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Chapter 19: "Denouement"
Major players Universal Council
Vote outcome
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"Blue Skies" "Jörmungandr"



Report from the 35th conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held in orbit of station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Thulani Ade’k, Ji Young-Joo, Moira Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, San’a, Victor Huxley
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Trice Chavos, Mandla Bankole

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

…and we will continue to monitor the situation on the borders as best we can. If the factions decide that the Universal Council’s forces need be deployed in response to these unseen attackers in the Empire, it will be done. Thank you for your concerns, Lord Ade’k.

The second probe operation is being prepared as we speak; it will send two probes through the wormholes near the Imperial capital and the fringes of the Union. With the conclusion of these expeditions, we will have a somewhat comprehensive map of the areas beyond, and planet assignment can begin.

In the meantime, with the illegal shipments of Heka-α1 reaching negligibly low frequency, trade restrictions between the factions have at last been loosened. Ships on the border have begun moving back to the political centers of their respective factions for check-in.

Unfortunately, during this rather severe shake-up, there is another matter which the Council must address, as we attempt to navigate the crossing between borders of several separate faction fleets. President Ádonis, furious at the damage done by Cillian Mercer and the Union fleets to the mining planet Vargas, has called for the Union to assist the Federation in providing materials for the necessary repairs. The damage, which initially appeared to be mostly surface-level, in fact extends to the very structure of the planet’s caves, and the central infrastructure of its mining operations. As it stands, Vargas can no longer operate as a mining planet.

President Adonis is backed in this outcry by acting President Huxley, who adds that the costs of rebuilding the destroyed mining stations, tunneling infrastructure, and refineries on Vargas will vastly outweigh any potential profit that is to be made from the planet for a significant time. As such, in the event the Union does not assist the Federation, Vargas will most likely be reclassified as a residential planet, and millions of working Federation citizens will lose their jobs and thus, their means of income.

Union councilmembers have raised their concerns about President Adonis’ request, leveraging the Union’s current volatile situation; the Bastion is housing billions of people at present, and with the trade restrictions being lifted, their rehabilitation into the Union systems will be extremely delicate. The minimum amount of materials that the Federation has requested would cause severe destabilization in the Union’s distribution system, and would adversely affect the Union’s citizens.

As per the creed of the Union, any debt to be paid must be paid by all its members. No one is certain what the response from the Union populace will be to this, but words such as “rioting” and “offensive retaliation” have been thrown around by its councilmembers, as more of a warning than a threat. The Vox – once again, per Union creed – does not consider itself to have control over the actions of any of its member systems, and will most likely take no action to stop Union folk in any attempts they make at such “retaliation”. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Universal Council decide that the Union must pay, at least in part, for the damages Cillian Mercer and his men caused to Vargas, risking a potential destabilization of their supply chain in the face of their current mass rehabilitation? Or does the Council decide that the Federation is responsible for repairing Vargas, which most likely will leave millions without jobs or a means of income, and let the planet itself fall to waste?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from San’a, Valkyrie of the Federation and representative of President Lee

Good sol, Explorers. It is unfortunate that the aftermath of the last vote would lead to such destruction, but speaking honestly, I do believe worse would have come to pass if we had chosen to take care of the matter ourselves. Bryn is a close friend – one year below me in VasTech Valkyrie training – and I am glad he is still with us. No doubt he will be an asset in struggles yet to come.

This is why I am slightly disturbed by the vigor with which President Adonis has taken to this case – surely it would be better for us to let the situation rest while we have gained the advantage? But if she has acting President Huxley backing her, I am certain they have knowledge that I, as a Valkyrie do not. President Adonis has been instated to protect the interests of the Federation, and we, as those who elected her, must trust in her to do just that.

Now, I have heard the arguments from the side of the Union councilmembers that we should send “care-packages” to the miners on Vargas, and I can tell you: it is comments like these that make me want to take up my saber and show those lawless Union folk the real meaning of justice. At times, I cannot believe their obstinance – simply because our practices do not align with theirs, does not mean they can be so callously disregarded. It is only my confidence in the value of Federation virtues that keeps my temper cool, and my saber in its sheath.

In truth, those arguments are naïve. Giving out free support would fly in the face of several Federation laws that serve to protect necessary resources from being claimed by those who have done nothing to deserve them. The Federation puts its trust in its systems because they work, and because our citizens are virtuous enough to uphold them. However, if those systems are jeopardized by the wanton destruction of an outside party, then it becomes another matter entirely.

Do you see, Explorers? How dare the Union suggest that it is the Federation’s responsibility to account for their failures in leadership and regulation. How dare they suggest that our laws cause suffering, when their faction clusters its people on board the Bastion in the billions, because they cannot afford to sustain their fringe systems on their own!


However, we must acknowledge that the Union’s predicament is severe. Though it may pain us and our people, the Federation is not the Empire – we do not hold petty grudges. We stand for security, and for grace. If we let the Union have their way – if we let them keep their resources – and we still manage to prosper despite this, then we will have shown the Union how wrong they truly are.

Stay vigilant, Explorers.


Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Greetings, Explorers – I bring with me commendations, as well, from our Emperor – may he outlive the stars! As you have no doubt seen, the outcome of the last vote was most fruitful for us. Not only have our borders once again been opened up, but by providence Cillian Mercer and his cohorts have exempted us from undue speculation!

This Shard of the Cradle from Sybill-3 was merely a ploy by the Federation to cast doubt upon the Empire; a co-ordinated project of slander and manipulation, perpetrated perhaps in tandem with the Union? One shudders at the thought.

However, we have no time to be worrying about such trifles – there are worries enough within our own faction, Imperials. We have lost contact with a number of ships from House Haden, as well as the Edens of House Galateo and House Lycanis. Such disruptions in communication occur occasionally due to various environmental factors – fret not, the Nexus may well be ours one day – and is most likely nothing to be concerned over. All the same, the recent assaults by unseen attackers have caused several ships to disappear outright – if the noble houses do not contact the capital by the next conference, a scout fleet will be sent beyond the Inner Rim to investigate their disappearance.

Now, to more amiable matters. As for the current vote, what did your last directive say, Explorers? Did it not say the Empire would revel further in the misfortunes of the other factions? Now we may watch as they tear one another limb from limb. Would we prefer to foster chaos and dissent among the Union, who have one foot in the grave already, as it stands? Or perhaps, would the Empire delight in seeing the Federation squirm, abandoning one of its own planets, and let the once providential Vargas fall into nothingness?

Certainly, Vargas is the center of our concern for this week, Imperials. For though it is a Federation planet, its body is rich in allium, a metal which our Forge Worlds use to construct the armor of our Dratrais soldiers. If the mines there were to falter, we would fall short of such materials. Of course, this would strike a substantial against both the Federation as well, and foster even more dissent within the Union. For – though they loathe to admit it – the continued existence of their fringe systems does still depend on trade with the Federation.

Now, Explorers, raise your heads, and cast calm judgement upon those wretches entrapped by the laws of lesser factions!

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

Hello, Comrades – Aish here. I’ve got to say, it pays to have friends on board the Hallia again. Although I think Mandla might have blown a casket if he didn’t have Trice with him to calm him down. Well, it sure is livelier in the Council meetings now, I suppose.

Mandla’s a big Mercer guy – who on the Vox isn’t at this point – but I don’t see this vote as being against or for Mercer’s methods. Listen, Comrades, if the Federation really cared about its workers, they’d give them some sort of support, same as the Vox would do for struggling Union systems. Just because their practices don’t align with ours, doesn’t mean we should cough up or sacrifice anything for their refusal to support their own citizens.

I’m also a bit worried about Kim’s lack of support for Áurea’s proposal, and her general absence from the conference. Far as I know, Vargas is situated in Sector 2 of Federation space, which is Kim’s sector. Seems pretty sketchy, then, that she wouldn’t attend the conference, or at least make her voice heard somehow. I’ve spoken to her a few times, and she’s a staunch Union sympathizer – at least, as much as any Fed can be – much like Gloria in the Empire, for example. I can’t imagine her attitude towards the current vote is making her many friends in the Federation… maybe that’s why they don’t want her here?

Anyway, it’s not my job to get involved in Fed politics – thank god – I just thought you might appreciate the added intel, Explorers. Speaking of, notice how there was no mention on the Feds’ side of Sybill-3 during the conference? If I were a betting gal, I’d put my money on there being other motivations for Áurea or Victor to focus on the damage to Vargas instead of those blips in the Nexus. If it looks like a Fed coverup, and it smells like a Fed coverup, then…

Only problem is: we got ourselves into this mess. It’s the

one thing the Feds have against us here, and it’s the one thing I’m finding the hardest to overlook. As factions, we both value personal responsibility; it’s just that we Union folk like to support each other through it, rather than leaving our laborers for dead.

Of course, I’m not here to deny you the question of principles over protection, Explorers – just here to say that I’d choose protection on any day.

Keep your head high.


Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: The Federation must abandon Vargas 0 () , The Union must pay for the damage on Vargas 3 (Empire,Federation,Union)

The final vote is in favor of having the Union pay for the damages inflicted by Cillian Mercer and the Union fleets during the attacks on the Ojin-Kai. The directive has been sent to the Vox, who will attempt to organize compliance as soon as they are able. Our Union councilmembers will keep us informed on the developments within the Union regarding this matter.




The following is a transmission from Aish Fenix, councilmember and current faction contact for the Union:

Transmission from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

Location: main deck area of the Bastion
Dating: 2nd report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: operation report

Hello, fellow councilmembers – Aish here. Just arrived on the Bastion, getting to work helping with relocations as best we can. Some people don’t want to go back to where they were, and we want to make sure everyone finds their place, so it’s gonna take time.

As far as I’m aware, the news about us paying for the repairs on Vargas was relayed a few hours ago. It’s been relatively quiet since – I’m honestly surprised at how well our Union members seem to be taking it. Most likely though, the situation just hasn’t allowed the reality of their predicament to sink in yet. This is going to be hanging over our heads for some time to come. For now though, things are going okay. Mercer’s throwing around suggestions like challenging Bryn to a Rite, but I don’t think anything’s going to come of that.

There was a bit of a scuffle earlier – some of rooms below deck where we house the Ojin-Kai got a bit rowdy. That’s all been smoothed over as far as I’m aware. Good thing too – a breakout at a time like this would be catastrophic, with so many Union members all clustered in one place.

I think that’s all from me for now, gonna join up with the others from Protos and see if we can get our wayward Union folk back home.

Transmission ends.

No doubt the Universal Council will be hearing more of the Union’s response to the current vote as the situation progresses. For the moment, however, the Council can afford to turn to other matters.

The materials for the repairs on Vargas are currently being gathered, and the procedure will be commencing as soon as possible, with President Lee and the Valkyrie Bryn overseeing the entire operation from the Xebec, President Lee’s personal flagship. Normally, a president’s flagship does not venture this far out into the fringes, but evidently the Federation Senate thought the risk a necessary one for this endeavor.

However, the initial clearing of the rubble on the planet has uncovered more than just damaged refineries. From beneath a deluge of debris, one of the cleanup teams dragged up something that has not been seen for 500 years: a Quantum weapon.

Quantum weaponry was banned after the destruction of the Sol system, and all traces of it have been wiped from official faction records. Today, the only remaining blueprints for Quantum weapons are kept secure on station Ignis. If someone on Vargas managed to manufacture any kind of Quantum armaments, it does not bode well for the stability of the Core Systems.

Constriction, Part 2



While the consequences of this vote continue to roll out, the two probes sent out into the Union wormhole near the Lalande system and the Empire wormhole near the Imperial capital have also begun to send back the first bits of information.

From these snippets of data, the Council’s researchers have been able to gather that initial speculation as to the wormhole’s destinations are correct – each wormhole leads to a separate galaxy, all with planets wholly different from ones we are accustomed to. These worlds seem at once more hostile, more vibrant, in much a similar way to those surrounding Mímir, but to a much more extreme degree. Early analysis of closer planets shows esoteric species roaming on and beneath the surface, and rich deposits of Quantum waiting to be uncovered.

This discovery is important, not only because it provides humanity with a bridge to worlds beyond our previous imaginings, but also because it would seem to confirm long-standing speculation that Mímir and its surrounding planets are not, in fact, native to our galaxy – that they came to us from beyond the bounds of the milky way.

As our understanding of their destinations increases, so too has our comprehension of the wormholes’ key functions. After rigorous testing, the Universal Council’s researchers have confirmed that the exterior of the wormhole, this solid aurora that seems to shift its hues almost constantly, is also a tear in space, much like the center of the wormhole; it is simply a more volatile one.

The exterior section still transports anything it comes into contact with to the galaxy linked to that wormhole. However, for all other intents and purposes, the transportation is completely random. It is believed this is most likely what happened with the Council’s missing fleets, including the Arbiter; their dimensions may well have been large enough to make contact with the more volatile parts of the wormhole, and as such, were sent to far-off areas of these new galaxies. As it stands, the energy of the wormhole will need to be controlled – it would be wise not to widen the safe area beyond what is necessary for a small manned craft to travel through. On this, the technicians at Hygeia Systems are apparently making slow, but steady progress. The Federation researchers for Borealis Inc. on Struve-214 have also notified the Universal Council that experiments with Organic Quantum infusion are progressing rapidly, and that a manned mission to the other end of a wormhole is imminent. It seems increasingly likely that the next giant leap for mankind is on the horizon, Explorers.

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact