Blue Skies

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The Calm

Chapter 18: "Blue Skies"
Major players Universal Council
Cillian Mercer
Valkyrie Bryn
Vote outcome Union lead in the assault on the Ojin-Kai
Major events Discovery of Ojin-Kai involvement in the Heka-α1 drug
Discovery of manufactured blips in Nexus network
Lifting of trade restrictions
Timeline Chronology
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"The Calm" "Denouement"


Continuing from the events of the Vargas Epidemic ("Blackout"), investigations conducted by the Federation have traced the source of the Heka-α1 drug to a central facility deep below the planet's surface; investigators also reported that those entering and exiting the facility bore markings commonly associated with the Ojin-Kai, last encountered on the Union planet Morn ("On the Brink"). Following the report, the Union immediately mobilized the Bastion and several fleets of Union ships, led by Vox representative Cillian Mercer, sending them to the border between Union and Federation space.

However, many councilmembers from the Federation and Empire saw this as merely an excuse by the Union to intrude into Federation space. Federation forces, led by 2nd-ranked Valkyrie Bryn, began to gather near Vargas in preparation for a full assault on the Ojin-Kai base on the planet. Faced with allowing the Union to deal with its own rebels in foreign territory, or allowing the Federation to handle the threat within its own borders, the Council opted to settle the decision with a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.

With the three factions voting to allow the Union to mete out its own justice, Mercer was directed to lead the Union fleet to Vargas and capture the Ojin-Kai base; Federation forces were also invited to reinforce the assault.


Report from the 34th conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held in orbit of station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Thulani Ade’k, Ji Young-Joo, Moira Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, San’a, Kim Lee
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Trice Chavos, Mandla Bankole

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

…by Hygeia Systems is completed, travel is limited to smaller probes. Given the withdrawal of House Galateo, any further probes are expected to be irreparably damaged upon their return. Initial tests conducted by Borealis Inc. in proximity to the wormholes do suggest that human travel is imminent, however.

Sending a second probe will also help finalize the ongoing discussion around planet sovereignty. For now, the projected number of planets will be distributed among the three factions; the purpose of this being to minimize any friction between the factions. Therefore, the distribution will focus on individual sovereignty, and will be directly integrated with the Explorer program. More details on the particulars of this arrangement will be disclosed soon.

Now, the Council must turn its attention to the main point of concern. The independent investigation by the Federation into the appearance of the drug Heka-α1 on the mining planet Vargas and its surroundings has entered its final stages. Following the last vote, a central facility for the distribution and manufacture of Heka-α1 was uncovered on Vargas, deep below the planet’s surface. Further examination found that those entering and exiting the facility bore markings common to the Ojin-Kai, a Union mercenary clan with which the Federation has a recent history.

This offshoot of the clan has no authorization to be so far out in Federation space. Indeed, after the Federation’s transmission was sent out, the Union responded immediately, sending the Bastion directly to the border, where it has remained since. Several fleets of Union ships have amassed around the artifact, rallied by Cillian Mercer, a respected member of the Vox and one of the more prominent representatives of the Gamayun mercenary clan. These fleets, by vote of the Vox, were sent out towards the Federation to take responsibility for the Ojin-Kai’s presence on Vargas.

However, several councilmembers, representing both the Federation and the Empire, consider this display nothing more than an excuse for the Union to push into Federation territory. The situation has now become a matter of inter-faction concern, and thus, of the Council. The Federation is gathering its forces – led by the 2nd-ranked Valkyrie Bryn – to assault the Ojin-Kai base on Vargas, as Union fleets amass at their borders to do the very same.

Cillian Mercer, in a transmission to the Council, argued that the Gamayun are used to facing the Ojin-Kai’s tactics, and will make swift work of the base on Vargas, leading to a quick end to the current trade restrictions, under which the Union has “unquestionably suffered the most”. Bryn, communicating through the Nexus, has rebutted that the Union’s prowess is irrelevant – that a threat to the safety of the Federation’s borders should not be solved by creating another. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Universal Council allow Cillian Mercer and his cohorts to lead the fighting on Vargas, ultimately conceding that the Union should mete out justice to its own people and bringing the trade restrictions to a swift end? Or does the Council decide that the Union should stay out of this matter, and that the Federation has the right to rally against this breach of their borders, regardless of a potential extension of the trade restrictions?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from San’a, Valkyrie of the Federation and representative of President Lee

Good sol, Explorers. Your decision on the last vote has brought the Federation some much needed stability – for that, I am incredibly grateful. These breakthroughs in the use of Organic Quantum could improve the lives of our citizens immensely. Of course, I need not mention how the Empire’s refusal to administer the augmentation to those within their faction they have deemed unworthy is almost comical in its vexation. We will surely soon see the consequences of their foolhardiness.

Unfortunately, Victor Huxley remains absent from his position as a councilmember, but President Lee has been able to make an appearance for this conference – a good thing it is, too, seeing as the discussions surrounding Vargas are of critical importance to her Sector.

I will freely admit – the plight of Cillian Mercer and his Gamayun cohorts does move me. From what I know of the Gamayun clan, theirs is a culture based squarely around individual honor and principle, two traits that any good Federation citizen ought to acknowledge and respect. However, where they fail to sway me – and, I believe, both President Adonis and President Lee as well – is by extending this honor and principle to their fellows. Certainly, the actions of a faction member can be condemned without feeling that this condemnation needs to extend infinitely across the entire faction?

However, no matter the Federation’s moral stance on this situation, the fact remains that our forces on and around Vargas are stretched somewhat thin. The rigorous search of the surrounding planets, along with the policing of the drug trade both on the planet and at the border, have severely split our resources. Of course, this information has not been disclosed to the Council – our internal military affairs are none of their concern, and it would not be wise to inform the Union that they might be doing us a favour. I will stress that we will by no means lose this conflict – suffering heavy losses to save face is the Empire’s lot – but if our defenses on Vargas are thin now, they will be near nonexistent after the conclusion of this attack.

Consider this situation well, Explorers – there is more than just pride at stake here.

Stay vigilant.


Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

The sun strikes twice upon the pendulum of fate this day, Explorers! Though we may have conceded the research of Organic Quantum to the Federation, we need but watch from afar as they and the Union fail to use it to its fullest effect! They will foolishly only distribute it to those in need, or spread it throughout their entire faction. No, we Imperials will use our artifact, and the divine wisdom it grants our Emperor – may he outlive the stars – to determine who is worthy to bear such augmentations.

And now, by fortuitous providence, this vote provides us yet another opportunity to stand by and watch, as the other two factions tear themselves apart. I have heard Imperator Solas speak somewhat highly of this Cillian Mercer in the past – for, though he is a Union wretch, his passion is certainly something to be matched. And yet, this makes the current situation all the more hazardous – for if we set a precedent for such a violation of faction borders, what else will follow? Bone-headed, lily-livered Union anarchy, that is what will follow.

But we must also consider the direct implications: every moment that we spend under the thumb of these trade restrictions is a moment where the Federation gains an advantage over us. They are undoubtedly better equipped to deal with these restrictions than we or the Union. Naturally, our innate superiority means we are by no means suffering to the extent that those lawless scum are, but it cannot be denied that Empire would stand to benefit in the event the restrictions were lifted. The fallacious reports of invisible assailants in the Empire have begun permeating even the Inner Rim of the Empire; we shall need all our judicial might to put those rumours to rest.

But now, I bring before you an even more tantalizing prospect. The lethality of the Ojin-Kai is well-documented, and though both factions have formidable military strength, I have gathered from our Mendacian Division that one of the Union councilmembers was recently slain in a prolonged skirmish with the Ojin-Kai. What’s more, the Oracle is singing songs of certain death for this day, Imperials. Perhaps we might not only determine the fate of the Empire with this vote, but for its enemies as well.

The question then becomes, of the Open Palm of the Gamayun, and the 2nd-ranked Valkyrie of the Federation, who poses the largest potential future threat to the Empire?

Let the songs of the Oracle flow through you, Explorers, and let the vigor of our Emperor fill you with resolution.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

Hello, Comrades. Not quite sure how I feel about the outcome of the last vote, to be honest with you. To use Organic Quantum to shield ourselves is one thing, but this… Trust the Federation to take a method of protection and turn it into some sort of weapon. We might be heading down a dangerous path here, Explorers – it’s times like these when I find myself wishing we could get an Oracle of our own.

And I can’t say I’m particularly keen on this whole gung-ho attitude of Mercer either. Don’t get me wrong, I have tremendous respect for the man, but… there’s a part of me that’s thinking: “isn’t this why we have the Vox? To make sure moderation prevails at times like these?” But as it stands, I can’t blame our fellow Union members for getting swept up by all the bluster and bravado.

And I can empathize, I really can, as I’m sure can many of you. We’re hungry, we’re watching more people file into the Bastion every day, and seeing other Union folk put an end to this misery when we unknowingly started it would feel somehow… right – not to mention how much I’d worry about what the Feds might do to the Ojin-Kai once they get a hold of them.

But when it comes down to it, I just don’t know if that’s the right choice, Comrades. Yes, we’re in a difficult situation, but should we let that situation define who we are? What we stand for? I’d like to believe in a Union that can weather this storm, and not shed its principles at the first chance of an easy way out.

Whatever you choose, I’ll stand by you, Explorers – that’s what keeps the Union strong. I’ve said my piece, and I thank you for hearing me out, as I hope you will all your other fellow Union members.

Keep your head high.


Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Let the Union bring their own to justice 3 (Empire,Federation,Union) , Allow Byrn to attack the Ojin-Kai 0 ()

The final vote is in favor of allowing the Union to pass beyond the Federation’s border. Cillian Mercer has been notified, and the Union’s fleets will begin advancing towards Vargas immediately. The Federation’s forces will, of course, be allowed to bolster the Union’s attack, but this is not mandatory. The report of the conflict is expected shortly after its conclusion.



The Union assault was swift and brutal, chasing the Ojin-Kai through the mines and breaking their ranks with particle cannons. All the Heka-α1 production facilities on the planet were destroyed, with much of the Ojin-Kai either dead or captured. Investigations carried out by Mercer in the aftermath also revealed that the Ojin-Kai was able to infiltrate Vargas through a manufactured Nexus communication block that did not correspond to the Federation's official records.

Federation intelligence corroborated the Union's reports of the drug production facilities' destruction; however, it also noted extensive damage done to the planet during the assault. As a result, several councilmembers expressed their intention to demand reparation from the Union for the excessive violence and carnage wrought upon Vargas.

Investigations into the manufactured blocks also revealed that the incident concerning the transport of a Shard fragment into Empire space ("Blackout") also coincided with one such block, raising questions over who the mysterious party responsible for these disruptions was, and to what end goal the blocks were manufactured for. Despite these questions, the Council decided to lift the existing trade restrictions, with fleets from all three factions being able to return to their respective spaces shortly, and no longer requiring extensive vetting protocols.


Transmission from Cillian Mercer, Open Palm of the Gamayun and Vox representative

Location: surface of Vargas
Dating: 4th transmission – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: combat report

Evening, councilmembers. Though I suppose Ignis doesn’t have natural light, does it? Well, from where I’m standing on Vargas the sun’s just gone down – a sight for sore eyes, let me tell you. The shards of phrenium in the rock make it look like we’ve got two skies; one above, one below. I’ve got my best men surrounding me, a bunch of dead Ojin-Kai on the ground, and a few thousand more with their hands held up, being led onto our ships. Gotta say, there’s nothing quite like it.


More goddamn rubble in my teeth… Oh but, they put up a good fight. I said it in my previous comm, but the Ojin-Kai always make the chase entertaining. Tried to string us along into the caves, so I had Caspian fly his Viper into the overhang – that shut ‘em up. After the battle, we prayed for his light to reach the stars – I’m sure he’s nesting there now.

Once we’d seized ground control, taking the mines was no problem. When the Ojin-Kai held up a front, we charged through. Where cracks formed, we widened them – showed them the righteous fury of the Gamayun, let them feel the pain of every Union member clustered on board the Bastion, using our particle cannons as battering rams.

As far as we can tell, all the facilities have been destroyed – but I’ll leave full cleanup to the Federation crew, if they ever manage to arrive. I was told we’d have backup, and from a Valkyrie no less. Guess the Union’s just a little too quick. If there’s any Feds listening: try to keep up next time.


Although, I do almost feel sorry to leave this planet behind in such a state. I’m sure the Federation’s enterprising enough to rebuild it though. Interesting thing, too – encouraged some of our Drifters to take a look into the facility, check out how the Ojin-Kai got a hand in here. Guess what they found? Snuck in through a communication block in the Nexus. Except here’s the thing: those blocks didn’t correspond with any officially registered ones from the Feds’ side. Either they’ve been feeding us the wrong intel, or someone’s been manufacturing malfunctioning Nexus comms. Wonder what that could mean?

Anyway, that’s none of my business. My business is carrying these mercenaries back to the Bastion so we can finally put them to justice before the Vox. Looks like there’ll be more than enough space too, with the trade restrictions finally put to rest. Good night, councilmembers, and oh – you’re welcome, by the way.

-Transmission ends.-

Cillian Mercer and the assembled Union fleets have already made their way back to Union space. Initial intelligence operations on the Federation’s side have confirmed that all the Heka-α1 facilities on Vargas have been completely removed. However, the destruction inflicted on Vargas by the battle was immense, so much so that it will take the planet several full cycles to return to its full function. The Federation has not issued an official response to this development yet, but several councilmembers have already expressed their intent to impose repercussions on the Union for these actions.

As for the discovery of these “manufactured blips” in the Nexus’ communication network, it was recently discovered that the Shard sent from Federation space into the Empire originated from one of the planets surrounding Vargas, Sybill-3. The time of this shipment coincided with another of the said blips. The question remains: who is causing minor interruptions in the Nexus network? And for what purpose?

After confirming with President Kim Lee and Grant Ipsen on board the Howitzer, the Universal Council has determined that the trade restrictions will be lifted in a few days’ time. Fleets and units along the borders of each faction will be able to return to their own space, and extensive vetting procedures will no longer be necessary.

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact