The Void

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The Void

Chapter 7: "The Void"
Major players Universal Council
The Panopea
Vote outcome The Panopea is sent into the mass of light
Major events Disappearance of Mímir
Destruction of the Panopea
Timeline Chronology
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
"The Ides" "Quantum Sickness"


Following the revelation of Montez Lycanis being implicated in Councilor Julius Lycanis’ murder ("The Ides"), another pressing matter presented itself to the Universal Council. With the Panopea’s most recent update came the news that the planet Mímir had seemingly vanished from sight; reports described solid strands of light bursting through the planet’s atmosphere before enveloping it in a thick haze. When the haze had cleared, Mímir had disappeared, leaving only a mass of fractic light in its place.

While the crew of the Panopea was able to confirm the planet’s disappearance on every spectrum, unknown signals were intercepted coming from the mass of light - signals appearing to originate from thousands of light-years away. The crew also observed that there was a centerpoint in the mass of light, and noted that it might be possible for a class-A vessel possessing the necessary capabilities such as the Panopea to withstand the high amount of energetic resistance emanating from the center. However, the Panopea also housed advanced research technology - without it, analyzing the signals would be near-impossible.

As their fleet was still returning from Kepler-7 following the successful evacuation of the Imperial Forge World ("The Ides"), the Council had limited resources to send reinforcements to the Panopea, and noted that by the time reinforcements reached the fleet stationed at Mímir, the ongoing situation would most likely have changed. However, in waiting for reinforcements, the fleet would also be able to take the time to analyze the signals and possibly discover a way to stabilize the energy of the light. Faced with this dilemma, the Council put the decision up to a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.

With the Federation voting to hold for reinforcements and study the signals, and the Empire and the Union both voting to send the Panopea into the light in an attempt to reach where Mímir had vanished to, instructions were sent to the Panopea to prepare to venture into the light, with Imperial member Aris Glycon appointed as acting certain of the vessel.


Report from the 23rd conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held on board station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Ji Young-Joo, Moira Craine, Thulani Ade’k
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, Victor Huxley, Elijah Burke
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Mandla Bankole, Haley Nguyen

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

… and we have had no more contact with house Lycanis since the incident. No further confirmation of Montez’ imprisonment, nor any substantial evidence to support the house’s assertion. You are correct, Councilor Fenix- it may be that this is soon to become a matter in which the Council will need to involve itself.

Currently, however, we have more pressing matters on our hands. Councilors, you should all be aware of the Panopea, the ship that was sent out beyond the Core Systems, and which – until recently – was orbiting the planet Mímir, waiting for contact from either Commander Varse or Vice-captain Kestrel.

I say until recently because the fact is: Mímir has vanished. This information comes to the Council through the Panopea’s most recent report. This report described the increasingly frequent lights in Mímir’s atmosphere bursting out of the cloud cover in the form of solid strands, which wrapped around the planet and enveloped it in a thick, bright haze. Once the haze had cleared, the planet had disappeared. In its place hung a mass of swirling fractic light, far smaller than Mímir. The light appears to be warping the space around itself.

The crew of the Panopea have confirmed that every trace of the planet has vanished from their sensors, but that there are a number of unknown signals emanating from the center of the light – the point at which the energy is most concentrated. Some of these signals may be from Commander Varse, though the light itself is such a volatile source of energy that the signals are impossible to isolate. Additionally, they are interspersed with heavy bouts of static and, when measured, appear to be coming from thousands of light years away, so it is clear there is significant disruption present.

As noted, the crew has observed that there appears to be a center to the light, and that it may be possible for a ship to venture into this center. Braving such a high amount of energetic resistance would require a class-A vessel at the very least, and the Panopea is the only ship in the fleet that qualifies. Unfortunately, the Panopea also powers the more advanced research equipment the fleet possesses. Without that, disentangling the signals from the light will prove nigh impossible.

The Council does not currently have the resources to send any more forces to assist the Panopea; our fleets are returning from Kepler-7 as we speak. We will send reinforcements by the next conference, but by then the situation may have worsened, or at the very least, changed. However, while the fleet is waiting, the research team may be able to find a way to stabilize the energy of the light, or gain further clarity on the signals. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the fleet beyond the Core Systems send the Panopea into the light, in an attempt to discern what happened to the planet Mímir, or do they withhold their advances, potentially abandoning the planet, and study the signals from the mass of light in the hopes of stabilizing it before reinforcements arrive?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from Ana Plíšková, assistant to Victor Huxley, COO of VasTech

Good sol, Explorers. I apologize on Mr. Chase’s behalf for the unprofessional communication during the last conference, which I will seek to rectify from now on, so as to uphold the standards of both the Federation and of VasTech.

It is not a trivial thing to be accused of murder, and be kept captive on the same station you are living in. I feel eyes following me wherever I go, even now. Thankfully, I do not feel alone. I am very grateful for the efforts Mr. Huxley made on my behalf to have me freed, and for the concessions he was able to negotiate from the Council. It is also a relief to have my name cleared; I believe I have you to thank for that, Explorers.

It appears certain councilmembers remain unconvinced by the DNA-scan, or so President Adonis has informed me. This, of course, is an absurd assertion; to think that such a widely used piece of Federation-manufactured technology could be fooled or manipulated is beyond ridicule.

On the subject of technology, it is very important we do not lose the equipment on board the Panopea. Though the Universal Council may believe that lives are at stake, the development of such equipment is worth more than a single investigation team. The lives it will enrich in the long run dwarf those that may be saved by taking such a heavy risk. It is, however, also worth considering that inaction may lead to further complications: perhaps the entire fleet may soon be swallowed up by this light, or worse, simply destroyed.

I believe that is all for this briefing. I leave this time-sensitive decision in your capable hands, Explorers. After the last vote, I am more confident than ever that you will make the right decision.


Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Glory be unto you on this day, Explorers! It is a day of change, and of providence- a day in which the history of humanity will engrave itself into the stars for eternity, and from which the Empire’s skies can only broaden!

The Emperor – may he outlive the stars – though he has washed his majestic hands of the incidents, offers his congratulations to you on your vote following the last conference. This “DNA-scan” may go against the principles of the Empire, but it has shown the Empire one thing: that the members of house Lycanis are presumptuous and unreliable.

It is small wonder that the overblown technology of the Federation produce such faulty results. Montez Lycanis is more than secure in his cell, and there is no possibility of his escape. Be not afraid, citizens of the Empire; the Crimson Wolves continue to be without their leader. By order of Imperator Solas, Marcia Lycanis has been imprisoned in the dungeons of Eden Lycanis, and Ivona Craine has been assigned to oversee the house’s functions for the time being.

This development on the planet Mímir is certainly intriguing. This light appears to be beckoning us, drawing our attention in with signals from far beyond. Perhaps it will lead us to places yet unknown, waiting to be conquered by the Empire’s fleets! Or perhaps the signals are a message; they may at the very least have ancient secrets buried deep within their frequencies.

However, we cannot let the planet Mímir escape the Empire’s grasp, not when it is so close. The Emperor, seated in his sun-glazed throne, casts his eyes toward you, Explorers. Vote with the heart of an Imperial, and you will surely be witnessed.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Haley Nguyen, Union member and Vox representative

Hi there, Comrades- glad to be back. I hear Aish has been taking good care of you while I was gone, and it doesn't seem like she's led you astray. Not allowing the Empire to have their way in the last vote was the right call in my eyes; not like I trust Fed technology to be accurate, but trusting Solas is always a gamble.

I also want to apologize to all of you for my conduct during the situation with Tonocom Defence. The way I acted wasn't deserving of a Union representative; I didn't show the patience and empathy that's required to bring our faction's ideals to fruition. Whatever slights that may have brought on you, or on the Union, I'll do my best to mend them.

Looking at the current vote, my gut tells me that Sera and her crew need all the help they can get, and I'm worried that if we don't act soon, we might lose her and her crew, along with the source of that signal. Of course, that fear might be unfounded, and, well- acting on my gut hasn't been the most reliable as of late. It might be better to hang back, and to trust that Sera and the rest of them will be alright, but somehow I doubt it, Explorers. It feels like the time to be cautious has passed. Whatever your decision ends up being, make sure to speak to your fellow Union members before you make up your mind.

Here's to a brighter tomorrow.

Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Send in the Panopea 2 (Empire,Union) , Scan the signals 1 (Federation)

The final vote is in favor of sending the Panopea into the mass of light. We have sent word to the fleet beyond the Core Systems, and we will soon hear the initial results of the Panopea’s expedition. Aris Glycon of the Empire has been assigned the role of acting captain of the Panopea, and we expect to hear back from the expedition shortly.

Event Horizon


When the Panopea made contact with the center of the mass of light, eyewitness reports described it as being ‘torn apart’ instantly - the ship appeared to have been ripped from the inside out by an unknown force. Rescue crews were sent out from the fleet to recover survivors and salvage what was left of the wrecked vessel.

With the destruction of the Panopea came the news that the energy levels of the light mass had decreased significantly, and it was hypothesized that class-C vessels and above could, in all likelihood, successfully make the journey to the center. However, no ship in the fleet was willing to make the journey, especially after witnessing the Panopea’s destruction and the Quantum fusion afflicting the survivors.

The Council noted that class-B vessels could be sent to the fleet in light of the reduced energy output of the light anomaly, and form an expedition team to venture into the center of the light again. For the time being, however, the Council advised the fleet formerly headed by the Panopea to remain on standby until the surviving crew could be safely returned to station Ignis.


Transmission from Emel Voden
Origin: Victor-3, class-C research vessel
Dating: 21st report – time of Sagittarii ζ 3.32
Designation: [left blank]

This- this is Emel, of Imperial house Voden. I’m sorry, I’ve been assigned to do this and I’m not sure of the procedures, but the rest of the crew is occupied and- the Panopea… right… the Panopea was destroyed. I was right on the bridge when it happened- the instant the ship made contact with the center, it was just... torn apart. I’ve never seen anything like that happen to a class-A. Almost as if something ripped outward from the inside. It shouldn’t have happened like that. It shouldn’t...

We- um, we’ve managed to recover what we could from the wreckage with smaller fighters but some of- most of them are gone. They’re just gone. I don’t know if there’s anything else I’m supposed to say- no one’s given me an exact… count, but- I don’t think anyone’s made one yet either.

Something happened, though, after the- after what happened. With the light. It was like it calmed down, or something like that. I’ve checked the readings – I’ve been checking the readings a lot – and there’s been a significant decrease in the anomaly’s energy levels. Almost like it reacted to the Panopea in some way. With the state it’s in now, even a class-C vessel could make it to the center…

But no one on the fleet will do it. Not after what they’ve seen. No one wants to get any closer to the light right now. I’ve seen the people they took from the wreckage. Light running along their bodies, screaming like they were in unimaginable pain. Quantum fusion, they’re saying. I- I just do the readings on the pyrometer, so I don’t know.

We’re orbiting at around three times our previous distance now. With the decreased energy output, this should keep the rest of the fleet safe. I hear people saying we ought to go in again once the ships from the Council arrive, and my body starts shaking. I hope they don’t send people from the Empire. I hope they don’t send me.

-Transmission ends.-

From what can be discerned from this scattered report, it would appear the Panopea’s expedition was unsuccessful in reaching the center of the mass of light. Whatever the reason, the light’s volatile nature has apparently been considerably reduced through this action. Though the fate of the Panopea’s crew is tragic, the information we have gained through their efforts is highly valuable; the Council can now send class-B ships to the fleet without much concern. Given the faster readying speed of class-B vessels, it will not be long now before they can be sent beyond the Core Systems, and a complete expedition can venture into the center of the light. Until then, the Universal Council has urged the fleet, formerly of the Panopea, to remain in its current position until its crew can be safely returned to station Ignis.

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact