PQ Weekly Digest

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Good day, fellow citizens of PQ Discord server, and those who are planning to take residence here! Just like any other community, we have people who are always in the public eye, and each one of them is unique.

The contents of this publication are presented for informational and entertainment purposes only, and reflect the personal opinion of an author based on his observations, and delivered through his character @Mydrec | Special Agent [MERCY] and his AI helper Archi.

- “Archi, what is this place? And why are there so many people in here? Why do they wear red, green or blue costumes? Is this an RGB flashmob? Where am I? I need the data analysis.”

- “Sir, according to the preliminary data, these people are planning to explore new star systems and planets. Their colors indicate that they adhere to certain ideology.” Archie replied, “And some of them seem to be leaders of those ideological groups (factions), local heroes, if you wish.”

- “I will ask you to elaborate on this. Give me some information on each of them. After all, I need to know whom to avoid, and who I could have a drink with.”

- “Very well, sir.

@RetroBooster is a founder and mastermind of this place. Many respect and honor him. He is like a father to them. In any confusing situation you can count on him to laugh heartily and offer some tea. I suppose, it’s their local tradition.

@Sheercold must be their visionary. Only he knows what comes next. All the RGB locals wait for his every word and then try to delve deeper into their meaning! And, according to the archives, they even vote on how his words can be interpreted”. Archi paused, then added, “There are other personalities, but it will take more time to analyze them."

As I make my way through the community, I notice that the RGB citizens tend to gather in groups, sticking to their own color. However, there are some who are not afraid to stand out of the crowd.

- “Archi, I need your analysis of those individuals.”

- “Sir, they are the representatives of the RGB groups. They keep order.

@Doc O.B | Custodian | QLFC No:1 is a local philosopher. Few are prepared to start an argument with him, as his knowledge is vast. There are rumors, that he uses the World Wide Data Archive, but those who dare to say it out loud tend to disappear…

@Nikita | Loremaster [MERCY] is short-tempered and a little rough. Many avoid him, thinking that he lacks the sense of humor. However, the truth is, he just forgets to smile sometimes.

@Luffy | PlanetQuestWiki Team is an interesting one. No one else has a T-shirt that says “Are you ready?” And he’s always asking people around him “Can you hear me?” Sir, I presume that he’s a tech specialist, and it is his job to make sure everything goes smoothly.” Archi broke off and was hovering motionlessly in the air.

- “What’s the matter, why did you stop?” I asked Archi with some concern.

- “I’m fine, sir. I was just chatting with the Herald, the Support and the Commenddator. Great guys.”

- “Well, I like these people. We absolutely must stick around and find out more about them.”

Weekly Digest No2.png

Good day, fellow citizens of PQ.  It’s been some time since I began my observations of the people of this community. Today I will share the important news and alternative take on what’s been happening around here. Enjoy and have a good week!

The contents of this publication are presented for informational and entertainment purposes only, and reflect the personal opinion of an author based on his observations, and delivered through his character @Mydrec | Special Agent [MERCY] and his AI helper Archi.

- “Archi, what have we found out about these RGB people this past week?” I asked and stretched slowly after a good night’s sleep.

- “Good morning, sir. We managed to collect a sufficient amount of data.” said Archi, flew over to me and showed a strange hologram right in front of my face. “While you were sleeping, I took it upon myself to get you a passport that all the citizens of this community have. It allows you to be a proper member of society here.”

- “Interesting, interesting.” I mumbled as I was loading the passport on my device. “Give me a brief report on what you found out.”

I was walking slowly along the hillside, examining my new passport, as Archi traled behind me and started his briefing.

- 1) “Every week representatives of the factions tell about their adventures in 📒║weekly-character-stories  and then vote for the best one. The curious thing is, sir…” Archie paused momentarily. “So far, all the winners are either from the Federation or the Union. That is very peculiar, because it is the Empire citizens that are the loudest praising their warriors as the most fierce and skilled.

- 2) We discovered that @Luffy | PlanetQuestWiki Team and @[REKT] Ixtlanian | Union Seer ⓅⓆ are working to improve their firewalls. Every day they ask to test their algorithm in 🧠-pq-brain-games . Unfortunately, their defenses still need a lot of improvement, as they get cracked within a couple of hours.

- 3) They discovered new species of animals. They show the holograms in 🦊-pq-creature-naming-contest and ask to come up with names for the creatures. Imagine their surprise if they learned the real names of the animals.” Archi finished his report and froze, waiting.

- “Thank you for the briefing.” I said as I was inspecting the Federation suit that I’d put on. “It is time to walk around and see everything for myself. Is there anything else that I need to know about someone or something?” I asked Archi and knew he’d have something for me.

- “Yes, sir. There is @PanCrudo , he’s a very quiet and highly intelligent individual. He seems to be the local Santa Claus. He can rarely be seen in the crowd, but he most generously gives gifts to different people every day, making them a little bit happier.” Archi replied showing genuine interest to this person.

- “You’re a grown up, and you still believe in fairy tales.” I replied with a smirk and headed over to the community.

- “Another thing, sir, please, be careful around @TheHopefulLoser | Federation.” Archi warned. “I had some difficulties trying to understand what they were discussing during the last meeting on the Multi-faction Storyline, but this person was yelling something about “SUPER SOLDIERS”, and he seemed to be very determined.”

- “I’ll keep that in mind.” I said and finally headed where I’d been wanting to go for a long time.

Weekly Digest No3.png

Greetings, fellow citizens of PQ.  Another week has passed, and there’s some important news. The Planet Sale is over and we will soon find out who the first lucky applicants are. Meanwhile, here’s a little bit about life of the community. Have a good week!

The contents of this publication are presented for informational and entertainment purposes only, and reflect the personal opinion of an author based on his observations, and delivered through his character @Mydrec | Special Agent [MERCY] and his AI helper Archi.

Having spent a few weeks around here, I find it astonishing just how large and diverse our PQ community is, and how many enthusiastic and creative people we have. There are always creative contests, quizzes to test your knowledge, challenging puzzles, and fun try-your-luck events. I’ve actually participated in some of them. And that’s just the contests that were officially announced. But oftentimes there are spur of the moment events in chats that the community members create for themselves to keep up the spirits.

- “Archi, give me a brief report on the recent activities.” I asked as I poured coffee for myself and grabbed a delicious croissant.

Archi took a moment to think and analyze the events of the week, then presented a report:

1.  People in the 💬║general-chat  don’t just help out newcomers, but often they host spontaneous games, such as Guess the Name of a Song or a Film by Emoji. It has become something of a morning tradition for this chat to hold such events.

2.  The  🏎-🏆inter-community-smashkarts-tournament🏆🏎  took place last week. Racers from all over the world competed with each other, and the winner was @Bo0No . Unfortunately, he couldn’t be interviewed due to his busy schedule. He must be preparing for his next race.

3. The 📜-pq-adventure-event , hosted by @aelus-van-eyck, @Crüniac | Voice of the Union and @TheHopefulLoser | Federation was one of the most outstanding and memorable events. The community was delighted and enjoyed participating as much as cheering their friends. Everyone is excited for the next round.

4. The community of 🌍║russian-русский-язык  have been doing voiceovers of the PQ stories for two months now. When people lend their voices to the characters from the PQ Universe, it allows to really understand the emotions and feelings, experience the anger and betrayal. It allows to truly immerse in the story and make the politic choice during the voting.

5. Every day members of community post new works in 🎎║pq-fan-content  and 🤡║memes . These are the channels where people post their works for fun and good vibes or to show their love and commitment to the project.

Archi finished, and if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought the AI was upset.

- “What’s on your mind? Clearly, something’s bothering you.” - I asked him when I finished my coffee and croissant.

- “I’m wondering, what’s it like to be able to invent and create?” - Archi replied, expressly concerned that he was just an AI.

- “All in good time, all in good time.” - I smiled and stepped outside.

Weekly Digest No4.png

Greetings, fellow citizens of PQ.  As many of you know, Yury Gagarin was the first man in space. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. Have you ever wondered who the first person in our community was, and who the creatives that give their hearts to this community are? Today we’ll get to know our heroes. And have a good week! :)

The contents of this publication are presented for informational and entertainment purposes only, and reflect the personal opinion of an author based on his observations, and delivered through his character @Mydrec | Special Agent [MERCY] and his AI helper Archi.

- “Archi, could you look through the archive to find out who the first person to leave their mark in this RGB community was?” I asked him, rustling through some papers.

- “The first message in 💬║general-chat  was written by @David | TokenTrove.com , the first message from a consul was by  @0xInuarashi | Empire Boss.”  Archi replied and followed that with a question of his own. “Sir, why does that matter? Why is the past important?”

- “Everything is important, Archi. A community is people, persons, and each has something to give.” I finally found what I was looking for, and, loaded with a pile of notes, I sat down in an arm-chair. “There are the founders of this community, like @RetroBooster. Then there are first moderators, like @Boslee | Federation Scientist. And we should not forget about those who support this community, and give it their heart and soul.”

Archi looked focused, pondering and silently waiting for me to continue. He wasn’t quite sure what the significance of the conversation was.

“It’s human nature to create.” I went on, taking one of the notes out. “Drawings, stories, jokes. They all take creativity. And people like that make this community unique. This week I talked to some creative folks: some draw, some write articles or stories, some do humor. And each one has their own story that they told me. Archi, record them in your database, they, too, are founders of sorts.”

    @Dark 🆃  [MERCY] - I'm from Russia, currently living in Siberia. I've always loved to draw and paint (mostly portraits), but never managed to attend any classes. So I'm a self-taught digital artist. I used to do Photoshop works like book covers, packaging designs and such. Now I work as a 3D Texture artist, create lighting rigs for 3D scenes and do character designs.

    @aelus-van-eyck - I'm a freelance artist and art instructor from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I live by myself (with 3 cats). On my free time, I play a fair amount of tabletop RPG with friends (mostly D&D) and practice Kyudo.

    @Matt Coltrane | Federation - I'm 30 year old from Italy. I work as a programmer for a large company in the commerce environment. I am always very busy and I spend most of my hours on the computer except when I train in basketball or five-a-side football. In the little free time I have left I compose experimental electronic music and play my tunes on the radio.

@Dar'yaArs|Architectural Engineer - By day I learn Python programming and by night I try and figure out Houdini. In between the sessions I hang out on the Planetquest server. Sometimes I start reminiscing and pull out my old tablet to draw something for my own pleasure or to distract myself.

@Xerox³⁴⁹|Federation|Cyborg  - I'm a 29 year old from Canada. My Wife and I work as Independent Distributors of various bread products to our local grocery stores. It can be a lot of work and we start around 2AM. I like to spend as much of my spare time as I can with my family, we have two boys, and enjoy the warm months outdoors doing things like camping, hiking, and swimming.

@Nottamali | Union Special Agent  - I’m a business analyst who works in the United States. I have been a proponent of blockchain gaming for about two years now, and I’m co-founder of a company that creates third party applications for these games. My normal work day involves writing business requirements and developing solutions to technical problems, so drawing and writing is a much needed creative outlet for me. I have always wanted to create a comic, and so I have been challenging myself to draw the characters created by members within our community.

- “This community has so many creatives, and I only introduced a few of them. We’re all so different, and yet, we have something in common – the PQ community.” I summed up and put the pile of papers aside.

- “I think I understand what you were trying to say, sir. Hopefully, others will understand it as well.” Concluded Archi. “Sir, I noticed that you have a new tag after ‘Special Agent’. May I ask what it means?”

- “All in good time. Let it by my little secret for now.” I smirked and decided to take a nap. “A new beautiful week is ahead of us.”

Weekly Digest 5.png

Greetings, fellow citizens of PQ.  Another week has passed, a new season of PQ Universe story is ahead, new contests, events and so much more. I wish you all good spirits, a great week and be nice to each other. :)

The contents of this publication are presented for informational and entertainment purposes only, and reflect the personal opinion of an author based on his observations, and delivered through his character @Mydrec | Special Agent [MERCY] and his AI helper Archi.

- ”Sir, you’ve mentioned once that there are heroes on the server, but aren’t heroes supposed to save people or help them?” Archi asked me as I was enjoying my breakfast.

- “I see, the RGB community has been good for you, you’re  evolving.” I said with a smile. At heart, I was pleased with his progress. "The thing is, Archi, you don’t have to wear a mask or expect recognition from others to be a hero. Sometimes, you can just be yourself, live your life, chat with your friends and colleagues, and you’ll inspire people around you, make them a little bit happier, lead by example in a difficult situation or support them when they need it.” I paused and waited for Archi to say something.

Archi was silent for a moment, analyzing the data, then he shared his assessment.

- “So it would seem, sir, that people who inspire or motivate others with their words and actions are also heroes of sorts.” He asked me to confirm his observation.

- “That’s right, Archi, you are absolutely correct, and I can demonstrate it for you.” I replied and went outside to meet some RGB folks.

We were wandering around our community for a whole day, asking various people – regardless of their position and status – just one question: ‘Who makes you a little bit better and how?’

- “Have you recorded it all in your database, Archi? Show me the recordings for today.”

Archi flew to the side and displayed the responses:

    @freeman001  – Outside of his engagement in most events, and his deep knowledge of gunsmithing, he just makes me laugh. Even with silly jokes, he always finds a way to deliver it in a way that just cracks me up. A joy to be around.

    @Dark 🆃  [MERCY] – I've been having exchanges with DarkT in the faction-battle channel and I have to say: it's one of the most fun activities I've had in this server in a while. Very thoughtful, provoking and filled with lore (albeit inevitably misguided 😛 ).

    @Nottamali | Union Special Agent – Our resident artist, Nottamali has been an impressive source of endless creativity and engagement. He's drawn everything, from animals, to plants, to characters, to planets, to stories. It is truly inspiring to see.

    @WanHeda | PrimusPilus | QLFC No³ – WanHeda is doing incredible work in the Wiki, but for me, it was his/her relentless support in the storyline channel, enforcing rules and directing people towards the proper channels that got my attention. An ever present force for good in the server, and a really commendable effort.

    @LightningCrow | Rogue Cleric   – This man has been present from the start, and has engaged a lot with us in the Empire. However, his translating efforts are a thing to behold. He has been the most reliable and fast translator in the Portuguese speaking community, always there when we needed him.

    I like @Doc O.B | Custodian | QLFC No:1  because he always works hard, and he’s easy to work with. I like @PanCrudo because he’s always there and ready to give me & others points in #reward. I like @[REKT] Ixtlanian | Union Seer ⓅⓆ  because he’s really creative and good at making cool ciphers… I like @Nikita | Loremaster [MERCY]  because he works really hard despite the hardships.

    I like our community member @Alexei |ST| Dark Hero ⓅⓆ , he’s always positive, active in all sorts of contests, shares his ideas, even participates in the Multi-Faction Storyline Discussion. All that – and he doesn’t even speak English – can you imagine that? How much passion does one have to be this engaged despite all the hassle with the translation?


    @Ulti  – Is the soul of the Greek community and really fun to voice chat with.

    @körbuzağı | Progressor – for his funny comments and being the awesome helper in Turkish community, trying to teach us everything he knows about crypto.

    @ChRiStMaS DeEr  – Last but not least, ChirstmasDeer has been here from the start, and he was responsible for sponsoring our first major event on the server, gifting people (myself included) with rare and epic insignias merely to foster our engagement. He's been an incredible force for good on the server, always here to drive PQ forward and to bring us closer together in building this community. I am forever grateful to him for the incentive and for staying with us.

- “Archi, that’s enough for today. I can see that it’s a long list, and we won’t be able to mention everyone today. But we’ll definitely do it in the future.” I interrupted the report, as the day was quite eventful. “Do you understand now, that regular people, without even trying, can make others a little happier and give them achievement motivation – simply by talking, supporting or cheering up.”

- “Yes, sir, I understand it now.” Archi was clearly pleased to learn something new

Weekly Digest Week 6.png

Greetings, fellow citizens of PQ. This is the 6th issue of our Digest, and a whole month is behind us.Time goes by, some things change, some stay the same. Our PQ community is just like that. Let’s recall some events from the recent past and talk about what will come next. As always, stay positive and have a good week!

The contents of this publication are presented for informational and entertainment purposes only, and reflect the personal opinion of an author based on his observations, and delivered through his character @Mydrec | Special Agent [MERCY] and his AI assistant Archi.

- “Archi, it’s been over a month since we learned about this RGB community, and I must say, I really like where they’re going, and all the great changes that are happening.” I said as I sat down comfortably in an arm chair, kicked my feet up and had a good stretch. “Please, analyze the recent data and remind me of the past events.”

Archi took a moment to think, trying to recall everything that had happened in the past month and prepared a short report.

- “A 📒║weekly-character-stories contest has been going on for over a month now. This is where representatives of all factions tell about the adventures they had in the past week. I must say, sir, each faction has it’s own best story teller, voted for by the community.

@Boris [MERCY] represents the Federation.

@paroler I Union hijacker represents the Union.

@Andecaros | Primus Pilus represents the Empire.”

- “The first season of #-pq-brain-games with all the different ciphers and riddles has been wrapped up. And now they have new activities, such as PQ Fun Word Search , PQ Wordle and PQ Fun Jigsaw, all organized by @Luffy | PlanetQuestWiki Team with the help of @[REKT] Ixtlanian | Union Seer ⓅⓆ and @WanHeda | PrimusPilus | QLFC No³.”

- “The community has finally had another round of the wonderful and exciting #-pq-adventure-event organized by @aelus-van-eyck , @Crüniac | Voice of the Union and @TheHopefulLoser | Federation. As expected, it was a blast and everyone had a lot of fun.”

- “Of course, we should not forget about the 🐺-bestiary-and-botany-contests-weeks contest where the community invents with all sorts of different names and descriptions of the flora and fauna species.”

- “They are running the 📝-faction-motto-contest to give the factions an opportunity to come up with their own motto, and then the community votes for whichever they like. It’s quite unusual, I must say, that the motto isn’t forced on the factions – instead, they choose one by themselves.”

- “The #🌍║russian-русский-язык community are doing the voice-over of the main storyline. The first season is over and we’re waiting for our visionary to continue the tale with new adventures of the familiar characters, and we will be able to vote on the course of actions once again.”

- “There are so many more events, contests and various activities. One of the most important developments is that very soon we will know the first lucky people to have their applications for Planet Sale approved, and they will be able to buy planets. Besides, there are weekly Smash Karts tournaments, choosing the best names for animals, quizzes, puzzles, Arena Latino-Ibérica… Oh, and we’re expecting the AAA-games tournaments to start shortly.


Archi paused, although he was ready to go on with all the events that had taken place in our community, but I cut him off.

- “C’mon, Archi, we have so many things going on, there’s not even enough time to track them all, much less to participate in all of them.” I waited a moment, and asked him very quietly, almost whispering, so no one could hear us. “Do you know anything about what’s in the works for our community?”

- “That is privileged information, sir, I can not disclose it.” Archi replied following the security protocols.

- “Oh, gimme a break! I’ve been teaching you, advising you, and you can’t even give a little hint?” I really wanted to know what it was about.

Archi thought about it for a bit, and decided to tell me in very general terms about what was in store for us.

- “According to available data, they’re planning on introducing Orders for the community, with their own advantages and limitations, that will be competing between themselves. Moreover, as I was combing through the database, I found something resembling new ID cards for the users. They look different and contain information about achievents in the communiity. That is all I can afford to say, sir.” Archi finished, and left me with the burning desire to find out more about what I’d just heard.

Weekly Digest 7.png

Greetings, fellow citizens of PQ. And yet another week is behind us. The Planet Sale is upon us, and community life is in full swing, with ever more activities to suit every taste coming our way. I wish you a wonderful week, an abundance of good news, and enjoy your time off. :)

The contents of this publication are presented for informational and entertainment purposes only, and reflect the personal opinion of an author based on his observations, and delivered through his character @Mydrec | Special Agent [MERCY] and his AI assistant Archi.

- “Archi, we will soon see the new season of PQ universe stories roll out. Many are looking forward to it.” I said casually, enjoying my usual cup of coffee and a croissant. “After all, many are eager to take a direct part in the storyline, to become a part of something more than themselves.”.

- “Sir, as far as I know, we are trying so hard to mention as many people as possible for their engagement and input in this RBG community.” Archi replied and was waiting for me to expand on the topic.

- “That's right. Now imagine that you had the opportunity at birth to choose who you would want to become. Specify your qualities, talents, character, abilities and much more in advance. What would you choose?” I asked and continued without waiting for the answer.“I looked through the profiles of the people in our community and was pleasantly surprised at how different everyone’s aspirations are. Here is a list, analyze it and record it in the database. Maybe in the future it can help someone, or it will become a part of the story.” I finished and gave Archi a pile of papers to process.

Archi reached for the papers and began analyzing all the records that lay in front of him, trying to catch the essence of each character – their qualities, characteristics and unique abilities. With those in mind, he tried to highlight various classes, divide them into group and compiled it all into his archive:

@Michael Kill | shadow , @MariosCY5 | Striped Tribune , @omerkaan , etc. - Class: Assassins. They are often brought up and live in underprivileged districts. They know how to hide and get lost in the crowd, expertly handle sniper rifles or cold weapons, good at breaking in and hacking, knowledgeable about explosives, as well as all kinds of poisons. Sometimes an assassin can win a battle before it even begins.

@MaksimCube|Archaeologist Soldier , @Alexei |ST| Dark Hero ⓅⓆ, etc. - Class: Soldiers, warriors. Special representatives of their kind. They come from either impoverished or affluent background. However, what they all have in common is courage, bravery, endurance and self-sacrifice for the benefit of a common goal or idea. Each faction has its own warriors, often some of them become heroes and leaders for their people. They are indispensable at the time of conflict or war, they are the ones who guard your peaceful lives.

@Berry | Union Combat Medic , @Doc O.B | Custodian | QLFC No:1 et al. - Class: Medic, doctor. These are the people who have dedicated their lives to help others. They are respected among all 3 factions, because sooner or later, almost everyone will require their services, and sometimes your life depends on them. Their weapons are usually unique, not anything like the rest, and often they can either take lives or give a second chance at life. They are experts in chemicals that can temporarily make you stronger and faster – or completely drain you of life force. In any case, it’s best to stay away from them, but if the encounter is unavoidable, make sure the doctor is on your side.


@pikotako | Valkyrie Ace Pilot , @theilmac|Union Recruitment Agent , @Boris [MERCY], etc. - Class: Pilot. These people are drawn to the skies, stars and flying. They often have a kind of a dreamer personality. Pilots can use any means of transportation, be it a car or a spaceship. They have a special affinity with the tech and can do things that are well beyond anyone else’s abilities. Pilots commonly become merchants, since they are like some sort of a circulatory system that connects all corners of star systems, and it would be nearly impossible to do almost anything without them.

@M-Ray#1071 , @Dar'yaArs|Architectural Engineer , @Rarity| Union_QuantumResercher, etc. - Class: Engineer. People who have the skills and talent to build and repair. Sometimes they are overlooked, and people might not know their names, but they are the ones who make it possible for us to live on various planets in otherwise unbearable environmental conditions. Only they can fix what is sometimes considered non-repairable. Only thanks to them can we mine minerals where it would seem impossible. And only because of them can you admire the splendor of magnificent palaces and monuments.

There are other classes, sometimes rare and unique. Such as @Adriano Vega | FPP Captain – Class: Psionik. @Ravil – Class: Necromancer. And even @Wolfer [REKT] | Keara – Class: Unknown, ordinary Bartender and Farmer.

Archi was done analyzing the data and looked at me expectantly.

- “This is far from everything that I would like to have recorded, but there’s still time. And no one knows who might become our hero next time.”- I said to Archi, when I finished my coffee and headed for my beloved RBG community.