Last Stand

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Last Stand

Chapter 15: "Last Stand"
Major players Universal Council
Crimson Wolves
Mímir Attack Fleet
Sera Varse
Vote outcome Full assault on Crimson Wolves
Major events Activation of the Cradle
Mass opening of wormholes in occupied space
Timeline Chronology
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"Dire Straits" "First Contact"


The Crimson Wolves continue to threaten the research station on Mímir, holding the planet and artifact hostage. In a transmission picked up by the Federation, it was revealed by the Wolves that they had managed to intercept the prior data transmission from the Mímir research team, and were now aware of the Cradle's true capabilities. Demands by the Wolves for the release of their captain, the pirate Lycanis, were issued under the threat of unleashing an unstable wormhole using the Cradle on the Universal Council's ships stationed around the planet.

From their message, the Council deduced that the Wolves were still unaware of Lycanis' recent escape from Imperial custody ("Groundswell"). As such, a ruse to deceive the Wolves was proposed, with the Council intending to bluff its way through the prisoner exchange and take back the Cradle; however, should the Wolves call the Council's bluff, the situation could prove extremely dire for the troops around Mímir. The decision to bluff or attack was therefore called to a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.

With all three factions unanimously voting to attack the Crimson Wolves in a head-on assault, the Council moved every available ship to bolster the Mímir attack fleet, with the class-S frigate Obelisk providing much needed reinforcement to the feet's attack power.


Report from the 31st conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held on board station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Ji Young-Joo, Gloria Morell, Moira Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, San’a, Elijah Burke
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Mandla Bankole, Trice Chavos

… the Shard is reacting with the organic Quantum. We are also receiving reports from the Gamayun Labs on Gaea that the Twin Suns mercenaries, previously detained due to erratic and suspicious behavior, have become more active. Apparently, their melodic humming has taken on distinct patterns that scientists at the Labs are currently attempting to identify.

There has been no sign still of Sera Varse, who fled station Ignis some time before this council’s 30th conference. Commander Conners, who was assigned to pursue the Ltn. Commander, has requested the use of several Valkyrie units in tracking her down. Currently, the Council is awaiting confirmation from the Federation Corporation VasTech on this matter; most likely, the Valkyries will be dispatched before the next conference. In the meantime, Amanda Kaito, vice-president of Borealis Inc., has been dispatched to the Imperial capital as an ambassador to negotiate the practicalities of Valkyries entering Imperial space.

And now, councilmembers, as you are well aware, we move on to the largest threat to the Core Systems: the Crimson Wolves, who continue to hold both the planet Mímir and the Cradle hostage. Initially, the Council’s strategy was to gather our forces and prepare for a raid on the planet. However, just a few days ago, the Federation’s outer planets picked up this transmission from the Crimson Wolves:

“Right, you council bastards. You don’t need to know my name or where I’m from. The only thing you need to know is that the Crimson Wolves intercepted yer transmission-

(loud cheers in the background)

-that we’ve got a hold of this Cradle, and we know exactly what we’re gonna do with it. Don’t even think about moving yer ships anywhere close to this planet. You are gonna get that power-hungry snake of an Emperor to give us back our captain – to give us back Montez Lycanis, from whatever cell they might have thrown ‘im in. If you don’t, well… I think some of yer fleets might enjoy a little “wormhole excursion”, don’t you? Keep us waiting too long, and… boom. Got that?”

Unfortunately, it appears the Crimson Wolves acted quickly enough to intercept the data we received from Mímir, and are looking to unleash the destructive force of an unstable wormhole across our assembled fleets. While it is unknown if the pirates even have the technology to accomplish such a feat, there are a few thousand soldiers stationed around Mímir, and the potential risk to them is… devastating.

The pirates seem to also not be aware of the recent escape Montez Lycanis’ made from Imperial custody. This, the Council may be able to use this to its advantage; instead of fighting the Wolves directly, which may spur them to use the Cradle’s power against us, it may be wiser to attempt to deceive them, to bluff our way through the exchange of Montez, and take back the Cradle that way.

Of course, if this scheme were to be discovered, the consequences could be disastrous – far worse than if we had simply attacked the Wolves. We can certainly best them in combat, but the unknown factor of the Cradle means that any attempt to predict the outcome of this fight is close to futile. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Council attempt to deceive the Crimson Wolves into a false exchange for Montez, in order to prevent them from activating the Cradle? Or does the Council order the fleets that already surround Mímir to attack, risking the pirates activating the artifact and creating yet another wormhole?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from San’a, Valkyrie of the Federation and representative of President Lee

Good sol, Explorers. Our crackdown on Heka-α1 is proceeding smoothly, as the shipments discovered at the border continue to lessen in frequency. No further uses of the drug have been recorded outside of the Federation either, which is, in a certain way, reassuring. No doubt the Empire would cover it up anyway, and I have my doubts about the strictness of the Union’s regulations, but the fact that the drug’s existence is deniable bodes well for the stability of the Core Systems.

As of now, the Federation is turning its full attention to Vargas, and our investigations into the drug’s origins. Even though shipments to Vargas and its surrounding planets are being heavily monitored, Heka-α1 continues to perpetuate itself. This suggests there is, at the very least, some form of supplier based on the planet’s surface. But do not worry, Explorers – we will flush them out eventually, whoever they may be.

And now, I have to give you my considerations on the current vote. If President Lee were here, I’m sure she would have advocated sternly for negotiating, but as it stands, we have only the hard hand of President Adonis and the pliable mind of President Burke to guide us. I cannot deny, my first preference in such matters is also a military approach, but I can’t help but get the feeling we’re overlooking something. Why would the Wolves be so confident in their play? Why would they risk their own fleet if their threats were empty?

Doubt riddles my mind, Explorers, and I must clear it soon. I am not so certain the Wolves are bluffing, but lying to an enemy with such an advantage is also not advisable. I know the situation may seem dire, but the Federation will continue to persevere – of that much I am sure.

Stay vigilant.

Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Well, well, Explorers, it is another fine day to be a citizen of the Empire, is it not? I am glad at least not all of you have taken leave of your senses. Though with the directive of the Emperor, I had certainly presumed there would be a larger majority that would stand against activating the Cradle. Perhaps there are still some of you who sympathize with those cockroaches in the Vulpis Oculi, persistent pests who are cropping up more and more as of late.

Well no matter, the correct decision was made, and these… disturbances will soon subside, I have no doubt. As if to emphasize the Empire’s endurance and security amongst these trying times afflicted upon us by the Council, Lady Morell has reclaimed her seat as a councilmember, taking to her position with a renewed fervor.

And such fervor is certainly necessary, given the vote which the Council has now placed before us. It is highly unlikely that these Crimson Wolves, these piratical wretches, have the ability to activate an artifact, where even the most decorated scientists of the Empire have failed! Needless to say, a frontal assault would be the most enticing and self-evident option in this case. To crush the Wolves under the Empire’s heel would surely be a sumptuous conquest.

Of course, there may be more to gain even from a surreptitious approach. The Council sees only risk-aversion, but surely you, with the military insight of the Empire, are well aware that espionage is sometimes a far greater tool. To convince your enemy you are in fact, their ally. Why should we not do so, indeed! To destroy the Wolves from within, and sow doubt and dissent within their ranks, only to viciously break them apart!

Conquest and victory are the lifeblood of the Empire, Explorers, and either of these choices will bring us such an outcome. I ask only that you choose well, and see to it that the hand of Imperator Solas – may he outlive the stars – will guide the Council fleets to victory!

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Trice Chavos, Union member and Vox representative

Whew, good day, Comrades. Well, I say good, it’s… definitely a day. Conference just ended, as I’m sure you’re aware, but it’s what happened right after that that’s got me in this state. We got a comm from the Vox communications section, and… There’s no nice way to put it, I suppose – Haley is dead. She was out on Finch, working on securing more of the Ojin-Kai, and a Gamayun Assassin did her in. Tibian sniper – ripped right through her armor. Apparently some internal dispute between Gamayun and the Celestials is kicking into high gear, and she just… wrong place, wrong time.

I’m having a hard time processing all this – I mean, the news just arrived on my comm feed, so… I don’t have much to say about it. I feel like I should give you some speech about her value as a person, but I just can’t bring myself too. As a Gamayun myself, I feel strangely… guilty, I suppose. Anyway, I’m- I’m sorry. Gotta get on to the vote…

The Wolves intercepting that data is definitely a real issue. Most Union scientists seem to- seem to think Sera’s team must have activated the Cradle somehow in order to get Mímir back, so… if they can do it, so can the Wolves, no? Maybe they know something we don’t. All the same… If we go through with this bluff, and they call it, we’re fucked. Might be able to buy time, but it’ll be a slaughter. We can’t give them what they want, but we can’t fight back either. Real rock-and-a-hard-place deal, this one.

Sorry if I sound dejected about this, just a little bit hard to… care right now. I dunno. Bluffing is the most optimistic option, and I think we might just be able to pull that off. If the damn Empire hadn’t just lost Montez, then maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation.

Anyway, Explorers. Just grieve in your own way. Speak to your fellow Union members. If any of you knew Haley well, I’m truly, truly sorry.

And yeah, stand together comrades – until the end of our days. Trice

Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Deceive the Crimson Wolves 0 () , Attack the Crimson Wolves 3 (Empire,Federation,Union)

The final vote is in favor of attacking the Crimson Wolves with every ship currently en route to Mímir. Thankfully, the Obelisk, a class-S frigate, has just arrived to bolster the fleet. Unless the Crimson Wolves make good on their threats, this victory is all but assured. We expect word from Soren Lynk on the fleet’s progress soon.



Amidst receiving massive casualties on the fleet's front line and left flank, the Obelisk was met with the sudden reappearance of Captain Sera Varse, who had previously went AWOL (absent without official leave) and was last seen heading towards Imperial space ("Dire Straits"). Varse revealed that the Cradle's activation was also dependent on the Quantum fluctuations around Mímir, before being interrupted by the battle unfolding around the fleet.

Some time after Varse's abrupt message, she and the Crimson Wolves retreated upon the appearance of a new wormhole near Mímir. The planet then proceeded to emit the largest recorded wave of Quantum energy in history, and was set to reach Station Ignis less than five hours from Soren Lynk's fifth report to the Council.


Transmission from Soren Lynk
Location: the Obelisk, 3rd class-S frigate of the Universal Council
Dating: 4th report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: mission report

“This is Soren Lynk, comms officer for the Obelisk. We are steadily approaching the planet, but our front line has been ripped to pieces. That being said, there are no signs yet of the Wolves even attempting to activate the Cradle, which bodes well for us.

“A hundred or so casualties on our side so far. The entirety of our left flank was completely destroyed due to a frontal assault by one of the Wolves’ ships. Don’t know why they’re holding out like this, seems only a matter of time before –“


“Soren! We’re being hit from the side! The right flank now! Looks like… wait, that’s not one of the Wolves’ ships, it’s a class-C, Empire-made!”

(high-pitched droning)

“Hold on, transmission incoming. It seems like this ship wants to talk to us – don’t let up the attack. Patching us through, and…”

(click, static)

“Obelisk? Oh thank god. This is Sera Varse – listen, you have no idea what you’re dealing with down there.”


“Hold your fire, officers. Approaching ship appears to contain Commander Varse.”

“What do you mean, ‘hold my fire’? She’s a wanted fugitive, sir!”

“Hold your fire, man! That’s an order!”

(silence, brief bursts of static and gunfire beyond the deck)

“Continue, commander. You were speaking about the wormhole? We are well aware of this threat-“


“No, you don’t understand! The Cradle can be activated manually, but it’s also dependent on Quantum fluctuations around Mímir – I don’t know where the third one’s going to show up, but we know damn well where the second one’s going to come in, and-“


“Commander, if you wish to come on board and explain yourself, you may do so under supervision.”

“No, Soren listen to me –“



Transmission from Soren Lynk
Location: the Obelisk, 3rd class-S frigate of the Universal Council
Dating: 5th report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: combat report

“This is Soren Lynk, comms officer for the Obelisk. Commander Varse appears to have retreated, as have the Crimson Wolves, for now. The instant this new wormhole appeared, their ships moved back and away from Mímir.

“We have observed no further abnormalities. Descent towards Mímir, and eventual control of the Cradle, is set to commence soon – what is it, Jensen? Oh god, the light. Jensen, the ligh –“

End of transmissions.

The planet Mímir has just emitted the largest recorded wave of Quantum energy in current history. The wave is set to reach station Ignis in five hours; if the Quantum Drive at the center of the station is compromised, Ignis will most likely be completely destroyed. Councilmembers and staff are being evacuated to their respective factions as we speak, but bypassing the existing trade restrictions is proving incredibly slow.

The wormhole near Mímir has once again opened up, and we are receiving reports of… others, as well, both in the Union, on the border with Kepler, and the Empire, near the Imperial capital. The Council wishes you good luck in the face of this oncoming storm, Explorers.

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact