Vulpis Oculi

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Overview[edit | edit source]

The Vulpis Oculi is an underground political movement within the Empire, which aims to put more political power in the hands of Imperial citizens. The group is suspected to be involved in several unsanctioned deaths that have occurred on the Inner Rim planet Ichthys-β.

The Vulpis Oculi’s Demands[edit | edit source]

Not long after appearing on the political scene the movement issued a statement across all transmission channels:

“Citizens of the Empire! For too long have your voices been stifled, and your lives cast away to uphold the secrets of the nobility! Hundreds of thousands of our own people were killed by the Crimson Wolves in the Forge Worlds on Kepler, and for what? To apprehend a criminal none of us have even seen? I say to you, and to the Council: let us have our justice! Let the bastard Montez, whose Crimson Wolves are responsible for so many deaths, be displayed for all to see!”

Since the aggressions on Ichthys-β all seemed to be led by the Vulpis Oculi and their demands involved the leader of the Crimson Wolves the matter was escalated to the Universal Council.

The Council decided to publicly display Montez Lycanis. House Lycanis was then ordered to proceed with the necessary arrangements. Due to unknown circumstances, however, Montez Lycanis escaped the transport ship on its way to Canna station and has not been found since.

After the disappearance of Montez the actions of the Vulpis Oculi on Ichthys-β have softened.