Hello, fellow Explorers! In this new interview series we will get to know our community’s well known and loved Moderators. Today, Luffy and Doc will ask the hard questions to one of our Moderators and learn all their dirty little secrets…

Joking aside, we want you to meet the Moderator team and to see the purples for who they really are. This Interview will be with one of the community favorites, QuestLog! İf you’ve joined discussions in the #general-chat channel or if you needed help in #tech-support, you may have already met the amazing QuestLog, but who is he…really?

            Doc: Can you tell us about yourself?

            QuestLog: Hoi! I’m Niels, but I guess…all of you know me as QuestLog. From the land of cheese and windmills—the Netherlands. 24 years old, of which I’ve been gaming for probably 20. I can still remember forgetting to save some five-hour sessions of Pokemon on my GameBoy, sigh, and running upstairs after school to grind some Call of Duty with my classmates. Because of my passion for gaming, I quickly came to the realization that I wanted to create my own games, which I was able to do when one of my buddies showed me Roblox, hehe yes…Roblox. I started developing my own games through their platform and was proud to reach the front page on multiple occasions. With the euphoria this gave, I started studying game development at the age of 15, which I finished four years later while doing a year-long internship at an application development studio. There I fell in love with programming for iOS, which is what I’ve been doing for the last five or six years now. I still occasionally think about getting into game development again though.

            Luffy: How did you come up with the name QuestLog?

QuestLog: The name QuestLog goes way back. When I was around 12, my uncle was a huge gamer, and he introduced me to WoW (World of Warcraft) at that time. First he allowed me to play on his account, with my own character of course, but after a while I wanted to be able to play while he was online and play together. So I spent all of my monthly pocket money on the subscription and finally had my own account. In WoW every user has a ‘Quest log’ to keep track of their quests, I’m not sure why, but that actually inspired me to choose this name. Since then I’ve been rocking this name on all games I’ve played.

            Luffy: What do you do in your free time?

            QuestLog: Planet. Quest. No but on a serious note, I do spend a lot of time in this server. I still love to play games though. I’m currently on something like 1800+ hours on Rocket League, which has been kinda my main game for a while now. I do occasionally play other games, like Fortnite (sorry) with my girlfriend, or silly stuff like Human Fall Flat and Move or Die with friends after a drink. To add unto that, I love a drink on a terrace, absorbing the sun. Well…for those two weeks of sun we yearly get in The Netherlands anyways. For those interested, I’ve been Grand Champion 1 since season 14 (before f2p) on Rocket League.

            Doc: How and when did you find PlanetQuest?

             QuestLog: Well…let’s start in 2017, all coins were booming, everyone was happy, at which point my uncle thought it was a good idea to introduce me to the world of crypto. My smart-ass thought I should just put five dollars per week into random crypto until there was one which went x2000. Seems smart right? Well yeah, it might be, that’s if you can stick to that plan. I quickly went from five per week to hundreds per day with my hard-earned internship money. It did go as planned though, for a little bit. Anyways, most people here probably know what happened at the end of 2017, or rather the start of 2018, red seas every single day…for months. This actually made me quit crypto for at least three years, after which I came back and quickly started to search for new projects to jump into with all the new technology out there. After a few months of searching, I saw Guild of Guardians (GOG) on some ICO info website. I quickly joined their project as this was the first time I’d seen a crypto project working with the so called NFTs a lot the media was hating on so much. After doing some research I saw its potential and went for it. This is when PlanetQuest popped up in the GOG subreddit, a new project that had already been in the works for a year, giving out a free NFT to anyone who joins. And the rest is history…

            Doc: Why become a Mod? What do you like most about being a Mod?

             QuestLog: From day one I was super invested into the whole setting of this project. I loved the sci-fi aspects, and the people I met here were top-notch. Having experience in IT, I quickly went on to help people who were experiencing problems. I think I’ve always been the person who enjoys helping to smooth the process for others. There is just something fulfilling to it. After about a month and a half the Ambassador Program was introduced, and I couldn’t hold myself back from applying as a Moderator in the hopes of being able to help people on an even higher level. The friendliness of the existing Mods was insane, and the positive feedback I received only made me more passionate about the project. We were starting to build something big, something beautiful. Of course being a Mod has its perks—a small peek behind the curtains and a more direct line with the people who are building the project you are so passionate about—but I think the most important one is the fact that I can now help out with growing the community and giving support to the people who need it. The support channels can be a headache, hehe love you, but some of the responses you receive after fixing a problem are just heartwarming.

            Doc: The Corners and AMAs are wonderful to participate in. Which is your favorite?

            QuestLog: No offense to Retro, Dincy, Sheercold and anyone else that has organized a Corner Initiative or AMA, but the Art Corner is my drug. Jon is a legend, and I’m not even going to mention his voice (I just did). I’ve always been impressed, and jealous, of people who can draw amazing stuff with the ease of a flick of the wrist. Figurative speaking, of course. I’m a very visual person, so when seeing the art that’s being shared over there I can already imagine what those things are going to be like in the game. Just thinking about it makes me insanely hyped. I hope we’ll be seeing some live drawing in the (near) future, and of course…seeing some of the community work from the Bestiary and Botany thread being made into something real. Can’t wait!

            Luffy: Tell us one thing about you that few people know?

            QuestLog: I love cooking! There is no place in this world where I would claim I’m actually good, but there is something relaxing about it. Put on some music, throw stuff in a pan, and enjoy the greats smells. Side note: I despise cutting up vegetables and meat.

            Doc: How are you this lucky? Spill the tea. We want in. A rabbit’s foot? A four-leaf clover?

            QuestLog: Hahahaha, I know I know….I won quite some raffles in this channel, and I’m sorry to say I have no idea how. I’m not the type to be superstitious, and I’m in no way saying I’m a saint, but I do believe that people who are kind and generous will, in one way or another, be repaid for their deeds. So let’s just say my help over at the support channels have been paying off.

            Luffy: What are you looking forward to the most in PlanetQuest?

            QuestLog: Maaaann, you have a few hours? All of it is hyped, but first of all, my own planet. I’m soooooo ready to jump into a lobby with some of my friends, by just sharing a link with them wink wink, and explore for hours. So far the gameplay is sounding super interesting and unique, and the story has been a blast already. Last but not least I can’t wait to see where this project is going to be in a few years from now. Comics, Movies, Merchandise, Games and a lot more to come if we can trust Loren’s words, which, with his excitement shining through his voice, are hard not to get hyped about. I’ll leave at that for now.

And there you have it, Explorers! We all now know our amazing Moderator and Fellow Explorer, QuestLog, a little better, and for those of you who are lucky enough to call him “friend,” you now have a face to match the name.

The Meet the Mod series will continue with another awesome member of the Purple Gang, so follow us for more tea-spilling about Mods!

Interviewers: Doc & Luffy
Mod: Questlog
Editor: Crüniac
Illustrator: Luffy

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5 thoughts on “Meet the Mod: QuestLog

  1. Great stuff! Love getting to know more about the mods and others that we see so much in this community!

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