione, l'Etica della Sicurezza è nutrita dal suo Steward a bordo del Bastione. Si alterneranno per servire i doveri della loro amministrazione proprio come fanno ora per la casa e la terra da condividere.

Due candidati scelti casualmente come Steward della Sicurezza: Emmet dei Senza Volto e Laban Ark dei Soli Gemelli. Le credenziali di Emmet puntano tutte all'equità, alla correttezza e al candore. È una specie di leggenda dell'Unione, avendo attraversato lo spazio dell'Unione insieme ai suoi compagni Senza Volto, aiutando sempre i bisognosi. Pochi all'interno dell'Unione hanno un carattere più giusto di Emmet. Questo è ben noto nonostante il suo percorso verso la leadership sia meno compreso di quello di altri. Tuttavia, non è noto come Emmet sia arrivato a guidare il gruppo eterogeneo noto come Senza Volto. Anche la sua identità è un mistero:

Emmet è nato all'interno dell'Unione o ha disertato da una delle altre fazioni? Nessun documento conferma una possibilità o l'altra, ma poi, questo è spesso il doloroso stato degli affari dell'Unione, non è vero? Fino ad oggi, nessuno conosce il volto dietro la maschera di Emmet, a parte i suoi compagni Senza Volto, ovviamente.

L'altro nostro candidato è il capitano Laban Ark. Un unionista intuitivo e fiducioso con segni strazianti durante l'assalto Ojin-Kai a Vargas. Navigando in circostanze incerte e senza tempo per agire, Laban ha rivisto i suoi ordini di marcia e ha invertito le sorti, salvando la vita a dozzine di minatori di Vargas e una spedizione programmata di minerale vitale per le linee di rifornimento unioniste. È questa intuizione che è in grado di guidare la nuova costituzione della sicurezza dell'Unione attraverso i nostri sistemi popolati. Questo non è scontato, ve lo assicuro, dal portamento irrilevante e presuntuoso di Laban. Alcuni dicono presuntuoso, altri lo contrassegnano come fiducioso.

Unisciti a noi mentre selezioniamo il primo Steward della Sicurezza e intraprendiamo un viaggio di illuminazione per inaugurare una nuova era.

Il vostro cosiddetto leader attuale,

Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Risultati delle votazioni

Fase 4 Voti di riforma in questa nuova era del ponte Einsen

Rapporto transgalattico 68.7.512, Consiglio universale

Ogni fazione interstellare ha selezionato il quarto di molteplici appuntamenti ufficiali progettati per rafforzare la propria posizione in questi tempi incerti. I risultati sono i seguenti:


Hakar Va-Halet come ministro della Difesa - 64,51% di favore imperiale

Léo Praetor come ministro della Difesa - 35,49% favore imperiale


Assegna contratti di finanziamento a Republic Technologies - 63,69% dei voti

Assegna contratti di finanziamento a Maelstrom Economics - 36,31% dei voti


Emmet come Amministratore della Sicurezza - 58,27% dei voti

Laban Ark come Amministratore della Sicurezza - 41,73% dei voti

Altri rapporti rilevanti:

A partire da questa trasmissione, le sonde che entrano nel ponte Irenic Einsen ritornano degradate, gravemente malfunzionanti, deformate o non ritornano affatto. Non si sa cosa stia causando questo. Tuttavia, una volta completata la formazione della Multilateral Irenic EB Task Force, ci sarà un'attenzione urgente per porre rimedio a questi problemi.

Capitolo 6.2: Riforma Intermedia

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Il contraente della nuova banca federale è il vincitore o il beneficiario riluttante?

Jyo Cshu, capo economista di Xeikil, Op-Ed - Finance Sphere, un ausiliare di Novum

La Banca Federale potrebbe trovarsi di fronte a un ciclo fiscale difficile. Forse è il caso di congratularsi con Republic Technologies. Ma forse le condoglianze sono più appropriate.

Se ci fosse un solo indicatore economico in questi giorni, sarebbe qualsiasi notizia proveniente da Mímir e dai progressi compiuti per rispondere alle domande sul quantum, sul quantum organico, sulla stabilità dell'EB e sulle caratteristiche identificative. In sostanza, è possibile controllare Mímir e i suoi effetti che cambiano la storia? Sebbene siano stati stipulati contratti finanziari, la risposta a questa domanda può lasciare tali contratti in completa rovina.

Nonostante la ricerca di cooperazione dell'Unione, gli sforzi sono iniziati in modo stentato. Riaprire l'accesso sotterraneo alla Culla ancora sepolta si è rivelato difficile. Forse i progressi sarebbero stati all'altezza delle aspettative se si fosse trattato di una normale grotta di Vargas, ma prima che una singola vanga possa perforare la terra, mille scienziati devono verificare e riverificare che la terra non esploda, o che la vanga non esploda.

Che ne è del "Ponte Irenico di Einsen"? Un termine inventato dai rappresentanti del Consiglio Universale, come se un'etichetta impedisse la manipolazione del potere da parte di coloro che sono incaricati di studiarlo. Il potenziale di questa singola scoperta potrebbe rendere innumerevole il valore di qualsiasi contratto finanziario. L'unico problema è che quasi tutte le sonde inviate attraverso questo tunnel del tesoro tornano inutilizzabili o non tornano affatto.

Quindi, prima di congratularci con l'appaltatore della Fed Bank, cerchiamo risposte che si stanno rivelando più difficili da ottenere di quanto si pensasse. Pertanto, continuiamo a trattenere il respiro e a stringere i nostri conti in banca.

Empire Storyline

Una superiore sicurezza imperiale giá dimostrata

Sommo Lord Hakar Va-Halet, Ministro della Sicurezza

Gloria all'Impero. È con grande onore che trasmetto questo primo Rapporto sulla Sicurezza. L'evidente potenza e presenza delle squadre di ricerca e investigazione imperiali sono arrivate a destinazione su Mímir senza incidenti, in modo sicuro e protetto, e stanno già facendo progressi.

A differenza delle nostre controparti, non è emerso alcun conflitto riguardo al diritto sovrano di Sua Eccellenza di accedere all'orbita, ai cieli, ai mari e al suolo del pianeta. La Sicurezza Imperiale e le funzioni di intelligence stanno già facendo progressi nello stabilire rifugi, posti di blocco e misure provvisorie.

L'attenzione è inoltre divisa tra Mímir, che ora funge da base operativa sicura, e lo studio del Ponte Irenico Einsein, che si trova più vicino a Mímir. La Federazione e l'Unione si sono limitate a causare solo una serie di piccole interruzioni. Un problema che vale la pena affrontare solo quando i loro battibecchi ostacolano la nostra produttività. Sono stati informati della necessità di eliminare questa petulanza e si sono sottomessi alla ragione. Per questo motivo, la sicurezza continua a non subire incidenti.

Questo rapporto è un'ulteriore prova della superiorità di Sua Eccellenza.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

La nostra enfasi sulla sicurezza

Emmet, Amministratore della Sicurezza

A nome della sicurezza unionista e del nostro compagno Steward della Conoscenza, esprimo gratitudine a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a far rispettare il diritto di questa fazione agli sforzi di ricerca su e vicino al pianeta Mímir. Mentre il mantenimento della pace e il progresso della ricerca di Mímir vengono compiuti in siti di interesse, in qualità di Steward, è mia responsabilità riferire che il progresso è lento ma deliberato. Molti fattori devono essere considerati, inclusa la prevenzione dell'innesco accidentale di un altro evento del ponte Einsen. Di conseguenza, la missione principale dei nostri team in loco è determinare in che modo questi ponti Einsen possono essere potenzialmente attivati. Questo, a sua volta, garantisce come prevenire tale innesco. L'Unione non si sottrae alle sfide. In quanto tale, state con me mentre avanziamo e conduciamo la civiltà a nuove vette.

A testa alta.


Capitolo 7.1: La task force MIEB

Reform Paused To Elect EB Task Force Leader

Transgalactic report 77.7.512, Mandla Bankole, Universal Council

To all in the galaxy, a great challenge is set before us. Probes traversing through the Irenic Einsen Bridge return badly degraded, warped or do not return at all. After carefully examining the returning probes, scientists are calling it “accelerated entropy”.

Accelerated entropy causes unpredictable disruption on a quantum level. This is different from radiation, where cells simply break down. Accelerated entropy can cause atoms, molecules, and cells to behave in an infinite number of ways, which includes nothing. There is currently no way of predicting the behavior until the moment it happens. This is often followed by what can only be described as accelerated entropy. Also known as partial or full disintegration. This leads us to a concentrated, multilateral efforts to solve this complex problem.

Talks and negotiations have concluded in regard to the Multilateral EB Gateway Task Force (MIEB-GTF) or MIEB. Due to the interfactional vote of stardate 39.7.512, the Federation formally received preference for leading the MIEB Task Force.

To determine the specific individual to lead this task force, each faction will cast a vote between two Federation candidates. In no particular order, the candidates are Dr. Yyuri Takada PhD, DDiv, of the Federation conglomerate Hygeia Systems, and Dr. Helena Barnhardt PhD, DDiv, of Eve-N Technologies.

According to negotiated, interfactional agreement, candidate information has been supervised, edited and curated by neutral parties of the Universal Council. Full transparency and balance is the primary focus. Setting aside all bias and prejudice, the Universal Council deems each candidate equal. It is up to the voting population of each faction to determine the election. Please read all provided information before casting your factional vote.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

REBEAT Paused To Nominate A MIEB Task Force Finalist
Nelor Noersadoal, Editor & Chief, Takeyon Reports

As interfactional efforts continue researching the Irenic Einsen Bridge Gateway, leaders are hard at work establishing a multilateral framework for transgalactic scientific cooperation. As a result, a number of candidates have been nominated, from each faction, to lead the faction-neutral Multilateral EB Gateway Task Force (MIEB-GTF) or MIEB Task Force.

In the effort to minimize all bias and prejudice, it is the responsibility of this publication to broadcast candidate information, which has been supervised, edited and curated by neutral parties of the Universal Council. With full transparency and balance is the primary focus, the Universal Council deems all candidates to be considered equal. Please read all provided information before casting your vote:

Dr. Yyuri Takada

Dr. Yyuri Takada, PhD, DDiv is a Chief Science Officer at Hygeia Systems. She oversees a wide range of scientific operations spanning logistics to holographic fingernail implants. With no one person at the helm of all of Hygeia’s operations, some wonder if its unorthodox structure is flexible leadership or a gateway to haphazard dispersion. In short: Dr. Yyuri Takada is innovative but less systematic.

Dr. Helena Barnhardt

Dr. Helena Barnhardt, PhD, DDiv is the Chief Science Officer at Eve-N Technologies. She is methodical and personable, and well-versed in diplomacy, welcoming partners and competitors alike. This lowers one’s guard to better accept the doctor’s rigidity, which is beneficial for protocol but disadvantaged against rapid change. In short: Dr. Helena Barnhardt is diplomatic but rigid.

Whichever you favor, be sure to exercise your right to cast a vote.
Empire Storyline

Imperial Reform Paused To Set Foreign Precedent
From House Voden

Glory to The Empire. The scientific supremacy of our Einsen Bridge research remains unmatched as well as Imperial generosity to allow foreign assistance. It is this generosity that is on display by selecting a finalist for a role best titled “chief servant to Imperial endeavors”.

The full extent of this generosity is on display as the candidates are foreigners of non-Imperial descent. The following is a text describing each candidate. This text has received Imperial blessing. There is no need for partisan language, given the apparent and superior choice. The two candidates are as follows:

Dr. Yyuri Takada

Dr. Yyuri Takada, PhD, DDiv is a Chief Science Officer at Hygeia Systems. She oversees a wide range of scientific operations spanning logistics to holographic fingernail implants. With no one person at the helm of all of Hygeia’s operations, some wonder if its unorthodox structure is flexible leadership or a gateway to haphazard dispersion. In short: Dr. Yyuri Takada is innovative but less systematic.

Dr. Helena Barnhardt

Dr. Helena Barnhardt, PhD, DDiv is the Chief Science Officer at Eve-N Technologies. She is methodical and personable, and well-versed in diplomacy, welcoming partners and competitors alike. This lowers one’s guard to better accept the doctor’s rigidity, which is beneficial for protocol but disadvantaged against rapid change. In short: Dr. Helena Barnhardt is diplomatic but rigid.

With the clear choice now abundantly presented, you may express your favor toward one choice over the other.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Code of Ethics Election Paused In The Name Of Irenism

Unionists, we arrive at a moment in the name of the irenic, multi-factional study of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. It is a moment of great delicacy. It is a moment where we face focused advancement against equal gain. Each case is beneficial but only one is certain. The factionally balanced members of the Universal Council have narrowed a list of potential candidates to lead the Multilateral EB Gateway Task Force (MIEB-GTF) or MIEB Task Force.

The Vox is duty-bound to share with our collective candidate information, which has been supervised, edited and curated by neutral parties of the Universal Council. With full transparency and balance is the primary focus, the Universal Council deems all candidates to be considered equal. Please read all provided information before casting your vote:

Dr. Yyuri Takada

Dr. Yyuri Takada, PhD, DDiv is a Chief Science Officer at Hygeia Systems. She oversees a wide range of scientific operations spanning logistics to holographic fingernail implants. With no one person at the helm of all of Hygeia’s operations, some wonder if its unorthodox structure is flexible leadership or a gateway to haphazard dispersion. In short: Dr. Yyuri Takada is innovative but less systematic.

Dr. Helena Barnhardt

Dr. Helena Barnhardt, PhD, DDiv is the Chief Science Officer at Eve-N Technologies. She is methodical and personable, and well-versed in diplomacy, welcoming partners and competitors alike. This lowers one’s guard to better accept the doctor’s rigidity, which is beneficial for protocol but disadvantaged against rapid change. In short: Dr. Helena Barnhardt is diplomatic but rigid.

Join us as we select the rightful leader of the Multilateral EB Gateway Task Force and embark on a journey of enlightenment and usher in a new age.

Your called-upon Present Leader, Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Leader of the Multilateral EB Gateway Task Force

Transgalactic report 81.7.512, Áurea Adonis, Universal Council

After much deliberation to solve the challenge of traversing the EB gateway with all life and equipment intact, we arrive at the moment where all sovereign factions select a leader of the Multilateral EB Gateway Task Force. This task force will be charged with the study of the Einsen Bridge and the unpredictable Accelerated Entropy that occurs when passing through the spacetime threshold.

This is the central challenge that prevents human exploration into the other side of the Irenic Einsen Bridge. As a party to the neutral Universal Council, I invite everyone, on behalf of all sovereign factions, to join us as we take on this challenge synchronously.

The results are as follows:

Dr. Yyuri Takada is elected to lead the Multilateral Irenic EB Task Force.

Dr. Takada as MIEB Task Force leader. - 3 (Empire, Federation, Union)
Dr. Barnhardt as MIEB Task Force leader. - 0 ()


Dr. Takada as MIEB leader - 68.2% Imperial favor

Dr. Barnhardt as MIEB leader - 31.8% Imperial favor


Dr. Takada as MIEB leader - 61.16% of the votes

Dr. Barnhardt as MIEB leader - 38.84% of the votes


Dr. Takada as MIEB leader - 57.63% of the votes

Dr. Barnhardt as MIEB leader - 42.37% of the votes

Other relevant reports:

The Universal Council is learning of reports regarding fugitives associated with the Crimson Wolves. It is unknown at this time if these are the same individuals confirmed to have been consumed by the anomalous EB events. A Universal Council representative has been dispatched to personally investigate and report back findings. Action will be taken to apprehend and question these individuals in cooperation with the appropriate authorities possessing jurisdiction. More will be reported as the situation develops.

Capitolo 7.2: La task force MIEB

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

MIEB Leader Announced, Imperator Solas Lashes Out
Aisden Riley, Core Systems Editor OpEd – Novarim, a Novaros division

The votes are in and, through universal voting, the galaxy has selected Dr. Yyuri Takada, PhD, DDiv from Hygeia Systems. Federalists across occupied and colonized bodies are abuzz at the promise of pulling back the veil of mysteries the Irenic Einsen Bridge is hiding. Based on the limited footage that’s survived crossing the threshold, explorers and entrepreneurs are lining up making territorial claims and drawing up deeds of possession despite the three sectors sluggishly deliberating legislation to satisfy natural rights and fair justice. The risks seem to pale in comparison to promise and the energy exceeds capacity, one might say.

That is to say not everyone is excited about the founding of the MIEB Task Force. Our solitary friend, Imperator Solas, has once again dragged out Trust Minister Venthe Etruscus—an already tired name—to solicit gossip about the origins of the first anomalous events and point his bony finger at the Federation. I assume he possesses actual evidence this time? Surely, this ministerial arm flailing isn’t motivated by jealousy that the Federation was selected to lead MIEB, right? Maybe then, perhaps, it’s because the good doctor announced a partnership with Unionist and discoverer of the Irenic EB, Hayden Blunt, which has left Lord Bony Fingers out in the cold entirely. I’m sure it’s just my imagination.

The thinly veiled, woefully unsubstantiated accusations are nothing more than amusement in this climate of patriotism and federal pride. Not even a self-proclaimed ancient-fashioned deity (little “d”) can shake the morale of this great faction. The galaxy will be further understood, further detailed, and further expanded under the Federation’s leadership, and it comes in the form of a one Dr. Yyuri Takada, PhD, DDiv and no dusty empire has a chance to stop it.

Empire Storyline

From the Minister of Trust, To A Federation Unworthy Of Trust
High Lord Venthe, House Etruscus

In light of the Federation forming an inferior Einsen Bridge study group, a warning must be heeded. The self-conflicting federal collective may claim cooperation in the name of honor but it rings hollow. In truth, it is an attempt to distract. The Federation's theatrics betray them as His Excellency points to the true matter at hand: How did the original, anomalous events occur?

Many natural questions are asked across the galaxy. However, the Federation willingly ignores such questions and knowingly misdirects attention to a farcical parade of power mongering conglomerates. The Empire does not relent. How did these anomalies occur? Why now? And what are the possibilities behind their behavior? Reasonable inquiries are met with an unusually quiet response from our friends in the Federation. The Ministry of Trust bears an indelible duty to press for truth from those unwilling to disclose it.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Trust bears more than inquiries of foreign shrouds. It bears the means to satisfy inquiries with undeniable truth, voluntarily or otherwise. Let this be a clear word of diligence. Answers will surface and the Empire will, as is its right, measure in perpetuity.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

From the Minister of Trust, To Loyal Imperial Subjects
High Lord Venthe, House Etruscus

Glory to the Empire and those who loyally serve it. This transmission comes to you as a beacon of trust and goodwill. Take it with relief, knowing not all are given the privilege. Those who stood by the Imperator, in solidarity against the Universal Council’s attempt to force foreign selection onto His Excellency’s Imperial leaders, have demonstrated an intelligence beyond such foreign intellectual intrusions. Sometimes, a refusal to take part is an acceptance of love from your Imperator. Be commended and blessed for demonstrating this truth.

Grace for the foreign is not lost either. A purpose is granted to all and a generosity is extended to Dr. Takada to assist Imperial efforts in Einsen Bridge research. It is this service that leads to optimal effort and the greatest outcome. It is a service worthy of esteemed record.

A special commendation is also reserved for the Imperial Ministry of Knowledge. Einsen Bridge research has made great strides. New technologies, applications, and industries are emerging due to direct Imperial learnings. Efforts by High Lord Voden, his Imperial staff planetside on Mímir, and research crews orbiting the Irenic Einsen Bridge are setting a precedent worthy of His Excellency’s standard.

This day is no different than the time before it. The Empire’s greatness stands alone in depth and breadth. Those who serve will continue basking in its greatness. Those who do not, will wish they had.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

A Message from the Federalist MIEB Task Force Leader
Aish Fenix, Your called-upon Present Leader

Ladies and gentlemen of our great Union, this occasion, at an early moment in our new Einsen Bridge era, is marked by the formation of a Multilateral Irenic Einsen Bridge Task Force, whose sole task is to research the mysterious wormhole, known as the Irenic Einsen Bridge, for the purpose of all humankind regardless of age, creed, affiliation, or faction.

Clearly, the preference would be for this task force to be led by a Unionist. However, through fair and just means, it is the Federation’s time to carry the mantle, but the foundation does not stop there. It has been confirmed an accord has been reached where Dr. Takada and her MIEB Task Force will work in partnership with our Steward of Information, Captain Hayden Blunt, who discovered the location of the Irenic Einsen Bridge. Captain Blunt and her research crew are already well established planetside on Mímir as well as in IEB orbit. Collaboration will begin at once.

This coalition marks a new chapter of discovery. Join us as we forge ahead and discover together.

Heads held high.

Capitolo 8.1: Vicini alla riforma

Fifth Step of Interfaction Reformation Solutions

Transgalactic report 9.8.512, Trice Chavos, Universal Council

The galaxy has an energy of agency. New leadership across the galaxy is rising with a sense of deep fulfillment. Something deep, not just a fleeting satisfaction, nor a passing distraction. What is culminating within each of the factions is an obligated fulfillment, complete with a rare balance of simultaneous burden and achievement. This historic change is owed to humanity. An overwhelming challenge has revealed itself in the form of an impassable threshold, blocking an unrealized potential for all of us… within all of us, and it has called for— nay, it has demanded change.

This element of change has been with us for some time now. What is changing keeps changing, which has become normal. What was normal has been replaced by more change, but we answer the call. We reveal ourselves, against overwhelming challenges, and we choose reform. New leadership to answer the demand, to represent a new voice, and it speaks of deep fulfillment.

This new voice of change continues its song of trans-factional reform, as it nears completion across all settlement and planetary systems. The Empire, Federation, and Union are establishing respective leadership positions. This will be the fifth position selected. Each faction will total six new leadership roles, all with the intent of better representing the people across the galaxy in this new age of the Einsen Bridge.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

REBEAT Continues With New Regulator: Communication Commission
Ohn Makyo, Reporter, Takeyon Reports

REBEAT contracts continue to shape a new Federation. Uphill battles and difficulties riddle the process as regulatory contracts are pushed through and considerations are selectively filtered. As such, the intent continues with the fifth round of reformation contracts, this time from the Communication Commission. The two considerations are Novum Group and Novaros Corporation.

Novum is an established conglomerate with many influencers, both elected and hired, in their pockets. You will not find a Federation influencer that did not have their path paved by favorable coverage on Novum’s dilated portfolio of media outlets.

Novaro is the flashy edge case. Useful whenever Novum favoritism is not granted. A strategy of disruption and fringe thinking keeps attention on their equally inflammatory collection of brand-focused communication channels.

Both struggled to cover Einsen Bridge events as they happened. Perhaps an injection of government funds will help develop media integrity.

Be sure to vote.

UPDATE: Regarding the large amount of inquiries: Unfortunately you cannot vote for Takeyon LLC as a write-in.

Empire Storyline

Formation of the Ministry of Wealth
Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Glycon.

Greetings and glory to the Empire. It is with great honor that House Glycon announces the origin and enforcement of the Imperial Ministry of Wealth. This Ministry will dutifully hold authority in matters of labor and treasury, in accordance with His Premiere Dynast, Imperator Solas. This acute designation is the penultimate ministry position that will be formed to aid the Imperial Senate's continued confirmation of imperial dominance in the galaxy. This day is no different than the time before it. Our great empire is unmatched and will continue to be so as the selection period begins for the first to bear the duties of Minister of Wealth.

Through the wisdom of His Excellency, an esteemed highborn will be appointed from House Aurelian to direct operations and, as such, the potential will be either Lady Nona Levidis or High Lady Sophia Aurelian. Both contribute flawless service to The Empire and the final choice will navigate unprecedented eventualities including the financing of Einsen Bridge exploration.

Lady Levidis is as astute a financier as any to be found across the Imperium. Her efforts in estimating and allocating funds for recovery efforts after the cataclysmic EB events speak for themselves. Her main struggles have been the questioning of her birth. How can such a minor house produce abilities of this caliber? Her intelligence is only matched by her level of obsession, a double-edged sword regarding matters that exceed her station. In matters of money, perhaps the only citizen to match Lady Levidis is High Lady Aurelian herself, who led post-EB recovery efforts and provided the stature needed to reach His Excellency’s high expectations. The heir apparent to House Aurelian as well as the woman holding the keys to the Imperial coffers, her standing leaves a mark on every path she pursues. In fact, there is difficulty tracking the volume of paths she is pursuing. This captious regimen will never be mistaken as tranquil.

You may now express your favor toward one party over the other.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Code of Ethics Continues With Our Contribution To Resource And Provision

Together we continue to assemble our great Union's Code of Ethics. This Code is to guide us as we navigate the era of the Einsen Bridge. Your efforts are recognized and lightened when shouldered by many. It is with great hope that today serves as further easing through the formation of a strong foundation that will last for countless generations to come.

With that said, our foundation is nearing completion with the fifth Code of Ethics being ratified to officially facilitate all matters of labor, agriculture, raw material acquisition, and finance.This again is indicative of the other Ethics codified before it. Its etching into our records ensures our future pursuits now until the end of time. The Ethic of Resource is nurtured by its Steward aboard the Bastion. They will rotate in to serve the duties of their stewardship just as they do now for home and shareland.

Chosen at random are two candidates for Steward of Resource: Sethra Goodrun of X-36 Co-Operative and Asura Welde of Saruken XII. Sethra needs no introduction. Her warm approachability is a long-time hallmark of the collective efforts here on the Bastion as well as many service announcement broadcasts that keep all Unionists informed. Such wise, communicative experience is a welcome addition to meeting the demands of supporting an entire civilization.

Asura Welde is the reason we can traverse the various occupied systems. The Saruken XII can build a quality space-worthy vessel in less time than it takes to fill out the forms. It was she and her team who modified and upgraded the USV Panopea before Sera Varse’s historic mission to Mímir. Such expedient talent requires grit and tenacity. You are better served getting out of her way, whenever the Union needs her services.

Join us as we select the first Steward of Resource and embark on a journey of enlightenment and usher in a new age.

Your called-upon Present Leader, Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Phase 5 Votes of Transgalactic Reform in This New Age of the Einsen Bridge

Transgalactic report 12.8.512, Moira Craine, Universal Council

Each interstellar faction has selected the fifth of multiple official appointments designed to strengthen their position in these uncertain times.

The results are as follows:

Nona Levidis as Minister of Wealth - 61.44% Imperial favor

Sophia Aurelian as Minister of Wealth - 38.56% Imperial favor


Award communications contracts to Novum - 65.49% of the votes

Award communications contracts to Novaros - 34.51% of the votes


Sethra Goodrun as Steward of Resource - 59.18% of the votes

Asura Welde as Steward of Resource - 40.82% of the votes

Other relevant reports:

A Crimson Wolves crew member, reported missing during the infamous EB occurrence, has been apprehended. Interrogation reveals they have returned from the other side of an EB gateway and Sera Varse is still alive! The situation is still fluid and official transmissions will be documented as they arrive.

Capitolo 8.2: Vicini alla riforma

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Controversial Figure Sera Varse Alive On The Other Side

I. Vazieriev, Chief Correspondent, Grey Matter, Novum

It was not a routine day aboard the IEB research station FSS Skłodowska. Various observations slowed, nearly to a halt. Quantum-level experiments were postponed. Transmission relays requests stacked up in a long queue all because of who was being held in the brig.

Horace Austinus is a documented member of the infamous band of criminals known as the Crimson Wolves, the group responsible for many of the problems during the Shockwave. Of all the efforts to learn about Einsen Bridges, no other event has provided such a treasure trove of answers as the apprehension of this fugitive. His arrest gives an immediate answer to one of the most important questions we have: can humans survive the trip to the other side? Apparently, yes. However, there is a catch: We need tech to protect ourselves.

A logical question is, can this criminal be trusted? The answer is less clear but the revelations don’t stop. According to multiple trusted sources, Horace claims Sera Varse is credited for the makeshift tech that was used. Spoilers, folks–Sera Varse is alive and well, not only having survived the trip through an EB but has also made it back to our side. Aren’t we lucky?

News of this will take time to permeate through Federal sectors; the confirmation of whether Sera is actually alive and walking among us will have to wait. Controversy regarding her is well documented, the woman having been the first to study anomalies on Mímir. Her involvement in the death of multiple Federation officers, and responsibility for the cataclysmic anomaly events are still matters of hot debate.

Perhaps more will be revealed and the most likely source will come from the unlikeliest of places: In the depths of the Federal IEB research vessel, The Skłodowska.

Empire Storyline

From the Ministry of Security

High Lord Hakar Va-Halet, Minister of Security

Glory to The Empire. Honor to His Excellency. It may come as a surprise that news of the Irenic Einsen Bridge would come from the Imperial Ministry of Security. No other was more surprised than I to learn a member of the Crimson Wolves has been apprehended near the Irenic Einsen Bridge. After processing, and as a desperate plea for mercy, the enemy of the Imperium had much to disclose. After ramblings of the Unionist Blunder, Sera Varse, and misgivings about the terrorist Montez Lycanis, the weak-willed thief gave useful information about person and crew traveling through an Einsen Bridge without harm.

This news has been passed on to the Imperial Ministry of Knowledge for verification and further questioning. This is a momentous occasion and a notable victory for the supremacy of His Excellency’s efforts toward exploring a vast new realm of the universe. The final steps to new worlds are ever closer, and The Imperator’s latest triumph is at hand.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

From the Ministry of Knowledge

Mathias Voden, Minister of Knowledge

A wealth of knowledge has been extracted from a criminal who fled through an Einsen Bridge and returned with potential payment of redemption in the form of scientific findings. Whether His Excellency grants amnesty or not, this payment is already yielding returns as we apply this knowledge to our existing progress. The path to human trials through the Irenic Einsen Bridge is clear to us and preparations are in motion. I also will be in close contact with the newly appointed Minister of Wealth to make plans for economic advancement based on extra-galactic discoveries. It is fortunate our lone efforts have led us down this path. Cooperation with lesser teams have not benefited the Imperium, despite the hopes of said lesser teams.

While assistance, or lack thereof, from the counterpart factions is insufficient, Imperial efforts push forward in further strengthening our presence at the IEB. Once again, The Empire pulls ahead to lead humankind into the future. The Oracle’s guidance resonates through The Imperator. Let its song lead you to your future as you serve His Excellency and grasp the present moment firmly.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Regarding The Development Of Sera Varse

Cpt. Hayden Blunt, Steward of Information

Fellow Unionists, by now, it is no doubt you have heard of reports that Sera Varse is alive. It can be confirmed she has arrived in Union space and has been summoned to the Bastion to speak to Vox leadership as well as the Ethical Stewards

I am aware of the endless questions we all have. No one is more curious than I about what Ms. Varse has experienced and how her experiences can help our efforts with traveling through the Irenic Einsen Bridge safely. Much will be discovered and clarity will come in due time. For now, on behalf of the Vox and our present leader, Aish Fenix, our request from you is patience.

Time is needed to receive the information undoubtedly Sera has for us and time will be needed to document it, verify the necessary details and relay it back to the great Unionist collective. We thank you in advance for fulfilling this request. We are maximizing our efforts to get this right the first time and to reach the standard you deserve. Eyes ever forward.

Heads held high.

Capitolo 9.1: Un elenco completo

Final Step of Interfaction Reformation

Transgalactic report 16.8.512, Trice Chavos, Universal Council

With the appointment of the Imperial Minister of Wealth, awarding of Federation communications contracts, and selection of Union Steward of Resource, we come to the final stage of the reformation for better representation throughout the Core Systems.

Though the final round of leadership position selection has yet to conclude, humanity’s progress waits for no one. Thanks to the ongoing efforts of the joint Faction MIEB Task Force, an unprecedented experimental event is set to take place that will propel humanity into the next great epoch of scientific advancement and space exploration. Dr. Takada has handpicked a team of researchers and Faction leaders to take the first manned mission through the IEB aboard the vaunted science research vessel, the FSS Skłodowska.

As we stand on the precipice of intergalactic travel, unexpected events involving EBs persist. We have received reports claiming Sera Varse survived her unsanctioned EB experiment. Her whereabouts are currently unknown, yet rumors are circulating that she has had contact with the Vox aboard the Bastion. What is clear is the attempt to keep her whereabouts a continued mystery by as of yet unknown actors. Requests for her immediate return to Council custody have been placed with the Vox if she makes contact. Regardless of her successful gamble with the lives of millions, Commander Varse is subject to a Universal Council tribunal for failure to obey a lawful order, as is every officer assigned to the council.

The interrogation of the Crimson Wolves crew member who survived the effects of traversing an EB, Horace Austinus, continues to provide us with vital information on a bevy of issues and concerns. Citizens throughout the Core Systems have expressed outrage that this fugitive, who most certainly participated in the ravaging of the Kepler System, has yet to suffer the swift hammer of justice. Imperial requests for his extradition will be acknowledged in due course. Rest assured that he will answer for his crimes, but such things must not detract from the monumental progress humanity is about to make, both scientifically and interfactionally.

Thus, transfactional reform now concludes with this final round of voting across all planetary systems. The Empire, Federation, and Union are one position away from placing all respective leadership positions for the Imperial Ministry, Federal Regulatory Committees, and Code of Ethics respectively. These will be the sixth and final positions selected, all with the intent of better representing the people across the galaxy in this new age of the Einsen Bridge.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

REBEAT Culminates with the Agency of Justice
Ja-syn Wanderfalde, Legal Correspondent, Takeyon Reports

The final round of REBEAT contracts have arrived. While Sector Presidents, in rare unison, sing its praises, time is needed to determine how these regulatory committees will carve their place in history. Without exception is the final set of regulatory REBEAT contracts, which comes from the Federal Agency of Justice.

“With travel through spacetime, we will need to litigate disputes quickly and reach mutual consensus,” 2nd Sector President Aurea Adonis points out, “in a manner that keeps up with the breakneck speed of change that is already bombarding our society.”

“Justinia Solutions and Becker-Tanaka-Schmidt are the Federation’s best candidates.” She goes on to say at a Station Ignis charity dinner.

Few have the pedigree of Justinia Solutions. Counter to many competitor’s attempts to intimidate, Justinia welcomes numerous corporate clients from nearly every market space across Federation space. Many sources confirm they conduct legal affairs that draw you in, rather than repel or cower. While undoubtedly successful, this characteristic is also used against them by competitors, in the form of being too malleable.

Becker-Tanaka-Schmidt on the other hand pulls off a very different but equally impressive feat: they exercise an impartiality to a degree that is unmatched. Even competitors admit to this advantage. It is an advantage they do not rest on either. They leverage their hyper-neutral reputation to pursue uncompromising and sometimes harsh rulings.

Few argue against 2nd Sector President Adonis. These two final REBEAT candidates have the qualifications to lead statutory precedent in the Einsen Bridge era. The only question that remains is, which do you choose?

Ensure your vote is cast in a timely fashion.

Empire Storyline

Formation of the Ministry of Health
Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Glycon.

Glory to the Empire. It is with great honor that House Glycon announces the origin and enforcement of the Imperial Ministry of Health. This Ministry will dutifully hold authority in matters of healthcare as well as overseeing the health of Imperial influence, production, and finance, in accordance with His Premiere Dynast, Imperator Solas. This balancing designation is the sixth and final ministry to be formed to aid the Imperial Senate's continued confirmation of imperial dominance in the galaxy. This day is no different than the time before it. Our great empire is unmatched and will continue to be so as the selection period begins for the first to bear the duties of Minister of Health.

Through the wisdom of His Excellency, an esteemed highborn will be appointed from House Charon-V to direct operations and, as such, one of two potential candidates will be selected: Lord Tarraco Charones or Lady Kallista Iasu. Both contribute impeccable service to His Excellency and the final choice will navigate unprecedented eventualities including the health of experts studying and exploring Einsen Bridges.

Lord Tarraco has an uncanny knack of putting anyone at ease and inspiring them with his tales of service. It is this charisma that has led to expanding Imperial reach and support. A reach that few thought were possible or, in some cases, legal. Lord Tarraco’s excursions may have required exception but he has also been generous in giving exception when those are in need of it from him in turn.

Lady Kallista subscribes to a different perspective in the form of thoroughness. She leaves no stone unturned and no problem is too small for her. In fact, she already has a hand-picked team researching Organic Quantum and has made a breakthrough discovery that it is not Quantum at all. Just don’t ask her about it. She will tell you she’s busy answering other important questions.

You may now express your favor toward one party over the other.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Equivalent Justice for All

My fellow Unionists, our Code of Ethics foundation is nearly complete with ratification of our sixth and final Code of Ethics. This Ethic is to officially facilitate all legal matters of justice. This again is indicative of the other Ethics codified before it. Its etching into our records ensures our future pursuits now until the end of time. The Ethic of Civility is nurtured by its Steward aboard the Bastion. They will rotate in to serve the duties of their stewardship just as they do now for home and shareland.

Chosen at random are two candidates for Steward of Civility: Cyth Farrier of Light Hammers and Syndic Kyle Shiv of Protos Syndicate. Cyth is conscientious and attentive. Her hard-working ethic is infectious, causing those around her to rise above their station. As disputes are resolved, Cyth is capable of keeping emotionally impartial in a way that is rarely achieved. This compartmentalization seems to work across all areas of her life.

Syndic Kyle Shiv is apt and judicious. An exemplary Unionist and Bastion court judge. He has spoken to the Vox on behalf of many in need spanning too many topics to list. No challenge is too large for Kyle as even the most stressful situation doesn’t seem to concern him.

Join us as we select the first Steward of Civility and embark on a journey of enlightenment and usher in a new age.

Your called-upon Present Leader, Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Phase 6 Votes of Transgalactic Reform in This New Age of the Einsen Bridge

Transgalactic report 12.8.512, Universal Council

Each interstellar faction has selected the sixth and final appointment designed to strengthen their position in these uncertain times. The results are as follows:


Tarraco Charones as Minister of Health - 57.56% Imperial favor

Kallista Iasu as Minister of Health - 42.44% Imperial favor


Award justice contracts to Justinia Solutions - 59.13% of the votes

Award justice contracts to Becker-Tanaka-Schmidt - 40.87% of the votes


Cyth Farrier as Steward of Civility - 61.69% of the votes

Kyle Shiv as Steward of Civility - 38.31% of the votes

Other relevant reports:

The MIEB Task Force has found success in its latest series of tests with unmanned probes. The drones were sent out one after the other at twelve-hour intervals, each returning unaffected from the journey through the EB. Following this and several other developments,Dr. Takada has made the decision to go ahead with the Task Force's first attempt at human traversal.

Capitolo 9.2: Un elenco completo

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Ensuring Substantial Growth into the Future
Daren Matsumoto, Private Welfare Consultant Op-Ed – Maelstrom-Enomics

With the contracts for the Federal Agency of Justice awarded to Justinia Solutions, clarity of security and purpose has finally returned to the Federation, and with impeccable timing. The debacle on the FSS Skłodowska has been promptly remedied with the accepted request and arrival of Universal Council representatives to take over the interrogation of the Crimson Wolves fugitive.

With the distractions to a minimum, the MIEB Task Force can get onto the business of making history while the brightest financial minds across the Federation can get to work on outlining proposals for the profits to be made on the other side of the IEB gateway. The limitless opportunities that potentially await us have anyone worth their portfolio throughout the Core Systems clamoring for ideas on how to efficiently and prudently exploit this situation. The other factions can smell the promise of riches just as much as we can. Unlike us, the only problems they face are their lack of individual freedom, ingenuity in organization, and superior Federal education systems that will ensure our dominance on the other side…and insurance is what we all need, now more than ever.

The Empire clearly thinks we are greedy opportunists rushing into the void with our eyes closed. The Union has worked in lock step with us and their efforts are to be commended, but they would also waste the true value to be had on even the unmotivated amongst us, but we know better. The drive to succeed and build up those around us through the unrivaled freedoms corporate structure has given us is what we’re all about, and why not make a fortune while we’re at it?

Our thoughts and bright investment futures are with the brave team aboard the Sklodowska.

Empire Storyline

From the Ministry of Health
High Lord Tarraco Charones, Minister of Health

Glory to the Empire. The profound honor to lead the Ministry of Health in Imperator Solas’ name inspires to a level that Imperial citizens need not have put into words. I accept the responsibility that comes with being Minister of Health during reports of an ill-planned venture into the Irenic EB gateway by the ever opportunistic and short-sighted Federation-led MIEB Task Force. Without the balanced hand of his Excellency guiding Imperial technology in this questionable endeavor, a whole crew of top researchers will be flung into the void with what amounts to the crossed fingers of an unsteady hand.

On behalf of the Imperium, I have set to work on an emergency proposal to plead with the MIEB Task Force to halt their rush to glory and reconsider Imperial assistance. We here live with the assurance that the Emperor holds the health of Imperial citizens and the Empire in the same regard, and yet he has the depth of compassion to extend this regard to the short-sighted efforts of this “Task Force.” It is folly to deny this Imperial Ministry’s outreached hand, but foreigners cannot be held to the same standard that the Emperor sets for all of us.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Together, the Future is Ours
Cyth Farrier, Steward of Civility

Members of the Union, I am a woman of few words. With successful traversing of the IEB a near certainty, my first act as Steward of Civility will be to put in place a series of protocols for mutual benefit on the other side of the EB gateways. The great work our scientists have done together with Federation researchers will set the collective momentum of Humanity in the right direction, the direction of cooperation and harmony.

Any and all resources mined from the endless number of bountiful planets will be shared with all. At the same time, this prosperity will put the Union in a position to dictate reason and fairness to the Universal Council like never before in our dealings with the other factions. But first, shoulders back and hands to the work.

Heads held high.

Capitolo 10.1: Tragedia

A Great Burden

Transgalactic report 23.08. 512, President Kim Lee, Universal Council

Members of the galactic community,

It is my great burden to report on the tragedy that struck the joint Faction MIEB Task Force. As many of you will know, our joint efforts have borne many fruits in past weeks–the collaboration between our three governments has given all of us fresh hope of peace and prosperity for all of humanity. Dr. Takada, as leader of the project, believed that the data gathered by probes and scientific instruments offered more than enough for the Task Force to proceed onto the next stage–a manned journey to the other side and back. Researchers developed a new shielding system under her guidance, a shimmering white veil whose purpose was to counter the effects of the Einsen Bridge’s accelerated entropy field. These designs were sent to her colleagues from the Empire and Union and approved by independent committees before their installation aboard the ship.

The FSS Skłodowska, one of the UC’s most celebrated science vessels, was chosen to helm the mission. A dedicated team of scientists served on-board, hand-picked by Takada. In addition, a number of dignitaries representing each faction volunteered to take the ship on her maiden voyage across the Bridge. Chief among them were Hayden Blunt, the Union’s Steward of Information, as well as a personal friend of mine, Patrice Zidane, the CIO of OTK Comms. It was to be a moment of triumph for us all. Instead, it has become a tragedy.

As soon as the ship returned from the other side of the Einsen Bridge, its failure in responding to Ground Control’s hails led those on the ground to believe interference from the entropy field significantly distorted comms–the same had happened, in a limited capacity, upon the Skłodowska’s descent into the unknown. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been too late to abort then. To guess at the information the crew had to work with is a fool’s errand, however, as even the ship’s blackbox is unrecoverably damaged.

Whether Dr. Takada’s shield designs defended the crew from the field’s aberrant effects or not, not even the Federation’s forensic technology can tell. What is certain is that they failed to protect the ship’s skeleton from the erosion we have observed on smaller unmanned vessels. As the ship approached Mímir, it accelerated and reentry into the planet’s atmosphere tore it to pieces. Much of the debris rained down atop the base the MIEB Task Force used as an observatory –while its exterior was strong enough to withstand the extreme atmospheric conditions of Mímir, it held little defense against the storm of eroded metal that rained down. While joint search continues through the rubble, I’m afraid there is no likelihood of discovering survivors. We only hope there is enough of our people left to bury–and enough data we can scavenge to learn from this mistake.

It is in the darkest hours of any endeavor on the frontiers of science that progress marches painfully but meaningfully forward. We will not roll over and resign ourselves to failure. Individually and collectively, humanity will rise to greater heights than ever before. When we tame the Einsen Bridges, we will do it for the lives lost this day and to ensure that their spirit and sacrifice shall not be in vain.

They died in the name of progress. To mourn them, to honor them…this is our great burden.

And so is seeing to it that their sacrifice makes a difference.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

They Will Be Remembered
Petra Carlyle, Editor-in-Chief, Takeyon Reports

It is the happy reality of my job that I’m rarely forced to put slate to screen and make a statement that will reach countless citizens of the Federation. Following my exposition of the event many of you have come to call the Anomaly Shockwave, I had hoped not to have this dubious honor for a long time to come. But here I am again, as unprepared for today’s tragedy as I was for yesterday’s. You all know what I refer to: The tragic loss of life on Mímir following the MIEB Task Force’s failed Einsen Bridge experiment.

I won’t bore you with platitudes. Were the victims of this catastrophe the best and brightest? I’m sure that’s what the textbooks will say. The truth is, I can’t speak about most, I hardly knew any of the deceased. The woman I did know, though… Patrice Zidane, now that was a force to reckon with. I was never a part of her clique at the renowned Guinn Institute but you didn’t need to be. She was brilliant. A skilled speaker, every bit as good as President Lee–only, her interests went deep into the private sector. She wanted to see how high she could reach. Looking at her balance sheet now, not many ever reached higher. Come to think of it, Pat received Takeyon’s internship offer straight out of the Institute; we’d only ever spoken a few times, but she knew how badly I wanted it, so she passed it on my way. She had the guts to write to the Takeyon recruiter, saying he’d made a mistake, that he wanted the school’s ""star editor"" instead. And, well, you can guess who that was. You have to wonder…If not for that choice–who’s to say if she might not be writing words like these instead?

Let’s not dwell on could-have-beens. If there’s one thing I know, one thing, it’s that the Federation learns its lessons. We’ve been hit hard, hard enough it’s going to sting for a good long while…I’m sure those Imperial snakes at House Glycon are, even now, dragging our faction through the mud for daring to try what they would have been too cowardly to even think of. I can’t talk for any of you but I know I want to see their faces when it’s our techies that make crossing the Einsen Bridges safe.

Having said what needed to be clearly articulated, the Universal Council has posed a question of reflection: With this terrible tragedy hanging upon humanity, we must ask ourselves, is the push for progress worth such terrible loss?

The Union and Empire will have their own answers, but keep this in mind, we’re all Fed and proud for a reason–failure only makes us stronger.

Empire Storyline

A Frustrating Setback
Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Glycon.

Humanity flinches at the collective loss suffered onboard the FSS Skłodowska. Imperial subjects may rest a little easier knowing that the Federation and the Union’s foolishness have saved lives–not of their own, but scientists of House Voden still draw breath where they might not have otherwise. If either faction had not scorned the notion of Imperial assistance, it might have been Mathias Voden, not Hayden Blunt, who would have died. The Union is weaker for it–yet the Empire is magnanimous in its condolences.

But then, how could anyone expect the Federation’s leadership to deliver the much-needed solution to EB travel on the first try? It is no secret their technology needs a thousand iterations before it reaches anything near a working state. Catastrophe was all but warranted when they were given free rein without Imperial oversight. One must wonder, would this tragedy even have occurred if it was the Empire that led the joint effort? Or might all three factions have enjoyed the much less bitter fruit of our labor, under our Emperor’s paternal guidance?

The Empire must have this technology. It is of the greatest significance that the Imperial light be shined across the cosmos–no matter how hard some might try to quash it. Duty itself demands that we conquer the stars. Never forget this. And if the other factions continue to frustrate our exertions to this end–we shall forge humanity’s path ahead on our own. Such is the Empire’s burden.

Having said what we all know to be true, the Universal Council has posed a question of reflection: With this terrible tragedy hanging upon humanity, we must ask ourselves, is the push for progress worth such terrible loss?

Undoubtedly the other factions will have their answers, but do not forget, His Majesty the Emperor has little doubt of your capacity to carry this burden under him

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

The Best of Us
My Union brothers and sisters,

Our loss is insurmountable. Hayden Blunt was the best of us. Our Steward of Information did not serve long–nowhere near as long as she should have–but what she has accomplished in that time cannot be stressed enough. Information has become easier to access now than ever before. Hayden didn’t just invite cooperation between different tribes and clans, she demanded it. The culture of transparency she has fostered will survive her, as will so much more. Mongrel Lars, her deputy and our next Steward of Information, worked more closely with Hayden than anyone. He insisted I share the following with all of you:

It’s not easy, taking your cue from a girl half your age and more. Hayden was spirited, the kind of spirited I didn’t like much, to start with. Her passion–it could’ve thawed an arctic cap. Would have, too, if only she’d gotten it into her mind there was something to learn from the whole experience. I wish I were with her when it happened. Hell, I wish I’d gone in her stead. But I didn’t, and there’s no point thinking about it. What I’ve been thinking about is–she deserves to have her legacy honored. I’ll be making sure it is.

Some fine words from a man who has only too few to spare. We must not let this happen again. Grief is only natural at a time like this–what I ask of you all is to do as I have done, and channel it into aiding the effort to resolve the remaining difficulties before us. The need to protect human life as we venture past the Einsen Bridges is paramount. We’re so close to a breakthrough, so close to developing technology essential to withstanding the EB’s entropic field.

With that said and all of our hearts as one, the Universal Council has posed a question of reflection: With this terrible tragedy hanging upon humanity, we must ask ourselves, is the push for progress worth such terrible loss?

Our partners in this endeavor will have their own thoughts, but remember why we do this: the promise of what awaits beyond will make every sacrifice worth it.

Now more than ever…Keep your head high. Aish

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

A Special Vote on the Cost of Progress in This New Age of the Einsen Bridge

Transgalactic report 37.8.512, Universal Council

Each interstellar faction has expressed its majority view on the tragic MIEB Task Force incident and the push for progress. The results are as follows:


The loss was too much. - 51.92% Imperial favor

Sacrifice is necessary - 48.08% Imperial favor


Nothing is worth the loss. - 49.05% of the votes

Progress at any cost. - 50.95% of the votes


The loss is too much to bear. - 41.46% of the votes

Our sacrifice is always worth it. - 58.54% of the votes

Other relevant reports:

Capitolo 10.2: Tragedia

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Reorientation, Part 1 of 2
Brandon Adams, Hygeia Systems Health Correspondent, Novum News

Good sol, Explorers. Progress is relative to the costs for achieving it. Corporations across Federation space are tallying exactly what they lost. But in exchange, Quantum awaits us on the other side of the EBs. Vast amounts of a substance that has been so tightly regulated, you’d never be able to get enough of it for purposes other than FTL travel or advanced weapons. Now, the speculation around the untold amounts of Quantum to be discovered is propelling investment at light speed. The practical among us will see the tragedy as so many other tragedies, as an opportunity.

The Union has done well to give so much in this endeavor. They stood with us and lost some of their own. We must look to the future with our MIEB partners, yes. We must also provide oversight when possible in order to ensure the gains made are channeled to sectors with the highest chances for success. The Union will have its share of the spoils of the EB era, but they may at the same time benefit from proper consultation when so many have given their lives for the advancement of Humanity.

Reorientation, Part 2 of 2

Talk has been gaining traction around a few incendiary theories as to exactly what happened, but I will not throw fuel on the fire today. Yet, it is the Empire, who for all intents and purposes, have sacrificed the least and are the most vocal about what they have done. Yes, they have sent their Healers and their Genetic tech to assist with the wounded and the optics are certainly good. Having said that, I also enjoy the freedom of thought put to speech. The Imperator will want more than what he will get and the Empire will fall over themselves thanking him for it. Emperor Solas is so far removed from the minds a democracy can produce that trying to imagine what goes through his head yields nothing but diminishing returns. Equal opportunity for the individual advancement of all humans is something the Empire will have to come to terms with once we harness EB travel.

With the memories of those lost from the MIEB Task Force in full perspective, let’s refocus on the task at hand and make sure success to our ventures in the age of the Einsen-Bridge is the ultimate historic reference point to these heroes.

Empire Storyline

Loss is a Ladder
From the Chambers of the Ministry of Health

We offered help, they refused. Now we offer to clean up their dead. Nothing pains The Emperor more than sacrifice with nothing to show for it. It is the desire and supreme command of His Excellency that guides me to my honorable purpose in relating to you what the Imperial vote means.

The Federation led this debacle with their contradicting chattering heads and yet they would see this as a victory for themselves. Surely it is thanks to our scientists on the surface of Mimir and orbiting the IEB that helped the corporations save face with our own groundbreaking work. Rest assured though, we will see those efforts bear fruit for the honor and glory of the Empire. I cannot speak for the lives lost to the Federation past the duty we go to perform for them.

The Union, in their rush to hold all hands and consider all opinions into their final convoluted decisions, followed the Federation into this endeavor in lock-step. They’ve lost the least, for waiting in the wings is the next random selection to fill the void. Their dead will be accounted for accordingly. A fog is upon the Union mind and it blocks the clarity our Emperor bestows upon the Imperial citizen. There is not, nor will there ever be a veil the Emperor cannot pierce with the light of reason, and so too it awaits the worthy after we pass. What awaits all others is a loss too terrible for me to consider.

In spite of our partners’ short comings, the Emperor’s charity knows no bounds. We have dispatched our Wardens to Mimir to give proper aid in recovering whatever may be left of our dead. We honor Him by continuing to honor our commitment to the MIEB…for now. We will count the dead, just as Wardens have done since before the destruction of Sol…no matter the loss.

High Lord Tarraco Charones: Minister, Healer, and Warden of the Dead.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

We Mean What We Say
Dr. Calia Bremen, assistant to Steward Jase Yosen, Civic of Health

Sisters and brothers, I’d obviously like my first message to you all to be under better circumstances, but here we all are, in this shit together. My heart broke when I got the news, then turned to ash when I saw the visuals…my sister was on the Skłodowska, along with members of your family and tribes as well. There’s no feeling quite like the pain that comes with seeing your own kin die. Jase hasn’t sat down since we all heard the news, pulling on any resources he has supply enough of to send to Mimir to help. If we can save even one of our own, I’d send the Bastion itself packed with the whole damn fleet.

The MIEB Task Force, a joint Faction operation pulling from the best the Union has on offer. In addition, it receives whoever got the highest test scores from the Federation, and whatever the Emperor thinks the Core System needs and needs to give him in return. Solas Craine, may he take his head out of his own ass and see the sacrifice made in collective effort. This is surely just pissed into the wind, but I hope somewhere in his golden halls he has the grit to work through to the goal we all committed to.

Then there’s our impeccably well-timed corporate allies. I’ll give the Federation this, they do produce people who know their craft. They talk a lot, I mean A LOT about every damn thing in front of them before getting to work. But I was hopeful after hearing from my…there it is again, that fucking pain. I’m so not good at this announcement shit. Look, I hate the loss as much as any of you because I know you feel my pain, and I feel yours. Any Unionist worth their salt will dig their heels in right now and push till there’s nothin’ left to give. Till we can say to our dead the Einsen-Bridges are open to all humanity. Nuff said.

Heads held high.

Capitolo 11.1: Un passo indietro

Purpose and Obligation

Transgalactic report 46.8.512, Trice Chavos, Universal Council

Following the Irenic Einsen Bridge Tragedy, the Council has taken a step back to reevaluate the best way forward for all. It is this assembly’s purpose to promote peace and cooperation between the Factions; doing so requires commitment of every member of this body. It is the Council’s hope that every faction upholds its commitment to the MIEB Task Force as we continue to provide vital support to Dr. Takeda’s replacement, Dr. Barnhardt. As she steps up to redefine the methods through which Einsen Bridge research shall be led into the new age, the Council wishes to reiterate Federation President Kim Lee’s words: their sacrifices will help us push beyond the present limitations.

Despite tragedy, there is something to celebrate. Each of our three governments has gone through a period of great change over the last few months; each has assembled new tools with which to communicate its wants and needs to the neighboring factions. It is the Council’s hope that the relationship between Empire, Federation, and Union be strengthened by continued lines of communication and collaboration between each newly created state organ.

Continuing onto more pressing matters: The Federation has tightened security around Mímir. It now insists on inspecting all supplies and screening all vessels nearing the Einsen Bridge and surrounding planetary space, as well. This has caused consternation among arrivals from the Union and Empire. Their discontentment has been addressed by Federal authorities who insist that this increased security is a temporary measure that will be reverted once all the reasons for the Skłodowska’s failure become known. The Federation insists that the MIEB Task Force’s authority be respected as it continues the investigation.

The Council understands both the Federation’s need to protect its investigation and the Empire and Union’s frustrations. A vote has been called to support either the sanctity of the investigation or the autonomy of each faction to enter Mímir’s space based on its own inclination. Faction representatives will address this in greater detail.

For further details, consult your faction story channel. For further details on the factions following the reformation period, consult the archives: 📖║lore-codex

Federation Storyline

Stay the Course Melyssa Perkins-Bui, Interfaction Editor Op-Ed – NovA.I., a Novaros division

Indignation has taken over interfactional communication channels regarding our increased security protocols around Mimir. It seems that ensuring safety after tragedy is the least on the minds of some of our faction neighbors. Rest assured, the Federation remains unimpeded and follows the mandate for security we were entrusted with. Though the tragedy did happen under our watch, ill-timed and unfocused complaints about our role in ensuring the security of all concerned during this time of mourning would be better focused elsewhere.

Having said all that, if Federation citizens wish us to revert to pre-MIEB security standards, we will. It will be Federation democracy that will decide the route we inevitably take on Mímir. Full stop. It will not be the Empire’s propaganda machine or the Union’s pleas for universal access that will decide anything…not until an investigation has ruled out sabotage. In the meantime, the good Dr. Helena Barnhardt will lead the MIEB Task Force in a bold new direction. Her competencies are beyond reproach and she understands more than most what is at stake.

The Empire and Union would do well to assist us as we carry on managing the aftermath by respecting the security protocols we have set in place for good reason.

Empire Storyline

The Warmaster’s Query Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Va-Halet.

Transmission from Hakon Va-Halet

Subjects of the Empire,

You call me minister; I address you in my capacity as Warmaster. You have seen the Council’s latest dispatch, have you not? The Federation tightens access to Mímir–a foolish move, one that makes them look culpable in the Skłodowska disaster. I was first informed of this issue when the Minister of Trust himself demanded that I interject myself into the issue. This, I have done with due haste–though I would advise my colleagues to temper their demands if they do not wish a reminder as to why I was chosen as the bulwark of our great Empire.

After extended discussions with Sector 2’s president Adonis and Tonocom Defence’s leader Donel Gladson, I have come to understand the Federation’s perspective. They say they fear that the wreckage of the MIEB’s headquarters is so complete that anything but the most careful investigation might ruin valuable forensic data. In truth, they are frightened. Frightened that we might plant evidence to demonstrate how unworthy they are of the leadership role they have been cast into. As if the Empire would play at such subterfuge. As if we couldn’t crush them, if that were the Emperor’s will. Now, the Union…

But I veer away from what is important. That I understand this does not mean I agree with it. The Empire is not to be ordered about, least of all when it comes to neutral territory. Our vessels have every right to the space over Mímir, as the Ministry of Trust’s agents have every right to carry out analysis of their own on the planet’s surface. That the Federation’s forensic scientists are competent, this I won’t deny. Yet they are a dishonorable lot–it would not be beyond the pale that they falsify data that might otherwise reflect poorly on their faction.

Yet honor complicates our response: our sovereign, may His Light shine down on us, gave his consent that we take part in the MIEB Task Force. Even though we have been slighted, pushed aside–don’t we have an obligation to follow? And besides, the truth comes to light sooner or later. Even if the Feds attempt to trick us, they will fail. They will give themselves away, as they always do. I might even live to see them admit a mistake–wouldn’t that be something?

Before you is the following question: Shall we press the point and demand Imperial autonomy be shown the respect it justly deserves…or shall we honor our commitment to the MIEB Task Force and accept the Federation’s authority over this investigation?

Your choice is the Empire’s choice. Honor this sacred duty, Imperials.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

A Most Public Disunity Fellow Unionites,

I won’t mince words. The Federation’s possessive behavior with both Mímir and this investigation is threatening to provoke a knee-jerk reaction among many of us here aboard the Bastion. As the called-upon Speaker of the Vox’s Assembly, I have been forced to stop proceedings twice already to restore some semblance of order among our representatives. Considering the situation, it’s only natural, yet – I’ll say it – it’s time we put away our discontentment and examine the situation with some care.

After Hayden’s death, it was only natural that a ship of her closest compatriots would make the journey to Mímir to pay their respects. Burial rites are not uniformly important across the Union but many of our tribes and clans have them; that her body is unrecoverable is besides the point. SNTNL custom dictates that planet-side losses should be honored. They deserve to continue their vigil, even in death. The clan members’ original plan was to land on Mímir’s surface and build a mound of whatever’s at hand near the scene of the Skłodowska crash. This was met with adamant refusal on the part of the newly deployed Tonocom fleet in the star system.

The Federation is insistent that this order falls under the MIEB Task Force’s authority. In their words, the SNTNL landing threatens to sabotage the integrity of the Federal investigation, as–apparently--one of their government contractors, TANUS Robotiks, is making use of state-of-the-art forensic tech, which is supposedly very sensitive to outside disturbances. I swear, only the Federation would come up with tech that starts malfunctioning as soon as someone looks at it funny.

The choice before us is the following: Do we defer to the Federation and order the SNTNLS to fall back until such a time as the Federation gives us its approval, or do we demand our autonomy in neutral territory be respected and give the SNTNLs the go-ahead to land despite the Federation’s protests?

Join us as we chart the Union’s path forward. Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Update on the Results of Mimir Security Mandates Re-evaluated

Transgalactic report 50.8.512, Universal Council

Each interstellar faction has expressed its majority view on the re-evaluation of Mimir security mandates. The results are as follows:

Demand Access to Mímir - 67.44% Imperial favor
Accept the Federation’s Authority - 32.56% Imperial favor

Reinforce Mímir’s defenses - 75.43% of the votes
Reduce Mímir’s defenses - 24.57% of the votes'

Defer to the Federation - 43.46% of the votes
Impose Union autonomy - 56.54% of the votes

Capitolo 11.2: Un passo indietro

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Clear Enough
Blagoi Shulka, Ignis Correspondent, Novum News

There we have it, folks, the Federation has voted to Reinforce Mímir’s defenses. No doubt the Union and Empire will be abrasive in their responses. I, for one, reckon this one was clear enough–but what do I know? There will always be the discontent, protesting some local government or corporate policy by trying to twist the Federation’s arm in the most childish of ways, the tantrum-like protest vote. Much good it’ll do anyone, pah.

Tell you what, though, I cannot wait to see what Dr. Helena Barnhardt has to offer the Task Force. Her background in over a dozen UC research missions and history of diplomatic conduct should help offset the suspicion of the other factions. It will take time, I’m sure, but Eve-N Tech has always been good with working in the mid-term.

Regardless…let’s see how this plays out, shall we?

Empire Storyline

Long Time Suspicions
From the Chambers of the Ministry of Intelligence

Good People of the Empire,

My position has given me a unique vantage point: I see better than most how our enemies operate, both within and without the bounds of the Empire. With the aid of House Glycon, I have gone through much of the intelligence the Empire has gathered both before the Anomaly Shockwave and in its immediate aftermath. Agents of my Ministry have carried out a number of fruitful investigations, which have painted quite the picture…one that has given light to a most profound revelation. This, I believe to be true with my entire being.

Though my discoveries are not yet concluded, I have brought them forth to Emperor Craine, may he outlive the stars. His Imperial Majesty has granted that I share my suspicions with you all: Agents within the Federation are to blame for the anomalous events that saw so much of Factional space in peril only a few short months ago.

Whether this has been done through the official mandate of the Federation government or is the work of some rogue element operating in the shadows, I am not yet free to disclose. But I demand, here and now and with all the power vested in me through the power of my office, that the Federation admit culpability and submit to our demands for access to Mímir. It must also reveal the parties at fault if they are known or discover them if they are not. Once this is done, and we have shown the light of the Emperor upon the Federation’s deceit, the question of recompense will be addressed.

The Federation is not our friend. By the grace of The Imperator you have recognised this simple fact. No subject of the Empire must ever forget this again.

Venthe Etruscus, Minister

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

On Balance
Mongerl Lars, Steward of Information

My brothers and sisters, I address you now in the long shadow of a great woman. Without getting into specifics, I will tell you that as Steward of Information, my suspicions on many an issue have been confirmed.

The Empire will try to sow doubt and hate in this time of mourning. They will contribute to the fracturing of cooperation, heading down a path of singular vision with one point of light, Solas Craine. He keeps the masses in the dark as they raise their hands in blind awe. Curse him, I say. We here, right now, have a bargaining chip that will bring him to heel, and force him to act in the interest of all. Even the Emperor cannot deny the progress we have made working together.

The Federation, for their part, have proven that even with a disjointed power structure and a hailstorm of differing opinions, they have the ability to focus on a good and right collaborative effort. Our loss was great, but equivalent to theirs. However, it is the fire in our hearts for Union ideals that we must nurture but keep in check. At the end of the day, the Federation is fatally opportunistic and will try at every point to leverage our own ideals of the common good against us. We must stay vigilant while strengthening the bonds of our common interests.

In every one of you lies the fire to put word to action, but we must let the voting results take their due course. The choice to impose our autonomy in accessing Mímir will allow for proper burial rites to commence. The other Factions will no doubt have a kneejerk response, but our intent and purpose is pure. I have faith that time and the collective spirit of the MIEB Task Force will allow our partners to recognize this.

Heads held high.

Capitolo 12.1: Precipizio

A Flurry of Accusations

Transgalactic report 58.0.513, Trice Chavos, Universal Council

Following last week’s vote, the Empire has accused its Federal neighbor of having a direct hand in the event that caused such turmoil across the galaxy, the Anomaly Shockwave.The Universal Council relates Minister Etruscus’s words here, directly from his communique:

Agents within the Federation are to blame for the anomalous events that saw so much of Factional space in peril only a few short months ago. Whether this has been done through the official mandate of the Federation government or is the work of some rogue element operating in the shadows, I am not yet free to disclose. But I demand, here and now and with all the power vested in me through the power of my office, that the Federation admit culpability and submit to our demands for access to Mímir. It must also reveal the parties at fault if they are known or discover them if they are not. Once this is done, and we have shown the light of the Emperor upon the Federation’s deceit, the question of recompense will be addressed.

The Minister’s accusations left no room for doubt as to the Empire’s position towards the Federation. Though Venthe Etruscus has not released a statement to the Universal Council itself, rumor among his staff claims the Minister is preparing proof against one or more corporate Federation entities at the behest of the Emperor. The Ministry of Truth has called for the Empire to boycott the two factions’ joint ventures, beginning in the immediate future–a move that, some say, has brought consternation among members of the Imperial Ministry of Wealth.

The Federation has reacted with outrage, fury, and shocked disbelief at what they have called the Imperial Minister of Truth’s “baseless accusations”. Third Sector President Lee, whose continued efforts to provide humanitarian aid to Vargas has kept her from serving out the rest of her rotation on this station, demands to see the Empire’s proof in the strongest possible terms. Both Presidents Huxley and Adonis have flatly refused to entertain the notions, dismissing the Minister’s words as an attempt “to project strength in place of the Empire’s historical weakness while capitalizing on the Federation’s recent misfortune.”

The Union’s reaction has been more muted–outside of general chatter and several diplomats’ promise to take the Empire’s concerns seriously while refusing to rule out that this is an Imperial attempt to destabilize trust in the MIEB task-force. The Vox’s Speaker is set to release a statement presently.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

Leaders Don’t Wait to be Led Third Sector President Kim Lee

It pains me to know that both the Union and Empire have chosen to ignore the security mandate that they themselves gave to us. Regardless, the tightening of security around Mimir is and will be in the best interest of all parties, whether they can see this or not. We will continue this very delicate investigation, spanning the space around the IEB all the way down to the surface of Mimir. While my heart goes out to the families of the SNTNL clan and the Empire, we cannot yet allow access to the surface of Mimir at this time.

The Federation will not allow impassioned and misguided accusations concerning the Anomaly Shockwave to muddy the waters during this delicate operation. Additional security has been dispatched to ensure the peace is kept around Mimir and the results of the ongoing investigation are produced with as much transparency as possible. Were any nefarious agents emboldened by unsubstantiated accusations to plant misleading evidence, it would lengthen the time needed for a speedy report of our findings. I will say to all Federation citizens as I would say to any Faction representative that our investigations adhere to the highest standards and must be allowed due course.

What also concerns me is the Empire’s proclivity for power mongering. In regard to their “Warmaster’s” incendiary remarks and Minister Etruscus’ ultimatum, they both provide little to our commonly held goals, which remain harnessing the vast potential of safe EB travel. The choice to unilaterally dismiss the will of the Faction vote and place the deaths of so many from the Anomaly Shockwave on our shoulders is truly disheartening. I can only hope that before tensions mount further, the wiser among the Imperial houses, if they exist, speak some sense to those who have the ear of His Grace for the sake of interfactional peace.

I am, however, a realist, and apparently alone in this regard as one of the Sector Presidents. It is not outside the realm of possibility that culpability for the Shockwave may lie with someone in the Federation. While it is difficult to imagine that anyone in the Federation might commit such a grave crime, the sad reality is, our faction is not without its criminal elements. The Federation government is currently weighing in the likelihood that elements of the underworld or illicit corporate agents may have triggered the catastrophe. Whether we concentrate on this and entertain Minister Etruscus’ accusations or ultimately censure the Empire for showing a lack of wisdom is the voter’s prerogative.

Empire Storyline

At a Crossroads Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Glycon.

Minister Etruscus has initiated a teutonic shift across the power balance of the galaxy, one that will resonate down in history as a moment of truth. The Federation’s secrets will all soon come to the surface like so many worms crawling through the wet earth. What little surprise it is to see these feeble-minded opportunists not only benefit from tragedy but actively court it. Two of their presidents refuse to so much as accept the possibility of Minister Venthe Etruscus’ accusations—we will soon see if Third Section President Lee proves as blind as them. Proof, when it comes, will be undeniable.

Each Ministry’s heads will hold a meeting under the Emperor’s auspices to discuss the future of this great faction–including the best way to transmit this proof to our rival factions and their populaces. Much work remains to be done but there is little doubt the Empire will grow all the stronger for its doing–as the Ministers carry the weight of change on their shoulders, so, too, you must carry your share of the burden.

With the Federation’s integrity so plainly damaged–hopefully beyond repair, soon enough–a few points of order remain. Should trade be allowed to continue with such craven cowards? Has the Union been an unwitting player in all this, or are some within that faction the puppets of Federal masters? What did the Federation seek to gain by toying with phenomena they cannot so much as understand? The answers to many of these questions will fall in place as time goes on; the Ministerial meeting will grant clarity in many of these aspects. One question dwarves all others in urgency: Are we to withdraw from the MIEB Task Force? Even this minor concession stains the Empire with the Federation’s dishonor, after all. Or, perhaps, we play along–for a little while longer. For, when the Federation tears itself apart under the weight of its own lies…

The Empire will pick up the pieces.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

On Thin Ice My brothers and sisters in Union,,

The Empire has accused the Federation of the most grievous offense: that elements within it are to blame for the Anomaly Shockwave. No matter what effort we put into moving past it, this disaster continues to threaten the precarious balance between our three factions. As the Empire piles on more and more incendiary allegations, I have to wonder: are they trying to push us all past the breaking point?

Then there is the Federation. We supported working with them over the Empire recently–a token of trust that is of no small weight. If these accusations prove true, the Federation might as well have spat in our faces every time one of us offered a hand to one of them. How can we, in good conscience, work with the Federation government if they are, in fact, the engineers of the Shockwave? Can we even trust them when they say the MIEB Task Force Tragedy was an accident? Especially after their unsympathetic conduct in regard to the SNTNL vessel that sought to put Hayden to rest, I find myself less willing to offer them an olive branch than ever before. It is the sad reality of the situation that as Speaker, I must be clear: the Federation is on thin ice, even if their government manages to exonerate itself.

Who do we believe? I will be the first to admit, the Empire has earned every single sliver of suspicion they now sow from us–their condescension, their pretense at honor and fidelity while they continue to embrace iniquity, Solas’ heavy-handedness in his every dealing with us. But the Federation bears direct responsibility for Blunt’s death, and if there’s an element of truth to this, they have much to pay for. We have two choices before us: either to rebuke the Empire’s accusations for their inflammatory nature, or to censure the Federation and demand an independent Union investigation be carried out in regards to the Federal government’s involvement.

Make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this mess. We will do so together, all of us, for the sake of our Union.


Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Vote on Federation Integrity in This Uncertain Age of the Einsen Bridge

Transgalactic report 65.0.513, Universal Council

The interstellar factions have expressed their varying majority views on accusations of Federation culpability in the Anomaly Shockwave. The results are as follows:

Withdraw from the MIEB Task Force - 62.68% Imperial favor
Remain part of the MIEB Task Force - 37.32% Imperial favor

Acknowledge Empire’s accusation - 67.38% of the votes
Censure the Empire - 32.62% of the votes

Rebuke the Empire - 57.23% of the votes
Censure the Federation - 42.77% of the votes

Capitolo 12.2: Precipizio

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

A Poorly Veiled Attempt at More Control
Jon Mashuu Collins, Interfaction Editor Op-Ed, Clarity Corps, a Novaros division

Well there you have it, admission straight from the top. 3rd Sector President Kim Lee just said she stands alone stating that, “I am alone in this regard. It is not outside the realm of possibility that culpability for the Shockwave may lie with someone in the Federation.” This is how a bloated and over-reaching government tries to push for more power. She would have all corporate actors chained together under an even more invasive Federation government.

Not today and not while Novaros exists to keep perspectives straight for true Federation citizens, not the fools who voted to acknowledge the hostile accusations from the Empire. The silence from President Huxley and Adonis does not speak to guilt, it speaks to handling things internally, where such accusations must first take place. How convenient it is that President Lee does not mention the culpability of her own sector, and yet insinuates bad actors are nonetheless a reality in the Federation. What next? Further corporate restrictions and reports necessary to Big Sister, that’s what.

Ms. Lee and her ilk have worked in favor of bigger government and more external control for the Universal Council since day one of her presidency. Placing the blame on her peers and all that benefit from what the Federation was built on, the opportunity for individual entrepreneurial success and the profitable rise up the free and corporate ladder. If what she is attempting is not already clear as day, I will put it on the nose for you. Whoever smelt it, dealt it.

We will never fail to bring you the straight and real take, Explorers.

Empire Storyline

In Defense of Reason
From the Ministry of Knowledge Aboard The Sacrosanct

My friends,

My Ministerial colleague has caused quite the stir, has he not? Lest you forget, the Universal Council exists for a reason and that reason continues to bear relevance to us all. Conflict may benefit some in the short term, but it will prove disastrous to many more. I have no doubt Minister Etruscus has the truth of it–but the penalty the Federation will pay must be decided on the negotiation table, and that cannot be done unless we all leave behind the rhetoric of war along with our participation in the MIEB Task Force.

I have lived longer than half my colleagues combined. I would suggest every last one of us take a good, hard look at all we have; whether you treasure objects or people, be certain that if war were to break out, you would suffer unimaginable losses, but such is the burden His Grace can lay upon our shoulders. It is the Empire’s duty to guide humanity down a righteous path–but we must be wary of drowning in blood the steps we leave behind.

Take care, Imperials. We must not be drawn into conflict upon leaving the MIEB. Honor demands we hold the moral ground as we seek to cleanse the rot within our rival faction.

Minister Mathias Voden, House Voden

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Told You So
Mongerl Lars, Steward of Information

Didn’t I warn you, my brothers and sisters? Didn’t I tell you the Empire would seek only discord? They bend any situation to their purpose, any tragedy to their advantage. This is what tyranny begets, my fellow Unionites. Let it serve as a reminder for all: down with false kings and prophets.

Speaker Fenix is worried my rhetoric against the Empire might be prejudicing some of you against them. Good, I say. I’ve never bought into this idea that we should keep to some sort of neutrality–least of all now, when it’s more my duty to speak out than ever before.

The Federation is no flower, either. They have chosen to spit in the face of our SNTNL clan’s traditions. They have continued to gather forces around IEB space, what should be neutral space, using a joint research agreement to excuse their grab at a planet we are all owed free access to. Irenic, my ass. We have tried to work with them, tried to let bygones be bygones. Trust me when I tell you, we are all of us close to the breaking point, and now the Federation has voted to acknowledge Imperial accusations after reinforcing their position around Mímir. The Federation government has too many cooks in the kitchen–but that is only to be expected, with their placing of the individual in the center of a corrupt, egotistical value system. These are people who can never speak with one voice, as clearly as we of the Union can.

I say all this that you may understand my skepticism when I share with you this: Ivona Craine, Commander of the Empire’s Third Fleet and granddaughter to Solas, contacted my agents some time ago and has requested that a meeting on Mímir be arranged. While I fully expect a ploy, Faceless Emmet, The Steward of Security, is willing to take responsibility that the meeting goes as it should. My colleagues and I will keep you in the loop as the situation develops.

Heads held high.

Capitolo 13.1: Un frutto proibito

Uncanny Visitations

Transgalactic report 72.8.512, Trice Chavos, Universal Council

With Federation credibility being tested in regard to the Anomaly Shockwave event, the future of the MIEB Task Force falls further into question. Coupled with questionable management strategies in the aftermath of the FSS Skłodowska’s destruction, the Universal Council sees the need behind a constructive reevaluation of the Task Force.

This brings me to a pressing piece of news that threatens the delicate prospects of fostering stronger cooperation in the face of adversity among the Factions. Ivona Craine’s unannounced arrival has surprised not just us on the Council, but has raised the hair on the backs of the Union, Federation, and even the Empire itself.

It is no secret to anyone that this is highly unusual, given the fact that notice of her “official” visit was provided to the Council only after her presence became known to us. I do not go as far as to say her intentions are in opposition to the Empire, as some might suggest. The internal workings of the Emperor’s mind have always been of a speculative nature, and considering Ivona’s status with the Emperor, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that her visit is indeed sanctioned. The tumult in the Empire has certainly kept His Excellency busy of late.

The council has called for a vote on Ivona Craine’s presence on Mímir to clarify the situation and bring swift resolution to an already heated situation. Your Faction representatives will address the finer details presently.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

A Foxen-Hound Hunt Lina Khairn-Dwyer, Chief Mímir Correspondent, Takeyon Reports

Folks, I don’t know what to tell you. Since my rotation on the Tonocom flagship The Merchant Prince began, I have seen Tonocom’s forces easily quadruple around Mímir. I’m seeing slick new ships just off TANUS Robotiks’ production lines, kindly supplied with advanced autonomous drone tech developed by Chief Engineer Anders herself. Despite the daunting size of our fleet, vessels of the Union and Federation have chosen to disregard Dr. Barnhardt’s order to halt while results of the investigation are completed. The temperature out here is running a little bit high, with more and more Fed personnel complaining of an itchy trigger finger–as our Union neighbors might say, “Ain’t no cure for that,” folks!

Things are not looking too hot for peace right now…which is why this show’s head honchos have come together to try and work something more sustainable out. Whatever dance’s going on with the Empire and the Union, we can’t have that threatening what should be on the forefront of everyone’s minds–cracking that toughest nut of all, safe Einsen Bridge travel. But since it’s obvious our partners are too distracted in some bizarre foxen-hound hunt, Donel Gladson, President Adonis, and Dr. Barnhardt have put their heads together to come up with a solution. This is where things get interesting, because while Mr. Gladson wants the Federation to host a peace summit on the surface of Mímir, Dr. Barnhard demands a message be sent that if any more Union and Imperial ships enter Mimir’s space unpermitted, Federation ships will open fire.

Let me tell you, folks, these two are not on the best terms right now. They have, however, agreed to be bound by Madame Adonis’s tie-breaking vote. Here’s where you all come in: President Adonis has refused to side with either, deciding instead to give her voice to the Federation’s citizens. Should the Federation host a peace summit in an act of goodwill towards its neighbors or should we put our foot down and make sure the other factions know we’ve got teeth just as sharp as theirs. Hell, sharper.

Now, I know some of you have had reason to worry lately. I can hardly stop checking my Nexus overlay in the middle of the night myself. It’s hard to get out of the sense of doom and gloom that pervades everything lately–but you know as well as I do that, the only way to change our situation is by exercising our Fed-given right to vote!

And don’t forget to tune in later to catch Takeyon’s retrospective look at one of the Federation’s hottest careers: The Merchant Prince’s very own commander in chief, Tonocom CEO Donel Gladson!

Empire Storyline

The Imperator’s Grace Shall Go With Her Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Etruscus.

Transmission from Venthe Etruscus

Subjects of the Empire,

As provocative as the news of late have been, all Houses atop this great Empire work for the glory of all, and all work for the glory of the Empire. The tragedy of the science vessel FSS Skłodowska’s, which could have been avoided if Imperial advice was heeded, subsequent censoring of the aftermath, and revelations of Federation cover-ups have tried the patience of His Grace, may he outlive the stars. In his everlasting wisdom, he has sent his own granddaughter, Ivona Craine, to clear the muddying waters around Mímir and reinforce our interests there.

Regardless of what tumult our great Empire has seen of late, Ivona’s life is one of service in glory to the Empire and her loyalty has never been in doubt. Therefore, again in His great wisdom, support more becoming of Ivona Craine’s status is required. The Minister of Security has been the loudest among us, insisting that he be allowed to escort the progeny of the Emperor. The Warmaster is filled with pride and zeal for all Imperial endeavors seeing the youth of the Empire take such strong strides into a situation that has gone without significant Imperial influence for long enough.

The Ministry of Knowledge was quick to follow up the Security Minister’s fiery offer with an equally impassioned, yet calmer stance. Their message is as follows:

Tensions are unnecessarily high, and for all our power and history and honor, it is in no one’s interest to stoke the fires of conflict that might lead to war. Surely the Emperor sees this and wishes to strengthen the message sent by Ivona’s sanctioned presence on Mímir by sending the head of a Ministry that knows all and can advise on all things. There is no need for a sledgehammer when a simple key will open doors.

Through the light of His Excellency, the vote is put to you. Who should escort our brave Ivona on Mímir: Minister of Security, Hakon Va-Halet or Minister of Knowledge, Mathias Voden?

Your choice is the Emperor’s choice. Be not misled by any other light.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Looks Like We See Eye to Eye Old Mother here, my fellow Unionists.

This whole Ivona Craine business has stirred up a hell of a bee’s nest. Asylum or no asylum, I think we all know why she’s left Imperial space without tellin’ anyone. I’ve lived too long in the shadow of conflict sittin’ here on the ass-end of Union space with the Federation peeking over our walls to not know when something smells funny. Where you are says a lot about a person or group and what they intend. If Ivona Craine is on Mimir, you can bet good steel to gears that woman ain’t there on official business.

Imagine, the commander of the Imperial Third Fleet comin’ over to the Union and embracin’ our creed. There’s no better way to live a life than in service to others. She’d bring a wealth of information that couldn’t be negotiated for even by Federation lawyers! Some are sayin’ she’d be a hell of a bargainin’ piece against the Empire if we can get her. And ya know what? I bet we can. She brought in Montez Lycanis and wrecked his tiny fleet faster than the Bastion can charge its alien technology for a jump. Maybe, but that ain’t the Union way. She’d be one of us, and I’d welcome her into the fold, Empire be damned.

Now, the Empire’s Minister of Trust has sent over some transmissions stating in pompous and shitty Imperial fashion that granting asylum to ANY Imperial citizen will be met with “unfavorable consequences.” I’d have wiped my backside with the words if they’d been written on something physical. I’m not one for fightin’ when it can be avoided, but I can tell you this, Venthe Etruscus ain’t the man who’s gonna tell the Union what it can and can’t do. I have hope you all see that to be the case and will let him know what we really think of him and his threats.

Our choice is this: We tell the Empire to shove it because Ivona Craine will be under Union protection, or emphasize asylum as a fundamental human right and bring their power mongering to heel without stoking any more fires.

Heads held high.

Sethra Goodrun

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Votes on a multitude of issues on and around Mímir.

Transgalactic report 76.1.513, Trice Chavos, Universal Council

The Universal Council continues to call for peace and sound logic among the factions. The results are as follows:

Minister of Security - 61.78% Imperial favor
Minister of Knowledge - 38.22% Imperial favor

Host a peace summit - 58.21% of the votes
Send out a final warning - 41.79% of the votes

Compassion versus strength - 61.97% of the votes
Strength against strength - 38.03% of the votes

Capitolo 13.2: Un frutto proibito

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Speak Peace but Carry a Big Delivery of Advanced Drone Fighters
Ninyo Kovero, Foreign Correspondent and Columnist - Core Temperature, A Novum Auxiliary

Hot take here, Explorers.

Annoying pockets of lobbyists have recently succeeded in partially hijacking Democracy, though not this time around. Thank Sol. Imagine if the vote had been to give a last warning shot up some Empire or Union nose? We’d likely be reporting on a build up to war. Luckily, the temperature has leveled off for a moment as the vote went entirely in the opposite direction to hold a peace summit. Having four times as many ships and a dizzying number of new Tonocom drones stretching around Mímir didn’t hurt matters either. Checkmate!

And not a moment after you goal-oriented Explorers voted for reason over brute strength, most uptight media outlets received reports of a massive Union fleet on it’s way to Mímir. I’m not worried since we can just point our guns at each other and talk like civilized people. I’m feelin some tension between the Union and Empire about Ivona Craine seeking asylum. Not quite sure why she would choose the Union, to be honest. If she rolls like that, she’d be a natural on the upper rungs of the good ole’ corporate fast track to success. But she probably wouldn’t want to start at the bottom and have to work her way up like we all do. Sounds like she’s A LOT.

All in all, we are looking forward to the fruits of the peace summit. Many of us, as well as many of you, will be coming right here, to Core Temperature to enjoy a peek at the wining and dining that accompanies these summits. Difficult to get your hands on finer real cuisine while going nowhere around the orbit of Mímir, let me tell you.

You can check out coverage of all the event highlights, from summit speakers to dinner menus here at Core Temperature, the coolest place for the hottest in news and entertainment.

Empire Storyline

His Grace's Granddaughter...Priceless. Part 1
From the Chambers of the Ministry of Wealth

Greetings to His Excellency, Imperator Solas, who is the Empire in its entirety, and to who we live and breathe in unwavering awe.

Every second given to me by this great Empire I spend on this message to you, faithful citizens. I consider it an investment in the light of His vision. Being the only woman voted into a Ministerial position on merit and merit alone, it is the wisdom of His Grace that implores me now to add a rare but necessary investment of brevity into Lord Va-Halet’s strategy in regard to Ivona Craine.

Whether by word or by sword, the respected Minister of the great House Va-Halet will certainly not forget the value that both Ivona Craine and Mímir have to the Empire’s future. While on his mission to provide support to His Grace’s granddaughter, I provide sound advice. Any knee-jerk moves born in the rightly placed passion for the Empire can, even at the best of times, effect the Imperial Ministry of Wealth’s bottom line in not such a glorious fashion.

Forgive me, but a woman must sometimes be blunt where delicate language might fall short of benefitting the Empire. As debt is for slaves, I cannot imagine a situation where the good Lord Va-Halet would bring unnecessary expenditures to His Excellency’s Ministry while providing support to the Commander of the Third Fleet. War is an expensive endeavor and, though it can be lucrative under favorable conditions, would be ill-timed presently.

His Grace's Granddaughter...Priceless. Part 2

The Ministry of Wealth runs on the simple belief that when we are close to His Grace’s abundant light, one cannot help but turn to it and add whatever one can give. Ivona Craine was born in the light, and is made of the light, and if any doubt be upon you, good citizens of the Empire, that she isn’t worthy of support, perhaps you have forgotten something valuable. Imperator Solas himself would have such unfaithful and unworthy individuals hanged in the shining rays of His wisdom by their ragged and unfaithful feet until dead.

Nona Levidis, Minister of Wealth

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

All for One
Kase Marshall, Steward of Expression

Well works to you, brothers and sisters. My job gives me the rare opportunity to speak to some interesting individuals and relate what they say to you. I’ve spoken to, or had a quick word with, the elusive man of few words himself, Faceless Emmet.

Basically, he said the Commander of the Empire’s Third Fleet isn’t weak, but in this case, doesn’t have the strength to defend herself. In seeking asylum, which is harder than you might think, she acknowledges a fundamental human right that is non-existant for most in the Empireis. Walking away from the her House means she isn’t safe for long. Suffice it to say, Ivona has come for help and is gonna get it. Personally, I’m looking forward to hearing what she has to say.

Damn, almost forgot. Emmet mentioned something very interesting before leaving with his masked second in command. He said, “I don’t imagine her path to seek asylum was a smooth or swift one. I have heard from others in the Empire who wish to break free cannot even do so with access to considerable resources, and that after taking the first step away from the Empire, the only alternative to success is a horrible and very public death.” Emmet finished with expressin that that’s all we need to know about it.

I bet. Let’s not forget that her grandfather is Solas Craine and has proven himself to be an oppressive murderous rat bastard and obfuscator of any truth that isn’t his own. I’d like to see the look on his face when Ivona is safely in Union space as we clearly, express a collective, “get fucked” his way in the name of human rights.

Heads held high.

Capitolo 14.1: Buoni Samaritani?

At the Gates

Transgalactic report 01.1.513, Admiral Lyra Montaine, Universal Council

Faction citizens, subjects, members,

I wish I could greet you with better news for the New Year, but it was not meant to be. I’ll jump right into it: Tensions around Mímir have reached new heights. While Minister Va-Halet has been held up in transit, a fleet of Union vessels has arrived at the edge of IEB space. They entered Mímir space without any need to heed the Federation perimeter since the Federation itself has called for a peace summit.

The Union has stringently defended the fleet’s appearance, demanding its intentions are peaceful, and its personnel wholly scientific, despite the rumors that Faceless Emmett, the Steward of Security, is these ships’ commander. They have repeated that the ships–at least three of which are ancient dreadnoughts–hold no military capabilities at present.

The Federation expected a small number of Union dignitaries to join the peace summit, not an entire flotilla–though they have held their fingers firmly off any triggers thanks to the prior Federation decision, they are nonetheless nervous to face another faction’s fleet like this. Faced with messages to back down, Union channels fiercely deny they have any hostile intentions in mind, a statement the Federation has contested through official diplomatic channels. President Adonis has stated that the Federation is willing to continue its work with the Union, but only if it can be given access to inspect the Union’s vessels. Response to this offer has yet to be put on the table.

The Empire’s response has been more muted. Warmaster Hakon has demanded he inspect the dreadnought armaments. People close to Minister Hakon have given the Council reason to believe this reflects his personal interests more than the Empire’s official position.

The Universal Council will continue to monitor the situation closely and report any developments as they occur.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

A Moment’s Stupefaction Lina Khairn-Dwyer, Chief Mímir Correspondent, Takeyon Reports

Folks, if you thought my last report painted a bleak picture, just you wait to see the face of a Federation officer when they get notified a Union armada is parked out front without so much as a call beforehand. I was interviewing Squad Leader Pierre Orran in the mess hall just this morning, feeling out the mood that has gradually overtaken the fleet since the last vote, and you can bet all my work went right in the trash when the Merchant Prince’s comms called all personnel to battle stations at the sudden appearance of scores of Union ships. The look of stupefaction on Orran was reflected across all our faces, I’m sure. It must have continued for a heartbeat, maybe two for everyone but me. Surprise or doubt on Orran’s face was quickly replaced by a hardened resolve no one’s better in instilling than our Corp instructors.

Feverish action after–steady and well-practiced. A credit to the elite professionals that make our Federation military the backbone that holds our identity together. It’s funny but I couldn’t tell you what I was doing for a good half an hour after, not until it became crystal clear the Union ships were just standing there, still as can be, as if taunting every single one of us onboard, laughing in the face of our proposed peace conference. We could have taken them, even with their element of the surprise–I didn’t need a semester in military tactics at Guinn Institute to figure that out, just a look at the conditions of some of those ships–but that first moment of fear, I don’t know how all those soldiers overcame it as quick as they did. That’s Federation pilots and marines for you. Tonocom sure knows how to make them.

No attack followed. You know this much. The Union’s hails have offered unsolicited scientific and investigatory aid, as well as repeated insistence that this is the Union’s contribution to the peace conference–despite the fact that the size of it is directly in conflict with Fed specifications. It is in the Federation’s hands to choose how we respond to this provocation: do we condemn the Union’s behavior for the cheap ploy it is, or do we play along and accept this “delegation” in yet another attempt to safeguard the MIEB Task-Force’s cohesion? That is, naturally, if the Union accepts to have Federation investigators corroborate their claims of peaceful intentions.

Remember, folks, it’s your voice that counts–make sure it’s heard!

Empire Storyline

The Honorable Choice Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, Minister Morell.

Subjects of the Empire,

My role as Minister of Honor is not an easy one to navigate. I give tirelessly in service to the Emperor, knowing all the meanwhile I may make an error in judgment. A high position of governance–as high as mine–does not allow for errors, Imperials. Not a one.

The problem before me is as follows: The Federation must be reminded, every single cycle, that it is violating the spirit of the Faction agreement over Mímir. The Empire’s decision to cut its ties to the MIEB Task-Force was but one reminder; the fact that, as I speak, Minister Hakon Va-Halet is disembarking on a Union vessel floating around Mímir rather than on The Merchant Prince, is another. The appearance of the Union’s fleet, whatever the true reason behind it, also serves to this end. In this, they have proven useful to the Empire.

Yet, there is no honor to the Union’s conduct. That is plain to all–no matter what they say, they seek to provoke with this surprise appearance of theirs. To what end, time will tell; I would not be surprised if they haven’t quite figured that out for themselves; the Union brain takes a good long while to catch up with the actions of its undisciplined body.

The choice before the Empire is the following: Shall we support the Union in this stunt of theirs, or shall we rebuke them–returning in kind the blow they delivered when my colleague, Minister Venthe Etruscus, provided the Imperial light of truth to the galaxy?

Choose wisely–your Emperor demands it.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

An Act of Goodwill

My brothers and sisters,

How the Federation overreacts to yet another show of goodwill is beyond me. We of the Union recognize our fellow human’s struggles. The willingness of so many to go to their aid out of nothing so much as the goodness in their hearts, to offer scientific expertise on a number of matters that obviously have continued to baffle the Federation–and to be treated as criminals, a bunch of pirates who have no purpose beyond loot is as offensive to me as it is to any of you.

The Empire has asked if this is my doing, if this mission is ‘sanctified’ by the Vox. The Federation’s questions are similar in line, but more forceful in their tone. What a funny concept they have, either way. As if I, your humble Speaker, would have the authority to send fleets at the snap of a finger. I could have asked, and the Vox could have sent out the call–but why would we? When it’s in the Union’s nature to be free, for our communities to recognize the need for help and offer this help on their own?

The Federation doubts our peaceful intentions. The Empire’s weary curiosity is, for once, a reaction we can at least understand. Despite recent communiques from high-level members of their government, the presence of Minister Voden/Warmaster Hakon is not without its opportunity for the exchange of useful intelligence between our two sides. I say we show them all–give free reign to their inspectors, their ambassadors and dignitaries. Let them aboard, invite them in, feed ‘em, water ‘em, show ‘em Union hospitality. No, not that kind of hospitality. You all know I mean for you to treat them like guests–right?

There is another path we can take: if the Federation does not wish to believe us, if they spit once more on our goodwill and willingness to aid them in what has become a bloated investigation with no end in sight…we can simply leave.

What will it be? The people’s voice will guide our hand in this–as it always has.


Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results


Transgalactic report 5.1.513, Admiral Lyra Montaine, Universal Council

The Universal Council calls for calm in this time of deepening crisis. The results are as follows:

Support the Union - 65.7% Imperial favor
Rebuke the Union - 34.3% Imperial favor

Condemn the Union’s behavior - 59.81% of the votes
Accept the Union’s aid - 40.19% of the votes

Give investigators access to Union vessels - 75.26% of the votes
Leave the system - 24.74% of the votes

Capitolo 14.2: Buoni Samaritani?

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

A Drop of Dissent
Blagoi Shulka, Ignis Correspondent, Novum News

Have these Union dupes no shame? Have they no basic, common decency? Slithering into the system like thieves in the night, all but breaking every law of hospitality of what should be a peaceful conference between equals? Oh, this is rich! It’s good, that’s what it is! If the Union thinks they can keep playing the poor victim card after they pull a stunt like this–they better think again. And if they try, oh, if they try–it’ll be Blagoi Shulka who reminds them, and all you folks at home.

I hope they try something. As every single one of you is my witness, I hope they do. The Union needs to be put in its rightful place; you ask me, that place is the ditch and nowhere else. At least the Federation speaks as one when we rebuke them for this foolish posturing.

As to our fearless leaders, I have a message to you. To all you Presidents, CEOs, spooks, and military schmucks: don’t be too rigid with that trigger finger. I’m as happy as anyone to bankroll the hundred k’s worth of ammunition it’ll take to sink those Union rust-buckets. And while I’m at it…release the damned Tragedy report already, will ya?

Regardless…let’s see how this plays out, shall we?

Empire Storyline

Not a Single Bullet
Warmaster Hakon Va-Halet

I tell you, Imperials, but these ancient rust-buckets are something else. We don’t make ‘em like this anymore, and for good reason. Walking into the salvaged heart of a Reverence-class dreadnought though, few things compare. The Union has made a mess of it with their gaudy “art”, graffiti in a variety of styles that would make your head hurt if you looked at them too long. Still, they couldn’t take away from the majesty of the old girl–and they showed me respect as I came onboard. I did as the Emperor and the Empire have bid me, and offered up the Empire’s support for this crusade of theirs.

Union folk might be piss-poor and their hygiene standards leave much to desire, but there’s something warm about the genuine human joy they showed when I made their ship captains aware of the Empire’s position. They even invited me to observe the Federation’s inspection. Grumbling lot that the members of the Fed mission were, I did it…and not just because I was hoping to see one of those first-gen Razorclaw gatling guns.

What has become crystal clear is that the Union does not have a single missile, not a single bullet, in any of their guns or ammo depots onboard the fleet. My retinue and I made sure to check not only what the Union wanted us to see but also what they patently didn’t.

Strange as it is, these Union people genuinely believed they would show up at the doorstep of a Federation flotilla and be welcomed with open arms, their offer of aid accepted without question.

The naivete…It makes you laugh, doesn’t it? More at the Union than with them, but it’s a start.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Faceless Emmet, Steward of Safety

No matter the good will we show the Federation, they will always doubt us, always fear us, always misunderstand us. This latest vote has made one thing clear: we will always be ready to aid our fellow humans, no matter what lies may be spewed forth about our motives. As they rebuke us, so we open our arms that they may see–ours is a just cause, and we need no bullets to speak for us.

And speaking of aid…

What if I told you that, while the Federation and Union fleets had their misunderstandings aired out, a SNTNL shuttle equipped with advanced stealth-tech landed on Mímir? What if, during the performance of the SNTNL folk’s farewell ritual for Hayden Blunt, a woman showed up, Imperial-born but more than a little interested in learning about the Union’s ways?

What if she called on the law of shared warmth? You couldn’t well blame the SNTNLs for inviting her on-board, could you? Could anyone?

Food for thought, brothers and sisters.

Food for thought.

Capitolo 15.1: Aikawarazu

Back to the Lesson at Hand

Transgalactic report 14.1.513, Trice Chavos, Universal Council

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

…wild swings in which way each Faction’s leadership is facing every few weeks. Thanks to the open discourse the Federation’s peace summit offered, it’s clear that the Factions agree with this assessment.

The potential for inward-looking votes to breed miscommunication and the heightening of tensions is too great. Thus, it is this council’s determination, within its rights granted to us by the Empire, Federation, and Union, that voting on critical issues once again be administered using a two-thirds majority system. All present already understand this system, but it must be said that every Faction will vote on the exact same issue using the designated Faction channels. The Core Systems will once again march together down the selected path via majority vote, and not a second too soon.

There are very few individuals in the Core Systems who would merit direct Council intervention; however Ivona Craine, who currently still holds a seat in these chambers, is certainly one of them. Ivona has requested we officially ratify her asylum and therefore protection from the Empire. She offers to us a message she claims is directly from the Oracle and concerns the fate of The Arbiter. She will provide us with this message only if she receives what she has every right to request. Even though we have no way of proving if this message is really from the Oracle or not, the Council notes that Ivona Craine has not once proven herself a liar. We move to continue taking her at her word.

Complicating the issues is her presence aboard Faceless Emmet’s ship, The Unbroken. Upon coming out of stealth, he sent out a general hail to all in orbit around Mímir stating:

“Our fleet is indeed unarmed, and regardless of Federation condemnation of our goodwill and rejection of assistance, inspections have proven Union words to be honest and true. Along with the rare but welcome Imperial acknowledgment of our intentions, we have met the standards put to us by the Faction vote. In addition, Ivona Craine, having been granted asylum by the Vox, will be escorted to Union space. Do not attempt to stop us. Our collective voice need say no more.”

Minister Va-Halet has contacted us repeatedly and requested we formally reject these ridiculous attempts at stealing Ivona Craine away from the Empire, where she belongs. He has offered us tangible research on advanced plating that he assures us is far into active experimentation and will be vital to EB travel. If we do not, Va-Halet threatens that the data will be kept for exclusive Imperial use. The Minister was quick to add that the Empire had already planned to be forthcoming with this information. Whether we choose to believe his intent, he added that such extraordinary maneuvering by the Union has prompted him to use everything at his disposal…short of lethal force.

For further details, consult your faction story channel where your vote will be recorded.

Federation Storyline

A Key Investment Lina Khairn-Dwyer, Chief Mímir Correspondent, Takeyon Reports

Good Sol there, Explorers!

If it wasn’t already hot around Mimir, man, things just pitched up quick. After Union vessels were inspected, all seemed fine with the galaxy momentarily. Then the elephant in the room over the last few weeks finally stood up and made its presence known. Ivona Craine is officially requesting that the Universal Council recognize her asylum to the Union. It wasn’t long after when the Imperial vessels that accompanied Minister Va-Halet, A.K.A Warmaster Hakon, began repositioning themselves into a defensive formation.

What a mess. Just goes to show what can happen when healthy corporate oversight is abandoned for mob rule or the rule of one. I have it on good authority from Tonocom Defense that measures are being put into place to ensure stealth ships will not be able to slip past Federation scanners with zero trace. The Union stealth tech is incredible, but not infallible, I’m sure. After listening to Tonocom, I believe it.

So what say you, Explorers? Do we care more for plating that may or may not benefit our stalled progress towards EB travel or more about the fate of an entire crew of Universal Council officers? I know the Oracle is a legit artifact, but it’s so mysterious. Who can tell whether a message is from the Oracle or not? Especially if we aren’t there, sitting in front of it ourselves, chanting or drinking blood or whatever the Emperor does to get it to work.

I do like that we are reverting to the previous way of voting being done because look at us now, sitting here with nothing but advantages to choose from. If we think in terms of what choice presents the most value, I could make the argument for ship plating tech. But what can an Imperial scientist or alchemist or smith do that a well-trained organization built from the ground up can’t? If it’s not Ronaen-related, and you can’t stick it through someone’s chest, I argue that Federation scientists can hold their own.

I remember the story about The Arbiter. It was one of the first pieces I worked on. The team was amazing. But the story only had two possible endings, either they disappeared and survived, or they didn’t. With so many deaths since then, it’s hard to really put that event into perspective, but I can say this: if they survived and there’s a way to contact them, that’s a lot of little miracles mixed with one or two huge ones. But imagine if they did survive and the Oracle actually knew something about them. The knowledge they might provide could make EB travel a reality!

Either way, it seems like not enough concrete information for a Federation citizen to stand on in terms of a decision making. But, we all need to consider what’s there and make a choice, regardless.

Place your votes, Explorers, because they count now more than ever.

Empire Storyline

A Gracious Offer Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, Minister Va-Halet.

Subjects of the Empire,

The Emperor’s Warmaster does not speak when it is unnecessary. I am here to inform the citizens of the Empire that His Grace’s kindness has been thrown back in our face. Right now, the Commander of the Third Fleet, Ivona Craine, is aboard a Union vessel. A Union vessel that just recently and dubiously appeared out of stealth after feelings were high and goodwill was exchanged between our two factions.

Where did goodwill towards the Union get us? It dashed to the mud our Imperator’s good grace and placed an imperceptible fog over our unwavering vigilance. Never again will I allow this to happen. I have made our Empire’s demand clear to the Universal Council. Ivona Craine will be returned immediately to Imperial protection, where she belongs. They understand that there should be no hesitation in denouncing this ridiculous idea of asylum.

If His Grace’s intent was not already more than enough to assist the Council into correct action, we have also offered what will amount a boon to all the factions. Such is His will, may he outlive the stars. The research done in the aftermath of the tragic Skłodowska explosion, which could have been prevented if the MIEB Task Force had listened more to us, will provide the Universal Council’s efforts will state of the art hull-plating technology we believe will be crucial to EB travel.

I doubt the Council will let such an offering slip through their fingers, but a vote is required nonetheless.

Imperium superet astra.

[Secondary Transmission Inbound]

Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, Minister Etruscus.

Subjects of the Empire,

Imperator Solas is the Empire, and anything that may benefit the Empire is sought after by His Grace. Minister Va-Halet’s fiery rhetoric is commendable in that it reflects his undying passion to benefit the Empire. His track record speaks for itself, and long may he serve our Emperor and his storied House.

I bring the light of context to our “Warmaster’s” message in that we will not cease in our condemnation of the Union’s attempt at stealing Ivona Craine away from the Empire. War is not our goal. War does not benefit His Grace at this time. I am sure that whatever methods the Union is employing, Ivona is ever the wiser for them.

We will have her off that rusty excuse for a ship soon enough.

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Our Decision Won’t be Denied

To my brothers and sisters.

After proving our intent to both the Federation and Empire, when we shouldn’t have needed to, we get this “Warmaster” pokin’ his ships up our rear-ends as we rightfully turn to leave. How much more do we have to do to get the respect we deserve out here, amongst the stars? Well, Faceless Emmet is at the helm of this one and there’s no one better at maneuvering in ways that can’t be seen. I spoke with him before he left. He didn’t say much but that said a lot. We all share in the plots and plans of the Union, but that man operates in places that the rest of us don’t have to. Yet every time, he’s doin what needs to be done for every one of us.

Ivona Craine. The treasure trove of knowledge and tactical expertise that she will bring us is priceless. I just hope the Council sees the straight and clear logic of it like we all do. The Vox already granted her asylum, so she’s good to go as far as I’m concerned. But she knows her way around that Universal Council floor, so her asking is a tactician’s way of preventing the trigger happy Lord Va-Halet from stepping into an intergalactic minefield.

Speaking of which, leave it to the Empire to hoard something and only offer it up for something in return. They were with us in the MIEB Task Force and still worked to undermine the collective good. It’s that damned Emperor, I tell ya. The cult to that man, if we can still call him that, is the worst thing to happen to this Galaxy since the destruction of Sol. At least the Universal Council is back on track and can bring us all down the same path again.

The choice for us is obvious, I’d think, but that’s why we take the vote, isn’t it? Ivona here in Union space or returned to the Empire for some ship plating tech. My heart goes out to the families of the crew on The Arbiter, but that was a while ago and a lot has happened since. I guess we will see, brothers and sisters.

Heads held high.

Mongrel Lars

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results


Transgalactic report 17.1.513, Moira Craine, Universal Council

The final vote is in favor of recognizing Ivona Craine’s asylum. Minister Va-Halet has been contacted and ordered to not interfere with the Union’s escort. Council ships have been ordered to Mimir to receive the Oracle’s message concerning the fate of The Arbiter per Ivona’s request.

She was unclear why person to person transmission of the information is necessary but urges the Council to hurry.

Recognize Ivona's asylum - 3 (Empire, Federation, Union)
Reject Ivona's asylum - 0 ()

Recognize asylum - 61.3% Imperial favor
Reject asylum - 38.7% Imperial favor

Recognize asylum - 72.73% of the votes
Reject asylum - 27.27% of the votes

Recognize asylum - 69.5% of the votes
Reject asylum - 30.5% of the votes

Capitolo 15.2: Aikawarazu

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

One Seat Sits Empty
Inse Jokuan, Foreign Affairs Report – Nova Times, a Novaros Division

Good Sol, Explorers!

Now that Ivona Craine is in Union space, her Council seat is up for grabs but no one has come forth and the Empire hasn’t volunteered anyone yet. This adds more questions than answers to her highly unlikely request. But while Ivona has her officially recognized asylum and is no doubt enjoying the same food as the others around her, I’ve got to talk about the advanced hull-plating tech that we lost out on. Word is, those in orbit around Mímir would’ve loved to have a little bit more insurance integrated into Federation hulls. More so now with the implications of the Oracle’s message.

Ivona Craine, who apparently can be believed, says that the Universal Council crew of The Arbiter is alive, but their end draws near. I’ve had the opportunity to interview captain Kal Haden before his ship was thought destroyed by the EB. He was gruff and curt and visibly annoyed that I was asking him questions at all. The aura around that man was palpable. Even though he’s an Imperial, I’d say there’s no one I’d rather have commanding a ship, but what do I know.

In addition to the cryptic message brought to the Council by Ivona, a very faint anomalous signal has been detected coming from the EB near Mímir. I’ve been assured there is no cause for alarm yet since this signal is fainter than we have ever seen. While it is also stable, unlike previous signals, it has not affected the NEXUS network on a wide scale and is currently being studied by the Federation remnants of the MIEB Task Force.

Never a dull moment on the edge of known space!

Empire Storyline

His Will is Set in Motion
From the chambers of the Ministry of Knowledge

Subjects of the Empire,

Once again, your wise vote both furthers His Grace’s plan and keeps a scientifically advanced defensive asset in Imperial hands. A lesser Faction would have pined for Ivona Craine’s return like some homesick dog mewling at the back of a cave, caked in mud and eyes dull with surrender. But not you. You saw through Ivona’s surface level attempt at running away from the Empire, and now we stand poised to reap the rewards of her exodus. No more proof of this is needed then in her carrying of the Oracle’s message, for who else can give it but His Excellency?

The message was one of little value to the other factions. So now we know the crew of The Arbiter is alive but their end draws near. The ship is captained by a son of House Haden who has either proven his worth in surviving an EB’s accelerated entropy proving others might have as well, or has brought honor to his house in death. Whether this message is for us to believe or not is not for us to question. We must always steel our minds and invite scrutiny upon our actions.

We now keep ships in permanent orbit around Mímir but the Minister of Security has returned home and brings reports of an anomalous signal. This new signal is fainter than we have ever scanned. Currently, it is stable and shows no signs of being anything more than a curiosity to study. If there is anything to be concerned with, our own scientists will not fail to recognize it. They understand that the Emperor will not miss any further opportunities or sit idle and watch another tragedy happen.

Mathias Voden, Minister

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

A New Home
Vox Assembly, The Bastion

It was never in doubt, my brothers and sisters. Ivona Craine is home and is welcome to what the Empire could never provide her, common ground with those around her. Faceless Emmet did most of the heavy lifting in orienting her to life in the Union, and she is currently helping the Vox on a number of issues. One in particular involves rumors of violence against one of our oldest tribes that I hope turn out to be false.

The message given to the Universal Council from the Oracle is cryptic to say the least: the Universal Council crew of The Arbiter is alive but their end draws near. Sera Varse would be the one to speak to about this, but she has done a fine job in hiding her whereabouts within the Union.

Word has reached us from our scientists whose work benefited the now struggling MIEB Task Force. They say a new anomalous signal, though fainter then we have ever scanned, has been detected around Mímir. They assure me the signal is currently stable and so faint, that the phenomenon is likely temporary. Leave to our best and brightest to keep grinding while the other Factions sit around and wait to see what happens.

Heads held high.

Mongrel Lars

Capitolo 16.1: La calamita

Some Kind of Justice

Transgalactic report 26.1.513, Admiral Lyra Montaine, Universal Council

Ivona Craine is now the purview of the Union, her asylum approved by the uniform voice of the Factions. The Universal Council wishes her well in this new chapter in her career–as our agents make sense of Ivona’s cryptic warnings around Mímir space, we of the Council will keep all of you apprised of future developments.

The time has come to move onto other matters. Union Speaker Aish Fenix has brought an emergency situation to the attention of the Factions–it is the Universal Council’s purpose to report and adjudicate this tragedy. Here is her official address:

Representatives on the Council,

Faction citizens, subjects, members,

I turn to you today not as Speaker of the Vox but as a daughter of Tribe Sunless. My people are proud laborers. We have worked the stone of a dozen asteroid belts across as many star systems, and have found beneath it precious metals that have served the interests of the Union, Federation, and Empire. No organized force is better than we are at this, no force more daring as we risk life and limb in the deep dark of space.

Nine mining rings are at the center of the tribe’s culture and society. The smallest of these, Iron Chime, was attacked last night, countless of its inhabitants slaughtered. I will spare you the details–though there is ample video footage that can be viewed by those of you who have the stomach for it. The perpetrators attempted to hide their identities. They failed; they are butchers, after all.

It’s the butchers of the Empire that came for my people. You hear me right–this is the work of an Imperial House, and the worst of them all: the Butchers of Plata, Neru-Gal.

The daughter of the tribe in me wants to demand vengeance. And don’t get me wrong, the Union is more than capable of administering it on its own. Hells, Tribe Sunless is itching for a shot at the fuckers. But recent events have shown why we must overcome these baser instincts. Understand when I say this, my brothers and sisters in humanity–we must stop the cycle of violence and let justice prevail for the wounded and needlessly slaughtered people of my tribe.

We turn to you in the hope that recent events have taught us to do better than the worst we’re capable of. Do not let this injustice stand.

The Imperial representatives serving on this Council have corroborated Speaker Fenix’s statement. There is no question that the Iron Chime slaughter was perpetrated by warriors of the Imperial Neru-Gal House. Whether this attack was done in conjunction with the house’s leaders is not known at present.

No rogue House may be allowed to operate at its whim, not when they would harm the peaceful members of another faction. This choice must be a show of the spirit of unity to which the factions have once more committed themselves. The choice before you is as follows:

The Council’s resources can be made available towards providing humanitarian and economic aid to Tribe Sunless. Without this aid, the tribe will likely fail to meet its people’s needs and is threatened by dissolution in the hard times ahead. Meanwhile, House Neru-Gal will be investigated by Imperial authorities with what limited aid the UC can offer. Providing aid to Tribe Sunless would also allow them to fill in quotas of raw material for a new project helmed by the MIEB Task Force–that is no small incentive to keep in mind.

Alternatively, the Council’s newly refocused resources can be used to punish House Neru-Gal. A punitive fleet may be sent to strike at this militaristic house. This, however, might be seen by many in the Empire as a continued policy of discrimination and curtailing of Imperial sovereignty in the face of galactic politics.

The choice is in your hands.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

Peace of Mind The Presidential Suites, Second Sector Capital (Avaris)

Fellow citizens of the Federation,

Our faction has no Styggian horse in this fight. We stand to benefit one way or another—the weakening of one of the Empire’s military houses is a boon in itself, and Neru-Gal may well be the worst of the lot. Their history of internal violence speaks loudly enough.To see that spill out of the Empire’s domain…it would be easier to sleep at night, knowing Neru-Gal is incapable of perpetrating similar attacks across Federation space.

The Federation also stands to benefit if the choice is made to aid the injured Union party. If the UC’s projections are to be believed, we would see Tribe Sunless’s ore deliveries to megacorps such as TANUS Robotiks and Xaomeng Dynamics continue after only a short few weeks. Imperial relations are still on rocky ground after their accusations as to the Federation’s culpability in recent galactic events. Our government can hardly count on trade channels with House Aurelian and the Ministry of Wealth to make up the difference in raw materials necessary for some of our manufacturers.

That said, this is the free market. If some corporation or another cannot make the best of the situation the faction finds itself in, they deserve to be liquidated and their executives harshly punished.

The Federation could choose to address a potential threat or a certain supply chain issue: both stand to benefit the Federation. Both stand to have some negative impact–which each and every one of you will weather. Whatever your choice, it will offer at least some of the Federation’s citizens peace of mind.

Whatever you pick–make your voices heard.

Signed, President Áurea Adonis

Empire Storyline

A Nuanced View Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, Minister Va-Halet. From the office of the Minister of War

Servants of the Empire,

I am not surprised that the beasts of Neru-Gal have chosen now to strike. Their appetite has been whetted–like the rabid dogs they are, they have taken to snapping at the heels of their betters when the time is least opportune. Long before I took this post, I petitioned the Emperor to give me leave to dispose of these vile cultists who twist the Imperial Light, make a mockery of it. He is too fond of his pets; perhaps this incident will open his eyes to the necessity of putting Neru-Gal down once and for all.

The Empire has little interest in making waves as we attempt to return from the brink of war. You will note that, unlike the Federation, the Empire is happy to admit when forces within it are culpable…and all too willing to punish them as befits the crime. It would be wise for the Universal Council to give me the mandate to lead a punitive expedition made of the joint forces of all three Factions against Neru-Gal. I will not stop at destroying a few military outposts, either–I will strike at the heart of their fiery world. Duty and honor demand as much.

Pity the choice is not mine alone: my learned colleague, Mathias Voden, demanded, as his learned lot does, to “present a more nuanced view of the case”. I see no reason why anyone might need it, yet the old man has done me a service or two in the past. Here are his pretty, pretty words:

While Hakon makes a fine case for violence (as he always does), it is worth considering that the Union’s nature might respond better to our standing behind their wounded tribe. The Union values compassion and we could choose to aid them by helping to make them whole. And with all that goes on, has there ever been a better time to offer a hand in camaraderie? This, too, will give the Ministry of Trust time to discover just who it was that directed the assault on Tribe Sunless within Neru-Gal. We can punish those directly responsible rather than the entirety of the house; and though I well understand Hakon’s disdain for Neru-Gal, they might be of use to the Empire still.

Take that for what it’s worth, and make your voices heard, Imperials.

- Warmaster Hakon Va-Halet

Imperium superet astra.
Union Storyline

A True Leader Vox Assembly, The Bastion

Members of the Union,

As you might have gathered, Aish has left the Bastion to direct emergency aid efforts at Iron Chime–and with Ivona Craine in tow, too. Craine wishes to pay off the risk the Union’s taken on her? I say she’s more than welcome to do so.

The responsibility to communicate the latest from the heart of the Union falls to me. We face unexpected hardship following a turbulent period in our history. The decreased capabilities of Tribe Sunless are of concern to all–and so is the mere thought of those Neru-Gal butchers walking away without paying for this vile crime.

There is no easy choice to be made here, and if you ask a pair of Vox representatives sitting on two ends of the table, you’re liable to get two very different responses. What I know is that Aish spoke true and from the heart even when it must have been the hardest for her to place anyone’s interests before her need for revenge. That is why the Vox picked right when we named her Common Speaker for the Vox. She is a true leader, one who will always pick the greater good of the people.

But what is that greater good? Aish is wise in showing us that no one person can decide alone. This vote is about collectively choosing the answer to that question. What is justice? Punishing the wicked in one swift, decisive blow? Or prioritizing those who have suffered at their hands and easing their pain? Besides, Iron Chime might have been the smallest of the tribe’s ring outposts, but it housed a good third of the equipment necessary for the tribe’s mining operations. To go forwards without this…it spells trouble for Sunless.

It is no easy vote, but freedom is best exercised in choices such as these.

Faceless Emmett

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Open Hand, Closed Fist

Transgalactic report 29.1.513, Trice Chavos, Universal Council

The final vote is in favor of aiding Tribe Sunless. The voice of the factions has been heard, and Faction vessels are already chock-full of supplies and personnel eager to help the reconstruction efforts. The Universal Council will provide all the material and humanitarian aid it can.

Minister Hakon Va-Halet has temporarily taken a leave of absence to head the internal Imperial response to, and investigation into, Neru-Gal’s crimes.

Provide Aid to Tribe Sunless - 3 (Empire, Federation, Union)
Punish House Neru-Gal - 0 ()

Provide aid to Tribe Sunless - 67.95% Imperial favor
Punish House Neru-Gal - 32.05% Imperial favor

Provide aid to Tribe Sunless - 68.44% of the votes
Punish House Neru-Gal - 31.56% of the votes

Provide aid to Tribe Sunless - 70.14% of the votes
Punish House Neru-Gal - 29.86% of the votes

Other relevant reports:

Rumors of the MIEB Task Force's restructuring continue to dominate public discourse across the Federation. The Task Force's director, Dr. Barnhardt, has yet to comment on their veracity.

Capitolo 16.2: La calamita

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

No Half Measures Dr. Helena Barnhardt, Chief of the MIEB Task-Force, Mimir Space

The MIEB Task-Force’s investigation into the Einsen Bridge Tragedy is close to completion. There is ample reason to believe that while the erosion the ship suffered from is very much the effect of my deceased colleague’s miscalculation, the breakdown in communication with the FSS Skłodowska is the result of human error.

The principles through which Dr. Takada’s veil technology operates are fascinating, I will give Dr. Takada this. It’s a question of salvaging the tech rather than reinventing it–as far as ship shielding is concerned. I won’t bore you with the science; save to say, there is much to be done yet before this technology is foolproof. Safety is paramount; we cannot have another tragedy on our hands.

Mímir has all but served its scientific purpose. The task-force has measured and drawn up all the data we, at present, need. As such, I do believe it is time for a…relocation–at least for the majority of us; a quick-response unit is ready to assist in case Madam Ivona Craine’s oracular tip lies closer to the truth than I am comfortable with. With this relocation, too, comes a change in priorities, a change in this organization. I am not blind to criticism: the other factions grumble and decry the Federation’s overwhelming control. I believe I have come up with a solution.

When next you hear from me, I will have enacted it–no half measures.

Empire Storyline

A Guiding Hand Warmaster Hakon Va-Halet

I have not been given the Universal Council’s mandate to root House Neru-Gal from the infernal hole they call a home. Such disappointment to see some Imperials choose compassion over righteous punishment; perhaps some amount of ideological re-education is required. My authority in this investigation supersedes all others. It was a military house that acted with impunity–its censure is ultimately a military matter.

Leads are being pursued, the Empire’s finest investigative minds asking the right questions with their boots at the necks of those of the Neru-Gal grunts who are not forthcoming enough. Meanwhile, I have invited the firstborn scions of the ten greatest and most powerful Neru-Gal families to join me in Solaris Regnum – they will have the great honor of receiving the finest Imperial education based on a curriculum prepared by myself and Old Man Voden.

I do believe youths should be guided by the strong hand of Imperial law, don’t you? And if their lord-fathers and lady-mothers fail to rein in their loathsome little House…well, let us not think of such contingencies.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Numb Aish Fenix, Speaker of the Vox

The support of each and every one among you in these trying times–personally, and for Tribe Sunless at large–keep many of us going when we might otherwise have recoiled from the task at hand. It’s hard going, I’m not ashamed to say. Nothing weak about it.

This isn’t my first time dragging corpses from scenes of destruction and giving them to the cosmos. It’s never easy and it takes a toll, long after you’re supposed to move on. I should be happy that the Factions are sending aid, but the truth of it is, I’m numb. It’s like…I’m turning as cold as they are, only I’m alive to feel it. One sure-fire way of knowing you’re still human during times like these. That’s what I think, and you’re welcome to call me a fool for it.

I hope the dead will find peace.

As for the living? We’ll recover. Tribe Sunless folk always do, because we know the alternative ain’t pretty–the same as all the Union. We’ll recover and rebuild and prepare for the next catastrophe. We are one before the future.

Now, more than ever…

Heads held high.

Capitolo 17.1: Babylon

The Dilemma of Opportunity

Transgalactic report 38.1.513, Trace Chavos, Universal Council
Held on board station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

…severe re-education methods are considered an internal Imperial matter and do not concern this Council. Thus the unanimous vote for support for Aish Fenix’s tribe has been honored. Already, the grit and resilience of Tribe Sunless is on display and puts a good bit of steel in all of our respective backs.

Moving on: Let it be known that Ivona Craine’s message from the Oracle was indeed authentic. The Arbiter reappeared last week after vanishing nearly fourteen months ago. The ship is in very bad shape and clearly beyond repair.

I will yield now to Chief Engineer Stacey Deux, heading the recovery efforts to walk us through the particulars.

Very much appreciated, Councilor Chavos. Initial scans of The Arbiter came back negative due to the ship’s proximity to the EB, which remains active but stable.

If the Council will recall, the class-A Panopea actually hit the dead center of this EB and was destroyed. The interaction caused what we initially thought was a stabilizing of the EB, which was not necessarily false, but was a mischaracterization of the interaction. I will refer the Council to scientific reports if they wish to cross-check my team’s conclusion but a dead-center entry into the EB with a class-A Quantum core will be a very different event from a Quantum core meltdown on the extended edge of an EB. A Quantum wave event of some kind is not out of the question here.

Luckily for humanity, an explosion on The Arbiter’s starboard side sent the ship drifting away from the EB. Scans continued to produce nothing until today, when a general hail was sent out from The Arbiter itself.

We answered their hails. Sobbing and whispers, to screams and unintelligible demands came back over the comms. One voice, however, came through clearer than most, Captain Kal Haden’s. Clearly in the final stages of Quantum sickness, he has gone mad.

From his repeated attempts at communicating with Universal Council ships nearby, we have one recording that comes as close to a coherent message as we can get:

…it comes for us all, save the Emperor…(metal scraping against metal)..Death is what all of this is built upon. And what do they want? Data.

(static)Have a repair ship in-bound within two days and inform Imperator Craine of my arrival. The Oracle must have spoken to him…

If you attempt to deceive me, I will burn…systems to ash…step foot on…(static)...at which time you will know the fruits of your deceit. I will levy the grace of death upon you all. My Quantum core will herald your end…thank me for it. (ragged coughing) wings of death have…brought me…

Further scans have since confirmed the surviving crew are suffering from advanced Quantum sickness. In forty-eight hours, The Arbiter will be far enough away from the EB for the projected Quantum Core meltdown to pose no threat of disrupting it.

Thank you, Chief Engineer Deux, that will more than suffice. I will add that many MIEB Task Force and Council scientists believe the data archives and any Quantum core samples from the ship are critical to achieving EB travel. What I say next I do not say with ease.

If we wait until The Arbiter is at a safe enough distance from the EB, it will allow for the full retrieval of all data and the chance to take core samples before the meltdown. Projections sadly show a one-hundred percent certainty that everyone on board will succumb to Quantum sickness and die.

The alternative is to send a rescue team in now and save the surviving crew. Even with the finest medical care the UC can provide and regardless of what care we outsource to Faction facilities, some will die, but not all. However, the compromised Kal Haden will likely destroy the data and we risk him further destabilizing the Quantum core still within range of the Einsen Bridge.

Time is of the essence.

Federation Storyline

Setting the Record Straight
Bron Benefore, Takeyon Reports LLC

Good Sol, Explorers!

Next up on the Bron Benefore Interviews - a frank conversation with the acting Vice President of Borealis Inc., Ryann Bashar!

Bron: Before we get right into it, I’d like to thank you for your time, Ms. Bashar. In regard to the vote, which way would Borealis Inc like to see it go?

VP Bashar: Thank you, Bron. Hard choice on a tough issue. Borealis Inc. is a human-first company and we see ensuring the safety and well-being of those who eventually traverse the EB’s as our number one priority. Hard to do that without viable experimentation and research.

Bron: There are some high-profile corporations like Xeikil out there saying your previous experimentation efforts were ultimately fruitless.

VP Bashar: No corporation undersells the progress it makes. No well-run one, at least. We have made more headwinds into Quantum-human interactions than any single entity out there in the market today, including Xeikil. We here at Borealis Inc. still believe that we provide the best chance for humanity to traverse the EBs successfully. Granted, we accept that our work involving Federation soldiers and volunteers for Quantum infusion experiments have not yet generated the total success we hoped for, but our efforts are certainly far from fruitless.

Bron: What’s your answer to those who say it won’t look good if Xeikil, Tonocom, or even the Union’s Gamayun labs are chosen to perform research on survivors over Borealis Inc?

VP Bashar: The optics never look good to those who don’t or can’t understand what we are close to accomplishing. I believe if the opportunity arises, the market will prove we are right. No one understood this better than our Vice-President, Amanda Kaito.

Bron: On that note, what does Borealis Inc. have to say about Amanda Kaito’s recent communique? Why wasn’t her safety disclosed sooner?

VP Bashar: I’m going to have to avoid getting into specifics here, Bron. Suffice it to say, the message was a fake and any further messages should be treated with the highest degree of skepticism..

Bron: Do you blame House Glycon?

VP Bashar: There are many Imperial houses who have and still do attempt clandestine operations against Federation corporations.I would like to think they are outliers as opposed to the norm, but this fact is a matter of public record. The coup certainly didn’t help them on the optics front and I understand the Imperials aren’t much for not looking perfect.

Bron: I’m nearly finished here, Ms. Bashar. Do you mind clearing up your track record of successes and failures specifically with Quantum sickness research?

VP Bashar: Quantum sickness is an incredibly complex and varied affliction. We’ve had a lot of iterative successes and opportunities to learn from some unfortunate hardships along the way. Experiments, performed as humanely as was prudent at the time, showed great promise, but here we are. The EBs are still functionally closed to us. The cutting edge isn’t an easy place to be.

Bron: And what if the vote swings to collecting data and core samples?

VP Bashar: Proprietary research is what we are built upon. Research subjects provided through either volunteer campaigns or Federation soldier enhancement programs are what we generally like to see. This is also public record, but we gain no rights through technology research outsourced from the Universal Council and therefore do not regularly have active contracts with them on that front.

Well there you have it, right from the corporation’s mouth. Takeyon LLC will continue to bring you the information you need to make the informed decisions that help the Federation stand head and shoulders above all the rest.

Please be sure to place your vote in a timely fashion.

Empire Storyline

We are Nothing Without Death
From The Halls of Healing, Eden Thanatae

Subjects of the Empire,

I am disheartened to hear that the terrible madness of Quantum sickness has taken hold of House Haden’s finest devotee, Kal. As House Charon-V are caretakers of the living and dead, so too are those in House Haden the heralds of death. Thus, I do not condemn the maddened words of Kal Haden. I will speak today not of our work in shepherding purity and honor in life, but of death and all it provides us. His Grace would not permit us to forget that any message inviting an honorable death is a message worth hearing.

Doubt regarding this fact has the tendency to seep into the mind like an unwanted algae through the cracks of a tomb. Life is to be cherished, yes. But isn’t it strange that so many wish to ascend to a place of honor, yet they fear the path to get there? Know this, death is a part of Imperial life and is always welcome.

Looking upon the decisions placed before us by the Universal Council, I am filled with a sense of longing for those suffering aboard The Arbiter. If we choose to wait and acquire what science deems necessary for EB travel, and all aboard are given over to the inevitable embrace of death, I welcome this sacrifice. If we choose to board the ship immediately and data is lost along with some of the brave souls who made it through and back again…I would advise against this outcome.

The dead are honored by House Charon-V as much as the living, but my blood runs cold with the second choice placed before us. Beware the promises of Council physicians, Federation scientists, and Union body defilers who would consider a mindless husk to be a “survivor.” No human should be kept from death and suspended in agony while their flesh is subject to the invasive rigors of scientific experiment. Where is the honor in that?

Much can be learned from the dead. Let them die. It would be a more dignified end to give the crew of The Arbiter peace, rather than let them suffer…forced to linger for as long as is humanly possible without their minds intact. If it were the decision of House Charon-V, the ship would be boarded, and the crew freed from their prison of madness via compassionate and immediate euthanization.

If Kal Haden was whole again, even for a brief moment, oh what swift and pure and grand expulsion of life he would bring. But since he is not capable, your vote will hopefully bring him and his incurable crew the death they deserve. A death that claims only those who are in need of it.

Desdemon of House Charon-V, Healers of the Living, Wardens to the Dead

Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

The Closed Fist of the Gamayun Speaks
Members of the Union,

Here we are again, aren’t we? And I’ve showered for this one, too, but only because those Universal Council pricks aren’t poking and prodding around, the way they were last time. Thought it’d be fun to do some poking of my own, with The Arbiter situation what it is.

I’ll make this simple as can be so that even the thick-headed UC reps can get it: vote to get those people off The Arbiter and bring them to my lab on Gaea. The Gamayun has dealt with Quantum Sickness before and we’ve got a success rate at keeping patients with it alive. Remember Iza and Esau? Those weird little fuckers are probably skipping through the galaxy, singing pitch-perfect songs in that weird twin voice they so loved to speak in. Who got ‘em stabilized? Who kept ‘em outside of a seven by five coffin where the rest of their Twin Suns companions ended up? Hunter Yin, that’s who! And don’t ya know it, I just so happen to be him.

I’m sure those witless Feds at Borealis are making a similar pitch somewhere–probably across board meetings with their one percenters. Only, if they have their way, they’ll rip every last bit of scientific data from that ship’s poor crew with no consideration for whether folk like Captain Haden will be able to get off the operating table. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t care anywhere near as much about the people as I do about the data the Gamayun can get for all the Union–but at least I’ll try to keep them alive. Most of the folks on that UC ship might be Imperial and covered with a stench of arrogance so strong it’d be making me tell you to stay as far away from them as possible, but they’ve got the Quantum sickness in ‘em, don’t they? And that means we can always hope it’ll cure the Imperial right out of their thick-headed…uh, heads. Stranger things have happened.

So, that’s my piece. Or, y’know, show yourselves as heartless as the average Imperial and consign the poor Quantum-irradiated morons to death. See where that brings us all.

Cheers, Hunter Yin

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Results of the Vote on the Fate of The Arbiter and its Crew.

Transgalactic report 41.1.513, Moire Craine, Universal Council

The final vote is in favor of waiting for The Arbiter to clear the EB. The Universal Council's engineering team has since boarded The Arbiter and have reported our projections of mortality among the crew were correct. Transportation of the bodies to their homes in accordance with their Faction traditions is a priority for the Universal Council right now. Specifics on the state of the deceased crew will be shared in full after proper funeral rites have been observed...may their suffering be not in vein.

The team reports that The Arbiter's data is in excellent condition considering its interaction with an EB not once but twice. Quantum core samples are being collected and the team will be safely away from the ship when meltdown is expected to occur. Initial findings will be made public in the following days.

Wait for the opportune moment - 3 (Empire, Federation, Union)
We go for the crew - 0 ()

Wait for the right moment - 74.44% Imperial favor
Extricate those left - 25.56% Imperial favor

Wait for the right moment - 66.11% of the votes
Extricate those left - 33.89% of the votes

Wait for the right moment - 66.49% of the votes
Extricate those left - 33.51% of the votes

Capitolo 17.2: Babylon

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

A Moment for the Deceased
Novum Group Special Report

Good Sol, Explorers!

In the days following the landslide vote to prioritize the collection of data and core samples from The Arbiter’s Quantum drive, the deceased arrived safely in Federation space surrounded by heavily armed escort vessels and a representative Council ship. Federation Officers who had not pre-authorized their body for research and posterity were sent to their home worlds’ funeral proceedings. Two officers were pre-authorized and therefore sent to facilities operated by Borealis Inc and Xeikil respectively. Representatives for Tonocom, VasTech, TANUS Robotiks, and Becker-Tanaka-Schmidt released statements in regard to their former employees acknowledging the deceased as heroes of the Federation.

In response to a Gamayun Labs’ controversial application of the ambient Quantum inside the cells of the deceased Union crew members, Council representatives were also sent to ensure guidelines on Quantum disposal were strictly adhered to. Due to the comparatively long cremation time tables that were laid out, ceremonies commenced in two parts over three days. In one case, the deceased had previously requested their ashes be processed into a cremation crystal. As there is no legal precedent set for this unique and morally gray situation, the wishes of the deceased were honored. Unfortunately, the crystal has since been seen in Nexus channels at the center of a frenzied bidding war fueled by art collectors. It is being touted as the only crystal of its kind in the known universe.

The deceased will not be forgotten, nor the opportunity they have created for so many.

Empire Storyline

The Imperator’s Highest Honor
From the Halls of Healing, Eden Thanatae

Imperial subjects,

The vote has yielded once again exactly what His Grace has foreseen. The crew of the Universal Council vessel, The Arbiter, returned to Imperial space nearly a week ago. After the bodies of Kal Haden, three officers, and two soldiers, arrived on Eden Thanatae, preparation of the honored dead commenced. A post of Imperial soldiers will stand as guards after plots to extract Quantum from the bodies of the honored dead have already been routed out and summarily crushed.

Funeral costs fell to the families of the honored dead in accordance with death rites from time immemorial. Kal Haden of House Haden was honored with the Imperator’s Highest Light, ensuring the Empire will spare no expense in the addition of a tomb worthy of the former Death Bringer. Very soon, a procession of the honored dead will commence on the Night of the Veiled Moon.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

We Always Find a Way…Our Way
Vox Assembly, The Bastion

Since our vote was placed to extract the data and take core samples from The Arbiter’s Quantum drive, much has happened. In long overdue accordance with our tribal funeral rites, our dead brothers and sisters are allowed to be honored and mourned for on the surface of Mimir. The Night Stars and Forlorn Brotherhood were accompanied by Clan SNTNL and granted special access to perform the rites and rituals each clan and tribe follow. A Universal Council and MIEB escort weren’t needed, but they followed our brothers and sisters down to the surface just the same.

After rites were finished, the bodies were returned to Union space for the launching of their funeral pods to continue their journey into the great unknown. Word quickly got around that some soon-to-be-ostracized idiots were planning on intercepting the pods and stealing the bodies since they died from Quantum sickness. Since other geniuses are likely to have the same great idea, using traditional pods was out of the question. A few of the clans in mourning got together and fitted the funeral pods with stealth tech but power supply was an issue. Gamayun Labs, as they do, stepped up big and developed a way to harness a miniscule amount of Quantum infused into the bodies of the dead to fuel the stealth pods indefinitely. Nothing beats Union know-how.

Heads held high

Capitolo 18.1: Equilibrio


Transgalactic report 50.1.513, Dr. Helena Barnhardt, Chief Scientist, Universal Council

My team is hard at work unlocking the data extracted from The Arbiter’s core. This bounty promises to make the Task Force’s work easier by far, making the promise of EB travel a reality much sooner than it would otherwise be–but I am getting ahead of myself.

Some weeks ago, I turned to my fellow Federation members with a pledge–to transform the MIEB Task Force into an organization beyond reproach. Too long has rhetoric based on factional divide slowed down this organization’s essential work.

To that end, I have made the decision to incorporate the Task Force into the Universal Council. The representatives of each faction will serve as overseers of our work, each of them guaranteeing that the science we do is for the betterment of every individual across every Faction. While I continue to lead this Task Force, my focus must be on the science, not on the administrative decisions. I will also take on the role of guiding the Universal Council’s scientific endeavors outside our efforts to make EB travel a reality.

To put a final stop to the endless speculation, I will also use this occasion to reveal to you the results of the report on the Irenic Einsen Bridge Tragedy. The mistake that led to the Tragedy was scientific in nature; Dr. Takada and her team made a miscalculation in the frequency to which they set their prototype shielding technology, the Veil. A minor error, a thousandth of a fraction, but look at the chaos it unleashed.

The question of the FSS Skłodowska’s communications array is less politically convenient, I’m afraid. Federation investigators have looked into the movements of each and every individual onboard the ship. Most acted in accordance with the advanced behavioral models the investigatory body works with. The investigators combed through the biographies of those who did not, and found personal turmoil explained virtually all irregularities. One exception, however, was found: that of Communications Specialist Urdo Blir of the Union.

Mr. Blir’s official records as part of the MIEB Task Force show no complaints or demerits of any kind. Yet security footage, backed up locally on security vessels over Mímir–and now available on the Nexus–shows behavior that is consistent with that of a drug addict. Enough of his remains survived the crash to permit chemical testing that has confirmed this theory. Here I must stress that both Union and Empire counterparts to these investigators have examined and authenticated our findings.

While the condition of the ship itself deteriorated, the communications array should have been working some time before the vessel tore apart. Yet, it did not - because of human error. This failure in communications is what caught the original members of the Task Force unawares. If only a warning was sounded, at least the leadership might have been evacuated.

The scale of the Irenic Einsen Bridge Tragedy could have been averted. If Dr. Takada had access to the readings from the FSS Skłodowska’s scientific instruments, perhaps…but there’s no point to living in the past. Asking “What if?” doesn’t pay.

In the name of this renewed sense of cooperation the Universal Council has called for, the vote before us is as follows: We could demand of the Union to pay the Federation reparations for the shortcomings of one single individual, and the catastrophic consequences these shortcomings have brought about…Or we could choose to collectively move forwards and let bygones be bygones.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

They Have Got To Pay
Blagoi Shulka, Ignis Correspondent, Novum News

I’m a straight shooter, folks, as straight as they come. You know I’d never bullshit you. Not me. So bend me your ear a minute and I’ll tell you what’s what.

The Federation lost the most out of all Factions in the Irenic Einsen Bridge Tragedy. No one is asking that our friends at the Union forward the whole bill; all I’m saying is, it might help Fed-Union relations if they are held to the same standard we are. Have you seen how much corporations like Tonocom and Eve-N tech have been putting into the MIEB Task Force? Those fortunes, by the by, are nothing compared to what Hygeia Systems has had to pay in fines and compensation packages to the families of the deceased; their scientist, their mess.

But now we know, it’s not just theirs, is it? And since the Union is so hot on collective responsibility, let its members show that in action. Let them put their money where their mouth is. Let’s see what offer they come up with; invite them to the table with a smile, but make one thing clear:

They. Have. Got. To. Pay.

I don’t know about you, but I take checks.

Unless, of course, you think we ought to look the other way. Used to be an old Sol religion that required its members to “turn the other cheek”. Think the Federation should do that? Should I? Should you?

Regardless…let’s see how this plays out, shall we?

Empire Storyline

Weeding Out the Weakness
From the Chambers of the Imperial Ministry of Trust

Nobility. Integrity. Honor.

And most of all, discipline. If the Union had these in greater quantity, the Irenic Einsen Bridge Tragedy would have looked very different from what it is today. They like to remind us we are beasts in human form; yet, the Empire has shown it will turn no blind eye to injustice. We punish those who step beyond the Imperial will. How, you ask?

When the Universal Council sent aid to Tribe Sunless, it was left to the Empire to discipline the errant sons and daughters of Neru-Gal. Even now, Minister Va-Halet continues the investigation into the guilty parties. Yet in the meanwhile, does he stand by and wait? No, for in his tactician’s wisdom, he knows that to strike first is to strike last. On Hakon’s order, the heirs of Neru-Gal’s most powerful families have continued their education not back home but on Solaris Regnum, where they receive the finest schooling in the Empire. And if the House errs once more–its young will pay for their elders’ weakness. Will the Union and Federation be able to do the same in the face of weakness? Will they weed it out?

Enough. This is talk of yesterday. Today, the galaxy is reminded of the price paid by those who are capable for the weakness of those who are not. It may seem a dour day, but I say it is not. Instead, I say…Celebrate this day, Imperials, and embrace the future, for it will be informed by the ideals of the past. Such failure only feeds the fire of the Imperial Truth – it will one day purify the whole galaxy of weakness.

Whether the Federation receives its filthy, filthy lucre, or does not–what matters that to ones such as us?

We are Empire. We are supreme.

Minister Venthe Etruscus, Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Nothing More, Nothing Less
Aboard the Bastion, the Vox Assembly

My brothers and sisters,

I return to you after weeks of work on salvaging what’s left of the Iron Chime ring. I’m tired. Exhausted. Somehow still grimy despite taking half a dozen showers between the last time I was on the ring and now; last thing I wanted is to deal with the Federation’s greedy attempts to draw blood from a stone. And after they voted to aid us, too–just like them to kick us in the ribs while offering a helping hand.

But we must allow that it is not the choice of the many poor individuals who live on the edge, but the choice of their corporate overlords that has put this vote before us. Some in the Federation, then, want us to pay for the mistake of one individual. So much for personal responsibility. But is anyone here surprised that the Federation’s ideals take a backseat to their greed? Not me. Not any of you, either, judging by your faces. They want us to pay. They want us, even, to want to pay for the mistakes of Specialist Urdo Blir.

I think you know what we want to say to that as well as I do, Union.

But then, this could be the Fed testing the waters. Prodding to see whether we will give ground, and how we might do it. The Union rises above such petty behavior. We are better than this. So what should we do?

Let it never be said we avoid collective responsibility. If the Universal Council votes that we pay their blood-soaked reparations, we will pay. As the voice of Tribe Sunless, I will give a personal guarantee as Speaker, right this very moment in case the vote goes through that our great collective must pay reparations.

I guarantee that all my people’s yield over this galactic month standard will go to the Federation. The Federation will gain nothing less and nothing more–may the Universal Council make of this what they will.


Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Around the Corner

Transgalactic report 54.1.513, Moira Craine, Universal Council

The final vote is in favor of the Union paying reparations. Many in the Federation have shared messages of thanks for the support shown by those who voted to hold the Union accountable for their error in judgment. The Factions can move on from the EB Tragedy knowing that justice has been upheld.

The Union must pay reparations - 3 (Empire, Federation, Union)
Let bygones be bygones - 0 ()

The Union must pay reparations - 69.33% Imperial favor
Let bygones be bygones - 30.67% Imperial favor

The Union must pay reparations - 75.45% of the votes
Let bygones be bygones - 24.55% of the votes

The Union must pay reparations - 64.86% of the votes
Let bygones be bygones - 35.14% of the votes

Capitolo 18.2: Equilibrio

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Goes to Show
Jean Edwinn, Hygeia Systems, Office of Logistics

The Union doesn’t like it too much, but they’ve been working closely with us ever since the vote results were announced. Logistics are being drawn in place to make sure the payment gets to Hygeia HQ as soon as every last bit of the ore yield of Tribe Sunless for the month has been accounted for. Hygeia management is working in close partnership with Council members to make certain none of those who are unhappy with our three-way decision will attempt to do anything. Meanwhile, I am told Hygeia is already feeling some of the financial pressure we’ve been under becoming a whole lot more bearable - might actually get to spend a few hours with my kids this week.

As one of the non-scientific personnel, let me tell you, many of us were worried our livelihoods were in serious danger these past few months. The Union’s generous contribution has provided us with serious breathing room; and to think it might’ve been much different if we’d refused to help them when those Neru-Gal attacked Tribe Sunless.

Goes to show– you help someone, they might just help you back when you need it most.

Empire Storyline

A Refreshing Show of Guts
From the Imperial Chambers of Truth

Perhaps there is hope yet for the Union. Following the information on their Comms Specialist, they have taken responsibility for his mistake in what a ministerial colleague described to me as a “refreshing show of guts” from the Unionites.

As you know, Imperial personnel are part of the relief effort aimed at clearing out the mess the Neru-Gal left behind on the Iron Chime ring. Since the Universal Council and the Union made their decisions, my agents report that those of Tribe Sunless who can work have taken to the task of mining high-yield asteroids. They have done so with an intensity that puts me in mind of the fanaticism of the very folk who attacked them. It bears underlining how much Tribe Sunless has been aided in this task by the Federation machinery and Imperial-grade safety measures given them as part of the humanitarian aid shipments the Council organized some weeks ago.

The children are learning, aren’t they? I can barely contain my pride. We, with our traditions and our pride, must always be willing to guide our young neighbors towards the path of righteousness and truth…

Minister Venthe Etruscus
Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

Owning Up
My Brothers and Sisters,

The vote has given us no space to doubt the will of the people: the community holds responsibility for an individual’s actions. We’ll own up to it: Tribe Sunless, strengthened by the Universal Council’s aid, is hard at work already. The yields of our mining operations are reaching higher levels than they ever have, given the new equipment we received from the Council. When the month comes to an end, all that raw ore will have safely made it onto Federation space, handed over to Hygeia Systems, who have so far suffered the brunt of responsibility for the Einsen Bridge Tragedy. We will pay what is owed and clear the way for a better tomorrow.

I do not believe this choice was the right one. That many in the Union voted for it shocks me–which serves to prove I have much to learn of the decisions that define our collective self.

No leader is perfect. I’m certainly not.

Heads held high,


Capitolo 19.1: Guadagni illeciti

Posterity’s Price

Transgalactic report 63.1.513, Dr. Helena Barnhardt, Chief Scientist, Universal Council

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

…more than enough to ensure basic bioscan stations for Quantum related work. I have to bite my damned tongue every time we go back over this blasted issue.

Moving on. The extremely valuable data collected from The Arbiter went immediately for analysis. Before long, however, MIEB scientists concluded that outsourcing R&D would yield the most innovative thinking at speed. Within less than a day, an open application garnered an impressive list of trusted candidates.

The first R&D lab to present tangible evidence of any Quantum-based Einsen Bridge breakthrough will be awarded an exceptional Quantum budget. This is meant to replenish any material used in experimentation and to drive development through to a viable prototype. Physical storage devices sent by Council courier were dispatched to a number of short-listed R&D labs, the largest of which were Xaomeng Dynamics, House Voden, and Saruken XII.

Some in the Federation questioned our decision to avoid using the Nexus to transmit The Arbiter’s data. The Nexus has been functionally sub-optimal since the Quantum Shockwave event, which has led to a precipitous increase in Nexus Diver interference.

In spite of our explicit warnings, it was used anyway.

An employee at Xaomeng Dynamics was contacted by someone from a smaller Federation R&D lab. In an apparent attempt to see if data was shared equally between them, the exchange was immediately attacked by a host of well-organized Nexus Divers. Xaomeng Dynamics’ anti-Diver protocols are robust, which we assume is why the employee thought himself and his accomplice protected. They were not.

The trail from the breach went cold until we were contacted by Dr. Alannah Simoff. Yes, that Dr. Simoff, VasTech’s former Chief of R&D. She has since put her substantial skills into a newly formed and independent R&D start-up called Conductivity-12, and claims to have made a breakthrough in Quantum-based exosuit technology.

She has requested to receive the UC’s Quantum budget despite Conductivity-12’s application being previously denied.

Dr. Simoff said she had no knowledge the data in question was of an illicit nature. She added:

>It’s certainly not standard policy, but any lab worth its salt performs a Nexus sweep from time to time for an innovative idea here and there. The data was available. I took the opportunity, I’m being forthright, and I made a hell of a breakthrough with it. Not ideal with the way my source wants me to pay, but posterity prevails.

She plans to convert a portion of the Quantum budget for payment to her “source.” To her credit, she insisted a clocked-Nexus node be used. This guarantees the data in question is the only copy in existence on the Nexus until the payment deadline in two days. We considered Divers as an option but the very nature of a node puts it outside the main Nexus network. Unless Dr. Simoff pays up, the data reverts back to the “source” and will be sold to other “interested parties.”

Thus, the vote placed before this Council is as follows: We grant the UC Quantum budget to Conductivity-12 for experimental Quantum-based exosuit tech now, but risk more directed attempts to extort the Council…Or we grant the UC Quantum budget to approved R&D labs for varying levels of development on a longer timeline, but risk the “source” selling the data and sparking an illegal Quantum R&D race on a scale not seen since the Quantum Wars.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

An Icon’s Insight
Bron Benefore, Takeyon Reports LLC

Good Sol, Explorers!

Building on Bron Benefore’s wildly popular and hard-hitting Interviews - next is a one-on-one with Sector-2 President, Victor Huxley!

Bron: Before we jump into things here, I have to say it’s an honor, Mr. Huxley.

Huxley: You don’t pull any punches, Bron. I like that.

Bron: Thank you, sir. So, the people want to know, are you for succumbing to extortion or sparking off the next Quantum War?

Huxley: I don’t make it my job to alter or change the framing of issues put forth by the Universal Council. In this case though, it really does need to be framed better. Especially when you consider we are talking about Dr. Alannah Simoff. Life across Federation space would look quite different without the number of innovations that have come directly from her work.

Bron: She spoke of a major breakthrough. Can you give us any insight?

Huxley: I took the liberty of calling her after the Council’s announcement and she was particularly excited about her work. She would’ve killed me for saying anything years ago but she’s been working on prototype exosuits for the last twenty years. I wasn’t surprised to hear she was continuing her work at Conductivity-12.

Bron: Is it a legit breakthrough? Are there shoulder canons involved?

Huxley. Haha. Well, in expanding VasTech’s corporate presence and influence across Faction space before I assumed the mantle of president, I think I can say I understand something about significant breakthroughs. This is certainly one of them.

Bron: As a councilmember for the Federation, some say your relationship with her might be a cause for concern. This is something I understand has followed you through your whole career.

Huxley: We have had an amazing professional relationship. She taught me so much of what I know today. She is no longer the Chief of R&D at VasTech and I am no longer its COO. I admit I haven’t stopped by Conductivity-12’s lab yet. My brother currently sits at the head of VasTech and my lawyers warned me the optics would scream conflict of interest. Blood-sucking lawyers, mind you.

Bron: Is that a bridge that would be better burned going forward?

Huxley: If you start burning bridges for reasons that aren’t your own, you’ll be left with none to cross and trapped where you stand. The claim that there is a conflict of interest here is a non-issue. I’ll leave it at that.

Bron: I see we are running out of time. Any last words for Federation citizens out there trying to make an informed vote?

Huxley: Dr. Simoff’s start-up exemplifies what any Federation citizen would do if put in the same situation. She took every opportunity and leveraged it to her advantage. I’ll leave you with this question: What if it was her idea to employ a clocked-Nexus node? What if when she completes the transaction, the client is unable to stop the complete and total transfer of the data from them to her?

Well there you have it! Certainly food for thought from the man about the woman behind the man. Takeyon LLC will continue to bring you the information you need to make informed decisions.

Get your vote out there, Explorers!

Empire Storyline

There is Only One Path
From the chambers of the Imperial Ministry of Trust.

Subjects of the Empire,

I do not envy the poor few who have their votes set on the path of the dullard, seeking solace in another Faction’s plight. I warn you now, seek the will of the Emperor and not to aid an old witch’s inglorious plot to boost quarterly earnings.

That’s what this vote is, make no mistake about it. Alannah Simoff, this seller of ideas that serve no one but herself. She has lived a life detached from the reason of a strong guiding hand, honorless in her pursuit of personal gain. Her and Huxley have both shared in this, and many other unmentionable affairs. If she was such a great researcher or developer, why does she work for herself now, in a lab no one considers relevant? The answer is: It is not for you to ponder. Do not forget that the grace of the Emperor shines not for a Federation citizen.

I speak with a just and terrible intolerance for the dirty and low-minded chattel that might consider for even a moment voting for this excuse of a scientist. I have wondered out loud to the Minister of Security if we can cross-reference those fools who voted against House Galateo during the 33rd Conference with any who vote against the Empire this time. Isn’t it better to allow His Grace’s own selection of Imperial scientific excellence, House Voden, to win the exceptional Quantum budget? My ministerial colleague’s House will be victorious over any of the rabble on the UC’s short-list.

I would personally place the vote on behalf of the entire Empire if I could, but I am forced to watch this exhausting dance of free-will. Bah, what free-will we all have belongs rightfully with the Emperor, and no other.

May the wisdom of Imperator Craine grace your vote, Imperials.

Minister Venthe Etruscus Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

We Don’t Repeat the Mistakes of the Past
Aboard the Bastion, the Vox Assembly

My brothers and sisters,

I don’t believe the Universal Council would invoke the specter of the Quantum Wars without good reason. But everything we needed to learn from it, we did. That was five-hundred years ago. The Universal Council has done enough to prevent humanity from tearing itself apart for that long, so looking backwards does little to help us going forward.

I say give the R&D labs the time to develop solid, reliable tech we can count on. Accountability comes with this choice and we have more than enough to spare. Whether the Empire and Federation are just as accountable this week from the next, I have my doubts.

With that in mind, let’s get to Dr. Simoff’s offer: Give her everything she wants and no trouble will come to anyone…It sure as hell sounds like a threat to me. Granted, she’s a legend in R&D, but she’s Federation through and through. She’s thinking about the here and now. She’s thinking only about herself. I’m remembering all the weapons she designed to kill our brothers and sisters from X-36 Co-Operative so many years ago. Though they repurposed those weapons and did some killing of their own, there might not have been any killing at the scale there was if not for her.

We need to give good Union tribes and clans like Saruken XII the chance to show the Union has the know-how to make EB travel possible. Imagining the other Factions having to thank the Union everytime they travel through an Einsen-Bridge should put a smile on everyone’s face. I’d like to knock the one off Dr. Simoff’s.

Choose Union values for the future and we all win.

Heads held high.

Aish Fenix

Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare gli archivi: 📖║lore-codex

Voting Results

Results of the Vote on the UC Quantum budget

Transgalactic report 66.1.513, Moire Craine, Universal Council

The final vote is in favor of granting the UC Quantum budget to approved R&D labs. A proposal for a proof of concept “Modular Quantum Reactor” was submitted by Xaomeng Dynamics. Other R&D labs continue to submit designs of varying viability, but XD’s is thus far the earliest and most promising. Time will tell if their design proceeds to a viable prototype. If so, it would be the first time in human history a Quantum reactor has been scaled down and modularized while effectively harnessing Quantum’s incredible energy potential.

Grant to Conductivity-12 - 1 (Empire) Grant to approved R&D labs - 2 (Federation, Union)

Honor Conductivity-12’s claim - 61.36% Imperial favor
Honor approved R&D labs - 38.64% Imperial favor

Award Conductivity-12 - 49.15% of the votes
Award approved R&D labs - 50.85% of the votes

We are with Conductivity-12 - 43.95% of the votes
We are with approved R&D labs - 56.05% of the votes

Capitolo 19.2: Guadagni illeciti

Dopo questi risultati del voto..

Federation Storyline

Democratic Competition at its Finest
Novum Group Special Report

Good Sol, Explorers!

In the days following the extremely close vote for granting the UC Quantum budget, Xaomeng Dynamics’ proposal for a proof of concept “Modular Quantum Reactor” has been followed by a number of other innovative designs. Some of these designs have surprised even the MIEB scientists overseeing submissions. House Voden has made a strong case for winning the budget with their Quantum core warp drive shielding. They are calling it “Virtual Kill Vector” or VKV shielding. Most of the MIEB scientists expected a derived version of resistive hull plating that was offered for use in the earlier EB probe design program. Submissions dropped to almost nothing after House Voden’s strong showing until Saruken XII submitted designs that were…rough by normal standards. However, the potential in an entirely new class of star-ship with raw Quantum worked directly into the main body of the ship is there for anyone to see. Very reminiscent of so many defunct Quantum artifact fragments found during Quantum mining operations throughout Core space. As is the Union’s prerogative, support for the design has been greenlit by the Vox and building is already underway.

The Universal Council has turned its attention to commissioning a new special response team to conduct elite tactical operations to rapidly respond to illicit EB Quantum research. Their requests for a team of the Federation's most capable investigators and enforcement officers was met with enthusiasm. Five highly driven and motivated candidates were sent. Concerns were raised about this move signaling a shift in the neutral role of the Universal Council. Sector Presidents were reassured the Council is neutral with concern to inter-factional relations, except with regard to the strict regulation of Quantum throughout Core space.

Empire Storyline

His Wisdom Prevails Regardless
From the Ministry of Trust

Following the unexpected Imperial vote, the wisdom of the Imperator was victorious nonetheless. The UC Quantum budget was granted to approved R&D labs. Xaomeng Dynamics’ proposal was followed by a number of other designs that were by no means worth consideration. However, some among the MIEB scientists overseeing submissions are easily impressed. House Voden made the strongest case for winning the budget with their Quantum core warp drive shielding. We have named it “Virtual Kill Vector” or VKV shielding. His Grace’s wisdom and intellect accentuate every design nuance of this breakthrough design. Submissions understandably dropped to almost nothing after House Voden’s strong showing. A last-minute clunky submission by Saruken XII brought the entries to a close. They have planned a new class of star-ship with raw Quantum worked directly into the main body of the ship. A poor attempt at copying the defunct Quantum artifact fragments found during Quantum mining. The Union is underway collectively mismatching junk parts for their seminal EB build.

The Universal Council seeks to commission a special response team to conduct elite tactical operations and rapidly respond to the EB Quantum research Dr. Simoff has sullied Imperial concerns with. The Universal Council stated their role as a neutral body in inter-factional relations is unchanged, except with regard to the strict regulation of Quantum throughout Core space. His Grace’s silence on the proclamation prevented any public resentment many of the Houses harbor for the UC…for now. Honorable selections from Houses Praetor, Haden, Va-Halet, and one redemptive selection from House Neru-Gal arrived on Station Ignis without incident.

Sit imperium superstes astra.

Union Storyline

A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships
Vox Assembly, The Bastion

In the days following the extremely close vote for granting the UC Quantum budget, Xaomeng Dynamics’ proposal for a proof of concept “Modular Quantum Reactor” has been followed by a number of other innovative designs. House Voden made an overbearing and largely unimaginative case for winning the budget with their Quantum core warp drive shielding. They are calling it “Virtual Kill Vector”' or VKV shielding. Brothers and sisters throughout Union space expected a derived version of resistive hull plating that was offered for use in the earlier EB probe design program. We were not far off. Submissions dropped to almost nothing after House Voden’s pushy showing until Saruken XII kicked open the doors and let the junkyard mutts in. They submitted designs for an entirely new class of star-ship with raw Quantum skillfully worked directly into the main body of the ship. Very reminiscent of so many defunct Quantum artifact fragments found during Quantum mining operations. Support for the design has met near-universal support by the Vox and construction is well underway. The designs provided to the UC were enough to show the potential of this build.

The Universal Council put out a notice they are throwing together a new special response team to conduct elite tactical operations and rapidly respond to the shitload of illegal EB Quantum research that is coming. The Universal Council repeated they stand strong with the Union and the other factions as a neutral body, except when it comes to the regulation of Quantum throughout Core space. Fine. Five capable brothers and sisters were sent from Clan Golden Eclipse, Clan SNTNLS, and Tribe Sunless. They arrived at Station Ignis hungover but ready for the hunt.

Heads held high.