The Calm

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The Calm

Chapter 17: "The Calm"
Major players Universal Council
Borealis Inc.
House Galateo
Vote outcome Proceed with the experimentation of Organic Quantum
Major events Largely successful merging of Orgnaic Quantum with human subjects
Withdrawal of House Galateo's support
Timeline Chronology
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
"First Contact" "Blue Skies"


Following the events of the previous conference ("First Contact"), the Universal Council began to investigate the strange vegetation that had sprung up around station Ignis, as well as safer methods to cross through the newly-opened wormholes. In light of this endeavour, Federation corporation Borealis Inc. proposed a solution stemming from their experiments with Quantum-infused soldiers ("The Void") - introducing Quantum into the human body to make it more resistant to the effects of the wormholes. Borealis also found that Organic Quantum, first extracted from the survivors of the Panopea incident ("Quantum Sickness"), could be used to achieve the same effect without the accompanying sickness.

It was discovered that Borealis had in fact appropriated the samples of Organic Quantum from the strange vegetation surrounding Ignis; as a result, Imperial councilmember Emille Galateo threatened to withdraw his House's support in the provision of reinforced plating for wormhole probes should Borealis be allowed to continue their practices with impunity. Forced to choose between medical augmentation and Galateo's reinforced plating, the Council chose to resolve the dilemma through a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.

With the factions unanimously favoring Borealis Inc. and its human augmentations, volunteers were selected to take part in the experiments, the results of which would be directly communicated to the Council.


Report from the 33rd conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held in orbit of station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Emille Galateos, Ji Young-Joo, Moira Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, San’a
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

… discuss the particulars of the newly discovered Heka-α1 production facility on Vargas during the next conference. As for the search for Commander Varse, this will need to be postponed slightly until the negotiations with the Federation ambassador in the Imperial capital have been rounded off.

Since the last vote, cursory examination of station Ignis and the vegetation which now surrounds it has begun. In addition to this, the Universal Council’s remaining resources have been conducting in-depth research into safer methods of traversing the wormholes. Now, a solution has appeared before us – though some of you may be hesitant to accept it.

Not a few hours ago, before the start of this conference, a representative of the Federation corporation Borealis Inc. was admitted to the Universal Council. This representative presented to this body the results of the corporation’s experiments on Federation soldiers whose bodies had merged with Quantum, following the events of this council’s 23rd conference. Borealis Inc.’s findings were that introducing Quantum into the human body made it more resistant to the volatile energy of the wormhole. After establishing this, Borealis Inc.’s researchers managed to confirm that introducing Organic Quantum into the body bestowed this same resistance, without affecting the mind in the way seen in those suffering from “Quantum Sickness”.

Organic Quantum, however, is a fully novel material, and was discovered during the aftermath of the 24th conference; the only known occurrence of it was within station Ignis, which is now inaccessible. Curious how Borealis Inc. was able to obtain this, the Council was referred to their research records. Through these it came to light that the corporation had – unknown to Victor Huxley, their Sector president – procured the Organic Quantum from the vegetation surrounding Ignis, which apparently contains light traces of the substance.

The representative of Borealis Inc. has been quick to point out that there is, in fact, no inter-faction law against the removal of unclaimed organic material from neutral space. However, such a law has of course never been necessary before the present situation. This has caused certain councilmembers to assert that Borealis Inc.’s conduct is no mere neglect, and rather a deliberate attempt at capitalizing on the novelty of an easily obtainable product.

Emille Galateo, whose house had been considering allowing the use of its reinforced plating – utilized on Imperial warships – for a second probe to be sent through the wormhole, has stated that his house will withdraw its support if the factions vote to back this new technology from the Federation. Emille stated this stance was partially due to the dubious ethics of Borealis Inc.’s practices, but more importantly due to the “implication that such a vulgar augmentation to the human body would become commonplace.”

The councilmember’s concern is not unfounded; the slow, but certain progress of Hygeia Systems’ research on widening the wormholes has made manned missions to the other side not a matter of if, but of when. Once these missions commence, the precedent the Universal Council sets now may likely be followed by every future expedition. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Universal Council opt for the usage of medical augmentation on those that will eventually travel through the wormholes, condoning the use of appropriated Organic Quantum? Or does the Council support House Galateo, and decide not to use augmentations for future expeditions?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from San’a, Valkyrie of the Federation and representative of President Lee

Good sol, Explorers. It was a relief to walk into the satellite in orbit around Ignis and not feel the overbearing Imperial atmosphere of oppression and decadence that seems to follow their Emperor wherever he goes.

Furthermore, the news from Vargas continues to be good – though mining production is certainly a struggle to maintain, focus has been redistributed to other mining planets in less proximity to Blue Skies, to reduce the drug’s impact. As you may have also heard during the conference, our military investigations are finally homing in on the potential base of operations on the planet. Soon, we will know for certain who spread this vile substance throughout our system, and this trade blockade will at last come to its end.

And it is here that I must turn to the conditions of the current vote. I, for one, cannot understand the issue the other councilmembers seem to have with this situation. Yes, Borealis Inc.’s actions were slightly rash, and it would have been perhaps more sensitive of them to ask for the Council’s permission, but at present only good has come from their actions – to be able to withstand the volatile energy of a wormhole is a staggering development, and well worth exploring further.

It is sad that Emille Galateo felt the need to relinquish his house’s offer in the face of these events; Imperial Forge Worlds are second-to-none in their production of metalwork, and we can be certain that if any material is to withstand the journey through the wormhole, it is their reinforced plating. However, it may be that the work Hygeia Systems is currently continuing will allow us to widen the wormhole far wider than the size of a small vessel, making such sturdy defensive measures less necessary.

If you’ll permit me to speak my mind, Explorers, in matters of both principle and practice, I see no convincing reason for us to bend to the Empire’s envy or the Union’s idealism in this instance. Human augmentation is a powerful tool, and we should make use of it as best we can. Now, as always, I will leave the vote to you.

Stay vigilant.


Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

The fortunes of the Empire are as bright as ever, Explorers! No doubt you are all still spellbound from the awe-inspiring apparition of Imperator Solas – may he outlive the stars – at this very council during its last conference. I trust you will now take to your duties with renewed fervor, knowing you have come that much closer to a direct audience with his Eminence.

As expected, the overblown reports of unrest from within our own faction’s borders have also slowed, most assuredly due to the stirring wave of Imperial zeal that our Emperor’s recent actions have evoked in his people. It is only these reports of unseen assailants on Chysme that we must contend with now; no doubt Lady Ivona will weed them out promptly, after she returns to Chysme from the capital.

Speaking on the current vote, it is little surprise that Lord Emille would withdraw his house’s support so hastily – House Galateo has always been stringent and particular about adherence to honorable conduct, even by Imperial standards.

One cannot help but agree with his stance – putting aside the manner in which the Organic Quantum was obtained, this talk of Quantum augmentation is harrowing. The Federation may think it wise to give common people access to such things, but in the Empire we understand that augmentation is a privilege – one bestowed upon us by our birth, and by the Emperor himself. It is not something to be handed out to anyone with the appropriate amount of credits.

Of course, we must also consider the fact that there may be no other way to get ourselves through this wormhole. Even if there is, the very fact that the Federation could possess this technology before us is cause for worry. If we allow them to disclose it to the Council, only the other factions will lose House Galateo’s reinforced plating. However, as a faction we stand to lose something more crucial: our ideals, our belief in the undeniable sovereignty of inheritance and privilege.

You know the creed of the Empire, Explorers: we alone have the inalienable right to every star scattered across the known universe. This vote will certainly be a crucial step toward realizing that inevitable truth.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

Hello, Comrades. Aish here, reporting in from the Hallia – that’s the satellite orbiting Ignis that we’re in by the way, don’t know why the Council felt it necessary to omit that detail. It’s probably got something to do with it being an Ojin-Kai machine, I’d bet. Yes, aside from having members who engage in oppressive extremism, some of their engineers also supply the UC with a bunch of really good tech. It’s almost as if organizations can contain “manifold and disjointed ideals” without collapsing in on themselves, Áurea.

I swear on my home’s soil, that woman’s going to be the death of me – if not the entire Union, if she has her way. Which brings me nicely to the vote, actually, because all of this “augmentation” talk smacks of typical Federation indulgence to me – sure, they appear civilized and orderly on the surface, but the moment something is unregulated they swoop in like vultures and grab whatever they can get their talons on.

And sure, it’s important to allow and encourage augmentation when it’s necessary, but this project just seems like a complete waste of resources. As much as it pains me to side with a git like Emille – whose face just won’t stop screaming “breastfed til age 14” at me – what reason is there, at the moment, for sending people through the wormhole? We’re cracking down on a drug problem, we’ve restricted trade, and the Bastion’s having to actively regulate the amount of people it’s taking on now! Sending people into an unknown galaxy, while appealing, is not exactly priority number one, I’d think.

‘Course, there is a slight problem with all this. That reinforced plating isn’t a gift – while in the grand scheme of things it’s not expensive, Union people are still going to be paying for it. We’re no strangers to contributions, Comrades, but the thought of even a minuscule amount of Union labor going towards puffing up that overfed rat Emille’s credit balance is nauseating. Not to mention, would we want to send probes representing humanity’s ingenuity and progress to other galaxies which were made by malnourished Imperial workers? The Council’s already accepted Emille’s help – our councilmembers were overruled on that account – but if we take the Fed’s tech here, we could force house Galateo to withdraw their offer.

Make sure to discuss with your fellow Union members, Explorers, and vote according to what you think is right.

Keep your head high.


Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Side with Borealis Inc. 3 (Empire,Federation,Union) , Side with House Galateo 0 ()

The final vote is in favor of supporting Borealis Inc. in their efforts to enable safe human travel through the wormholes. The faction representatives have selected several members of their faction to take part in the initial study, which will be conducted on Borealis Inc.’s facilities on Struve-214. The first results of these experiments will be transmitted directly to the Universal Council as soon as they are available.



Borealis Inc. subsequently reported that initial testing with Organic Quantum on the subjects appeared to be relatively successful, observing that the substance was able to flow freely within the bodies of the subjects. Complete fusion of the Organic Quantum with the subjects was also reported to have excellent results, with the test subjects becoming more adept at physical and mental tasks. A side effect that seemed to have emerged from the fusion was the formation of fractal patterns and marks across the skin of the subjects, though this appeared to be merely cosmetic for the time being.

Further testing using exposure of the subjects to Quantum Drives revealed that they possessed Quantum resistance several magnitudes beyond what was originally thought possible; Borealis concluded the report by stating that eventual wormhole traversal was fully possible, reporting that further research would be carried out by gradually exposing the subjects to the actual wormholes themselves.

In response to this, House Galateo made good on its threat and withdrew its support for the Council. However, the other Imperial councilmembers promised that the Empire would continue to participate in the tests, with the provision that their non-nobles be excluded from the testing and future usage of Organic Quantum.


The following is a report transmitted from the Borealis Inc. corporation, originally a formal medical report to the directors on Tumulis, Struve-214. Some information has been omitted to preserve the corporation's Intellectual Property Rights.

///Reports issued to:

Office C-11, operating in the Eastern Sector of Tumulis, 1st-ranked Metropolis on the planetoid Struve-214, located in Sector 3 of Federation Space, currently presided over by acting president Victor Huxley


Jack Leung, Struve-ID ZX375, Federation ID α1-71A34x. Genetic data registered at Borealis Inc., subsidiary of the VasTech corporation.

///Topic 1:

Initial experimentation on the subjects assigned by the Universal Council.

no. of subjects: 51

Now that our efforts have been moved to a larger laboratory, mass testing has begun in earnest. The first few voluntary subjects sent by the Council have arrived; those hailing from other factions are expected to arrive later.

Subjects appear to not be rejecting the Organic Quantum. Though they are, of course, being given [REDACTED], the material is already flowing much more freely through the body. Will have to conduct further scans and tests with [REDACTED] to verify success of initial merging.

///Topic 2:

Physical and mental testing of subjects merged with Organic Quantum

no. of subjects: 46

Scans have verified that Organic Quantum has fully merged with the subjects’ nervous and neural systems. With regular Quantum merging, such progression would have taken far longer, and would have resulted in a complete loss of function in the subjects.

In contrast, current subjects are in fact excelling at both physical and mental tasks, performing above their own averages. As well as wormhole traversal, may be useful for [REDACTED] program on Simeon.

Subjects beginning to show physical signs of Organic Quantum merging; noticeably different from previously observed symptoms in subjects merged with regular Quantum. Instead of natural blue color of Quantum and Organic Quantum, fractal patterns and marks on the skin are displaying a variety of colors, in a manner similar to materials like black opal.

///Topic 3: Results of exposure to volatile Quantum energy

no. of subjects: [REDACTED]

Subjects were left in rooms with an exposed Quantum Drive, with researchers increasing the level of exposure for the subjects gradually. For safety purposes 100% exposure was not attempted, but even at 70% exposure subjects showed almost complete resilience to the procedure. For contrast, the highest survived exposure before these tests was 6.758%.

Co-ordination exercises also yielded other interesting results: subjects are not only more physically capable, but also more able to work in tandem; in the four assigned groups in the [REDACTED] activity, those with further development of Organic Quantum integration vastly outperformed the rest of the subjects.

Current results of this research suggest travel through the wormhole while using Organic Quantum to internally stabilize the pilot is fully possible. The next step will be practical testing of this hypothesis, by incrementally exposing prospective pilots to the exterior of the wormholes themselves.

Transmission ends.

As per its statements during the conference, House Galateo has withdrawn its support, and will no longer be offering its reinforced plating to the Universal Council. The other councilmembers representing the Empire have, however, agreed to the Empire’s participation in the testing of Organic Quantum, provided that once the substance is declared completely safe, non-nobles within the Empire will be excluded from its use, to preserve the faction’s delicate balance of genetic enhancements.

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact