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This is Jin Lan, reporting on the initial preparation for the cell-division operation on the Twin Suns’ members currently afflicted by Quantum sickness. The patients’ condition continues to worsen, and we fear the Quantum fusing may have already spread to the brain. So far, we’ve determined that the substance is affecting the glands and the nervous system, but to what degree we still don’t know. We expect to determine the degree of affectation throughout the course of this operation.
This is Jin Lan, reporting on the initial preparation for the cell-division operation on the Twin Suns’ members currently afflicted by Quantum sickness. The patients’ condition continues to worsen, and we fear the Quantum fusing may have already spread to the brain. So far, we’ve determined that the substance is affecting the glands and the nervous system, but to what degree we still don’t know. We expect to determine the degree of affectation throughout the course of this operation.

It is worth noting as well that over the course of our oversight, the staff has noticed certain peculiarities in the patients’ speech. While most of their speech continues to be relatively disconnected, there are words that repeat again and again. The most consistently reappearing of these are “Cradle”, “Travel”, and “Children”. The cause of this correlation hasn’t yet been confirmed, but initial speculation points to some form of psychological link between the patients’ subconscious through Quantum. Perhaps upon the conclusion of this operation these theories can be examined in greater detail. For now, our priority is the survival and safety of these patients.Report 2<br>Location: Station Ignis, Core Systems<br>Dating: preceding the 24th conference - time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32<br>
It is worth noting as well that over the course of our oversight, the staff has noticed certain peculiarities in the patients’ speech. While most of their speech continues to be relatively disconnected, there are words that repeat again and again. The most consistently reappearing of these are “Cradle”, “Travel”, and “Children”. The cause of this correlation hasn’t yet been confirmed, but initial speculation points to some form of psychological link between the patients’ subconscious through Quantum. Perhaps upon the conclusion of this operation these theories can be examined in greater detail. For now, our priority is the survival and safety of these patients.
Designation: conclusionary operation report

Revision as of 19:26, 27 February 2022

Quantum Sickness

Chapter 8: "Quantum Sickness"
Major players Universal Council
The Twin Sun mercenaries
Borealis Inc.
Vote outcome
Major events
Timeline Chronology
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
"The Void" "[[]]"


Amidst the consternation caused by the unrest on Ichthys-β, and the arrival of the class-B ships at the light anomaly (“The Void”), the surviving members of the Twin Suns mercenaries from the Pinnacle incident ("The Crossroads") were reported to have been successfully extracted and were under medical supervision. The mercenaries had been suffering from severe muscle spasms and delirium - symptoms which had not subsided with conventional medicine. The Universal Council’s attempts at removing the Quantum fused into the mercenaries’ bodily systems also proved to be fruitless - signs indicated that their own cells were rejecting the removal of the Quantum.

With the recent death of one of the mercenaries, pressure was on the Council to accelerate the treatment process lest they suffer another casualty. The Council proposed an experimental, albeit highly risky procedure that would most likely see many of the mercenaries perish; Federation Councilor Elijah Burke on the other hand suggested transferring the mercenaries over to Borealis Inc., a corporation that specialized in genetic enhancement and possessed technology capable of advanced cellular division - technology that very well stood a greater chance of success. Taking this option would, however, see the transportation of the mercenaries to the heart of the Federation systems at Struve-214 where Borealis Inc. was housed.

In consideration of the numerous circumstances in play, the Council opted to put the decision up to a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.


Report from the 24th conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held on board station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Ji Young-Joo, Ferus Haden, Thulani Ade’k
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, Victor Huxley, Elijah Burke
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Mandla Bankole, Haley Nguyen

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

… we will continue to observe the situation on Ichthys-β as it develops.

Additionally, the first of the Universal Council’s class-B ships have made contact with the fleet beyond the Core Systems. The stabilization of the light is persisting, and an initial reconnaissance operation into the center has already been deployed. There is a chance we will receive their first report by the conclusion of this very conference. At the very least, we will soon know for certain what lies at the center of the light.

Let us move on to a rising issue within the walls of this very station. Since extracting the surviving members of the Twin Suns mercenaries from the Pinnacle – the Union ship whose malfunctioning Quantum Drive caused the complete evacuation of Kepler-7 – our medical teams have been examining the bodies of the mercenaries- bodies which appear to have somehow become fused with the Quantum they were exposed to.

The initial symptoms, those being delirium and intense muscle spasms, as well as fluctuating body temperature, have not receded through conventional treatment. What’s more, any attempt to dampen the Quantum energy coursing through the patients’ bodies has been met with resistance by the their own cells, almost as if the body is rejecting the removal of Quantum entirely.

Nonetheless, the subjects remain in considerable pain. While there remained hope among our staff that this “Quantum sickness” might pass with time, the recent death of one of the mercenaries has put paid to those hopes. Now, there is reason enough to accelerate procedure. In this case, that involves the use of a highly experimental technology, namely forced cell-division. The procedure is quite complex, but suffice it to say that the process will forcibly divide the Quantum-fused cells from the regular ones.

An operation like this has never been attempted before, and the chances of catastrophic failure are quite high. If the operation is performed, it is estimated that most of the Union mercenaries will not survive.

There is, however, another option: during the preliminary discussion of this issue, Councilor Burke put forward the possible alternative of transferring the Union mercenaries to Struve-214, the planetary office for Borealis Inc. This corporation, itself focused on genetic enhancement, possesses the equipment necessary for several forms of advanced cellular division, and with the word of a Federation president, they could not refuse to offer the Union members treatment.

Councilor Burke has stated explicitly that this offer is extended as a manner of recompense; a way of mending ties between the Federation and Union after the tensions around Morn. However, as this current situation has arisen out of the tumultuous occurrences around Kepler-7, the ultimate decision in this case falls under the jurisdiction of the Universal Council. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Council use the recently developed forced cell-division technology, and attempt to alleviate the patients’ symptoms on station Ignis, or does the Council allow the Union mercenaries to be transported of the station to Struve-214, where they will be placed under the care of Borealis Inc.’s medical staff, a procedure they are much more likely to survive?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from Ana Plíšková, assistant to Victor Huxley, COO of VasTech

Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Union Storyline

Comm from Haley Nguyen, Union member and Vox representative

Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Treat them on Station Ignis 3 (Empire,Federation,Union) , Send them to Borealis Inc. 0 ()

The final vote is in favor of using the resources of the Council to perform the operation on the Union mercenaries. Instructions have been provided to the medical staff on board station Ignis, and we expect the first report from them in short order.

Quantum's Children



The following is a sequence of two transmissions from Jin Lan, head of medical operations for the Universal Council:

Report 1
Location: station Ignis, Core Systems
Dating: preceding the 24th conference - time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: preliminary operation report

This is Jin Lan, reporting on the initial preparation for the cell-division operation on the Twin Suns’ members currently afflicted by Quantum sickness. The patients’ condition continues to worsen, and we fear the Quantum fusing may have already spread to the brain. So far, we’ve determined that the substance is affecting the glands and the nervous system, but to what degree we still don’t know. We expect to determine the degree of affectation throughout the course of this operation.

It is worth noting as well that over the course of our oversight, the staff has noticed certain peculiarities in the patients’ speech. While most of their speech continues to be relatively disconnected, there are words that repeat again and again. The most consistently reappearing of these are “Cradle”, “Travel”, and “Children”. The cause of this correlation hasn’t yet been confirmed, but initial speculation points to some form of psychological link between the patients’ subconscious through Quantum. Perhaps upon the conclusion of this operation these theories can be examined in greater detail. For now, our priority is the survival and safety of these patients.

Report 2
Location: Station Ignis, Core Systems
Dating: preceding the 24th conference - time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: conclusionary operation report

This is Jin Lan, reporting on the results of the cell-division procedure performed on the Twin Suns’ members afflicted by Quantum sickness. The results, unfortunately, were as we feared: all but three of the patients did not survive the procedure. Initial results were promising, but as the operation progressed further into the center of the body we found that in most cases, Quantum had fused with the entire nervous system. If we had only been faster, we might have been able to prevent it spreading so far. Unfortunately, our caution in this operation was necessary, given the volatility of Quantum in its natural state and the experimental nature of the treatment.

The remains of those that passed on will be ferried back to the Union, along with the three surviving members; we’re counting on them to get their comrades home to their families and loved ones. An additional observation regarding the surviving patients: all three of them needed to have Quantum-fused cells removed from their brains. This was the case with every patient, but these three had the least high density of Quantum in the frontal lobe. Though this may be a factor as to why they survived, it may also explain their peculiar behavior since regaining consciousness.

None of the staff can vouch for these mercenaries’ previous demeanors, but they seem distant. They will respond to questions and greetings, but only vaguely, staring off into the distance at something just beyond their field of view. Occasionally, they will cock their head, as if listening and nodding along to a conversation only they can hear.

Of further note is the substance that was extracted from the patients’ bodies. The process of cell-division proved extremely effective in separating out the Quantum from the patients. However, the Quantum that was extracted is a completely different form than anything we have observed before. Where regular Quantum can reform its own molecular structure, this substance seems to do so reflexively, based purely on external input. It almost appears to be… alive, in some way. Whatever the case, we have contained the substance on the station, where it will be analyzed further by the Quantum research team.

This concludes the transmissions.

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact