Faraday (Φαραντέι)

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Επιστρέψτε στο Χρονολογία


Chapter 21: "Faraday"
Major players Universal Council
Vote outcome
Major events
Timeline Chronology
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"Jörmungandr" "Maelstrom"



Report from the 37th conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held in orbit of station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Thulani Ade’k, Ji Young-Joo, Ivona Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Kim Lee, San’a, Victor Huxley
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Trice Chavos, Mandla Bankole

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

…to be sure, Miss Craine, the fact that your grandfather is alive is a… relief to us all. With all this turmoil to be dealt with in his territory, the other factions most assuredly hope that the Emperor continues to send envoys such as yourself – along with Lord Ade’k and Miss Ji – on his behalf.

The Emperor has also notified the Council in a recent transmission that the Valkyrie search parties for Sera Varse have been permitted entry to Empire space. Already, Valkyrie units have crossed into Empire territory and the search, led by Commander Conners, has at last begun in earnest.

Now, we must move on from such matters to the main point of discussion for this conference – as many of you are aware, the Universal Council is currently holding its conferences in a smaller station orbiting station Ignis. This is due to the dense foliage which has wrapped its way around the main station’s exterior, after the activation of the Cradle during the Council’s 31st conference.

It has since been discovered that the vegetation contains moderate amounts of Organic Quantum, which the Corporation Borealis Inc. has been steadily collecting to supply their ongoing experiments around Organic Quantum infusion.

Sometime during recent collection operations, Borealis Inc. Collector crews noted something peculiar: a bulge in the lining of station Ignis’s plating. Upon further inspection, the crew found that the plating was damaged, and was being forced outwards. It seems the overgrowth inside the station has grown strong enough to begin pushing up against the walls. In fact, the rate of growth seems to be such that – if nothing is done to slow it – station Ignis will tear itself apart from the inside.

Borealis Inc. technicians have long speculated that there is something affecting the Quantum Drive at the center of station Ignis – something which may be facilitating this rapid expansion of vegetation. In light of the current findings, Federation representatives have suggested using a BOKKA corporation molecular cutter to carefully extract and study the Quantum Drive. At current growth rate, station Ignis will likely be nothing more than scrap metal by the time the procedure is completed, though the Quantum Drive will thankfully still be intact.

Perhaps in response to this, the Universal Council has been contacted by House Neputus – one of the Imperial houses not involved in the coup – with an offer to use cannons of Imperial make for quick, controlled demolition on the station. Due to the volatility of such a procedure, the safety of the Quantum Drive cannot be guaranteed; it may well become damaged in some way. However, House Neputus has assured the Council that the structure and interior of Ignis will remain relatively undamaged. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Universal Council accept the Empire’s proposal of swiftly detonating the thick Quantum-infused vegetation in and around station Ignis, preserving the station itself, but potentially damaging or destroying the Quantum Drive at its core? Or does the Council allow the BOKKA corporation to begin their careful removal of the vegetation, extracting its core and preserving the Quantum Drive, while station Ignis itself is slowly ripped apart?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from San’a, Valkyrie of the Federation and representative of President Lee

Good sol, Explorers. I trust most of you watched the Imperial address as it was being transmitted, but for those of you who haven’t – I would certainly recommend getting a copy. Many in the Federation had their doubts about the Emperor’s death – this I know – but to have those doubts confirmed in such a manner…

Now that the events of the address have had time to steep, however, it does not appear to be the worst course of history. Certainly yes, Gloria’s words were enticing, even for those not in the Empire; unfortunately, the words of revolutionaries so often are, even if they are unable to back them up. It is for these reasons exactly that the Federation’s presidents serve terms – it is a method of acknowledging rising sentiment without succumbing to it completely.

Furthermore, the presence of Ivona Craine on the Hallia is baffling – as one of the Empire’s premier tacticians, should she not be helping in the efforts to retake their system? What’s more, she displays an icy, near robotic demeanor – a far cry from the smoldering intensity I experienced during her brief visit following the battle with Montez. Maybe I am being insensitive, and this is just how Imperials display joy; with cold, unfeeling stares, and hands that look ready to rip skin at any moment.

But I digress – the recent events have affected me more than I care to admit. There is apparently concern among the Borealis Inc. researchers that Organic Quantum infusion is not proving as stable as they had hoped. However, it would not do to trouble the Council with such matters while they are unconfirmed. However, this is likely the reason why BOKKA is providing assistance in the matter of station Ignis: to perhaps discover a more nuanced method of modification.

Of course, station Ignis is a terribly important location for many of us – it is a home away from home, and a truly iconic structure. What’s more, losing it would not only make the Council less stable – it would make us less safe, and who is to say what will happen then? Most likely it will severely fracture any stronger relationships between the factions.

The vote is yours, Explorers – do we give up our future? Or do we relinquish our past? Doubtless this matter concerns you all greatly, and I urge you to discuss it at great length with your fellow Federation citizens, if only for companionship in these uncertain times.

Stay vigilant.


Empire Storyline

Empire Storyline A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

A snake, Explorers! A snake in our very midst! I say to all of you: Gloria Morell must be condemned to eternal suffering for her crimes against the Empire and his people. We Imperial councilmembers were forced to endure this – this farce of an Imperial address from the confines of this accursed station; who is she to speak of what is right for the Empire? Does she have the knowledge granted by the Oracle itself? No – she does not!

But even so! Imperator Solas – may he outlive the stars, indeed! – has triumphed, Explorers. Did I not tell you there was nothing to fear, that the rumors spread by the Council themselves about his Eminence’s untimely death were but that – rumors? And so you see how once again our faith is rewarded. Already the revolting noble houses have genuflected before him once more, and our Imperator, in his grace, has pardoned them all, save House Lycanis.

Certainly, House Haden and House Galateo will still lose their Edens to houses more deserving of them, but this is a small punishment for their immeasurable crimes. Nay, the nobles of House Lycanis have been given a far more fitting penance; Marcia Lycanis is to be executed publicly before the next conference, while any other members of the house’s nobility may now count themselves among the servants of House Craine. Doubtless their help will be instrumental in the rebuilding of our Imperial capital, after the remnants of the Vulpis Oculi are satisfactorily dealt with. The Lycanis Astrias will also be shattered into dust, so they may return to the nurseries from which they were birthed.

Moving over to the vote, I believe House Neputus has a very sound case here, Explorers. Station Ignis has been the mark of the collective might of humanity for over five hundred years; it is a symbol of our perseverance, and of our proud past. Letting such a structure slip into history because of a few scientists’ theories would be the height of barbarism. Of course, the Federation does not understand – they are mindless drones, good only for utilitarian pursuit of progress.

But you, Imperials – you can make a true difference. There is certainly merit in rescuing such a powerful and ancient Quantum Drive, but does it compare to losing a landmark as monumental and storied as station Ignis? As the fog over our Empire’s future clears, Explorers, look to our Imperator’s light to guide you.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

Hello Comrades – fuck me, what a day it’s been. Sorry, it’s just… well, I’m sure you all watched the address – don’t know if I’d recommend it, truly grueling stuff. In any case, Solas is, apparently, not dead. You know… for a moment there, I really got my hopes up. Gloria’s speech made her seem… I don’t know, different? Could be all smoke and mirrors for all I know, but still, never thought I’d hear an Imperial utter the words “cling to power” and mean it… well, in a bad way.

Oh, speaking of Imperial rhetoric – have you noticed how the Empire’s carefully avoided mentioning anything regarding those “creatures” we heard so much about during the coup? Yeah, keep an eye on that. Especially Ivona got very quiet after the subject came up. Anything miss “Ice Princess” is too worried to engage with has got to be bad in some way.

And then there’s the vote. We’ve got pretty limited info here, so it’s hard to draw any solid conclusions. At least BOKKA’s proposition – do the Feds let their corpos just name themselves anything these days? – has some promise for the future. All the same, the Organic Quantum experiments on Borealis seem to be going okay, so maybe whatever’s at the center isn’t too crucial to their whole operation.

And station Ignis… We’re talking about a symbol, and a base for the unity between every faction in the Core Systems here. Relations between us are fractured as it is – Haley used to say Ignis gave people something to rally behind, gave them the hope they needed to build a better tomorrow. Now, we want to destroy that, and leave the Council exposed to whatever might decide to come after them?

Especially with the situation on the Bastion at the moment – we’re about forty percent through the relocating, and it’s getting worse by the day. People are sick – actually sick – which is crazy. There probably hasn’t been a viral epidemic since Sol was destroyed, at least not here. And today, well… Some of the Celestials and Gamayuns got a little… rowdy. No blood spilled, but we almost had a second revolt in two fucking conferences, I’m sure of it. Only thing that stopped them was Mercer making good on his promise to challenge Bryn to a Rite – got them mad at the right people again. And maybe it’s just stress, paranoia, or I-don’t-know-what, but the atmosphere in the Union has been… different lately. More gung-ho, more anger, more just… tension.

I hope I’m worried about nothing. Any case, I just don’t think we can risk losing a symbol like that – not now. But like always, I can only give you my thoughts. You Explorers go do what you do best – persevere, and make the tough decisions.

Keep your head high.


Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Preserve station Ignis 3 (Empire,Federation,Union) , Extract station Ignis’s core 0 ()

The final vote is in favor of preserving the frame of station Ignis via a controlled demolition led by House Neputus. The order has been transmitted to House Neputus’ 2nd fleet, helmed by Sofia Neputus, which should be arriving at station Ignis in short order. The fleet will be updating us on the preparations for the operation as they progress.




The following is a transmission from Sofia Neputus, commander of the Second Fleet of House Neputus, before the commencement of the controlled demolition on station Ignis.

Transmission from Sofia Neputus
Location: in orbit of station Ignis
Dating: 2nd report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: operation report

Greetings to the Universal Council, and any Explorers who may be listening in. I am Sofia Neputus, second child to the head of House Neputus, the house which will inherit the Eden of the disgraced noble house of Lycanis after their failed coup on our glorious Emperor – may he outlive the stars.

To stand upon the deck of this ship and gaze out at the wondrous form of station Ignis, the mechanisms of which were wrought by House Craine itself – it is an experience unlike any other. Before me hangs a symbol of the perseverance and glory of humanity. House Neputus is honored to be the one selected to preserve this station’s legacy.

Now, the charges have been placed on the station’s exterior; when I lower my hand and give the order, our cannons will begin firing, and the controlled and complete demolition of the vegetation surrounding station Ignis will commence.

Second fleet of Neputus, stand by…

And fire!


Transmission ends.

The controlled demolition by the Neputus fleet has subsided; the operation was completed extremely swiftly, though sadly most of the Organic Quantum from the vegetation has been completely destroyed. With this development, Organic Quantum is now in short supply, with no clear way to readily produce it outside of the extremely volatile and fatal process of extracting Quantum from humans.

Unfortunately, as was expected at the onset of this operation, the damage from the Imperial cannons, as well as their explosives, is not negligible. The structure of the station has remained mostly intact, save for some areas which had already been damaged by the overgrowth. However, the heart of Ignis, the Quantum Drive, has been damaged quite severely. While there is no direct danger from the Drive, it is currently in the process of being moved out of the station, so that it may perhaps be repaired elsewhere. Of course, with no way to power station Ignis directly, Universal Council staff and operations will still be somewhat limited, at least until the Quantum Drive can be replaced.

In the transportation process, however, the Council’s units have discovered something: the Quantum Drive itself has been encased in some unknown material; a substance that warps itself to any surface it comes into contact with. It is too early to say, but early scans indicate it may be a more “pure” form of Organic Quantum, resulting from direct contact with the more refined form of Quantum used for Quantum Drives. These theories are all merely speculative, of course, but we will doubtless learn more about this new substance as we continue to examine it. For now, at least, it appears to be confined to the damaged Drive; it may be too early to say, but it would seem yet more discoveries are on humanity’s horizon. Thankfully, the people of the Core Systems will continue to have a central place to anchor them in these uncertain and ever-changing times.