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Chapter 20: "Jörmungandr"
Major players Universal Council
Vote outcome
Major events
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"Denouement" "Faraday"



36th conference of the Universal Council
Time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Emergency transmission from the orbit of station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Thulani Ade’k, Ji Young-Joo, Moira Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, San’a, Kim Lee
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Trice Chavos, Mandla Bankole

The following is an emergency transmission sent directly from the base in orbit of station Ignis, delivered to the relevant members of each faction through the Federation’s Nexus network:

Councilmembers, Explorers – certainly the recent events have shaken quite a few of you. I will play now just a few of the transmissions relayed to the Universal Council from the Imperial capital and other planets in the Empire’s Inner Rim; this will hopefully give adequate context for the decision that now stands before us. Be warned: these recordings are not for the faint of heart.


Transmission from Felix Neputus
Location: Forge World Kepler-5
Dating: 4th transmission – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: combat report

Our defenses are overrun, the Lycanis dogs are at the Forge’s doors – urgh!

(thudding, crashing)

Heavy artillery fire! You beasts dare defy the Emperor himself? Then taste the sting of the Neputus armaments! For Imperator Solas!

(yelling, guttural retching, screaming)

Transmission from Sarai Praetor, Royal Imperial Guard
Location: Imperial capital, Third Advent of Conquest
Dating: 3rd transmission – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: operation report


Imperial Guard reporting in, Lord Craine. Ships from Lycanis, Galateo, and house Haden on my flank. At least some of us are still loyal to the Emperor. I swear to you – we will defend the capital until the last Praetor guard has fallen.

(screeching of metal, roar of passing ships)

Moving into Viper formation! All ships move towards – Lord Craine!


An unseen assailant has struck down Dachas Craine! Moving to intercept falling craft –

(multiple explosions)

Fall back! We have no way of knowing the direction of these attacks – the enemy is using a cloaking device of some kind! All ships, fall back to the Second Gates – move as close to the Imperial Palace as you can, and stop any more forces from entering the gardens!

Transmission from Simon Etruscus
Location: Eden Va-halet
Dating: 5th transmission – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: combat report

I-I… verily have I never heard of such fury! These creatures are all the way up to the Eden’s front palace. I still fail to understand how they move about the gravity of Eden Va-halet with such ease – I have only caught a glimpse, but their speed seemed… inhuman.

(electronic whirring)

Thank the Oracle – I have reached the observation platform and –

(glass shattering)

By the Emperor, wha – what is that thing? What are they?! No… I know that face – but it… it cannot be –

(sniffling, growling)

… (static) Lycanis?

(screeching, tearing flesh, silence)


Jörmungandr, Part 2



These are but a few of the transmissions that station Ignis has intercepted. They paint a gruesome picture, but a clear one nonetheless: almost the entirety of Imperial space has been swept up in a coup – one of the largest it has ever seen. The houses of Lycanis, Haden, and Galateo – among others – appear to have defected towards the side of the insurgent leaders, the Vulpis Oculi.

The coup itself began several hours ago, on the Day of Ascension in the Empire, an event where military leaders are promoted and distinguished according to their recent successes. This event usually gathers a large crowd within the Forum of Imperial address. As such, many Imperial citizens and nobles are currently locked inside the palace, as those allied with the Vulpis Oculi are fast approaching its gates. Those locked inside include Gloria Morell and the Emperor himself, as well as Ivona Craine, who was set to be Ascended to a position in the Empire’s Second Fleet. The Universal Council unfortunately can give no more insight as to the proceedings within the Imperial palace’s halls, but they are most assuredly not calm and collected.

There is, however, one other crucial political figure who has been caught up in this unfortunate event, and it is this fact that may force the Council to involve itself where it normally would not. Amanda Kaito, vice-president of Borealis Inc. and current Federation ambassador to the Empire, is among those trapped in the Imperial palace. Given the reported destruction and the rapid advance of the insurgent forces, the ambassador’s life is in grave danger.

The Universal Council has been unable to contact any Imperial ships directly, as they are most likely still engaged in the coup. However, a ship containing Union mercenaries of the Protos Syndicate – the Yggdra – has also been caught in the coup’s crossfire. The Yggdra, recently relieved of its duties in the trade restrictions, was returning to Union space from the Empire-Federation border when the crew was thrown off course by an inciting skirmish, and was forced to retreat further into Imperial territory. They are now locked in combat with the insurgent fleets, which are slowly closing in on the Imperial capital. At present, these Union mercenaries may well be in prime position to save Amando Kaito and her escorts from their fate.

However, time is running out. Last communication with the Yggdra showed that there is a slight chance they can pass by the oncoming insurgents. However, the ship’s crew will need to act immediately if they wish to make it through, and they will not have the necessary time to retrieve the Federation ambassador. In the event the ambassador were to be prioritized, the Yggdra would need to maneuver through the oncoming storm and hold its ground, potentially losing many lives in the process. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Council order the Protos Syndicate ship, the Yggdra, to move away from the Imperial capital, escaping relatively unharmed, but abandoning the Federation’s ambassador to the Empire? Or does the Council order the Yggdra to fly deeper into Empire territory, protecting the ambassador and her escorts from almost certain death, but surrendering themselves to the violence of the coup?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from San’a, Valkyrie of the Federation and representative of President Lee

Good sol, Explorers. It is strange not speaking to you from the relay on station Ignis – I am currently in the Valkyrie center on Cypriat-X-12, right on the border between the Federation and the Empire.

Of course, we cannot see the fighting from here, but some of it is strong enough to be picked up on our sensors. Harrowing, isn’t it? To know that just a few days’ travel away, lives are being lost, ties are being broken; perhaps dynasties are crumbling into nothing. I wonder if this is how those on the earth’s bunkers might have felt, in the times before the Sol system’s destruction – alone and listless in the dark, with not even the sounds of war to keep them company.

And yet circumstances now dictate that the Federation will have a hand in what comes to pass within the Empire. For make no mistake, Explorers: where there is choice, there is power, even if it is not immediately visible. It is hard to know for certain, but this decision may well have more consequences than just saving Amanda Kaito.

As it stands, every single person on the Council is aware that the Vulpis Oculi appeal more to the Union’s principles than Solas ever did; most likely, these Protos Syndicate mercenaries know it too. If they do choose to stay within the bounds of the palace, who is to say they will not fight for a cause they believe in? Moreover, if the poor souls do eventually throw themselves into the fray, what impact might that have on the future of the Empire? A single ship may seem minuscule in the grand scope of things, but sometimes that can be all it takes to turn the tide of battle.

Of course, instability within the Empire is not exactly ideal for the Federation either, Explorers. The longer the battle drags on, the more stifled the rest of the Core Systems become, and the more we upset the current delicate balance. I know from the emergency conference that most of the Imperial councilmembers are fully certain Solas will triumph; of course they would say that, but if it is true, sending in the Protos mercenaries would only be prolonging the Vulpis Oculi’s destruction. But then, would we leave a Federation ambassador to die? Certainly, Miss Kaito was aware of the risk of her position, but there will more than likely be a public outcry in the event of her death, not least due to the Federation’s inaction.

All in all, I would urge you to think carefully about this one, Explorers – there is much at stake here, and your choice may well shape the future of the Core Systems.

Stay vigilant.


Empire Storyline

Empire Storyline A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Explorers – nay, Imperials. I urge you, do not believe these pernicious lies the Universal Council bandies about so freely! You may, of course, forgive them their overblown dramatics, for they have not strength of will, nor security of purpose to guide them.

There is nothing to fear, however – these insurgent leaders they speak of are nothing more than peasants. Rabble, insects, the sort you might on occasion accidentally squash beneath your heel before dining. While yes, the Vulpis Oculi may have wormed their way into the heart of the Empire and rallied a few lesser noble houses to their cause, this makes them none the more formidable; for a noble that lies with peasants, becomes himself a peasant.

The lack of response from our so-called “Council” is appalling as well – I have seen more backbone from an arthropod. Who are they to determine whether this matter is purely an Imperial one? If anything, perhaps the blame for this “coup”, as they so callously call it, can fall squarely on this Amanda Kaito. A mole from the Federation, a snake who has made her way into our midst, only to attempt to strike at our heart.

Well, no matter, for whatever her intentions, the Imperial palace hosts some of the most formidable figures in the Empire’s glorious history. Imperator Solas – may he outlive the stars – is no doubt waiting for the opportune moment to strike, and if the presence of our Emperor was not enough, he is flanked by Gloria Morell – a most trusted advisor – and Ivona Craine, the soon-to-be adjudant of the Second Fleet!

No, there is no doubt that the Emperor will be able seize this day. Then, we must ask ourselves: do we really wish to invite the Union further into Imperial territory? The fact that they do not have the firepower to blast through the line of defense of even lesser noble houses is not the Empire’s concern. And see what they did to the planet of Vargas? To have such barbarism let loose upon the Imperial capital is a horrifying thought. All the same, perhaps it would be best to leave the Federation no avenue to demand recompense from us. With the Universal Council in place, we may well end up having to provide material compensation to the woman’s entire genealogy, dead or alive.

Keep your thoughts strong, Explorers. Let the immovable will of the Imperator guide you through this vote, as it will guide us through the current fracas.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

What a day, huh, Comrades? Apologies if I sound a bit rougher than usual – this comm is coming to you directly from the Bastion – Vox conference in full effect actually – so the connection’s not that great.

Who’d have thought we’d live to see a revolution in the Empire? Although we can’t be sure what the motives are of these Vulpis Oculi, I’d say cautious optimism is in order here. Anything that knocks old Solas of his pedestal would be a big step forward for communication between our two factions – never been much of a Union-sympathizer, that guy.

Not that I was alive then, but I’m sure you’ve all heard the stories of him trying to stamp out the Union before we could find our own artifact. Either way this plays out, though, the Empire will most likely be weaker for it, so it’s probably better that we stand back and watch for now.

Don’t know where the Council gets off calling us Protos “mercenaries” though, like we can be compared to Celestials or Gamayun. Not that we’re better than them, just… different. Protos wouldn’t be caught dead crossing into Fed territory for vengeance or honor, for example. No, we take the world as it comes to us, and make do with what we have.

That’s why I’m fairly certain Amanda Kaito is in far better hands with them than she’ll be if she’s in the palace. Even if the insurgents don’t get her, there’s surely a bunch of Imperial nobles who’d jump at the chance to slit a high-ranking Fed’s throat.

No, the moment you join the Syndicate, you’re taught to be resourceful, cool under pressure, and hardy. Sera, for example, she’s one of us – though I’m not sure how convincing that parable is at this exact moment, hah.

Sorry. That was a bit grim – it’s just… laughing as the world burns, I guess. Sentiments on the Bastion are heated right now, Comrades, and resources continue to be somewhat scarce with us paying for Vargas’ reparations. That’s why I’m not certain about this vote; I’m sure Amanda would be better off with members of the Syndicate, but I don’t know if the Union should be getting involved here in a way that might provoke the Empire later. Also, we’ve been sticking our necks out for the Federation for long enough at this point. First Morn, now Vargas… Like I said earlier, might be better to stand back and watch, and if the Feds want to retaliate against the Empire – let them. That’s not any of our business.

But anyway, the Union is shaped by the will of its people, Explorers – as it should be. Steel yourselves, discuss with your faction members, and as always...

Keep your head high.


Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Let the Yggdra escape unscathed 3 (Empire,Federation,Union) , Rescue the Federation ambassador 0 ()

The final vote is in favor of having the Union ship the Yggdra escape, leaving the Federation ambassador inside the Imperial capital. A transmission has been sent through the Empire system to the Union ship; due to the Union’s ongoing reparations on Vargas, the Federation senate has authorized the transmission to utilize Nexus communication lines. Most likely we will soon hear news of the Yggdra’s fate, as well as the developments on the situation in the Empire.




The following are excerpts from transmissions received from Tigris Azavedo, main contact point for the Yggdra, and Amanda Kaito, ambassador for the Federation:

Transmission from Tigris Azavedo
Location: Imperial space
Dating: 3rd report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: combat report

…pulling through – hard. Alex, can we engage the scramblers?

(chunk, electronic whirring)

Perfect, that’s how I like it! Alright, folks, hold on to your helmets!

(frantic beeping)

Transmission from Tigris Azavedo
Location: Imperial space
Dating: 4th report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: combat report

…take me, looks like we made it out. Everyone feeling good?

(mutterings of agreement)

Well, there you have it, UC. The Yggdra’s gone and made it out in one piece! Can’t imagine what it must be like for everyone down on the capital. Still, looking at all the Protos faces here sure makes that feeling a helluva lot easier to stomach. Alex!

(distant voice) Yeah?

Get our Quantum Drive up and running, would ya? Looks like you’ll get to buy me that drink after all.

Transmission from Amanda Kaito
Location: Imperial palace, Inner Halls
Dating: 2nd briefing – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: intelligence briefing

We’ve made it out of the main halls, moving towards the east. No thanks to the Imperial guard – the bastards were almost keeping us hostage. I’m sending a summary of my previous briefing through now. Ionas, could you barricade – yes exactly, good man. And check on my pistol, I think it’s malfunctioning. Establishing link with beacon, and…


There, excellent. Where was I – yes, a group came storming through the hall after the guards had left. I thought at first they were Union from their combat attire, but saw no insignias or tattoos marking them as such. One of them – a woman with short-cut white hair – unlocked the doors to the hall and told us to leave the Inner Halls as quickly as we could – not that the Imperial citizens needed the encouragement.

Through the throng, I saw the woman was wounded slightly, just below the waist. When I moved towards her, another of them – a man with short, dark hair – just looked at me, fixed me with the most intense stare I’ve ever seen, and motioned pointedly to the door. There was fury etched in his features, but fear too – real fear.

So we ran – thank you Ionas – if only to establish a stable link to get my first briefing through. Now hopefully, we can hold out in the East Halls long enough that – Ionas? What are you looking at?

(crashing, screams, tearing of flesh)

End of transmissions.

The Yggdra appears to have made it out of Imperial space safely – though the same cannot be said for Amanda Kaito. In her last moments, the ambassador managed to transmit an intelligence briefing directly to the Universal Council, detailing the situation within the Imperial palace. The briefing contains some truly disquieting information: word has apparently reached the trapped Imperial citizens that Solas Craine, Emperor of one of the three factions of humanity, has been killed.

Alongside this, Gloria Morell, advisor to the late Emperor and current councilmember, has since claimed responsibility for the current revolt, and has called for the operation of the faction-wide transmission network, initially constructed for Montez Lycanis’ public appearance during the 25th conference of this very Council.

Lady Morell has also informed the Council that, though the fighting has not yet subsided, she intends to hold an immediate address from the palace’s Forum, to be transmitted across the entirety of the Core Systems. Due to the Empire being unable to use the Nexus, this address will take some time to reach station Ignis and the other factions. Nevertheless, the Universal Council urges all members of the factions to use whatever means they have to view the address, as it will likely shape the future of the Core Systems for decades to come.

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact