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First Contact

Chapter 16: "First Contact"
Major players Universal Council
Crimson Wolves
Vote outcome Sending an unmanned probe into the wormhole
Major events Discovery of a new, foreign galaxy on the other side of wormhole
Timeline Chronology
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
"Last Stand" "The Calm"


With the emergence of several wormholes across the Core Systems ("Last Stand"), the fallout of the event included the death of Federation President Elijah Burke, who would be succeeded by VasTech COO Victor Huxley, as well as the unusual growth of dense foliage around Station Ignis's exterior plating.

Once the initial Quantum wave from Mímir had subsided, the Universal Council was forced to turn its attention toward the new wormholes. Despite the volatility of these wormholes, experiments concluded that it would be possible to send an unmanned probe past the event horizon with the aid of embedded, shifting co-ordinates gleaned from Iza and Esau's cryptic humming ("First Steps") - co-ordinates that could be used to navigate the wormholes safely. However, such a probe would also run the risk of attracting too much attention from any entities on the other side of the wormhole.

The Federation proposed an alternative - by registering the fluctuations in the wormholes, Hygeia Systems, a minor Corporation, believed it would be possible to widen the radius of a wormhole artificially, allowing a manned craft to pass through. As only one project could be fully realized at the time, the Council decided to put the choice to a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.

With the factions deciding unanimously to send an unmanned probe through the wormhole closest to the planet Mímir, preparations were immediately underway to deploy the probe, and it was expected to report with its findings before the end of the conference.


Report from the 32nd conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held in orbit of station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Solas Craine, Gloria Morell, Moira Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, San’a, Kim Lee
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix

… and this concludes our discussion on the effects these developments may have on the Imperial populace. I… hope your concerns have been satisfied, Imperator Solas.

Yes… moving on: during the fallout from the carnage around Mímir, the factions have diligently worked together to limit the damage caused by the wormholes. As all of you well know, station Ignis has survived, though dense foliage has wrapped itself around the station’s exterior plating. President Burke, who passed away during the incident, will be succeeded by Victor Huxley, who will be stepping down as COO of VasTech to take on the position of president. Subsequent Council conferences are to be held in orbit of Ignis until we fully grasp the situation inside.

Now the intensity of the initial Quantum wave from Mímir has somewhat died down, and the Council can begin to turn its attention to the mystery of these new wormholes. Currently, they show no signs of expansion or collapse. One wormhole has appeared in the Kepler system, one slightly outside of the Lalande system in Union space, and one near Mímir, though it is not nearly large enough to subsume the planet as it did before.

While these wormholes continue to be quite volatile, initial experiments have indicated that it would be possible to send a small, unmanned probe inside them. Normally, of course, such a probe would be instantly destroyed. However, current research has confirmed a working theory held by those at the Union’s Gamayun Labs on Gaea: that the constant humming of the mercenaries Iza and Esau in fact contains embedded, shifting co-ordinates; co-ordinates which can be used to navigate the wormholes. If a small probe programmed with these co-ordinates and equipped with a system scanner was sent into a wormhole, it may well be able to give us a large amount of information about what lies on the other side.

Of course, sending through a probe with a system scanner would also be a significant risk, as such a machine would attract a lot of attention. Though many of our councilmembers believe it is necessary for humanity to expand its borders, some see the risk posed by sending the probe to be too great for the Core Systems to face at present.

In light of this, President Lee has brought another proposal before the Council: Hygeia Systems, a minor Corporation in Sector 2, has been using their exposure to the signals from the Cradle to examine and understand the wormholes in more depth. They believe that by registering the fluctuation in the wormholes, it may be possible to artificially widen the radius of the wormhole’s center, eventually allowing a manned craft to journey through.

Given the tumultuous circumstances in the entirety of the Core Systems, the Universal Council cannot afford to split its focus on any one of these projects. Doubtless, both will be developed further in time, but the question is which we will focus our efforts toward first. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Council utilize the co-ordinates provided by the Union, in order to fly an unmanned probe through the wormhole? Or does the Council attempt to use the Federation’s insights to perhaps widen the wormhole’s entrance, in order to send in a manned craft later?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from San’a, Valkyrie of the Federation and representative of President Lee

Explorers, I… I must confess, I come before you somewhat shaken. I have stood shoulder to shoulder with some of the most intelligent and influential citizens in the Federation; I have shared a battlefield with its most decorated soldiers, and yet… I have never seen a man bring an entire room to silence without saying a single word. Not once did Solas speak to us, and yet somehow Ji knew how to interpret his every intention through just his movements. And his eyes… the same distinct color as Ivona’s, and yet so incredibly different, magnetic and furious.

I do not believe the Emperor- erm, Solas, I don’t believe Solas will return to Ignis soon, but I pray I am not there when he does.

Of course, it may be that I am still somewhat affected by the loss of President Burke, and that this is merely a side-effect. He was among the five Valkyries who were my instructors at the Academy, and without him, I would not be the woman I am today. I have heard some of my fellow Federation members say that the weakest link in our faction’s chain has been broken – nothing could be further from the truth. We have lost a good soldier, and a good man.

It will take some time for Victor Huxley to make the transition to the neutral center of the Core Systems, so Áurea and I will be holding down the fort around Ignis for a while – President Lee is unfortunately extremely preoccupied with the wormhole near Mímir at present.

Which brings me to the vote, and I have to say that I do not find the Union’s methods to be too credible in this case. While they may have positive results in test flights near or within their own wormhole, this is no reason to assume it will work with the others, nor that these are not false positives, especially when the information is being extracted through the mumblings of two brain-addled mercenaries!

Apologies, I must console myself. Be that as it may, Hygeia Systems are also a relatively unproven commodity, with their most notable contribution being the improved Orea system for the Valkyrie units. It is quite clear that President Lee only suggested their research as a plausible alternative to the Union technology. Though I do agree with her in this regard, it will not reflect well on the Federation if Hygeia Systems fails in their operation.

Choose wisely Explorers – the reputation of the Federation is on the line here, and we must avoid falling further down this road of catastrophe.

Stay vigilant.


Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Rejoice, Imperials! Our magnanimous Emperor – may he outlive the stars – has graced the Council with his presence for the first time since its formation! And the fear in their eyes, oh! You should have seen that fool Áurea attempting to maintain her composure in the face of true power – I daresay she did not know where to look! Needless to say, our Emperor did not waste his words on such an inadequate public, and I was more than willing to assume my role as interpreter for his Eminence.

And yet, as base as it may be for Imperator Solas to appear before the Council, it is clear such steps are necessary. The wormhole near our capital is threatening the stability of the Empire. Our people – whipped up into a frenzy by these loathsome Vulpis Oculi, may well come to think of our center of power as weak. We must certainly show our citizens that the Empire has nothing to fear from these wormholes – that we will crush them, much like any other potential threat the Empire might face. Are we not the faction who orchestrated the raids on Idrius? Who wrought the mechanisms of station Ignis? Certainly we are!

Your blood is that of conquerors, Imperials – do not forget that. It is our duty to see to it that this issue is dealt with in short order. That then brings us to the question at hand: in what manner? It may be that widening the wormholes will also provide a comprehensive view of what exactly lies beyond them, but this may well take too long to execute. A direct missionary, an envoy on behalf of the Empire, may serve well as a method to show the Empire’s continued dominance over the cosmos. I would also advise you to consider, Explorers, that the Empire stands to lose the most in the event these wormholes turn malevolent. With the Imperial capital at risk, our decisions must be careful, and measured.

There are many ways to still the anxious haze that hangs over our people, Explorers. It is your duty, as the hands of our Emperor, to see to it that this haze is dissipated, no matter the cost.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

When I heard Solas would be attending, I didn’t know what to make of it. Thought I wouldn’t be able to stop myself, thought my anger would get the better of me, but slinging vitriol at him, but the instant he walked into the room, I felt completely paralyzed. Like my whole body knew that no matter what I did, it’d never make a difference – I wouldn’t be able to lay a finger on him.

I don’t want to linger on the experience too much, Comrades, but suffice it to say, I’m not exactly hoping for a swift return of the Empire’s most venerated granddad. Trice and Mandla were pulled back to the Vox, so it’s just me here for now. Not that I blame them, we have no idea how safe it is to even be in the vicinity of Ignis at this point, and the Bastion’s getting fuller by the day.

All that said, I realized I had to relay the information from Gaea to the Council, but that doesn’t mean I feel comfortable about it. We’ve still got Isa and Ezau contained, and now we’re going to benefit from their detainment? That sounds like Fed business if I’ve ever heard it.

But that’s just the problem: if we don’t go with the info from Gamayun, we’re handing our lot over to the Feds. I don’t doubt they’ll be able to do what they say they can, but that doesn’t change the fact that whatever information we get about these wormholes, it’s going to pass through Fed systems first. Urgh, I swear, this one’s doing my head in. It’s not like Isa and Ezau are even going to be allowed to leave if we use the Gamayun findings! It’s just the fact that we’ll be profiting off their misery that makes me sick to my stomach.

If I had to lean one way, I’d say taking a stance against the misuse of our own people would be the right thing to do by Union principles – I know that’s what Haley would think, at least. Times being the way they are, I just want us to do something that’d make her proud, you know?

Keep your head high, Comrades.


Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Send an unmanned probe 3 (Empire,Federation,Union) , Widen the wormhole 0 ()

The final vote is in favor of sending a probe through the wormhole. The necessary materials are being prepared, and the probe is to be sent out shortly. The Council has determined unanimously that the targeted wormhole be the one near Mímir, as it is the most isolated and well-documented of the three. We expect the probe to return before the end of this conference, and the Nexus’ communications network will ensure its findings reach the Universal Council as soon as possible.



Initial examinations of the probe after its return revealed that, even with the co-ordinates provided by Gamayun Labs, substantial damage was still sustained by the probe - damage that would have surely been fatal to a pilot inside. Transmissions to and from the probe were also scrambled, further hindering the investigation.

However, the probe's system scans revealed that what lay on the other side of the wormholes was indeed a yet-undiscovered galaxy, containing planets with completely foreign biospheres and little intelligent life. Representatives of each faction were informed of this discovery, and it was expected that the Council would be able to send a manned craft through the wormhole in due time.

Investigations on the Cradle also revealed that its activation was not directly tied to the Crimson Wolves, but was in fact triggered by a Quantum instability in the veins and exacerbated by increased Quantum activity around the planet. Suspicions arose over this being the work of the Wolves to lure the Council's fleets in to use their Quantum Drive activity to trigger the Cradle's activation. However, no further action was taken by the pirates to capitalize on the chaos, raising questions about their true motivations for activating the Cradle.


The following is a report from the Universal Council concerning the proceedings of the probe guided by the Gamayun Labs:

The probe has made a brief return from its excursion beyond the wormhole. Its findings, though limited, are of immense importance, and will need to be addressed directly during the next conference. After passing through the wormhole, it seems that even when following the co-ordinates provided by the Gamayun Labs, the exterior plating of the probe seems to have melted away. If a manned craft had been sent, even with a further widened wormhole, the pilot would surely have perished.

Upon its return through the wormhole, however, the operation hit upon yet another problem: any and all transmissions to the probe were scrambled, negatively affecting navigation and resulting in yet more damage to the unit. If we are to send any future probes, it will perhaps be necessary to find some stronger substance with which to build them – even more so if we plan to send manned missions.

Thankfully, the probe’s scanning systems have remained intact, as has the data it gathered while on the other side of the wormhole. From these system scans we have discerned something incredible: these wormholes seem to lead to an entirely new galaxy. What’s more, some of the planets in these galaxies are like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Though some of the biospheres on these planets are still similar to those found around Mímir, for example, many others are completely foreign to us, with strange, ambient landscapes that may support all kinds of life.

Presently, there is no way to know whether each wormhole leads to the same destination, or whether there are multiple different locations they may open out on. Further expeditions will no doubt answer this question conclusively.

As is custom, the Universal Council representatives of each faction have also been notified of this discovery. Since it is quite likely we will be able to send a manned expedition through the wormhole soon, questions surrounding sovereignty have naturally arisen. From our initial sweep of this galaxy, it doesn’t seem that any of the planets in the immediate vicinity of the wormhole contain highly intelligent life. As such, each faction has argued for an equal distribution of planets among the three factions, with the exact nature and allocation of planet ownership to be discussed during the next conference.

As a final note, our researchers on Mímir are continuing to study the Cradle’s erratic behavior. It is their current belief that the Cradle’s activation was not, in fact, caused by any direct action from the Crimson Wolves. Rather, it was a result of an instability in the Quantum veins beneath the planet’s surface, compounded by increased Quantum activity in and around Mímir itself. It would seem the pirates deliberately disrupted the veins of Quantum running through the planet’s caves, and lured in the Council’s fleets, anticipating that this concentration of Quantum Drives would trigger the artifact’s activation.

The Crimson Wolves’ motivations for doing so are currently unknown, as they do not appear to have capitalized on the current disturbance in any noticeable way. However, it is surely only a matter of time before they rear their heads once again.