On the Brink

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On the Brink

Chapter 5: "On the Brink"
Major players Universal Council
Tonocom Defence
Lucille Whitlock
People of Morn
Ojin-Kai Sect
The Faceless
Vote outcome Morn to return appropriated technology
Major events Conflict between Tonocom Defence forces and the inhabitants of Morn
Discovery of Union extremist Ojin-Kai sect on Morn
Suppression of the Ojin-Kai sect
Lucille Whitlock meets the Faceless
Timeline Chronology
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
"The Crossroads" "The Ides"


Whilst Vice-Captain Kestrel’s expedition team continued the search for Commander Varse and her team ("The Crossroadds"), the Universal Council received word of a developing conflict on the Union agricultural planet of Morn. During a routine trade visit, Tonocom Defence representative Lucille Whitlock discovered that the planet’s central fusion generator was one appropriated from Tonocom Defence, albeit partially adapted. Tonocom’s attempts at negotiation were refused by their Union point of contact, Darshan Kel; the Federation corporation subsequently dispatched a fleet under the premise of peaceful reclamation of their technology, only to be met with hostilities.

The ensuing conflict saw the deaths of several Federation soldiers, as well as the grave injury of a number of Morn’s inhabitants, though there were no casualties. With the Federation fleet being forced to retreat and negotiations in a deadlock, Tonocom began to prepare a second force. At this juncture the Universal Council decided to intervene, before Tonocom could launch its assault, by making a ruling between having the Morn inhabitants return the generator, or by having the Federation corporation cease and desist; the seated Councilmembers thus briefed their respective factions accordingly.

With all three factions coming to a unanimous verdict to have Morn return the appropriated technology, Kel was sent back to the planet along with a Tonocom vessel to relay the message.


Report from the 21st conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held on board station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Ji Young-Joo, Julius Lycanis, Moira Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, Victor Huxley, Elijah Burke
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Haley Nguyen, Mandla Bankole

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

… and the Panopea has reported no further contact with either Commander Varse or Vice-captain Kestrel. The atmosphere of Mímir is increasing in density with each passing day, and the crew has reported intermittent bursts of light that can be seen below the now heavy cloud cover. The fleet will continue to monitor the situation and report their observations.

Moving on to more immediate matters, preparations for the funeral service for the Forge World citizens who lost their lives in the assault against the Crimson Wolves are nearing completion. The service itself will be held on station Edison, in the Lacaille system. As it is the Council’s duty to ensure this service is not marred by more tragedy, we now must turn our attention to a situation developing on the agricultural planet Morn, just outside of the Lacaille system in Union sector Z-3.

Some time after the 20th conference of this Council, during a regular trade visit to Morn, a representative of the Tonocom Defence corporation – Lucille Whitlock – took notice of Morn’s central fusion generator. Upon brief inspection she found the large generator was a partially adapted version of a military-grade model owned and developed by Tonocom Defence.

After receiving this information, Tonocom Defence regrettably did not contact the Council. The Corporation initially requested the people of Morn pay some form of compensation, which their point of contact, Darshan Kel, categorically refused. After consulting with President Adonis, Tonocom Defence then sent a fleet with the goal of “peacefully and conclusively reclaiming the appropriated technology”, in their own words.

There are many conflicting accounts of what happened once this fleet arrived on Morn, but their conclusions are all similar: the fleet from Tonocom Defence, justifiably or no, was met with hostilities, and a skirmish ensued. Both parties fired shots, resulting in the deaths of several Federation soldiers, and gravely wounding some of Morn’s inhabitants. So far, there are no reported deaths on the side of the Union. The Corporation’s fleet was forced to retreat to Federation space, and Tonocom Defence began readying another force to reclaim the technology from Morn. This is where the current situation stands.

The people of Morn continue to refuse to pay compensatory fees to Tonocom Defence, with Darshan Kel stating the fees would render the planet’s economy unsustainable. Lucille Whitlock, the Council’s contact for this incident, has also refused to lower the proposed fee. Darshan proffered that accusations of appropriation are misplaced, as according to the people of Morn the fusion generator simply crashed on their planet. On the opposing side, Lucille insists that Tonocom Defence has no records of a fusion generator being lost in this way. Currently, the Council’s priority is to defuse this situation as cleanly and calmly as possible, to avoid any disturbances or further casualties near station Edison. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Council rule that the technology is Tonocom Defence’s by right, and order the people of Morn to return the technology, or do they rule that Morn be allowed to keep the technology, and order Tonocom Defence’s forces to stand down?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from Ana Plíšková, assistant to Victor Huxley, COO of VasTech

Good sol, Explorers. Allow me to offer commendations from both President Adonis and Mr. Huxley on the outcome of the last vote. You can all be proud of the merits your individual accomplishments have granted you.

I have been asked to brief you on any developments within the Federation, as well as its position on the current vote. San’a has begun her operations on Vargas to support the SpyreCorp network, and ensure that mining production continues at an expected tempo. It is the first time a Valkyrie unit has been deployed in such a capacity, and the results so far have been excellent. It is a true testament to the engineering of VasTech that a combat suit as versatile as the Valkyrie unit exists.

According to President Adonis, she specified that the initial Tonocom Defence force was to arrive on Morn unarmed. It would seem members of the Corporation went against the president’s advised course of action. There will be systemic repercussions for these actions, but this also means the Federation’s stance on this issue is somewhat complex.

Since the negotiations on Morn have already been tarnished by violence, and due to the nature of the Union’s governance, some inhabitants of Morn may resist the Council’s decision. In this case, it will become necessary to take the technology by force, and more Federation lives will be lost. Comparing this to the near-negligible effect of a minor Corporation such as Tonocom Defence losing a single patent, standing down may be the more measured option. When faced with a faction as disorganized and scattered as the Union, it is sometimes useful to set a good example.

At the same time, VasTech does of course advise against setting precedent for factions to appropriate the Federation’s technology. It bears repeating that this is a military-grade fusion generator, which brings up the question of why an agricultural planet such as Morn would have such heavy need of it. Perhaps it is not a threat now, but given the Union’s lack of oversight it may one day fall into more dangerous hands.

Now that you know the Federation’s official stance, you are free to discuss the issue amongst yourselves.

Empire Storyline

A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Once more I must bring to you the despicable prospects of a vote, Explorers. I’m sure by now you are all sick of this farce the Council calls democracy. All the same, continue to view this and every subsequent vote as an opportunity to spread the illustrious wisdom of the Empire throughout the Core Systems.

Some recognition is in order for your previous vote, of course. These whispers on Mímir will no doubt lead us on towards uncovering the mysteries of the universe. So our Emperor – may he outlive the stars – has assured us, his Imperial subjects. Your efforts have of course also brought us the bastard Montez, whose public execution will soon be upon us. The Emperor, in his brilliance, has appointed Julius Lycanis to a temporary position on the Council as a sign of a returned faith in the house.

During this conference, the name Morn touched my ears with familiarity, so I asked our Mendacian Division for information. Apparently, this is the same planet to which our Mendaces traced the theft of a large shipment of high-quality Imperial spices from Eden Galatean not long ago. Of course, it being a Union planet, it was not possible to reclaim those spices by force without exposing our Mendaces, but now… I have spoken to President Adonis and, like the judicious businesswoman she is, the president is more than willing to return these exquisite spices, should Tonocom Defence happen to find any evidence of them.

However, in speaking to the Mendacian Division I have gained some additional insights; it would seem the situation on Vargas and the other mining planets is not as stable as the Federation would like us to believe. If they lose control over this proprietary technology, it may destabilize their systems even further. A crack in the border between the Federation and the Union would be a welcome boon to the Empire.

It is clear then, that in casting this vote we strike a blow against either faction. The question then becomes, who do we wish to cripple? An enticing proposition to be sure. Let the hand of Imperator Solas guide you, Imperials, and vote with confidence.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

Hello Comrades, Aish here. I don’t think we’ve been explicitly introduced, but I gather you’ve seen my name a few times on your council reports. You’re probably wondering where Haley is- she’s been escorted out of the conference hall. You should’ve seen her honestly; if it hadn’t been for the third bodyguard I think she would’ve broken Áurea’s jaw. Quick PSA: don’t get into a shouting match with a Celestial.

Not like Áurea wouldn’t have deserved it though; what was she thinking, sanctioning a fleet to Morn? There’s no universe in which that turns out well for anyone. Although I don’t think Morn’s reaction was just surprise or self-defence; from what I hear, there’s an extremist sect of the Ojin-Kai operating out of the planet, and has been for a while. I can’t give you anything concrete of course, but that fusion generator is probably being used for more than just farming. Seems likely the Ojin-Kai were the ones that opened fire on the Feds, but for whatever reason Morn’s covering for them.

Anyway, no matter what happened, that doesn’t give Tonocom the right to demand the tech is returned to them. All life is worth something, but a few Federation soldiers is nothing compared to the amount of people that would be endangered by taking away the central power supply for an entire planet.

All the same, if I know the Federation, Tonocom Defence isn’t going to take something like this lying down. They’d never disobey a direct order from the Council of course, but there’s bound to be consequences if they don’t get what they want. We can always house the people of Morn on the Bastion for the time being, so there might be merit in having the Federation owe us one, and preventing this from escalating further.

Anyway, that’s gonna be all from me. My thoughts are with Sera, Nicolás, and the rest of the Panopea’s fleet- I hope yours are too. Make sure to discuss with your fellow Union members, and remember that the Vox is with you, Explorers.

Good luck, and keep your head high.

Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Morn returns the tech 3 (Empire,Federation,Union) , Tonocom stands down 0 ()

The final vote is in favor of having Morn return the technology to Tonocom Defense. Darshan Kel has been sent back to the planet with the directive from the Council, along with a ship from Tonocom, and it’s expected that the handover of the generator will happen shortly.

Drastic Measures


When Federation forces reached Morn to retrieve the generator, they were unexpectedly met with heavy resistance from an extremist sect of the Ojin-Kai, a Union mercenary clan. The Ojin-Kai sect comprised legions of fully-armed soldiers and had been operating on Morn for some time, effectively assuming control of the planet. The Federation was able to take the offensive with their numbers and quickly turned the tide of the battle, but not without taking casualties of their own.

Civilian evacuation of the planet to the Bastion was already underway when the Federation made their assault, and members from the Union flagship assisted Tonocom in their investigations of the Ojin-Kai sect. Their findings revealed that the Ojin-Kai sect had strong-armed the Morn inhabitants into submission and had also been in communications with colluders within Tonocom itself; these colluders supplied the sect with both weapons and the fusion generator, allowing them to raid transport ships and conduct illicit Quantum trades. Tonocom took immediate action to remove the co-conspirators and to bring them to trial. The identity of the Ojin-Kai’s Quantum buyer was never revealed.

Negotiations between both the Union and Federation concluded with the latter being allowed to repossess any materials the Ojin-Kai had procured in compensation for their losses; furthermore, both factions agreed to cease any direct involvement in the matter. As Morn had lost its central fusion generator, arrangements were also made for the Morn inhabitants to remain on the Bastion for the time being.

The memorial service for the Imperial lives lost during the Crimson Wolves’ assault on nearby station Edison, which had been temporarily halted as a result of the ongoing conflict, resumed as planned. Federation President Elijah Burke was also slated to give a speech in commemoration of the Federation lives lost during the Morn conflict.


The following is the full transmission detailing the conclusion of Tonocom Defence’s operation on the planet Morn:

Transmission from Aaron Vice, representing Tonocom Defence
Origin: Federation assault ship Carbuncle
Dating: 2nd briefing – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: operation brief

Our operation on Morn is concluded. We were expecting to meet resistance, but not like this. The planned handover never happened; our units had to trek to the surface to even find the damn generator. That was how we learned the true nature of the situation on Morn. Numerous legions of soldiers – trained soldiers, not farmers – stood between our forces and the generator, all equipped with the same combat gear, emblazoned with the same emblem, and brandishing weapons far beyond what an agricultural planet should be able to manufacture.

Citizen evacuation on the Union’s side had already begun. I’d never seen the Bastion before, can’t even begin to describe- it was like the world suddenly had a ceiling, I guess. Our attack against the sect of the Ojin-Kai mercenary clan, as we now know them, was over almost immediately; they had firepower, but we had the numbers. Our forces took some heavy blows, but those brave soldiers died to let us secure our mission objective: the fusion generator. From what I’ve been told, Lucille Whitlock, who was initially assigned to this brief, is currently also unaccounted for.

-Transmission ends.-

Upon their completion of the evacuation, Union members from the Bastion assisted Tonocom Defence’s forces in their investigation of the Ojin-Kai’s operations. As President Adonis apparently initially suspected, this sect of the Ojin-Kai was not merely present on Morn, but was also all but running the planet, its inhabitants living in constant fear of the clan, acting only as a smokescreen for the Ojin-Kai’s illicit operations.

Furthermore, from communication logs uncovered at their operation site, it seems the clan also had colluders within Tonocom Defence; colluders who provided Ojin-Kai with the fusion generator, as well as weapons that could draw power from it. These allowed the clan to raid passing transport ships, and conduct covert Quantum trades. Tonocom Defence has assured the Council that it has already begun removing those involved in the collusion from any position of power, and that a court hearing will be held soon to determine their sentence. The identity of Ojin-Kai’s buyer for their Quantum trades, however, remains unknown.

With regard to the materials stolen by the Ojin-Kai, an agreement has been made between the Union and the Federation that the latter faction be allowed to take possession of any and all materials procured by the Ojin-Kai in their raids. Due to the involvement of people from both factions in this incident, the Union and the Federation have also agreed to take no more direct actions on the matter. However, as Morn’s people are still dependent on a significant power supply, they will need to remain on the Bastion for the time being.

As a result of the ceased hostilities, the memorial service on station Edison will be continuing as planned. Various councilmembers will be attending the service, which will last for three planetary rotations of the station. President Elijah Burke will also be reading a tribute at the service to the Federation soldiers that gave their lives to secure the fusion generator on Morn. The Council invites any members of the Explorer program who wish to express their condolences to make the journey to station Edison as well.

The Aftermath


Gravely wounded in the battle, Lucille Whitlock - who had previously gone missing in the chaos of the Federation assault - was met by an unknown man. The man revealed his knowledge of Whitlock and Federation President Áurea Adonis conspiring to eliminate the Ojin-Kai sect, using the stolen fusion generator as an excuse to invade Morn. He also hinted that the Ojin-Kai sect survived the raid, but refused to elaborate when pressed on the matter by Whitlock, who accused him of being a Union member. When questioned by Whitlock why he was attempting to recruit her, the mysterious man introduced himself only as Emmet, and then revealed a previously concealed group standing behind him, introducing them as the Faceless.


Lucille Whitlock stands on a raised hill overlooking the ruined settlement of Kazan, and watches the thick veil of smoke rise up and into the deep blue sky. A strip of rose-coloured sunlight streaks across her jacket, tracing a thin line across the dried blood on her sleeve. In this light, it almost looks like frosting, or the byproduct of an ill-fated paintjob.

Her eyes, soft and tired, hang behind a fringe of light-grey hair. Broad strands of ochre grass swirl around her ankles in the fragile evening breeze. She never wants to look away. She feels the wound in her stomach with her left hand and checks the vitals on her suit. It’s keeping her alive, but barely. And not for much longer. She just wants to stop, to have it be done, but something doesn’t let her; something keeps her moving forward. Before her eyes have had enough of the broken houses and fractured metal sheets, she tears them away, as the wind begins to pick up.

“Lucille Whitlock.” The voice is calm, expectant.

Lucille starts. She takes in the figure before her: the unruly mop of curled black hair, the rough beginnings of a beard, and the thick parka, slick from the slight drizzle. But there’s more there- something behind the eyes…

“W-who are you?”

The man glances down to her hand, still covering the open wound. “You’re hurt”

“Answer the question.” She grits her teeth, reaching beneath her belt- nothing. Of course. Three thousand credits for a sidearm, and it doesn’t even stay in its holster when you get exploded.

“A friend.”

“That’s not an answer.” She takes a step back.

The man smiles, bright white canines flashing in the evening light. “Well, it’ll have to do for now.”

“Fuck this.” Lucille snorts, and presses her hand deeper into her wound, feeling the pain spur her to action. “If you’re going to kill me, just do it already.”

“Eager to die, are you?”

“I prefer quick and easy to slow and painful, personally.”

“That why you agreed to help Adonis?”

The energy drains from her body. How does he- “I don’t know what you mean.” Her legs won’t move. Lucille slumps down, feeling the cool surface of stone against her back.

“Oh, come on. Tonocom might care this much about a generator, but Áurea certainly doesn’t.” The man gestures to the other edge of the hill. “You did an excellent job wiping out the Ojin-Kai, though. Good excuse for a raid.”

“Thanks.” The tiredness is setting in. She can’t think anymore. “If you’re not going to kill me, can you at least let me die in peace?” She mutters, her mouth almost motionless.

“Even if they’re still out there?”

Lucille raises her half-closed eyes. “The Ojin-Kai? You’re lying.”

“Am I?” He seems almost bemused.

“The Vox would’ve-”

“-The Vox can’t do anything about this. It’s majority rule here, and Mercer has more than enough planets in his pocket. He’s played this very well.”

Now Lucille’s head is thundering, hundreds of brand-new thoughts racing through it. She scoffs. “And you Union folk call that governance?”

“I’m not Union.” The response is immediate. It’s the first time the man’s tone has had any degree of harshness to it, like he’s biting down on every word. “And no, I don’t call that governance. But Mercer doesn’t care what happens with the Council, and the Vox can’t risk fracturing the Union. It’s a delicate balance that they can’t upset.”

Lucille runs a shaky hand through her hair, tracing streaks of red into the grey. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because we can do something.”

“Oh, give me a break.”

“I’m being serious. You’re smart, you’re headstrong, and most importantly…” he gestures at her wound. “You’re willing to die for what you believe in. A Fed who sacrifices their own colleagues, not to mention the reputation of their company?” He grins. “Talk about brutal.” He stoops down, his face almost level with hers, and extends his hand. “We need people like you, Lucille.”

She cocks her head, slowly. Measuredly. “Wait, we? Who’s we?”

“I suppose now’s as good a time as any for introductions.” The man raises his other hand up, breaking the last ray of sunlight. He snaps his fingers, and the sky, and the clouds, and the hills begin to move. Or rather, something moves out of them. About a dozen or so figures. Cloaking devices, Lucille thinks subconsciously, her engineer’s brain working on overtime. She barely has the energy to take in all the faces, all the instruments dangling off the bodies, all their different shapes. Some thin and wiry, others bulky and broad-shouldered. One of them looks about the age her daughter would’ve been, another is limping and using a back-support unit.

The man’s hand is still outstretched. He wiggles his fingers a little. Lucille meets his eyes, and for a moment looks beyond the veneer of the parka, beyond the joke of a haircut, and into something deeper. Something vicious, elegant, and eternal. “Alright, what the hell.” She sighs, gripping it firmly and lifting herself up. “But first you’ve got to get me off this rock.”

“Of course. And may I say, so glad to have you on board.” The man smiles, his eyes shimmering with the light of a thousand suns. “I’m Emmet, and these…” He gestures to the assembly behind him. “…are the Faceless.”

Expedition to Mímir: The CatalystThe ShardThe CrossroadsThe VoidSubjugationThe CradleDire StraitsLast Stand
Assault on the Crimson Wolves: The Crimson WolvesThe IdesGroundswell
The Morn Conflict: On the Brink
The Pinnacle Incident: Quantum SicknessFirst Steps
The Vargas Epidemic: Blackout
The Opening: First Contact