Maelstrom (Μάελστρομ)

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Chapter 22: "Maelstrom"
Major players Universal Council
Vote outcome
Major events
Timeline Chronology
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"Faraday" "The Rites"



Report from the 38th conference of the Universal Council: time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Held on station Ignis, in the neutral center of the Core Systems.

Councilmembers for the Empire: Thulani Ade’k, Ji Young-Joo, Ivona Craine
Councilmembers for the Federation: Áurea Adonis, San’a, Victor Huxley
Councilmembers for the Union: Aish Fenix, Trice Chavos, Mandla Bankole

The following is a transcript of the briefing on the relevant vote for those involved in the Explorer program:

… task force assigned to locating Sera Varse is beginning to narrow down her position. Most likely we will have some report from them around the time of the Council’s next conference. You can be sure, councilor Chavos, that she will not be harmed.

The developments following the previous vote continue to astound the Council’s researchers. This new manifestation of Quantum, scarce as it may be, could well form the backbone of this new era of space travel. However, using the new material effectively will likely require the complete co-operation of each and every one of the factions.

On this topic, we will now move to this conference’s main point of concern. The work of the Federation’s technicians at Borealis Inc. to allow human beings to travel through the wormholes has at last been completed. Though the selection process has been arduous, one Quantum-infused candidate for piloting humanity’s first voyage beyond our galaxy stands clearly above the rest: Sho, a worker for the Forge colonies on Kepler-7, has shown herself to be resilient, flexible, and able to perform under immense pressure.

Normal procedure would be to have someone affiliated with the Empire cross through the wormhole near the Imperial capital; however, under current circumstances, and with the lasting effects of the coup still being dealt with, that is not an option. Each faction has agreed that they are anxious to see a voyage beyond the wormhole conducted. This leaves but two options: to send the expedition through the wormhole located in Union space, or through the wormhole near Federation space.

There are several factors that the Universal Council is urging faction members to consider, not least of which is the historically volatile nature of these wormholes, and the effect they could have on their surroundings. In the case of the Union’s wormhole, it is situated near the Lalande system, home to the planet Morn, among others. If the wormhole near Lalande is chosen, the Union may have to cease its current relocation efforts, creating yet more chaos within the faction, potentially jeopardizing the wormhole travel operation itself.

The Federation’s wormhole is thankfully situated further away from the faction’s borders, with the closest planet being the fringe mining planet Vargas, currently undergoing repairs. However, the wormhole remains quite close to the planet Mímir and its surrounding celestial bodies. Many of the Core Systems’ most valued scientists and experts are currently on Mímir, furthering their investigations into the Cradle, the artifact which it is assumed caused the initial appearance of the wormholes. Similar to the situation within the Union, these researchers would most likely need to be evacuated in the event a ship was sent through the Federation wormhole, drastically disrupting operations around Mímir itself in the process. Thus, the vote placed before the Council is as follows:

Does the Universal Council send Sho’s vessel to the wormhole in Union space, threatening to further disrupt the systems of the Union? Or does the Council decide to send the vessel through the wormhole near Federation space, causing a significant break in what may very well be crucial research on this new artifact?

Your faction contact will issue a statement shortly in your respective vote channels before the commencement of the vote, twelve hours from now.

Faction Storylines

Federation Storyline

Transmission from San’a, Valkyrie of the Federation and representative of President Lee

Good sol, Explorers. It is good to be back on station Ignis once again. I have to say that as the faction contact for the Federation I must – of course – uphold its values, but I am… glad that we still have this home for humanity; a place to shelter ourselves in the moments when all the stars seem to have gone out.

But for now, it seems things are looking up; this new manifestation of Organic Quantum is quite the sight – I believe they are keeping it somewhere on the station for now – and an expedition has been set for beyond the bounds of our own galaxy. On the matter of scientific and humanistic progression, we are achieving things never before thought possible.

However, this decision placed before you now is not one to be taken lightly. Though it may seem inconsequential, our vote in particular on this matter is of great importance. The Union is in a state of extreme fragility at present, and the Imperials are licking their wounds – this may be the Federation’s largest opportunity yet to secure a strong foothold in humanity’s future.

The question then, is whether to further demoralize the Union, or whether we allow the expedition to take place within a wormhole closest to our own borders, where any discoveries made will be more immediately accessible to us? We still know so little about the galaxies beyond these wormholes, and there may still be other artifacts out there to discover, firmly cementing the Federation’s place in our universe.

The leaders of the Federation urge you to consider this vote carefully, Explorers. Much is riding on your decision here, perhaps even the chance for the Federation to truly be the first of the factions to gain a strong foothold in these new galaxies; if this new form of Organic Quantum is really as versatile as it seems, it may well be that soon the resources to travel through the wormholes will be available to the Council as well. It is imperative that we use this vote to our advantage, so we can be prepared when expeditions through these wormholes become commonplace.

Stay vigilant.


Empire Storyline

Empire Storyline A directive from Ji Young-Joo, emissary of the Emperor

Imperials, let the blessings of our Emperor – may he outlive the stars – be upon you on this day! One of our own – this Sho from the Forge Worlds – has been chosen as the first of humanity to venture into galaxies beyond our imagining! What’s more, the traitorous Marcia of the former noble house of Lycanis has at last been put down, like the vile dog she has shown herself to be!

It is certainly a shame the Empire is not in a fit state to have this glorious expedition take place within our borders; Imperator Solas himself has decreed that the Empire’s wormhole shall not be tampered with for the time being. And though this Sho is a child of the Colonies, in the Empire tales of heroism are only limited to those chosen by the Emperor, and by the Oracle itself – I myself was once but a Forge Colony child, after all. This is a chance for Sho to demonstrate that she can rise above her own lineage – that citizens of the Empire are cut from a different cloth than the miserable wretches so commonly found among the other factions.

The question that stands before us then, is one of strategy and of legacy. Sending Sho through the Union wormhole during the faction’s current unrest may well provoke an attack from the more unruly Union clans – honorless mercenaries such as they are – and prevent our Empire from sending its champion through to unexplored realms beyond our imagining.

Having the expedition take place in Federation space may also pose a different risk, however. At present, the Organic Quantum infusion that allows us to brave the wormholes is purely accessible to the Federation, though I have it on good… authority that this will soon change. Nevertheless, providing them with a foothold to other galaxies so close to the borders of their own systems may place them even further ahead in this battle – for make no mistake, this is nothing but a furious struggle for survival among each of the factions. Looking at the vote in this light, perhaps it would be better to cripple the Union further, avoiding disruption of the Cradle’s research while denying the Federation their strong foothold in the new era of humanity.

As is ever the case, the Emperor’s glory will shine on everlasting, and his vision will carry us forward into our next triumph. Think of that when you make your decision, Explorers – think of the will of your sovereign leader, and the burden he bears for all of you.

Sic itur ad astra.

Union Storyline

Comm from Aish Fenix, Union member and Vox representative

Hi there Comrades – hope you’re all doing well. I’m alright, considering. Can’t say I expected Trice to be as… zealous as he was today, but I can see why. A number of Union clans have started backing his bid to challenge Bryn to a Rite, in hopes it might keep our people in check while the relocation program heads into its last stages. No word from the Feds on that, of course – Áurea just scoffed when I brought it up.

Moving on to this vote, I really, really hope there’s nothing to worry about here. If all goes well, we send someone through and the wormholes behave themselves – that’s why I argued for it, at least. Mandla and Trice seemed a bit more motivated by the whole “working towards a brighter tomorrow” thing. It’s strange – I forgot how isolating Ignis’s halls can feel when you’ve got no one to back you up. Speaking of which, I hear they’re keeping that new form of Organic Quantum on the station. I’ve seen it in action, and I don’t know how I feel about the Feds or the Empire getting their hands on something like that…

Anyway, the main concern with sending the ship through Union space is already pretty clear. The epidemic we’ve got on our hands is only contained right now because people are listening to the Vox’s directions. If we – or the Council – put Union members in danger, it’s pretty likely they’ll stop listening. Sending the ship through the wormhole near Mímir would definitely be a safer option for us, but… Well, that one doesn’t exactly have the best track record, let’s put it that way.

But like I said – hopefully, all of this doesn’t mean anything. Mímir’s definitely going to get evacuated if we vote to send Sho through there, even if nothing ends up happening. Maybe we Union members need to cool our heads a bit – I certainly think so. God, I miss Haley. In any case, Explorers, your vote is key here, as it should be, so I’ll leave it up to you.

Keep your head high.


Voting Results

The Universal Council has consolidated the votes of each of the factions: Explore the Union wormhole 2 (Empire,Union) , Explore the wormhole near Mímir 1 (Federation)

The final vote is in favor of sending Sho’s vessel through the wormhole within Union space, near the Lalande system. Word has been sent to the Vox to urge their people to remain cautious, and outside of the wormhole’s immediate vicinity. Councilmember Trice Chavos has been assigned the duty of surveilling Sho’s expedition, and will be giving steady reports on its progression.




Transmission from Trice Chavos
Location: Union space, just outside the Lalande system
Dating: 3rd report – time of ζ Sagittarii 3.32
Designation: operation report

Trice here – we’ve got multiple situations happening all at once. Last I heard from the Bastion, they were struggling to keep people on board – especially those from Morn. Looks like a bunch of Union members even managed to make it out, and are headed for their homes in spite of the Vox’s warnings. Poor bastards.

Sho’s doing magnificently though. I mean, seeing a machine navigate the wormhole was one of thing, but a human being… This Organic Quantum stuff really is something. Makes me curious what the Union could do if we got our hands on it. In any case, looks like she’s made it through the initial maelstrom unscathed. Nexus co-ordinates are being transmitted as we speak, but – wait, shit! What’s happening?


Another fucking blip? You’ve gotta be kidding me!

(rattling of equipment)

Damn, it’s too late to warn her now.

(fabric rustling)

Krem! Get that viper ready – I’m going to see what I can do.


I don’t care whose it is, just – listen, she’s gonna die if I don’t go out there, got that?

Transmission ends.

When councilmember Chavos found Sho, she had been ripped from her vessel, plunged out into empty space. The ship itself had already flown into the Lalande wormhole, and has not been seen since. Fortunately, councilmember Chavos’ quick actions were enough to save Sho from suffering further damage – she is presently recuperating in the station Ignis medical bay. Her injuries are not severe, and even with the limited power supply for Ignis – due to the currently removed Quantum Drive – Sho will survive.

In the aftermath of this expedition, the researchers from Borealis Inc. have contacted the Universal Council, stating that “this unfortunate setback has given way to a deeper understanding of the nature of Organic Quantum”. From their report it appears that Organic Quantum, upon being fused with other matter, creates minuscule wormholes of its own when exposed to volatile forms of energy – such as Quantum Drives, and the raw tears in space that make up the wormholes.

Data from Sho’s isolation suit during the expedition confirms that this exact phenomenon is what ripped Sho from her ship, something the researchers could not be sure of until this point. Though it may appear that Organic Quantum is not as versatile as had previously been expected, there is a potential glimmer of hope here. The new manifestation of Organic Quantum, obtained from the recently salvaged station Ignis – which researchers are calling Solid Quantum – may in fact be the perfect material for continuing these expeditions. Once initial research on substance samples has been confirmed, the Universal Council may very well be able to manufacture the first suits which can truly brave the wormholes.

Unfortunately, the Core Systems must also continue their vigilance. The research teams on Mímir are now reporting that the Cradle, the artifact that created the wormholes, has begun exhibiting extremely aberrant behavior. Keeping this in mind, the Council and the teams on Mímir will continue to monitor the wormholes, as well as the artifact itself. In this way, the situation can hopefully be kept as stable as possible.