Bases du Gameplay

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Bases du Gameplay de PlanetQuest

Il y aura une version téléchargeable et une application mobile à l'avenir, qui fonctionnera sur PC, Mac, etc.

PlanetQuest est un jeu d'exploration et de survie multijoueur qui vous encourage à vous regrouper avec vos amis, à explorer des mondes étranges et exotiques et à combattre des créatures extraterrestres menaçantes à la recherche de Quantum et d'artefacts rares. En général, PlanetQuest vous permet de faire honneur à votre faction en découvrant des coins de l'univers que l'humanité n'a jamais vus !

PlanetQuest est un jeu Free to Play, Play & Earn, ce qui signifie que tout le monde peut rejoindre et jouer à PlanetQuest, même si vous ne possédez actuellement aucun NFT ou autre actif numérique. Cependant, pour rejoindre PQ, vous devrez trouver une planète d'origine. Chaque planète ne peut accueillir qu'un certain nombre de joueurs. Pour rejoindre PQ, vous devez donc être invité par quelqu'un qui possède une planète et souhaite que vous en fassiez partie, ou rejoindre une planète ouverte à tous. En dehors de cela, il vous suffit de connecter votre crypto-wallet.

Le jeu est en 3D et se joue de haut en bas, comme si l'on essayait de mettre un jeu de tir dans un MOBA.

Tout d'abord, l'équipe de PQ travaille sur la sortie de Planet ownership. Une fois que nous aurons ouvert les planètes au jeu, vous pourrez vous y rendre tout équipé et les explorer. Vous rencontrerez des animaux sauvages (certains moins amicaux que d'autres) et vous chercherez des traces de quantum, des artefacts et d'autres découvertes intéressantes. Vous pourrez faire cela en mode coopératif (ou même en solo) ou participer à des événements d'équipe à équipe qui se dérouleront sur différentes planètes de la galaxie, où des factions se disputeront des découvertes rares.

Planètes et Gildes


Le cœur du jeu de PlanetQuest se déroule à la surface de planètes possédées ou non, toutes générées de manière unique grâce à une technologie procédurale de pointe. Les planètes ont des caractéristiques et des raretés différentes, ce qui leur confère à chacune une identité et une valeur uniques.

Planète Légendaire Etrange

Owned planets are represented by an NFT and always belong to a specific faction, they offer a great opportunity for cooperative gameplay as only members of that faction are allowed to make their way to the planet surface.

Unowned planets, on the other hand, set the stage for versus gameplay.

With no recognized sovereignty of any faction, players from all factions can take on missions on these planets, risking an all-out confrontation with one, or two of the other factions, but in turn offering them greater rewards for their efforts.

With players needing a home planet to play the game, planet owners quite literally hold the key to our universe and the community selects its own players.

Rarity (tier) of the planets (common, rare, epic, etc.) will affect the Quantum availability on the planet. The rarer the planets, the more conducive to Quantum they will be. Planet tier will also be important for the Quantum output as the "refining" action (probably). The chance of finding better treasures will also be increased with the planet rarity and the explorer suit you wear. For example, besides the direct benefits of wearing a legendary explorer suit, you will have the chance to find better treasures.

Distribution of the planet types will be a randomized planet distribution event for the planet owners. For example, you can buy an epic planet, but you won’t be able to choose the planet type. That means you will only be able to apply for the rarity (tier) of the planet. Then the type of the planet will be randomly given by the Genesis Engine. You will buy “an epic planet,” but in the end, it could be an ice planet, a desert planet, or a forest planet. It will be randomized.


Each faction has their own kind of guilds in the form of Houses (Empire), Corporations (Federation) and Coalitions (Union), each guild unites a number of planets under one banner. Guilds come at different rarity levels, each offering more benefits to the guild owner and the planets that are part of guild.

There will be distinct contrast between each faction, from a philosophical standpoint. Also, their technologies will be distinct from one another. While Empire could be using "Quantum-derived" technology to create "black-hole" weapons, the Federation will be relying on their laser weapons, holo-tech, and drones. On the other hand, Union will be using more conventional methods of weaponry such as ballistic weapons and armor.

There will be free trading between each faction. You might be able to use cross-faction gears.

Finding a home among the stars

Although PlanetQuest is entirely free to play, players do need a home planet in order to experience the game fully.

Gameplay will take place in mostly unexplored worlds, so there won’t be cities around, but there will definitely be plenty of exploration to do.

As additional planets are made available for purchase as the active player count grows this shouldn't usually be a challenge.

Legendary Tropical Planet.jpeg

There will be created thousands of planets at the beginning, created in "Galaxy form". But even with that power, every planet will look very good and unique. The aim is to provide a unique look for each planet and everyone.

During their onboarding, new players will typically find several common planets ready to take aboard new explorers.

The home planet plays a role in gameplay and also affects what other planets we will be exploring and likely which friends we might do so with.

This initial home planet is also where players will experience their first taste of PlanetQuest, as they learn to follow quantum signatures to uncover hidden riches, while staying safe from the dangerous wildlife that roams the planet.

As players progress through the game and earn more quantum, more opportunities will open up to them, allowing them to make their home on rare planets, offering interesting bonuses and access to countless differentconstellations, filled with brand new planets to explore.

Think of the home planet as a base of operations in the constellation we will be exploring as a player. So, there will be constellations, which means there will be star systems and connected planets.

But even with these plans, any of old "potato" computers will be able to load and present all those beautiful planets. You will be able to "link" your planets to whomever you want and they will be able to see them as well.

Missions and survival

Once accustomed to exploration and survival on their home planet, intrepid explorers will quickly find their faction offering them a steady stream of missions.

Missions see players teaming up to explore uncharted planets in search of rare resources, quantum deposits and even artifacts.

While some missions are purely cooperative, as they take place on sovereign planets belonging to one of the factions, others will see your team facing off against explorers from one or even two other factions.


Successfully completing a mission will earn players quantum rewards, as well as parts, gear or even artifacts that may be found on the way.

There will be an energy bar for your character. Which also ties into your shields, making it something you have to manage well.

Not all planets are cute and calm. You need to expect to see some raging and harsh environments.

Planet biome and land composition will affect the gameplay. When you have lots of water or desert composition on your planet, your planetary missions will happen on those biomes. You will see a lot of water or sandy areas, for example. Therefore you might see different requirements for your missions on those planets. Such as fire resistance or cold resistance etc.

Abilities and bonuses will be attached to the gear. Gear will have a decisive role in PlanetQuest. You will be able to change your gear to match the requirement of the mission. For example, if you need more HP, you will want to use the gear which provides more HP to your character.

You will be able to beam down to the planet's surface and conduct PvE, PvP, or even TvT activities.

In PlanetQuest, core gameplay will consist of two modes: A Co-Op mode where players will freely roam around on friendly planets, and the other one is a versus mode where players will be against members of other factions. This versus gameplay will have potential for competitive and semi-competitive gameplay. There will also be Team vs. Team and arena modes. Therefore, PQ developers will integrate the Ignite system natively to let the players use all the available tools. With these tools, players and organizers will be able to create original and fun tournaments and invite players easily.

Ignite has two tournament types. One of them is a free tournament mode with ad support, where players won’t have to pay anything as an entrance fee. Other one is a “yield farming” tournament where players pay for the entry with their token, $TENKA. This payment stays on the chain in a yield farming pool explicitly generated for that tournament and stays there for the duration of the tournament while generating yield (more $TENKA). This entry fee could be as low as 5 USD. Players will also be competing for a unique NFT generated for each tournament and partner tokens (for example, $PQX). There might be more prizes in the prize pool, such as PQ NFTs or other NFTs.

Trading and constructing

Of course, exploration and combat are not the only ways to succeed in PlanetQuest. Clever explorers will find the galactic exchange offers ample opportunity for making profitable trades.

Additionally, parts bought on the exchange, or found during missions can be used to construct rare and valuable gear, which can be sold to other players, or put to good use for combat or exploration.

Finding a complete artifact will be very, very hard. Instead, we will find shards of that artifacts. With enough shards and some amount of Quantum (PQX), you will be able to craft the whole artifact. Then you will use and get the benefits of that artifact.

Some Artifacts will be in form of "Shards" or in a more rare form as complete Artifact form. These shards will be merged to create a whole Artifact and with the use of the Quantum, Artifacts will be able to be used to "re-shape the whole planet" for example. For example, "Terraforming Artefact" will have the power of changing the whole planet. But these artifacts probably won't be able to change the "type" or the "rarity" of the planet. Only differentiate their contents like water content, ice content, or other biome contents. You probably won't be able to change our Desert planet into a Lava planet. But again, this artifact will be a very rare one.

There will be a "gear lending" mechanism. You will be able to lend your gear to other players, so they can use them. Then you will probably collect some sort of payment for your gear.

Earning by playing

Unlike traditional publisher-based games, PlanetQuest allows players earn a real-world income, sharing the proceeds of the game between the developers that are actually creating the product and the countless players and asset owners that are helping to make the game a great experience for so many.

As a planet owners you will definitely benefit in some ways from the value generated by the players on your planet and in some cases even beyond that.

The reward structure will be as a robust system in place to hand them out in accordance with a set of guidelines. It's being carefully designed with fairness and respect for player time being prioritized.

From rewarding great individual play with Quantum rewards, to allowing players to lend out their gear for a Quantum fee, to planet and guild owners earning a Quantum bonus depending on how well their players do, PlanetQuest puts ownership and earning potential in the hands of its community. Thanks to the power of exchanges, in-game assets can be freely bought and sold, and in-game earnings can be turned into fiat currency.

Going forward this will finally create a world where not just a few Twitch and YouTube streamers can make a living off playing their favorite game, but tens of thousands of skilled players, planet owners and guild owners can finally earn their keep, doing what they love best.



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