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; Adonis Áurea, President
; Adonis Áurea, President
: The President of one of the three sectors of Federation space, and a Councilmember for the Federation at the Universal Council.
: The President of one of the three sectors of Federation space, and a Council member for the Federation at the Universal Council.


Revision as of 07:01, 16 May 2022


Adonis Áurea, President
The President of one of the three sectors of Federation space, and a Council member for the Federation at the Universal Council.


A gigantic spacefaring artifact from before the age of humanity, currently controlled by the Union. It has the ability to cruise “silently” through space, and remain undetected, while housing thousands, if not millions of people within it.
Burke, Elijah - President
The President of one of the three sectors of Federation space, and a Councilmember for the Federation at the Universal Council.


A Federation Assault Ship.
A prominent clan under the Union banner.
Chase, Calvin
Second clerk in the office of President Lee. They were briefly in charge of communication with Federation explorers, while Ana Plíšková was held in custody.
Chen Yang
Captain of the Cossack, squadron Roche-7. He participated in the assault against Montez, led by Ivona Craine, and witnessed the subsequent anomaly where several ships seemingly vanished, describing an explosion of “solid light”.
House Lycanis luxury travel vesse.
Craine, Solas
The Emperor of the Empire faction.
Crimson Wolves, The
The Crimson Wolves are a group of pirates supposedly led by the disgraced Imperial noble Montez Lycanis . On their attack of the Empire’s Forge Colonies, they mainly employed guerrilla tactics to avoid further detection.


Destruction of the solar system
Destruction of the solar system. A sudden event, with an yet unknown cause that anihilated the entire Sol system, and the Earth along with it. The catastrophe happened in the midst of an all-out war between the three factions. 500 (Earth?) years have passed since the destruction of the solar system.


Edison station
Located in the Lacaille system, Union sector Z-3. A memorial service was to be held there for those who died during the battle with the Crimson Wolves. A memorial service was also planned for those who died as a result of the operation to return the fusion reactor from the planet Morn.
A mysterious man present on Morn days after the return of the Generator. Described as having “an unruly mop of curled black hair, the rough beginnings of a beard, and a thick parka” alongside “bright white canines”, and a “joke of a haircut”. Upon revealing information that was supposedly private, and showing Lucille the group he belonged to, that he called “The Faceless”, he proposes to recruit her, which she then accepts. Lucille also saw something behind his eyes, something “vicious, elegant, and eternal”.
Empire, The
The Empire is one of the three main factions. Dominant and sophisticated, it is ruled by the Emperor, Solas Craine, and guided by the Oracle, an artifact which “sings” to the Emperor and its Agents alone, of things yet to come. Its culture and creed reaches back beyond the destruction of the Sol system. Proud of their rich heritage, they employ the work of the Factory World citizens to uphold and improve their rich cultural legacy. It is made up of Houses. Its motto is Glory.
Explorer Program, The
A Universal Council led initiative, where so called Explorers from each faction are briefed on matters pertaining to the UC and allowed to vote on the desired course of action.


Federation, The
Federation, The. The Federation is one of the three main factions. Its technological prowess is second-to-none, known for trade routes and infrastructure that still stands long after the destruction of the Sol system. They possess a central government, with the Howitzer as its central station, housing the Nexus, and its space is split into three sectors, each presided over by a President, the pinnacle of what an individual can become. The Federation is also largely built of Corporations. Their motto is Freedom.
Federation central government
Fenix, Aish
A member of the Universal Council from the Union faction and a representative of the Vox coalition.
Faceless, The
A mysterious group, apparently led by a man named Emmet, who were present on Morn days after the return of the Generator. They were “about a dozen or so figures.” They seemed to use some sort of cloaking device that made them completely invisible to the naked eye, and also had “instruments dangling off their bodies”, all with different shapes, “some thin and wiry, others bulky and broad-shouldered.” One of them looked about the age of Lucille’s daughter, another was “limping and using a back-support unit”.


Glycon, Aris
Acting captain of the ship Panopea, and a member of the Empire. They were put in charge of the vessel during the brief travel towards the light core of what used to be the Planet Mímir. Current status is unknown.


Howitzer is the Federation's central government station.
Huxley, Victor
COO of VasTech, and a councilmember for the Union.


Ignis Station
Ignis is the station where the Universal Council holds its meetings. It is located in the neutral sector of the Core Systems.


Ji Young-Joo
A member of the Universal Council from the Empire, and an emissary of the Emperor.


Kepler system, Battle #1
The battle during which the pirate group Crimson Wolves was defeated. During the battle, five squadrons of ships involved in the attack on the pirate command ship disappeared due to an anomalous surge of energy. The command ship also disappeared.
Kepler-7, Incident
Catastrophe that caused quantum and radioactive fallout.
Kestrel, Nicolás
The Vice-Captain of the Panopea, and a member of the Federation. He took part in an expedition to the planet Mímir, the purpose of which was to deliver reinforcements to the group of Sera Varse studying the Shard and attacked by the Qyllits.


Lee, Kim,- President
The President of one of the three sectors of Federation space.
Lycanis, Julius
The head(?) of House Lycanis. Briefly being appointed by the Emperor a temporary position on the Council as a sign of returned faith in the house, he was soon murdered stabbed in the back by a poisoned dagger on his ship after leaving Ignis Station just after the 21st Conference. Preliminary evidence suggested that he could have reached for an alarm in his cabin, before he died, yet he did not. DNA evidence from the scene pointed to Montez Lycanis as the culprit, being all over the cabin, the dagger, and a liquid on Julius’ body. The cause of death was confirmed to be the poison and not the wound.
Lycanis, Marcia
A member of House Lycanis, and the wife of Julius Lycanis. She was the one to open her husband’s cabin and find him dead. By consulting the Oracle, she was convinced Ana Plíšková was the murderer, and demanded the council hand her over for “justice”. With the discovery that Montez’ DNA was identified in the crime scene, she went silent. The Empire later imprisoned her in the dungeons of Eden Lycanis.
Lycanis, Montez
A disgraced former Imperial noble. He was exiled from the Empire. Styling himself a “pirate lord”, he led the Crimson Wolves in their attacks on the Kepler system planets. After the victory of the Third Fleet over the Crimson Wolves, and the capture of Montez, his body was taken by the Third Fleet to the Empire's Inner Rim. By Imperial decree, he was sentenced to bebe executed on the Eden of Lycanis. According to Imperial sources, Montez is currently being held in a cell with his execution suspended indefinitely. The murder of Julius Lycanis has something to do with Montez, as his genetic information was found at the crime scene.


Mímir. Mímir is the planet from which the signal came that disrupted the communication networks of the Federation planets connected to the Nexus. Rich in high-density quantum deposits. The planet's atmosphere appears to be phosphorous and very dense, according to the "14th Research Mission Report from Vargas, Out of Federation Space" silicate rain is falling on the planet. According to a report from the 23rd Universal Council Conference, Mímir has disappeared. More and more fires began to appear in the atmosphere of Mímir, breaking out of the cloud cover in the form of continuous threads that twisted around the planet and enveloped it in a thick, bright haze. As soon as the haze cleared, the planet disappeared. In its place hung a mass of swirling fractal glow, much smaller than Mímir. It seems that this glow bends the space around it.
Morn is an agricultural planet. The incident is widely known when a thermonuclear reactor built using military technology was illegally transported to the planet. The Mornians refused to return it to Tonocom Defense Corporation, the owner of the reactor. As a result, the reactor had to be returned by force, and both sides of the conflict suffered losses in manpower.
Mendacian Division
(Information center of the Empire?) Or at least has information regarding the missing spices from Eden.


Nguyen, Haley
A member of the Universal Council from the Union faction and a representative of the Vox coalition. She is also a Celestial.
An ancient artifact that existed long before the advent of mankind. It is the property of the Federation and is currently located at the central government station of the Federation, Howitzer. It is capable of transmitting data almost instantaneously to three sectors of space controlled by the Federation. Apparently, quantum entanglement is used for communication.


The Oracle is an ancient artifact of great power that, according to rumors, allows you to foresee the future. Used by the Empire faction.
An extremist group belonging or fighting for the Union.


Is the flagship (of the Union?).
Union mercenary ship that caused the Kepler 7 incident. What caused the disaster is unclear, experts examining the ship's quantum drive found no signs of malfunction or outside interference.
Plíšková, Ana
Assistant to the counselor Victor Huxley (COO of VasTech). Suspected in the murder of Julius Lycanis. However, as a result of a DNA examination of the murder weapon (a poisoned knife), her non-involvement in the crime was established, charges were dropped from her and she was released from custody at the Ignis station. She is expected to be reinstated as the Federation's contact for the Explorer program.


Is a substance capable of instantly changing its own molecular structure. It is a source of energy of incredible density. Its appearance marked the beginning of a new era of technology. Soon, factional wars began for the sake of possessing Quantum.
Are mammals that live in cave systems on the planet Mímir.


A Valkyrie of the Federation, and representative of President Lee. Before being deployed to Vargas to aid with the mining operations there, she was in charge of relaying the information of the UC vote to the Federation Explorers.
Sectors of the Federation
The Federation is divided into three sectors. The head of each sector is the President.
The Shard is the source of the signal that caused a communication breakdown on the planets controlled by the Federation and the initiation of the Explorer program aimed at investigating the incident. It is a large shard of black matter protruding from a wall in a cave system on the planet Mímir. The shard measures about 15 feet high and 4.5 feet in diameter. From initial experiments, it appeared that the fragment reacted to organic matter, and any such contact caused an amplification of the signal it emitted. Vast quantum deposits are concentrated around the shard, and Quantum also seems to react to the shard by amplifying its signal. Some hotheads suggested extracting the fragment and sending it to the laboratory for analysis. But Commander Varse insisted that the fragment be examined on the spot.


Tonocom Defense
Is a corporation known for developing fusion reactors for military purposes. It has its own military and navy. The infamous incident on the planet Morne was unleashed by this corporation. As a result, hostilities were unleashed and many people suffered. The corporation demanded that it be returned, in their words, a thermonuclear reactor misappropriated by the inhabitants of Morne. In their justification, the Mornians cited the fact that the reactor crashed on their planet, and was not stolen at all, it was found and repaired by them. By order of the Universal Council, the reactor must be returned to Tonocom Defense. However, the return process did not go smoothly. The forces that arrived to control the transfer process met with fierce resistance. The reactor was eventually returned. But some unpleasant moments were revealed. As it turned out, mercenaries from the Ojin-Kai clan helped organize the resistance. The clan had a very large influence on the planet and, apparently, practically controlled it. It turned out that the clan had close ties with some high-ranking employees of Tonocom Defense, who helped them take over the reactor.
Twin Suns
A clan under the Union banner. Haley Nguyen described them as “not the cleanest clan under the Union banner, but they do good inter-faction work.” Some of them were part of the crew aboard the Pinnacle during the incident, including Sera Varse’s brother, Casper Varse.


The Union is one of the three factions in the game. The Union arose as a result of a conflict between the Federation faction and the Empire faction. It is a haven for defectors from the Federation and the Empire. Each planet in the Union is considered completely independent. The union is led by The Vox.
Universal Council
Is a conglomerate, which includes representatives of the Empire, the Federation and the Union, created to monitor each other's actions and to prevent catastrophes such as the one in which the solar system perished.


Valkyrie (Position)
A militaristic position within the Federation. See: San’a.
Valkyrie (Suit)
A versatile combat suit engineered by VasTech. It was deployed to Vargas to ensure that mining production continued at an expected tempo. It was the first time the unit was used for that purpose.
A Federation-controlled mining planet.
Varse, Casper
Sera Varse’s brother, and a member of the Twin Suns. He was aboard the Pinnacle when the “Quantum Drive” incident near Kepler-7 happened. He was later rescued, and found to be alive, although not in great condition.
Varse, Sera
Is a member of the Union faction and the Universal Council. She led an expedition to study the Shard, which disrupted communication between the planets of the Federation.
Is a galactic corporation that helps provide balance between power and structure to the Federation. They are responsible for the engineering of the Valkyrie suit. Its COO is Victor Huxley.
Vox, The
Vox is a coalition formed from political and military groups within the systems of members of the Union faction. They utilize the Bastion to supply Union planets with resources or weapons, whatever they need. They hold as much power as they are given.


Whitlock, Lucille
A spokesperson for Tonocom Defense Corporation. A very observant person. Known for noticing that the agricultural planet Morne possesses a fusion reactor built with military technology and owned by Tonocom Defense. She was wounded as a result of the operation to return the reactor, was considered missing for some time.