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The final vote is in favor of having house Lycanis display Montez publicly. Word has been sent to the Universal Council contact within the house, Aki Lycanis, who will proceed to make the necessary arrangements.
The final vote is in favor of having house Lycanis display Montez publicly. Word has been sent to the Universal Council contact within the house, Aki Lycanis, who will proceed to make the necessary arrangements.


Latest revision as of 02:55, 17 June 2022

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Groundswell[edit | edit source]

Chapter 9: "Groundswell"
Major players Universal Council
Vulpis Oculi
Montez Lycanis
Aki Lycanis
Vote outcome Public display of Montez Lycanis
Major events Vulpis Oculi-led unrest on Ichthys-β
Escape of Montez Lycanis
Timeline Chronology
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
"Quantum Sickness" "Subjugation"


Amidst the disappearance of the class-B ships dispatched to the sector where Mímir once was, and reports of a missing Quantum shipment, the Universal Council was able to confirm rumors of unrest on Imperial Settlement World Ichthys-β that had been earlier spread ("Quantum Sickness"). The cause of the uproar was identified as a group calling themselves the Vulpis Oculi - an underground movement whose goal was to put more power into the hands of the Imperial people.

Two days prior to the Council’s conference, the Vulpis Oculi had issued a statement calling for the public display of Crimson Wolves leader Montez Lycanis - following the revelation of Lycanis’ implication in Councilor Julius Lycanis’ death ("The Ides"), as well as the Crimson Wolves’ hand in massacring hundreds of thousands of Imperials in their assault on the Forge Colonies ("The Crimson Wolves"), the Empire’s continued refusal to confirm Lycanis’ captivity had drawn the ire of the Vulpis Oculi, leading to the conflict.

The Imperial Councilors present at the conference, after negotiations, acquiesced to allowing a Council envoy to be sent to Eden Lycanis in order to confirm Lycanis’ captivity; however, they also warned that allowing a public display of Lycanis would be dangerous and potentially compromising to the Empire’s security. Considering the offer in mind, the Council decided to put the direction of confirming Lycanis’ captivity up to a vote, with the seated Councilmembers briefing their respective factions accordingly.

With the Empire voting to have a Council envoy sent to Eden Lycanis, and the Union and Federation opting to have Lycanis publicly displayed, the Council moved to inform their contact, Aki Lycanis, to make the necessary preparations.


Report from the 25th conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held on board station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Ji Young-Joo, Ferus Haden, Thulani Ade’k
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, Victor Huxley, Elijah Burke
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Mandla Bankole, Haley Nguyen

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

…and while the class-B ships that were sent into the light have disappeared, we are currently operating under the assumption that they have suffered the same fate as Mímir. We have seen secondhand what a ship destroyed by the light is like, and that appears to not have happened. For now, the Council’s directive is to simply wait for any change in the light that may result from this operation. There is also the matter of a missing Quantum shipment, which we will know more about once the investigation into the ship’s records has concluded.

Now, let us move toward a matter which involves the entirety of the Core Systems. It would seem the earlier rumors of violence of the Imperial Settlement World Ichthys-β were not unfounded. Several reports of unsanctioned deaths have occurred on the Inner Rim planet during the past few weeks.

Normally, such a matter would not involve the Council; it is a dispute centered within the faction itself, and has little bearing on matters of Core System politics. However, these bouts of aggression seem to be led by one group in particular: The Vulpis Oculi, a recently established underground political movement within the Empire, which aims to put more political power in the hands of Imperial citizens.

Two days ago, a statement from the Vulpis Oculi was issued across all transmission channels. It reads as follows:

“Citizens of the Empire! For too long have your voices been stifled, and your lives cast away to uphold the secrets of the nobility! Hundreds of thousands of our own people were killed by the Crimson Wolves in the Forge Worlds on Kepler, and for what? To apprehend a criminal none of us have even seen? I say to you, and to the Council: let us have our justice! Let the bastard Montez, whose Crimson Wolves are responsible for so many deaths, be displayed for all to see!”

From the message, it appears the Vulpis Oculi’s current revolt will not let up until Montez Lycanis be directly presented to the Imperial Citizens. As it stands, the Empire’s refusal to confirm the presence of Montez Lycanis is currently causing violence and unrest within the faction. This matter is no longer simply the faction’s own issue. The Imperial councilmembers present have, after negotiations, conceded that they would be willing to have the Council send an envoy, along with a small escort, to Montez’s prison on Eden Lycanis. However, they have said that a public display of the prisoner would be compromising their security in a manner both insulting and dangerous to the Empire. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Council order that Montez Lycanis be shown to both the Imperial citizens and the rest of the Core Systems in some form of public display, or does the Council send an envoy to Eden Lycanis and accept the Empire’s offer, allowing the faction to deal with the turmoil on Ichthys-β in its own manner?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from Ana Plíšková, assistant to Victor Huxley, COO of VasTech

Good sol, Explorers. You have, may I say, truly outdone yourselves with the results of the previous vote. In fact, I have just today received word from Mr. Huxley that he wishes to thank you in person during the next conference. You may look forward to a transmission from the COO of VasTech soon.

With the disappearance of Mímir, the disrupting signals emanating from the planet have slowly begun to subside. Vargas, as well as our other mining planets, are finally able to communicate more freely with the rest of the Federation.

Since the Valkyrie San’a has begun overseeing operations on these planets, there have been fewer and fewer working incidents, and production has been kept steady. In response to this, I am pleased to report that President Lee has reached out to VasTech and has offered the Corporation a preliminary financial operations agreement for Sector 2.

Now that you have been briefed on the situation within the Federation, I will move on to the current vote. It is generally the Federation’s belief that the Universal Council need not be so involved in the inner workings of faction politics. Certainly, as a faction, we do not want to be seen choosing sides within the Empire. However, now that the opportunity has presented itself, we must not squander it. This is either a chance to affirm our confidence in the current course of the Empire, or to attempt to sow dissent within it. Of course, if we choose the latter, we risk the retaliation of Solas and his forces.

Whether or not Montez Lycanis is in captivity certainly remains a pressing question; though the Crimson Wolves have not been seen for some time, they are still a threat to the integrity of the Federation. However, giving our full trust to another faction should never be the correct course of action. Whatever the outcome of this vote, we should not assume we are being presented with the full truth from anyone’s side.


Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Greetings once more, you who fly under the skies of the Empire! You are all rightly deserving of your position as Hands of Imperator Solas – may he outlive the stars – as many have taken to calling you. May you embody his will far beyond the grasp of the Empire’s systems.

To have such a rare substance as this organic Quantum matter be discovered aboard station Ignis, as opposed to a Federation research laboratory, is a great boon for the Empire. No doubt the Federation would have dissected the material ad infinitum, only for it to never fulfill its true purpose, one which only the Emperor can divine. Certainly, these Federation technocrats are seething with fury, knowing we have denied them such an important advantage!

I’m sure I need not speak to you on the current vote, however. The very suggestion that the Empire bend to such a minor voice within its borders is an affront to our principles. Stifled, indeed! The voices and wishes of the people of the Empire are channeled through our Emperor, who in turn is guided by the songs of the Oracle. Any who believe otherwise are misguided, or simply delusional.

Though the matter of displaying Montez is of no consequence – he is, after all, more than secure in House Lycanis’ cells – this is a question of principle, not of consequence. Imperator Solas has warned House Lycanis against bringing out Montez, saying it will only cause more turmoil for the Core Systems.

As citizens of the Empire, it is your duty to see these voices quelled, and their priorities set straight. Remember your place, Explorers.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Haley Nguyen, Union member and Vox representative

Hello there, Comrades. I have to say, I’m not sure about last week’s outcome. While it might have been unwise to trust the Federation with our own people, I don’t know if sacrificing lives to uphold our principles is the right way forward for the Union. Certainly, sacrifices need to be made for progress, but this… this isn’t progress, it’s just stagnation.

The vote last week caused some ripples within the Union, that’s for sure. Among others, representatives of the Redeemers and the Gamayun mercenary clans spoke out against the Council’s decision during the Vox assembly. For what it’s worth, Aish and Mandla do seem to agree with your decision, but keep in mind that we have a Union to maintain, and that some bonds are more easily broken than others.

Seems like this vote will be less of a problem among our systems, though. These Vulpis Oculi folk may appear to be in line with the Union’s principles, but take more than a couple seconds to look at their methods and the thin coat of radical socialism gives way to simple pandering populist rhetoric. I doubt anybody in our fold will think harshly if the Council’s decision falls one way or the other.

No, the only one I’d trust to sincerely push Union ideals within the Empire would be Gloria Morell and her “cohorts”. Make no mistake, the Vulpis aren’t the lesser evil here. The actual outcome of the vote itself doesn’t particularly concern me- I’d say having Montez displayed publicly is a bit distasteful, but it doesn’t go further than that. The real question here is: who do we support? The insurgents peddling a new strain of opium to the masses, or the vulture of an Emperor who’s kept his people bound to the same concoction for hundreds of years?

Just remember: don’t make a decision without consulting with your fellow Union members first.

Here’s to a brighter tomorrow.

Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Display Montez publicly 2 (Federation,Union) , Send an envoy to the Empire 1 (Empire)

The final vote is in favor of having house Lycanis display Montez publicly. Word has been sent to the Universal Council contact within the house, Aki Lycanis, who will proceed to make the necessary arrangements.

Eventide[edit | edit source]


Under the Council’s Lycanis contact, Aki Lycanis, preparations were made to move Montez Lycanis to station Canna - a facility orbiting Lycanis banner planet Chysme - where a public transmission of the Crimson Wolves leader would be sent to every faction.

When it became evident that Montez’s prison carrier, along with its military escort, was late in reaching station Canna, Aki initiated a search of the carrier’s signal, only to discover it could no longer be traced. The Lycanis then proceeded to launch a scout patrol to the convoy’s last registered location in an attempt to track down Montez. Upon locating the convoy, it was discovered that every ship - including the military escorts - had been disabled, and all crew members were unconscious. There was no sign of attack or forced entry; however, the cell that once contained Montez Lycanis was now empty.

The initial theory put forth by the Council was that the Crimson Wolves were responsible for the jailbreak, especially since the culprit had to have had an intimate knowledge of Imperial technology to accomplish such a feat. However, the Crimson Wolves had been driven to Federation and Union space, and had not been resurfacing recently - it was also unlikely they would commit such an act without claiming responsibility. Regardless, Montez’s escape quelled the uproar in Ichthys-β, and the Vulpis Oculi became more subdued in their actions.


The following are a number of transmissions sent by Aki Lycanis, over the course of the transport operation for Montez Lycanis’s public display.

Transmission from Aki Lycanis, UC contact for house Lycanis
Location: main docking bay of Eden Lycanis, southern aureole
Dating: 1st report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: operation report

This is Aki, seventh son of house Lycanis, reporting on the progress of the public display of Montez Lyc- of Montez, the prisoner. The soil of an Eden is considered sacred, and as such it is unfitting for a public display to be held there. The prisoner has been dispatched to Canna station, orbiting planet Chysme, a planet currently under house Lycanis’ banner. A transmission framework has already been established on the station, which will enable the image of Montez to be displayed to every faction. The prisoner’s carrier is being accompanied by several military ships of house Lycanis, in case of unforeseen circumstances. Of course, the Empire’s Inner Rim of planets is incredibly secure, and there is almost no need for this type of additional protection.

Transmission from Aki Lycanis, UC contact for house Lycanis
Location: Oris, central city of Eden Lycanis, central aureole
Dating: 2nd report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: operation report

This is Aki, seventh son of house Lycanis. The carrier ship containing the prisoner was set to arrive at Canna station a while ago. However, Canna had not sent word of the arrival of Montez. After brief correspondence with the station, I established that the vessel carrying the prisoner had not reached the station yet. Proceeding to check the carrier’s signal, I discovered we can no longer trace the ship. A patrol of class-D scout ships has been sent out to the ship’s last registered location.

Transmission from Aki Lycanis, UC contact for house Lycanis
Location: 4th wing of communications for Eden Lycanis, western aureole
Dating: 3rd report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: operation report

We have discovered the carrier ship, along with its escorts. Every ship is fully intact, but… Its Drive is dead- even the backup power source has been disabled. Furthermore, there are not even any signs of a struggle; none of the crew are injured, they are simply unconscious, and the airlocks show no signs of having been opened.

There is only one immediate difference between the carrier ship as it is now and when it left the station. Our scout ship’s crew checked the cell room, and it is empty. Montez, the prisoner, is gone. There is no sign of his restraints being broken, they are simply… undone. The crew assures me that only someone with acute knowledge of the Empire’s technology could have done this.

Currently, the ships are being transported back to Eden Lycanis. It is possible the ship’s logs may be able to be recovered, or that whoever – or whatever – did this has left some sort of trace, but this seems highly unlikely.

End of transmissions

It would seem Montez Lycanis has escaped. First instinct would lead the Council to suspect the Crimson Wolves of the attack, but this method seems to suggest otherwise. It is true the Crimson Wolves have not been seen for some time, but for them to reappear in Empire space now – and the Inner Rim, at that – after they were driven towards Federation and Union space, would be a strange turn of events. Furthermore, if the Crimson Wolves were to free their leader, they would presumably not have done it with such little fanfare.

No, it seems another force is at work in this instance, a force which perhaps the Universal Council is unfamiliar with. The disappearance of Montez, however, appears to have somewhat softened the actions of the Vulpis Oculi on Ichthys-β. The direct consequences of this matter appear to have been averted, and as such, the Council need not involve itself. But we must remain wary; with a force like Montez unaccounted for, it is only a matter of time before the Council is called to action once again.

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact