In this article we will share with you some basic information about the classes and rarities of planets in PlanetQuest. Each planet is mesmerizing and unique in its own way. Specifically, we describe briefly about each type of planet and show them in 3D view. All of these GIFs are generated by Genesis Engine from website by our diligent member: qazzaq [MERCY]

We hope you enjoy these amazing views of our PQ planets:)

Planet Rarity

A Common Planet type
Perfect for casual players who want their own planet. Invite friends to play with you or watch as new players come to you to populate your planet and earn extra quantum for your PlanetQuest adventures. A normal planet is a simple planet without any additional features.

Common Strange

A Rare Planet type

Perfect for groups of casual players who want to take a step beyond a familiar planet. It provides both the planet owner and players invited to make it their home with Quantum bonuses to help them build equipment and discover unknown worlds. Such planets have a moon. A typical rare planet is shown below.

Rare Desert

An Epic Planet type

Ideal for serious players and planet owners who want to give experienced players a home. A planet generates a significant amount of Quantum for the owner and also offers bonuses to players who join it, making it a very desirable home among the stars. Such planets have a moon (satellite) and a ring. Below is an example of a typical Epic Planet.

Epic Ice

A Legendary Planet type

Ideal for guilds and those who want to become the largest planet owner. Legendary planets are extremely rare and give enough Quantum to create a small star empire, as well as some of the biggest Quantum bonuses for players lucky enough to find a home here. This type of planet has three moons and a ring. An example of a legendary planet:

Legendary Tropical

Planet Classes

There are 6 planet classes in total: Desert, Forest, Tropical, Ice, Volcanic & Strange.

The Desert Planet

The planet is astonishing with its sandy horizons. The monstrous heat and the constantly red-hot sand make staying on this planet unbearable. There is not the slightest hint of a source of moisture around, only sand and mountainous terrain with small rocks. It never rains on such planets, and even at night the temperature remains high due to the hot sand, which cools down very slowly.

Rare Desert
Epic Desert
Legendary Desert

The Forest Planet

This planet looks like familiar forests, but at the same time seems alien thanks to its ruins and overhanging undergrowth. When explorers go deeper, they feel the roar of waterfalls crashing over rocks weathered and rutted by years of erosion. There is an air of uncertainty here, as human instincts waver between the threshold of discovery, hidden by the thickening ridges of the forest. The divine red trees, enveloped by sprawling vines, form an almost all-seeing defense against creatures that have not yet seen the light. And here the creatures are forced to evolve beneath the huge treetops, filled with serene solemnity because of the absence of light and shadows that threaten their path. In its markings in the trees and in the depths of darkness, the forest planet holds secrets waiting to be discovered by the discerning explorer.

Common Forest
Rare Forest
Epic Forest
Legendary Forest

The Tropical Planet

This planet represents the horizon, where the ocean covers the sky. Saturated tones and bright notes nourish a veiled serenity, protected by an endless sunset. The landscape, reminiscent of a summer paradise, is supported by low architectural landscapes hidden by blue lines of water. Here lies an almost perfect utopia, a fantastical mirage where explorers wonder if the tranquility hides a deeper chaos.

The sandy terrain is a breeding ground for alien vegetation, disturbed by the remnants of civilization. Ancient dwellings create sparse shadows visible to the human eye, surrounded by vast plains with familiar but alien fauna.

Common Tropical
Rare Tropical
Epic Tropical
Legendary Tropical

The Ice Planet

Upon arrival, explorers will be greeted by brilliant skies dotted with auroras, whose stunning, clear light betrays the innocence and purity hidden behind the planet’s cold hollows. The restlessness of our planet’s snow has for centuries shaped legendary ice structures with an intention too purposeful to be natural, but too complex to be human. These intricate, aging sculptures are framed by a wall of nearly endless glaciers; the ensembles are frozen in time, forever awaiting the return of their heroes to take their place.

Planet Ice is home to a vivid and evocative landscape whose raw beauty hides secrets waiting to be discovered beneath the shifting layers of snow.

Common Ice
Rare Ice
Epic Ice
Legendary Ice

The Volcanic Planet

The planet’s crust is covered with oceans of bubbling lava, fractured island formations of igneous rock, and rugged mountain peaks. A young planet, illuminated by a young sun. Today its topography has undergone significant changes over decades and centuries. This does not detract from the scorching beauty, but rather complements it: the volcanic planet is a living, breathing organism with its own complex biosphere.

Standing on top of the obsidian mountains, you can see the landscape below. Seeing lava up close is as beautiful and awe-inspiring as it is sublime. To go around the planet is to embody the spirit of adventure, to take risks in search of the great prize, to fully embrace the role of the explorer.

Common Volcanic
Rare Volcanic
Epic Volcanic
Legendary Volcanic

The Strange Planet

There is nothing in this world that one would expect. It is flooded with sunlight, but the atmosphere refracts the light beyond recognition. This phenomenon often turns bright earthly days into twilight. Night is enlivened by special manifestations of darkness and shadow; to spend twenty-four hours here is to see spectacles so spectacular that they are not found on any other planet. But the properties of light are the first of many signs that the laws of physics work differently here than elsewhere.

Strange Planet is the most unusual of all planet types, full of paradoxes to understand and sights to see. Our team strives to create an extraordinary experience for all of you.

Common Strange
Epic Strange
Legendary Strange

You can preview any planet class and rarity by going to the PlanetQuest website: Read more about Planet on the Wiki: Planet
What is your favorite planet class? Let’s share that in the comment section below!

Writer: qazzaq#7146
Illustrator: Luffy
Featured images: qazzaq#7146
Editor: meitman#4682

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2 thoughts on “3D Planet GIFs

  1. All the planets are gorgeous for sure, really love what the genesis engine produces! The strange planets really catch your eye though, even the common one due to the unique coloring, so that might be my favorite!

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