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Promising Morning Union! All peoples within the Union have had their voices equally heard. There was a resounding consensus of recognition for the member @Allan K, who they wish to provide with a commendation which will appear in their passport soon. Here are the rank titles:
Promising Morning Union! All peoples within the Union have had their voices equally heard. There was a resounding consensus of recognition for the member @Allan K, who they wish to provide with a commendation which will appear in their passport soon. Here are the rank titles:

# Pathfinder
1. Pathfinder - 25 points
# Wayfinder
# Guide
# Searcher
# Voyager
# Progressor
# Horizonist
# Protector
# Visioner
# Manifestor

These titles will appear in time on your passports.
2. Wayfinder - 50 points
3. Guide - 100 points
4. Searcher - 250 points
5. Voyager - 500 points
6. Progressor - 1000 points
7. Horizonist - 2500 points
8. Protector - 5000 points
9. Visionary - 10000 points
10. Manifestor - 25000 points
This Rank system for Union are based on the idea from Allan K, it will be appeared on Union citizen passport.

Latest revision as of 11:26, 27 October 2023


Union Legendary Insignia
Union Legendary Insignia

Welcome to the fold of the Union! We are born from the will to forge a new path; built by defectors of the Empire and the Federation who believed in creating something greater than themselves.

The Union takes pride in its noble pursuit of fairness and equality for all its people. With regularly elected leaders, it makes sure no one group of people takes power and dominance over others. The Union vows to build a better tomorrow for all, through the values of care, community and cooperation.

Today, we are the largest haven for progress and community within the Core Systems. Every planet in the Union’s fold is considered to have complete independence. Where the other factions have a leadership that enforces its authority, the Union is led only by its people. We are governed by the Vox, a coalition formed from political and military groups within our member systems. From within the Bastion – a gigantic spacefaring artifact from before the age of humanity – they flit soundlessly from planet to planet, offering resources and weapons to any that have need of them. Yet the Vox only hold as much power as they are given; a planet or system can leave the Union at any time, if it so wishes. From the citizens of our sprawling cities to the farmers in our far-off communes, every single Union member is here because they choose to be; that choice is what binds us all together. It means that the technologies we develop, such as System Balancing and Burst Engines, are available to any Union member. In this way, we stand on each other's shoulders, and uplift the collective in the process. It is only by working together that we can secure a brighter tomorrow.

The Union

Though the seeds of the Union were already present long before humanity took to the stars, they would not bloom into full fruition until the conflict between the Federation and the Empire rose to a fever pitch. Amidst their clash, a growing sentiment for change could be heard. A number of Imperial houses were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the stranglehold held over them. Their people were suffering, and they could do nothing. Through a series of covert message exchanges, the formation of the Union was all but assured. Spearheaded by the Imperial Addarian house, the Union took to the stars and officially separated from the Empire.

The Union is the youngest of the factions, and considers itself a beacon of hope for a better future. Their separation from the Empire was of course not without struggle. They had to hide and flee, but over the years, through expanding their ships and their people, they grew more powerful. It was the Union that proved victorious over the Empire, which would have been the first defeat this faction had seen in centuries. After this, the Union grew exponentially and it took its place among the other two factions as an established and powerful political entity. The Union welcomes all and a wide variety of people call it home. Community and fairness is of great importance for its members. They take care of one another and make sure no one holds too much power, all the while paving the way for progress and change.

Even whilst being the youngest, the Union hasn’t escaped criticism from the older factions. Claims are many, of a chaotic and fractured society that stands in direct opposition to its intentions. Rumours of fierce punishments for citizens who put themselves above the group are also prevalent. To the Empire, the Union is considered deeply uncivilized and in violation of natural hierarchical order. To the Federation, the Union is viewed as a hypocritical and naïve collective.

Union Artifact: The Bastion

Capable of being anywhere inside Union space at any moment is the Bastion, a “colossal spacefaring structure” that serves as the literal and figurative core of the Union. The Bastion shifts its location instantaneously across the entirety of Union territory. It is not, however, without limitations. The largest of which is the cooldown time after every jump that, according to reports, takes several hours. As such, it spends most of its time warping between Union trade-hubs, prioritizing the highest yields available, and transporting resources with an ease unmatched in either the Empire or Federation. Except in extreme and dire cases where it can be used to transport ships to and from conflict zones, its lack of any offensive capability currently makes it a non-military option for the Union.

The Bastion’s complex design and size cannot be understated. The Union has sent out manned missions to systematically explore, set waypoints, and create maps of it for decades since no human technology exists that can penetrate and survey its interior. One could wander off into its labyrinthine tunnels and open spaces and never find their way back again. In regard to its size, remarkably it can hold every ship in the Union at the same time and with room to spare. In addition, it can functionally support half the Union’s population living aboard long-term or take on board every Union citizen in the event of a system-wide catastrophe.

The massive Artifact boasts “vast residential spaces, agricultural hydroponics, and dedicated sectors for diplomacy that include the Vox’s chambers as well as embassies for high-ranking Imperial and Federation representatives.” In line with the communitarian values of the Union, these representatives have mostly free access to all parts of the Bastion but are openly denied access to Union-made maps. Representatives presently avoid unnecessary excursions. Even after decades of successful Union exploration and research, the internal environment remains an enigma as the earliest records claim they detected no traces of atmosphere, yet in the present day, there exists a rich mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, perfect for human habitation.

Union rank titles

Promising Morning Union! All peoples within the Union have had their voices equally heard. There was a resounding consensus of recognition for the member @Allan K, who they wish to provide with a commendation which will appear in their passport soon. Here are the rank titles:

1. Pathfinder - 25 points

2. Wayfinder - 50 points

3. Guide - 100 points

4. Searcher - 250 points

5. Voyager - 500 points

6. Progressor - 1000 points

7. Horizonist - 2500 points

8. Protector - 5000 points

9. Visionary - 10000 points

10. Manifestor - 25000 points

This Rank system for Union are based on the idea from Allan K, it will be appeared on Union citizen passport.