Story Season 2

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Faction Leaders Offer Solutions Amidst Continued Civil Unrest

Transgalactic report 78.6.512, Universal Council

What used to be considered a rare occasion is now becoming a common occurrence: All three factions are acting in lockstep as they roll out their own, unprecedented reformation programs. This, of course, is in response to the era of the "Einsen Bridge" (or EB's). This is the name given to the space-time anomalies widely recognized as the catalysts to the new age we find ourselves in.

Despite pervasive, unwarranted rumors, no one knows if EBs pose a threat or offer benefits. The uncertainty has fueled fanaticism, civil unrest, and periodic hysteria throughout all inhabited planets and planetary systems. So, in an effort to calm their citizens as well as support the research and study of EBs, the Empire, Federation, and Union announced, within days of each other, reformation plans forged at the highest levels of each governing body. There is now nothing more to do but execute their strategies, take action, and hope the renewal of peace takes root.

For further details, consult your faction story channel.

Federation Storyline

A Reluctant New Era No One Asked For. Part 1 of 2

Aisden Riley, Core Systems Editor Op-Ed – Novarim, a Novaros division They are still fresh in our memory but well enough established to be history. The space-time anomalies known as Einsen Bridges have shattered all precedents across every walk of life. We live in a new age. Discovery and excitement await. No one asked for this. Life was fervently enjoyed by the majority of Federation citizens before all this. Growth and position were there for the taking, by all, simple and advanced. Prosperity was enjoyed over one of the longest periods in living memory. It was a good life. It was welcomed. Now, it is and will forever be history. Not since the loss of our solar system, remembered in reverence, have we experienced such disruption. Each faction has endured their share of misadventure. The Union had access to The Cradle, the expected key to Einsen Bridge mysteries, only to lose that access for us all. And the Empire. Oh… the Empire. Troubled by a shocking yet failed coup, this long-standing, archaic political leviathan now denies this clear and obvious event. It seems the emperor’s strategy is to simply wish away his troubles. I guess that’s not entirely ridiculous. For many, disruption is met with denial. For others, it is met with response. Could the Union’s “Code of Ethics” lead to diplomatic advancement? Possibly. Could the Empire’s voluntarily blind-eyed Imperial Ministry preserve order? Not likely, but we live in the unprecedented. No one can say with an ounce of certainty whose plan of attack will prevail. As for this faction, the Federation does what it does best: churns through contradictions to whip up a solution. Half wonder, half idiocy. Sometimes for ill, other times manifesting triumph.

New Regulatory Committees Formed To Reduce Riots, Calls To Violence

Eiron Tehmil, Political Correspondent, The Edison In response to rampant conspiracy theories and unverified reports behind the appearance of Einsen Bridges, as well their resulting disappearances and reappearances of entire planetary systems, the Federal Presidential Council is finally rolling out their plan to quell violent uprisings and civil discord within Federation space. The plan, officially called the Regulatory Einsen Bridge Exploration Acceleration Task plan (or REBEAT), largely centers around the formation of new regulatory committees, each armed with government contracts for various sectors of the market, including foreign and domestic intelligence services, and historic archiving of chain-verified data. "The REBEAT plan does more than distribute funds, it better positions our great Federation against the unforeseen challenges that lie ahead." declares 2nd Sector President, Aurea Adonis. In her speech, she reiterated the importance of the special election taking place to determine the collective entities that will receive these momentous government contracts. The first to be awarded comes from the newly formed Federal Department of Intelligence. This regulatory committee, endorsed by the Federal Presidential Alliance, calls on all Federation explorers to vote for one of two qualified intelligence and communications syndicates: OTK Communications and Sonar Electronics. OTK is known for their impressive diplomatic connections and influential involvement in interstellar affairs. However, many have expressed concern about how this results in too many dependencies and a heavily bureaucratic supply chain. Sonar Electronics on the other hand seems to have no problem completing their goals, regardless of diplomatic circumstances. Persistence is a chief principle among their core leaders, but opponents point to instances where prospects try to avoid the aggressive organization, citing a lingering distaste from previous dealings. Whichever you favor, be sure to exercise your right to cast a vote.

Empire Storyline

The Formation of the Ministry of Honor

Through the grace of His Excellency The Imperator, House Glycon. Greetings and glory to the Empire. It is with great privilege that House Glycon announces the origin and enforcement of the Imperial Ministry of Honor. This Ministry will dutifully hold authority in matters of law, loyalty, and order in accordance with His Premiere Dynast, Imperator Solas. This prestigious delegation is the first of six ministries that will be formed to aid the Imperial Senate's continued confirmation of dominance in the galaxy. This day is no different than those before the anomalous Einsen Bridge events. Our great Empire is unmatched and will continue to be so as the selection process begins for the first to bear the duties of Minister of Honor. Through the wisdom of His Excellency, House Lycanis has been vested to administrate these operations and, as such, one of two potentials will be selected: Lord Breckard Morell or High Lord Akilles Lycanis. Both have demonstrated unwavering loyalty to The Empire and the final choice will determine how the Imperial Senate will receive unforeseen events in the future. The distinguished Lord Morell is inventive and clever. High Lord Lycanis is steady and consistent. You may now express your favor toward one party over the other. Imperium superet astra.

Union Storyline

Your Diligence Forges Our Clear Path On behalf of the Union, as a collective body of leadership, it is the intention of the Vox to acknowledge not only the change and disruption these many months have brought but also the hardships that accompany it. These are difficult times, particularly in our chain of production: uncertainty in logistics, security breaches, misguided rumors, and pervasive bouts of hysteria. Let it be known the Union is resilient. We remain undeterred by hardships that frankly are no different than the daily struggle we endure for a more perfect Union. We have seen difficulty. We have looked adversity in the eye and leaned in, steadfast. This is but a knock at the door of opportunity. We look through a filtered lens to reveal a familiar path. That path leads to fortitude and meaningful purpose. More clear than the Empire’s, for example, which denies obvious truths about the attempt on Emperor Solas’ life. Their attack against their own truth, to instead embrace delusion, will be their undoing. We resist such self-sabotage and as a show of principled discipline, our Code of Ethics has emerged from thorough deliberation within current leadership and stands ready for historic endorsement by the greater Unionist population. These are Ethics of Expression, Information, Safety, Health, Resource, and Civility. In addition to these monumental, faction-wide accords, a Steward will be democratically elected for each standing code. Each termed Steward will act as a current, preeminent example for their charged ethic. Candidates will come from our many clan leaders and representatives. The first stewardship up for election will be the Steward of Expression. Votes will be collected soon, in the coming days. Join us as we navigate the era of the Einsen Bridge and usher in a model for generations to follow.

Your Contribution To Civil Peace, Our Ethic Of Expression

With much deliberation among the Vox, the Tribes, and countless public polls, the day has come to establish our great Union's Code of Ethics. It will determine how we, as a forward-minded people, adapt to the era of the Einsen Bridge. These have been uncertain times. Revolving members of the Vox continue to empathize with fellow explorers the hardships we all bear. It is with great hope that today provides relief as we begin the formation of a strong foundation that will last for countless generations to come. The first of our six ethics is the Ethic of Expression. While this is already practiced throughout all corners of the Union, its significance must be permanently protected for the sake of our future, eternal generations. To further solidify our stance on this matter, we declare this, not only in word but also in governance. Accompanying our various and fundamental Code of Ethics are leadership positions, to be rotated just as general leadership rotates in and out of the Vox. The time has come to decide the first Steward of Expression. Stewards are those holding current leadership positions aboard the Bastion. They will rotate in to serve the duties of their stewardship just as they do now for home and shareland. Chosen at random are two candidates for Steward of Expression: Fellow Kase Marshle of the Forlorn Brotherhood and Flint Schaqtre of Tribe Sunless. Fellow Kase is one of our most organized clan leaders. His operation cycles are lauded for their efficiency and coherence. Despite the slight rigidity, Kase's dedication to the Union's more core standards are unmatched. Equally qualified is the current mining leader of Tribe Sunless, Flint Schaqtre. Mr. Schaqtre's clearest offerings come in the form of versatility. Long queues form, outside his quarters aboard the Bastion, of those in need of his multifaceted services. It can, at times, be difficult to follow him in conversation. His instruction may be thin on specific intent but his adaptability is exemplary. Join us as we select the first Steward of Expression and usher in a new age. Your called-upon Present Leader, Aish Fenix

Voting Results